Chin Leng, PLS TAKE NOTE!!!

nokia: i read abt your grievances in another thread abt Bulk purchase in WTS.

If this is the case, usually unlikely your acct will be reinstated. there are rules in this forum for all to follow. if things you are not sure abt, you should have seek the moderators opinion before going ahead to asking buyers in joining in BP. BP are not allowed in WTS, not even asking how many interested to join.

hope this info helps.
Carole, tks for your comments.

Surely the moderators can investigate and then make a judgement. it's not like i've done this many times, people do err and i have make a silly mistake which i hope the moderators will forgive my genuine error. they can even check with some spreeists whom have done bulk purchases with me...i'm honest and sincere...

it's my fault that i'm ignorant...not reading the rules or in details..coz i'm just interested in purchases and occasional bulk purchases from overseas.

CL/BL, can you pls re-consider...i'm not a repeated offender...
Chin Leng,

I posted an adver in the forum without realising that I wasn't supposed to. Another mummy emailed to advise me to request you to remove the thread ( I did what she told me and the thread has been removed, but my account was suspended also. Can you re-instate my account? I really didn't mean to break the rules. I will not post such adver ever again. My username was mar_mum.
Hi Chin Leng,

Do you think it is actually feasible for terms and conditions (aka dos and don't) to be prompted and acknowleged to be read by the members before posting threads in the WTS/WTB/Spree/Exchange sections. It is something like the terms and conditions that one have to read + acknowledge.. before installing softwares.

It can be quite difficult to keep up to date with the list of rules (like no handling fee, no taiwan yahoo auction spree, etc)

This will allow members to check what is allowable and not allowable before posting the thread. With that, no one cannot claim ignorance after that for breaking the rules.

Just puting in my two cents worth...
actually i think in some instances a hnandling fee is fair for the overseas site sprees... when postage is required, packaging material, etc. just that the organizer must mention upfront that she is expecting some compensation.
dino: ppl will still claim ignorance one. seen too many. they know they cant post in WTS, yet they post elsewhere. you and me seen too many and already lost count. Putting in words wont help anymore.
Hi carole, seems like you're a very senior and well-informed member of this forum. Maybe for those who are new to this thread and unsure of whether posting of certain threads can be done, can they PM you?

Something like a moderator, but on a more advisory role, so that accounts dun have to be suspended becos' of the lack of knowledge of the forum rules.

The reason for suggesting this is to lighten chin leng/bee lee's workload.

Only this week then I realise that there's such a thread here, and lots of policewomen around, reporting on others..hee..hee...
hello, as i read more of what's written in this thread...the more i get bulk purchase (pre-ordering items) are not allowed? can someone pls direct me to the rules / terms and conditions of this forum?

i saw some people selling coach bags in WTS section, they are brand new...seems like they buy from States and then re-sell in this forum. is it allowed? really puzzled and confused...

so what can be sold in WTS section? only second hand items and those brand new items which we ordered from bulk sprees and cannot fit?

thanks to whoever willing to shed some light...
Perhaps, moderators should clarify / emphasize if advertising for recruitment, sales and rental of property is allowed. Personally, I don't wish to see this forum become an alternative for the STraits Times Classified. Besides, there are other websites available for free listing of property sales, recruitment, 2nd-hand/garage sales, etc.

Repeated post on recruitment (after the earlier post was deleted)
I, Bee Lee & Chin Leng,

I wonder if you are able to reinstate my Old Navy Spree #43 thread so as I can use it to advise collection for my spree buddies.

Thanks in advance.

Dear All

Well, if you want to post in this forum i guess you have to agree to the rules and regulations set my BL & CL. You cant go to someones hse and start setting your own rules.

My suggestion if you do want to charge service charge and handling charge for organising spree.. you might want to go other forum or on linejournal to organise.

thank you
Chinleng, I was told that Bee Lee will be in touch regarding my account. Still no news....

Thanks for this forum and taking the effort to maintain and attend to our mountless queries and requests!
hi Bee Lee/Chin Leng

I supported dino's suggestion to include terms and conditions that needs to be acknowlege/agreed by the thread owner. It does not need to be v.wordy.

So if the thread owner a/c get suspended for advertising biz or starting a BP, she cannot claim ignorance as she has already click on the acceptance of the T&C.

Recently, I have noticed many users disguising their sales/bulk purchase/biz with headings like WTG under 'Free Items Only' section. When you click the thread, most of the time, they ask for something (eg. diapers, stamps) in return. Some of the threads are started by new user who cannot post in the WTS section.

I am no expert in closing up all these gaps, but I think blocking NEW users (who registered after 15 nov 06) from WTS does not seem to be working. Maybe, we will have to look for a better solution.

Thank You.
Hi Chin Leng,
Someone was unhappy with a confinement lady and posted all her details that included full name, ic number, address. I think these should be removed for security or potential crime reasons.

hello all, juz wondering what is all this "policing" about? can someone be so kind to explain the logic behind this? seems like some people deliberately go to each section of the forum DAILY to check on potential faults/errors (whether intentional or not), really ENVY the time they have... :p

as i heard from some mommies, so much POLITICS going around in this forum....why like this?

isn't it in our interest to juz "MIND OUR OWN BUSINESS"? if we're interested in just buying and selling (not advertising), why then bother about what others are doing?

juz very puzzled....and sorry if I've offended anyone here cos' not my intention...juz thinking aloud...PEACE!!
