Chin Leng, PLS TAKE NOTE!!!

using the last 12 hours, one can easily scan the whole forum. this will means all daily threads will be reflected. one wont just read the related threads and miss others. As for envy the time they have, if you have been in this forum enough navigating is easy and you even select threads u might wan to take notice of too.

if one understood the forum rules and regulations, THESE PPL will surely mind their own biz. Keeping the forum clean and tidy is eveyone's job, just like keeping singapore clean and green. if everyone going to throw rubbish and no one cares, would singapore ever be labelled a clean and green country?

just an example and thought to ponder on.

Moderators are not free people either. they need to tend other things and cant be here 24 hours a day. with these helping hands, the forum will be able be clean and tidy.

Joining the fun of being police for 1hr! Experiencing how nice it is to 'help' the busy moderators.
Im new here. Just wondering if BP items are order from overseas or if its from local? how do we know its from a reliable source? Does the moderator knows all these before a BP is started?

Like the below mention thread, how come it isn't classify under Overseas sprees with the USD and exchange rates but in BP section? Can anyone tell me what is the difference between BP and overseas Sprees beside paying the listing fees?
Chin Leng and other moderators, you all seems to be busy as many reported threads here are still active.. And many new users are popping up posting to sell at WTB sections.. They are so notorious now.. Probably thinking that since so many others are doing the same, I can too.. So messy now the WTB section..

Kindly take actions.. Tks!
Janet, think they do but do it anyway.. then if they get banned/reprimanded, will slaughter whoever they think got them banned. Extremely childish and irresponsible ppl i think!
When they do get banned, then will start to shoot the person upside down for getting them in that situation. Some can even tell you they forgot to read terms and conditions. But it's really getting out-of-hand in WTB section.
Janet the thing that's annoying is that a lot of the ones who post know that they are doing wrong and can even say they can't post in the other thread so post here lor... dunno if it's act blur or what!
There must be a reason why they can't post in WTS, besides terms and conditions are in black and white clearly. Like what Abyane mentioned, it's frustrating to see new users posting in WTB just bcos others are doing so. These people really need to be educated bcos some of them can shoot you when they are clearly in the wrong.
I remember a user even mentioned that since she can't post in WTS, she is fed-up bcos she can only respond to people in WTB section.
all these effort no use want. some will just act blur, some will pm say you rude. before they post, if they ever think, such posts wont exist at all.

cant stand those who know they did something wrong and yet want to tell ppl off, by saying them rude. before jumping into conclusion, they should just reflect on themselves. blindly registered, blindly post.

all these warnings wont serve a purpose anymore. to some it just pure rubbish, to some is pure rude. Cant get all to be happy and satisfied. So minus the warnings and email moderators direct.
I played policewoman just awhile ... just clicked the threads I highlighted earlier n found some still active as WTS but POST IN WTB section.

I guess the moderators felt no use removing cos those ppl will come back n post with new nicks so y be helpful - never ending story!
honey, not true. maybe they are really bz lately and overlooked. cos there is another singapore brides to look after lehz.

email moderators will be the best option
Funny isn't it ?? Give up on these people. As long as these people post items for sale ACTIVELY in wrong section, I think these links have to be highlighted.
Janet, it's a never ending thing lah, we highlight, they just come back with a new nick! then scold us for getting them banned from the forum
Hi Winnie, Have posted and ask babychua directly.. You may do so too..

You sure seeing same eyeliner @ $2.50? Wow! If not, likely bombed by her man..
