Chin Leng, PLS TAKE NOTE!!!

violet, i emailed the moderators already
soon... this will be gone
Hi Eniale,

Noticed another posting by you... anyway... I guess its up to the moderator to decide on that...since you're charging $2.50/item ordered.

cos other mothers who are charging about $10+ dollars for buying branded bags from US are also banned from using the spree (I think?)... the amount that you're charging for handling could actually worked out to be more in terms of percentage on amount purchased.
hi dino,

Ya definitely is up to the moderators to decide la and with the helps of u here posting (haah)

wow, u so free to check on others thread?.. haha think CL mus give u an award of being so hardworking... anyway me had emailed CL to bring that thread to BP corner...

thanks alot for yr concern... and with great helps of u here , this forum will definitely be a GOOD one!! all the best!!

God sees & hear....

Thank you for yr hard work.
hi chin leng,

pls help me to restore my log in to the forum
my previous user name is EV0618ON
had been writing to Bee Lan and you since monday but still cannot log in.
pls help

Have been emailing u, pls restore my login ID.
Its been unfair to anyhow suspend ppl account jus as u like... and without any notice or email... no sound one act like a ghost.. c'mon u are the admin here, got to do it professionally!!!

USER ID-eniale

I would suggest that since there are alot of problems arising...U can do a authorisation first before anyone start doing spree on the overseas spree... pls read my email before u do any actions.. I ahve emailed u on how to shift the thread to the BP corner... so u actually mis-look it or ignore it?...

If there are alot of problems pls try to approve the spree thread before anyone posted it.. then u can save alot of troubles listenin to complains...

thank you...
If u all wans I can list dwn every spree that are earnin profit.. esp on exchange rates!!

USD rates all along are under 1.60.. and everyone are chargin at 1.60, how u explain that? arent they earnin from there as well? Jshoppers - exchange rate is 1.30 why all charge at 1.35??? how u explain this too?.... If u can give me a good ans,.. then i dont mind u takin away prev ID...

I amn not tryin to make trouble or wht.. I ned to let u know.. everyone have the mind of earnin abit here n there as u can see.. they charge higher exchange rate also to cover the expenses.. so that not call as earnin???

Pls be fair to everyone... make a rule to seek approver first b4 anyone open a thread.. would nt it be better??
Chin Leng,
Hi, can you please let me know if you approve of my application to open a BP thread? I've emailed you already with the bank transfer details.
Hi eniale/poohbb,

Overseas spree is reserved for members to share shipping charges. If the organiser is to charge handling fee or service charge, this is no difference to a business. As such, such threads should be moved to Business section or BP section.

This was clearly spelled out to you on the email sent on July 6 regarding your Burberry Spree. Unfortunately, you went ahead to start a further 2 threads.

Gladly most members are able to abide to the forum rules and we appreciate very much of the help given by members in keeping the forum tidy. Till now, I have not much problem arised from the Overseas spree. But we take note of your suggestion on restricting the Spree section and will seriously take that into consideration.

Lastly but importantly, please send all your enquiries to [email protected]

Best regards
Bee Lee
Hi Littlefire,
Sorry for the delay, have replied you via email.

Hi furyfury,
Not sure which BP application is yours. Can you contact me directly at [email protected]?


Best regards
Bee Lee
Ben Lee,
thank you so much on your reply.
finally able to corresponce to you.

Pls kindly also ans my qns on the exchange rate.
So are this allowed in ths forum by chargin a high exchange rate? Pls kindly ans me...
Based on the exchange rate on several banks in sgp, they charge lower than the exchange rate. so they are actually EARNING PROFIT!!!!

so will the thread be removed as well?
Ppl are payin higher exchange rate to the organiser which I think the organiser are earnin profit as well... If u ignore n wont take extra actions then I think u are being very unfair..

*charge a S.charge is earnin profit & chargin a higher exchange rate isnt consider as earnin profit??*
in my view, for a US$200 order (usually the max so as not to incur GST), at exchange rate of 1.6 ==> at most maybe US$4 profit. i think this is acceptable to facilitate the organizers in terms of calculation and reduce the burden of the organizers....certainly this is a lot less than say charging $2.5/item, e.g. for a US$200 purchase, there could be 15 items ==> $38 profit
workin mum,

So u mean this is acceptable & not consider as earnin profit?.... mine and this exchange rate is diff issue.. jus wonderin if the organiser charge a higher rate is this consider as earnin profit? if isnt then i think the others can even charge a even higher rate... as per dino say "the amount that they're charging for could actually worked out to be more in terms of percentage on amount purchased. " they can have #1 #2 #3 ... spree
Its the sme as well.. earnin profit be it in huge amt or small..agree?

It will be fair if all organiser print out the credit bills & shw to all n charge at the sme rate as what the bank charge...

btw, do u know hw much is the expenses in japan for my case? its very expensive, if u dont know mayb u can try comin here & do one.. =)) I done a private spree & it cost me like nearly $200 on transportation so who to acknowledge its acceptable for me?

Jus my opinion no hard feeling.
Tapping on poohbb's thread. I also like to voice out that some of the organizers do charge a handling fee on top of the usual postage.

A few are doing discreetly and will only tell when they do postage. Some will put it across in their thread that there is a handling fee involved. Though no specific amount is specified in their thread. If I am not wrong, it ranges from 50cents to $1. Mostly claim these are meant for envelopes and the effort spent.

It's quite subjective to say if these sprees are allowed or not. It all depends on the moderator to decide if they allow the organizers to earn the extra 50cents to $1 handling fee.

How about those who owns discount code but never share with the fellow spreeists? Is this consider as profitting too?

Anyway, the decision is up to the moderators.
workin mum,

jus wan to add on...
One spree u say they earn est USD4 for USD200 stuff.. sgp$ 6.40, if they open 10 spree is equal to $64.. so this not earnin profit to them?

Pls tell me yr opinion, if u agree then u shld be tellin the moderators to take away the spree thread as well.. since they are in fact earnin a PROFIT... profit is profit, profit = amt xtra u gain after makin payment. "irregardless of amount, profit means profit"
CL & Bee Lee,

sorry bee lee, got yr name spelled wrgly..

I saw some spree thread that are gettin handling charges as well and the thread are there for quite long time already plus they have the spree being done alot of times.. why arent they being suspended & their thread being removed? u ned me to post the thread here for u?....pls be FAIR!!

I know wht u mean, i have been heardin some r doin discreetly & kept the discount code to themselves as well.. jus now I browse thru ALL the spree thread like the other mummies here. I found alots of ppl charging handling fee on postage issue which are so obviously highlighted there, wonder why mummies here n moderators didnt notice it, mayb I shld help u post all the thread here n let the moderators see...
please help to settle any difference in emails.
If you have find related threads that are charging HIGH handling fees, you can highlight them.

If handling fees (reasonable) are charged with reasons and the buyers support it, then its a pte affair. Example, Handling fees = Envelop $0.20 + Tapes $0.10 + Bus $ 0.20 = $0.50. If the amt is less than $1, and buyer willing to foot the bill, is going to be a win win situation.

In many auctions, buyer are supposed to pay for handling up to $2. If organisers who are staying far away from Post Office and requires to take transport / park their car just to post it out, arent they should be paid? do you mean organisers got to bear all these extra from their own pocket? Not forgetting some organisers and just merely trying to help as they are more familiar with Vpost, Comgateway or even ordering online.

Do give the Organisers the benefit of doubt. If buyers are not happy or comfortable to buy, they have the very right to pull out.

I totally agree wif u thats why I am here tryin to get my rightness... I felt that Organiser can ask for a small handling charge as they ned to spent efforts organising, arranging, buying, sent out.. all wrks ned energies... I dont mind paying the oragniser if she ask it cos I myself felt the tedious wrk thats y I am askin for a small handling fee which is max $2.50 most imptly is to cover back my expenses, I dont ask much...(u mentioned up to $2 right, in auction)and also buyers are willing to pay then why make a fuss & claimin that I am earnin profit?

I am stayin in Japan which its so widely known that transportation expenses is very high.. as what I mentioned above, the private spree I done before I posted any spree in the thread It cost me nearly $200 for 9 orders of Burberry blue label bags (only japan boutique sells).. so how to recup back my expenses? of cos i ned to get some "jia yong" from those who asked me to buy right?...

yes more imptly, I post it in the thread as term n condition not like some doing discreetly... at least buyers can read the terms n condition then join.. as wht u say they can always pull out if they think they dont wan to pay that xtra $$...

The sprees I posted is only avail in Japan which i'd done a privtae spree before i posted into the thread to make sure it goes smoothly first..I was jus hoping i can help other mummies to get the Japan stuff where sgp dont have...

carole, I saw alot of spree organiser chargin it... u wan me to search it out again n post here?

cheers, eniale
if you asking more than just a token, then your thread should classify under BP which u can charge higher handling fees. If the handling is not too high, i am sure many mummies will agree to pay, but if an amt with contribute to more than $2 or you state handling fees 5%, moderators hv the right to get ur acct suspend and thread deleted.

CL is really busy, you might wan to email both BL and CL to settle this issue.

yr post abit contradicting....My situation is the sme as wht u post above...mayb my post got u wrg idea...

yr post: (If organisers who are staying far away from Post Office and requires to take transport / park their car just to post it out, arent they should be paid? do you mean organisers got to bear all these extra from their own pocket? Not forgetting some organisers and just merely trying to help as they are more familiar with Vpost, Comgateway or even ordering online.)

1st: In japan as u know expenses are high so i got to calculate hw much I ned to fork out on expenses so that i can so called claim bk right? i tried a private spree as some r askin me to help n roughly know hw much I ned to ask from each buyer. that is to cover back what i fork out. which u said that "arent these organisers shld be paid? do you mean organisers got to bear all these extra from their own pocket? " if mine is askin too much then hw i cover back the total amt i fork out? which i paid est $200 for 9 burberry bags.. u n moderators can get feedback from those who asked me to buy. And they are willing to pay me $20 each by their own offering.

2nd: I am merely tryin to b "hao xin" to help other mummies to get some stuff which only Japan have and which the web is onli in Jap font. which u said that "Not forgetting some organisers and just merely trying to help"

I am not askin for a token of payin back my effort in the spree..that was to cover back my expenses thruout this spree.. is jus so simple leh carole.. u get wht i mean? If i mark up 30% 40%, then i am doing a Biz.. but I am not.. in sgp yes.. less than $1 from one buyer can cover bk but carole, is in japan... do u know hw much i ned to fork out on transportation?..

Does this mean I get myself this trouble jus being hao xin to help on the spree i posted? then if so i shldnt be so hao xin already... and I shld fork out the expenses myself jus tryin to help?

CL might be busy, i jus wan a fair treatment... if others can charge a handling fee on top of the postage in certain spree, then why cant i ask for a amt to cover bk my expenses?
