Chin Leng, PLS TAKE NOTE!!!


I did a rough calculation, for 1 design, they always ask to hit 24pcs, if 1pc make $2, that will be $48 dollars,minus $25 advertising,<font color="aa00aa"> still make money</font>, AND, they usually sell more than 1 design, and more than 24pcs. I once read in another forum about someone mentioned that she gathered order of 100pcs of rompers just by BP in this forum!

But the problem is,I saw these BPs clothes selling at $5 - $7 outside leh!

Back to what we discussed earlier, mommies have to open their eyes BIG BIG when making a purchase or join a BP/ Spree.

MODs can only do so much. If all of us dont buy, they cant sell right? It takes 2 hands to clap.

Glad that we have kind mommies out there who always raise the ALERT. Appreciate it
Is there any rules that email can't be provided for those who participate in the BP and thread sudden removed w/o any notification???

hi there,

I am pretty new to the Motherhood forum. But I cannot help but notice that there seems to be some pretty senior member(s) who are busy spree organisers - in fact for multiple sprees.

Maybe they are too caught up with the numerous sprees that they are organising that they are not providing good follow up to mummies who joined their sprees. I see mommies creating threads looking for her or chasing for updates/refunds in her threads. Some of these orders seem to be already a few months old.

The interesting thing is this mommy(ies) can continue to post in other threads but just don't seem to want to provide updates to the poor mummies who had placed some orders from her.

I am lucky as I have been getting good service from mommies like TanLengLeng, Queen, Bliss, Lauran - in the sprees that they organise.

Will moderators step in - if there is suspected foul play? Also, any cap on the sprees that any mommy can organise? Maybe this mommy is just too bogged down with multiple sprees that she cannot handle. I hope this is the reason.
it's really sad that indeed there are members here, taking this board for 'granted'.

the forum owner has set the rules and members should obey rules.
MODS do have their own lives to live... family, works, kids, etc... and yet they try as much to keep this board "clean &amp; neat" on whatever time they have, but many a times, people just "forget" to read the rules... and as such when they get 'suspended' they want an explaination...
before a member signs up, one is suppose to read the T&amp;C:

when doing a spree, details need to be included, etc... from what source is the product from, what company, range of prices list (would be helpful too) so that these info could avoid MODs from "suspecting" the spree is a personal gain biz.

Chin Leng had this posted on the announcement thread:
Posted on Wednesday, June 28, 2006 - 5:48 am:

Hi all,

We would like to thank all for the feedback and comments we've received.

We've been struggling with the increase traffic generated from the threads in Marketplace and Exchange Corner. It has gotten worse as there are members who abused our resources and started running a business and earning profit by operating through the forum. It has become very difficult for us to detect them as these members have learnt to phrase their wordings very carefully. Instead of spending our time and effort in developing the portal, we've spent much time in trying to weed out these threads.

In order to reduce the number of threads, we had thought of charging a $10 fee per listing for a 7-day period. We introduced this method as we wanted to have a simple method to operate the marketplace. With this method, we wouldn't need to investigate whether someone is profiting from the forum. We also thought mummies will be consolidating their items together to share the $10 fee thereby helping to reduce the number of threads.

Please do not think that we are trying to profit from this method. If we had wanted to, the fee would be much lower. However, our intention was really to create a small but easy to overcome barrier in the marketplace which will help to reduce the number of threads.

I hope everyone understands that we have operating costs in running the portal. To ensure that the forum is fast even with large number of postings, we need to have a dedicated server. As the forum has large number of postings per day, the bandwidth consumption is also large. Imagine 2 staffs of $2.5k salary per month and a bandwidth costs of $1k per month, our operating costs will easily be ($2.5x2x13 + $1x12)=$77k and I've not included CPF and other operating costs!

For long term members, you would remember that we've spent much effort in building up the forum. Remember we had to shift the forum twice? Remember the error "Too many connections" error? We had spent months of effort to rectify it.

It was disappointing to say the least to see the reactions of some members. A member whom we had helped had taken an opportunist approach and setup a competitive forum. We are sorry but it is only common sense and right that we won't allow the promotion of other forum in our site. We have took years and effort to build our own traffic so of course we wouldn't allow anyone to leech on our traffic.

After receiving feedbacks from various members, some had felt that genuine mothers had been penalised due to members who abused the forum. Please do not misunderstand, it was never our intention to penalise any parents. As such, we are willing to try another alternative method which we were considering.

The new requirements are as follows:

1. No listing fees will be levied on genuine members. All new threads in marketplace (except for free items) can now only be created by members with 100 or more postings. Messages made in marketplace will not be considered and the 100 messages cannot be messages posted just to make the numbers. Any members found to have violated the terms will have the thread removed and account suspended immediately.

2. Businesses who wish to promote or sell their products can ONLY do so by posting in Marketplace &amp; Exchange Corner (For Business) at a fee of $20 per 7-day period.

It'll be a manual effort in ensuring the above conditions as the forum software does not allow us to have a pre-set condition for posting. We hope everyone will help by pointing out offending threads and users to us. <font color="ff0000">Please also help by volunteering as moderators</font>.

Please feel free to give us your thoughts and comments here.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all members who have supported us throughout this period. Thank you!

Chin Leng.
i would suggest mummies to take note before ordering or participate in any BPs. Especially check those Mummies who only registered a NEW NICK or 1 POST! Best dont join, so this wont encourage them to cheat and make profit out from your pocket.
Hi Sept03bride,

Interestingly the person comes in only tis mth when the website was launched. Somemore, seems all her postings r on promoting the website. hmmmmmmmmmmm...
I feel the mods here should do their INVESTIGATIONs or at least post a WARNING on those threads "suspected" on conducting their own business rather than delete the thread abruptly base on certain people's mere suspicion.
At least the participants can choose to either withdraw from the BP or get a refund of their $$$!!!
It's unfair for those participants especially those who already paid and found their thread missing!!
I've participated in a few SPREES and already PAID yet to find the thread suddenly missing!!
Luckily the organiser is honest enough to take the initiative to contact and also deliver the items to me in good order.
I would like to take this opportunity to make a declaration that I have NO connection with
It is purely coincidental that I chose ~prettymama~ to be my nick in forums.

To all my mommy friends out there, I am a SAHM not a reseller. Pls do not shun me!
To be fair, REAL mods should seek for more info (address/website/contact/product info of suppliers) and also past postings of organisers to determine whether is a BP genuine.
Hi Bestwishes,

There are many things we would like to do but we are constrain by resources. Please note that the forum is being run not without cost. You may not know but we do pay bills like servers, softwares, electricity, bandwidth, backup etc. And we, mods, the team behind do have families to feed too. I hope that you would understand that we are doing the best we can with the limited resources that we have.

Please also note that we have setup the forum for parents and parents-to-be to build a community to share experience and advices about bringing up our children. The forum was never meant to be a marketplace. However, we are trying our best to accommodate this need, and so far, it is still without cost to the members here.

Please also note that we don't just run the forum. We have other responsibilities beside being moderators here.

It is very easy to suggest this and that. However, your suggestions will actually require us to spend more time in validating the sprees and BPs which should not have been our responsibilities in the first place. If you would like to participate in the sprees and BPs organised by people whom you do not know, that is your choice and your responsiblity to bear.

Past postings are not enough to determine whether a BP is genuine or not. We have many regular users who after running a few sprees and BPs and after that realised the business potential, started running their business through the forum.

There are many many threads being removed and account suspended each day, and there are still many that we are investigating. Honestly speaking, it is just not humanly possible for us to do what you suggested. Once a thread is suspected, it will be removed. That is currently the most optimal way for us in managing the forum with the limited resources. The onus should be on you, if you would like to take part in the BPs and sprees in this forum, you should obtain the required information to contact the organiser.

We have no choice but to manage the forum in the current format. However, you have the choice to decide if you would like to join a BP/spree in this forum.

Chin Leng.
Hi all,

If you really need to know why the collagen mask thread is removed, it is removed because it is a business thread.

Chin Leng.
Hi chinleng,

Thanks for your reply! At least by hearing the explanation from u, the REAL MOD. Im satisfied!
Hi Chin Leng,

You might want to take note of the comment posted by junbb.

Apparantly, she mentioned that one extremely popular BP supplier is cutting special deals with the mommy who organize BP for them. Allowing them to buy their 2 of their products at a special price (unknown to the rest of the mommies who participate in the BP). Cos the same mommy had organized at least 4 BPs for the same supplier consecutively within short period of time.
Hi Prettymama, Morraine,
I usually join sprees/BPs of those ladies who are regulars here. Not that I don't trust the others, so pls don't get me wrong. But the organizers of these BPs/sprees usually meet me or my hubby can collect the items from them.
Hi Hazel,
Just wondering why my thread is being placed here? I have been advertising these items for ages ago. The mums who have enquired would know. Pls explain cos I don't see anything wrong in selling my girls' preloved clothes?
No lah. I didn't get the wrong person. I was just echoing what you said earlier about sprees and BPs. Not referring to the one above.

<font color="ff0000">janet

orh orh.. scared me leh.. hee.. anyway true la me join spree oso wil make sure i have some good feedback from others on the organiser before joining to avoid any misunderstanding in the later part</font>
