Chin Leng, PLS TAKE NOTE!!!

Chin Leng/Bee Lee,
I have received 2 spam mails from this user:-
stacy wong <[email protected]
Please look into this... thanks
Hi Janet,

Can you advise the full link? The link you provided does not lead to any posting.

Best regards
Bee Lee
I don't know about you, but I think using normal letters would be good enough. This is rather irritating. "SeLLinG JuNioR BeD... NoT 1 bUt 2!!! TruSt Me, iN GooD ConDiTioN....."
Dear Janet

"SeLLinG JuNioR BeD... NoT 1 bUt 2!!! TruSt Me, iN GooD ConDiTioN....." - I dont find this irritating. It just gives me a feel that the seller is not serious. How to place my trust in her?
CL/ Bee Lee,

Can you advise how do you judge the person is suspicious before you start to suspend the account? by reading the thread itself to judge that the person is selling or promoting something or sending an email by checking if the person is not doing any biz.
dont u think recently there are too many BPs on home make mooncake, home baked cakes, curry puffs, bird nest... from mrs ong.., from msia... its obvoius that they are making $$ without paying for advertising??

i think there are too many ppl testing respond especially on food items.

if this is allowed then anyone can just start a thread claming they have eaten something somewhere which taste nice and start a BP. and who knows whether they are the real supplier or the supplier is related to them..

hope u do something about this.

Hi Chin Leng,

May I know when are you going to start imposing restrictions on the local BPs?

There seems to be more and more those <font color="0000ff">"saw these at supplier's place/office, wanted to organise BP for this"</font>,<font color="119911">"wanted to get this for my dd/ds/newphew/niece"</font>,then the BPs go on and on and's as good as the "supplier" selling for free in this forum.

And yes, more and more of those homemade foodstuff BPs coming up.

