Chin Leng, PLS TAKE NOTE!!!

Chin Leng/Bee Lee
I'm getting quite confused here. So what can an advertiser do? Organise BP or not?

It's true that other suppliers will not want to advertise if they can still get sales via bulk purchase.

e.g. there are always the same few who are organising BP for the same item. How many pc wld a parent need for that item?

I second prettymamas suggestion that advertisers should be rewarded by being the authorised suppliers you can BP from. This way it's being fair to those who advertise and will also channel those who are currently not to sign up with SMH also.

Chin Leng/Bee Lee

I just had a thot. Not sure if it'll work. Why not only allow advertisers to start BP? This will immediately solve some problems:

1) biz owners masquerating as users to start a BP
2) mommies know where the source of the product is from (e.g. the recent case of milk powder spree)
3) encourage biz to advertise with SMH (coz no ad fee, no BP)
4) mommies can post their queries directly to biz owners
5) eliminate the doubt as to whether mommies who organise BP are getting kickbacks from the biz owners
6) mommies can still enjoy BP without having to "arrow" someone to do it.

Of course those relating to overseas spree can still be done the normal way, pending approval from CL/BL. This way you can see if the spree is a genuine or a profiteering one.

hi, i agree, there seems to be some sort of double standard where BP is concerned. some people can organise more than 2, while others get removed almost immediately. maybe chin leng can lay down rules more clearly. sometimes it's just a matter of how the organiser phrases it - so that she doesn't sound like she's the supplier or earning money. so these are allowed??
chin leng/bee lee,
i've noticed some of the above postings by concerned moms about some BPS involving food items. i just thought i would clarify some things. i have participated in some of these BPs (eg amosco swiss rolls, eclairs, profiteroles, and mrs ong's curry puffs) and i can safely say that the organiser/s of the BPs are NOT earning any $$ or profiteering from such BPs. in fact, we are all aware of the prices of these items, and therefore are certain that the organiser/s are not profiteering from it. it just makes common sense for some of us mummies to pool together and buy these food items in bulk, simply because the supplier will not accept any small orders (for eg. in the case of amosco, where the minimum order is $100). it just doesn't make any sense for 1 person to buy $100 worth of swiss rolls & eclairs, so instead we pool together and organise a BP instead. i hope you are able to differentiate between such genuine BPs and those that are simply out to make profits, and allow the former. i also don't think you should be suspending the account/s of organisers of such genuine BPs, since i don't think they've done anything wrong. thanks!
there are also cases of some "mummies - organizers of sprees" doing the MIA stint and mummies who have placed their orders, or made their payment wondering what happened to their orders, or their monies.

and mummies starting threads to look for these MIA mummies.

The monies involved are actually quite large, not to mention the orders too.
Hi Chin Leng/Bee Lee,

I have emailed you with regards to my account nick: Js'Mum(dadagal). Pls kindly investigate and hope that my account can be re-activated without having to use a new nick.

Hi Mummies,

Sori if I have offended anyone in this forum, but pls don't just jump into conclusion just becos I did a few BPs under the same suppliers. Those who know me can vouch for me whether I'm a genuine organiser or not.

Thank you!

Js'Mum (dadagal)
Hi Krazy,
I agree with you regarding the honesty and integrity of people doing BPs. Of late, I've been seeing lots of mummies starting threads looking desperately for the organizers of the BP after they have reached the min pieces ordered.

Something has to be done about this.
i think one main reason why we have such threads is because they disappeared suddenly (either removed by moderator on suspicion of biz or automatically to the 7 days inactivity)....
true.. some jus simply MIA den some do re-appear after a period of time using another nick? haiz.. we all noe its trust we need when we join BP but den again.. sometimes loopholes are here n tare lor.. sometime i jus wonder those ladies do get bac their $ in the end or the products safely.... coz like some of u mentioned above.. it involves a huge sum at times.. but den even its a few dollars thingy oso $$ leh..

jus my 2 cents worth~
When I join BPs, I join those who have been around this forum for a while. Even if the items are very attractive and reasonably priced, some organizers are new and I don't want to take the risk. Even if it's just a few dollars, it's still hard-earned money. Why should I be conned ?
I have had happy BP-relationship with most of the organizers I should say and I thank them for taking the effort and going all out to coordinate and arrange for order and delivery/ collection

However, I just want to highlight that there are several occasions whereby I have encountered mommies who are very quick to place their orders (or choop a slot) and come payment time, they just MIA-ed
A few times I even have to absorb their order (some suppliers just wont take the items back). Sometimes other participating mommies or even new mommies to the BP will help me out. But I cant depend on these kind souls all the time as it wont be fair to them too.

As an organizer of BPs, I too have learnt to be more careful with my participants. I have my own blacklist for this minority though. No choice. How to cost-save when I always have to end up buying extras?

It really takes 2 hands to clap. We ourselves have to play our part. It is good that SMH is coming up with measures to safeguard our own interest but ultimately the decision and the purchasing power still lies in US. If we just wont budge or succumb to the low price/ huge discounts, the BP/ Spree wont be able to hold.
Hi Prettymama,
Now that this issue is being aired, I feel that it is indeed a wake-up call for all of us when we join BPs or when we organize BPs. There will always be black sheep around. So do be careful ladies. Participants who don't pay after reserving should be black listed unless they have a valid reason.
Dear Janet

I have since given up the pursue on the black sheep and their "valid resons". Why waste additional time and effort on them? I might as well focus on the rest, the genuine participants

Just hope my post can remind fellow mommies to be more careful and alert when they organize or join BPs.
since many other similar BP's thread has been removed, why these few is still 'surviving'?
How do the mod diffentiate if these is 'real' BPs or suppliers itself?
If other has notice, the 1st thread's author, started posting in SMH by selling her lot's of her 'BN children wears'.

I think the mod has to be fair to other's who BPs has been removed. If theirs is suspicious, arent the above few threads even more suspicious?

If things are still like that, more and more people can just simply register a nick, started out by selling 1 pc, 2 pcs of clothings, and finally moved into doing BP!
<font color="ff0000">prettymama &amp; janet - ya lor we jus have to open our eyes big big before we join or do sprees..</font>
Maybe I am being kaypoh, but I found something interesting. In this thread, Joeie Tan said that she and Kerris Tan are the same person.

But then in this thread (highlighted by Mrs Poh above), after Joeie Tan started the BP, her alter-ego Kerris Tan also posted in the next minute to say that she is interested and wants to see the pictures..

Interesting or not?
LOL, maybe she wants to make her BP seem 'popular' to others, so others will order?

It's for the Mod to judge.
Seems like the mod aren't really curbing on BPs, cause they have removed most previous BPs, but the recently BPs are still surviving well!
Mrs Poh,

I totally agreed with you. What is the point of us voicing out and catching these people when the mod are not even doing anything to stop all these ?
oh yah, and then suddenly an ALICIA came out to edit the pics
quite interesting ah, wonder if these 3 people are the same person
it's no use, i've reported this seller many times, seem like the mod just simply allows her to continue selling.
I saw her selling many many items in other forums as well. I even feedback this to the mod over here, but they just don't remove her thread. Weird!
Anyway, my conclusion is, anyone can simply come in here to sell 1pc, 2pcs of her clothes for a start, follow by doing BPs!
Agreed with Mrs poh. REally no use feedbacking these poeple to the mod. again, no use. really unfair. Mod also doing nothing these days weird.....
THat means i can go start bps around and earn money
Mrs Poh/booby,
Yup, that pc of clothing only costs $7.50 per pc yet she organise the BP for $10 per pc. Obviously she's making $ out of the BP
heh yah i knoe of supplier only selling that set for $7.20 and she's selling so ex. plus this is latest stocks from supplier... strange that she can start so many BP

how come joeie tan got her account back again!
yup, u're right..dont have such ruling..It was implemented only for 1 week a few months ago.. But it doesnt seems to work so moderators decide to remove the restriction..
Out of curiosity I went and look at some bulk purchases and sprees. It seems like some sellers hold many account and "join" their own sprees. I love to join in BP and sprees, now really gotta watch out for the REAL thing. But must say, some mummies really put in alot of effort to organise successful ones. Must thank them for saving money for us!
Chin Leng,

I seriously think it's so much easier handling a guy's forum than a woman's forum. There's so many complains going on. Some are of goodwill, but some are only assumption. Anyway, you really did a very good job in managing this forum and allow so many friendship to be made among us mothers. Hang on there!
can there be a rule in place like seller can only post things for sale after they hit a minimum of 50 postings? cos lots of ppl using new nick to do BP and selling things. Its very sickening to see NEW NICKs appearing with 1 Post and ask ppl to join BP.

Mummies who took pain to organise many BPs are nt making money but to get extra savings for many mummies here. Something has to be done to get these ppl who cheat and stop them from making profit from the mummies here.
Previously when there was a rule of minimum 100 postings, we could see some people digging out old threads to post,just to hit the minimum postings. I still remember one of them posted so many messages in old threads within a night, was waiting to see what is she going to sell,but the rule was lifted before she hit 100.

Not too long ago, saw her started organising BPs of...... what clothings!

Van: cant stand the sight of these ppl taking advantage. like they are so hard up for the extra $2. why dun they use the BIZ section instead. Waste of time to create new nicks and getting into BPs and making use of the mummies to make money. Real Sick
