Chin Leng, PLS TAKE NOTE!!!

Hello ladies, nice to see that there are few of you, really making sure that this forum is kept prim and proper, for the comfort of all the users.

It will be very much appreciated, if the same kind of attention, can be given to users, who are requesting for permission to post on the WTS thread. I am one of them. I wish to sell some of my preloved items, thus, wanting to post on the WTS thread, but am prompted i cannot do so as i'm "not permitted". I wrote email, waited 2 weeks, and yet, there's still no reply.

If it's a case of overwhelming response at the WTS thread or something, at least, please reply my email and not let me wait in vain. I do not wish to spam the forum by anyhow posting the items for sale. Yet, the moderator is not being very prompt in replying emails.

Appreciate after reading this, i can get an update as to whether, my permission to post on WTS thread had been granted.

Thank you.
posting at the wrong thread
this mommy continue to spam again...wonder why no action taken against her...

Username = Cielshouta
this person spamming the forum promoting some online shop.
think moderator suspended user Cielshouta's account but she created new nick today and spam again. irritatingly persistent!

Mods, possible to ban her IP address?

username = Mxsally
again spamming to promote that same chanelshoesshoponline website.

This too. Same organiser.

Booking is for July to Sept.

A few points to note:

1) Organiser is not the authorised agent. But
<font color="ff0000">have known a group of Star Cruise Members who are interested to bring non-memebers to go on board with a small token of exchange.</font>

2) pay the $ (full amt or 50% - more than $300) to a stranger for months and hope that he/she will NOT play you out or turn up on that day itself. But what nobody turn up?

pls see the HUGE AMT, IF 100 mummies sign up, it will be $30,000 (prudent amt) to be held by the organiser.

End of the day if any happen, even if we file a police report, DOES NOT MEAN that we could recover our money immeidately. It will take years and will be very tiring to fight back the $ go through the legal procedure.

3) we will have to provide them with our all personal particulars, FULL NAME/PASSPORT NO./PASSPORT EXPIRY DATE/DATE OF BIRTH before hand.

4) T&amp;C said will refund if the cruise is not available. but never said how long mummies will get the refund.

Just my 2 cents worth. Of course, not all organisers are like RWS organiser, and not all are con cases. But when this type of BP being approved, mummies will tend to think that it is ok to join and without weighing the HIGH RISKS they are facing.

Lastly, please DO NOT forget, before the RWS organiser business partner dissappeared, all looked fine and the mummies who joined also posted in the thread that they enjoyed the stay and claimed that was a "genuine" deal.
<font color="ff0000">Mod,
Appreciate you do something on this <font size="+2">Violation of Rules and "Netiquette".</font>;post=14335722#POST14335722

For the recent RSS case, one should not be gloating over other misfortunes.

As stated "Flames, insults, and personal attacks will not be tolerated", but yet we can see tat he/she openly called other names...
I do not think such behavior is acceptable here!

bulk purchase? Look at the wordings.. definately NOT for own consumption. she includes delivery too

New diffusers at a super low price.
Authentic and brand new at $30 only.
<font color="ff0000">Limited stocks</font>

<font color="ff0000">Eucalyptus: For respiratory probs, asthma, eases breathing
Lavande: To ease agitation, calming
Foret: Calms senses, promotes peace
Menthe: Relieves headaches, invogorating, eases period cramps
Citronelle/: For sleep disorders and snoring
Green tea: Refreshes the spirit</font>

<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">The quantity sold till now</font></font>

Mimi- 3 bottles collected
Buyers- 1 bottle collected
Irenia- 2 heads,1 diffuser , 1 fragrance. Delivery today.
Farizah - 1 fragrance collection today
Shermaine- 2 diffusers, 1 fragrance, delivery today}
