Chin Leng, PLS TAKE NOTE!!!

Dear mommies,
did you realise that Mods seem to be not reviewing the recent highlighted threads?
I noticed those threads highlighted last weeks are still alive even for those obvious deviant postings.
business? making high profit from selling the kate spade stuff. pls note that her price is even higher than bp !!!

she is the one who purchase the i phone case from the spree and selling at high price at wts.

now, the name changed from "priscilla" to "ppl" now.


Kate Spade Meribel Stevie
at USD $147
USD 147 X 1.35 (usual exchange rate charged by the spree)
international shipping max at $25
total cost = $223.45

<font color="ff0000">her selling price SGD$340, profit more than $110 !!!</font>

Kate Spade Deluxe Plush Small Rosalie
at USD$37
USD$37 X 1.35 (usual exchange rate charged by the spree)
international shipping less than $10.

Total cost = $59.95 , abt $60

<font color="ff0000">her selling price at SGD$119- RED , SGD$129-BLACK making more than</font><font color="ff0000">$60 - $70 profit !!!</font>

Kate Spade Wellesley Barrett
at USD $59
USD 59 X 1.35 (usual exchange rate charged by the spree)
international shipping max at $10
total cost = $89.65 ~ $90

<font color="ff0000">her selling price SGD$189, profit more than $90!!!</font>

<font color="ff0000">if she manage to sell all 4 items, the total profit </font><font size="+2"><font color="ff0000">$330 !!!</font></font>

very obvious, she had misused the wts thread to make BIG BIG PROFIT without paying a single cent!!! This allowed???
Hi Kanec and Mona,
I've also highlighted the same thread on Thursday, March 10, 2011 - 4:42 pm and it is still alive. I don't understand what is the justification for this kind of WTB to be alive.

The string of correspondence looks very fishy. Apparently the 'seller' had re-registered herself with another similar ID ... something '00' maybe '01', '02' ... yet nobody is doing something about it.

I am puzzled why such thread is allowed. There are similiar ones in WTS too. Like the one selling Sentosa hotel bundled with USS tickets.
Pls remove, numerous posting promoting blogsite on her items on non selling threads :
jrgal (jrgal)
Junior Member
Username: jrgal

Post Number: 118
Registered: 4-2010
Posted on Saturday, March 19, 2011 - 8:58 pm:       
Hi mummies,
New designs for matching Mum&amp;ToTs clothes! Do check it out, batch 1 orders by 25th march!

Guess it is ok to "advertise" own services and even charge storage space of S$1 per day. Isn't this the same as doing a biz?

Apparently, that particular organiser is profiting and charging handling fees.....

pls see the item 14 of the T&amp;C:-

1) Payment must be made in Full to POSB SAVINGS 118-32236-3 upon ordering confirmation. No payment no order.
2) All Prices quoted inclusive of handling fees, shipping fees and international insurance.
3) No carriers will be given.
4) NO original receipt will be given as I need it for insurance claim if any. Will scan if required.
5) Items are purchased direct from Gucci boutique.
6) Please provide alternative colours/orders for your order. If no alternative, will drop order.
7) I reserve the right to reject/place orders in separate batches as deemed fit.
8) I am not responsible for any delays from the postal service in France or SIN
9) I am not responsible for any missing, defects, damaged or wrong shipment by the postal service in France or SIN
10) I do not know whether GST will be charged on shipment or not. Please be prepared to pay if we do get charged. I will try to ship in separate shipments.
12) Spree may be cancelled anytime due to poor response and money will be refunded accordingly. MOQ of 5 bags/items .
13) No cancellation or exchange of item after payment is made. Full refund will be given if this event is unsuccessful or item selected is out of stock (OOS).
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">14) PLEASE PM ME FOR QUOTATION</font></font>

Is this allowed? No transparency at all and pls note that there is no shipping cost policy too.

Now seems like the overseas thread become a platform for the "professional" seller to do their business instead of for mummies to share shipping cost.
