Chin Leng, Help!!

Just to share...

To further elaborate. The reason why I said the survey co. will only take in pple base on recommendation is NOT cos I make $$$ out of it but cos many times, pple who register do not turn up. That's why they only take in those recommended ones.

Hi Bee Lee,

I hope you can read English cos I have NEVER said I received paycheck from *mailCashPro. That will be the BIGGEST lie as they were still at beta and had not stated operation then. Any idiot who went to the link would be able to point a finger at me and call me a liar. I am not THAT stupid. What I said in my posting was, my friends had received paychecks from SUCH websites but they are FOREIGN sites! Pls get your facts right.

As for Munchkukie, I believe all her LATEST postings still carry the link. It's not difficult for you to trace.

I do not know the name of the survey co. and I certainly do not know the lady in person. I was given the no. by someone else and called her to register. I won't know if the mummies online are the right candidates. They will have to contact her themselves and answer her series of questions before she can determine if they are the ones she is looking for. Don't tell me abt what decent survey cos. will do. I have been to many when I was a teenager. They do not teach us what to say and what not to say. Maybe you haven't participated in such surveys or have any contacts with survey co that's why you have this misconception. Whatever it is, my stand remains that I DO NOT EARN A SINGLE CENT FROM THIS! You can always call the lady and tell her you are interested in registering yourself. She will ask you for referrals. You just see if you get any $$$ out of it!

As for the donut co, if you read my postings, I mentioned that the lady hasn't gotten back to me! Anyway, to enlighten you, they charge a certain amt if my order falls below $30 (not too sure of the figure). The thing is, their donuts are around $1.40 each. Like what you said, donuts all have expiry date, I can't store them for more than 2 days so how on earth am I going to finish 20 over donuts in 2 days?! Besides, I am simply lazy to go down to Burlington Square to purchase the donuts. It's tough bringing a 10-mth old bb out. Anyway, just for your interest, last night the lady finally replied and said there will be a 5% discount if I order 100 or more donuts. And I wish to make myself clear. I DID NOT SAY I WANT TO ORGANISE THE BP. I was asking if there will be any mommies who will be keen to do that so that I can tap onto the order as I am not a SAHM and won't have the time to consolidate.

Anyway, thanks for the reply. Not that I care much abt the a/c. I just want justice to be done and to have my name clear.


----- Original Message -----
From: Bee Lee
To: Anissa Low
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 9:47 AM
Subject: Re: Account

Hi Anissa,

For your information, munchkukie was suspended before. Her account was reactivated after she understands and agrees to abide our Terms of Use. Although you did not put down the website link (we have ban it anyway), you have promoted by saying that you have received pay cheque from them.

As for the survey, you were invited to the survey and has the lady's number so how can you say that you do not know the company? In addition, survey is usually conducted by finding the right people so that companies will have the right information. By posting in the forum, anybody can claim to be recommended by you but are they the "right" people that the company is looking for? Moreover, most decent survey will not reward interviewee with monetary rewards as this will affect the survey results let alone a huge sum of money.

Regarding the Donuts thread, I have visited the website. The Amosco swissroll comes in big packages and I can comprehend why others need to share them out. But this shop you are referring to is selling individual donuts by pieces. You can easily buy and eat on the spot. Is there a need for BP? Why do you want to organise a BP? How many donuts can you consume within the expiry date? Has the company promise you a BP price already? I simply cannot comprehend it.

I thank you for writing in to seek clarification. This helps us an opportunity to clear the air and doubts that we might have.

Best regards
Bee Lee

Just to share...

To further elaborate. The reason why I said the survey co. will only take in pple base on recommendation is NOT cos I make $$$ out of it but cos many times, pple who register do not turn up. That's why they only take in those recommended ones.

Hi Bee Lee,

I hope you can read English cos I have NEVER said I received paycheck from *mailCashPro. That will be the BIGGEST lie as they were still at beta and had not stated operation then. Any idiot who went to the link would be able to point a finger at me and call me a liar. I am not THAT stupid. What I said in my posting was, my friends had received paychecks from SUCH websites but they are FOREIGN sites! Pls get your facts right.

As for Munchkukie, I believe all her LATEST postings still carry the link. It's not difficult for you to trace.

I do not know the name of the survey co. and I certainly do not know the lady in person. I was given the no. by someone else and called her to register. I won't know if the mummies online are the right candidates. They will have to contact her themselves and answer her series of questions before she can determine if they are the ones she is looking for. Don't tell me abt what decent survey cos. will do. I have been to many when I was a teenager. They do not teach us what to say and what not to say. Maybe you haven't participated in such surveys or have any contacts with survey co that's why you have this misconception. Whatever it is, my stand remains that I DO NOT EARN A SINGLE CENT FROM THIS! You can always call the lady and tell her you are interested in registering yourself. She will ask you for referrals. You just see if you get any $$$ out of it!

As for the donut co, if you read my postings, I mentioned that the lady hasn't gotten back to me! Anyway, to enlighten you, they charge a certain amt if my order falls below $30 (not too sure of the figure). The thing is, their donuts are around $1.40 each. Like what you said, donuts all have expiry date, I can't store them for more than 2 days so how on earth am I going to finish 20 over donuts in 2 days?! Besides, I am simply lazy to go down to Burlington Square to purchase the donuts. It's tough bringing a 10-mth old bb out. Anyway, just for your interest, last night the lady finally replied and said there will be a 5% discount if I order 100 or more donuts. And I wish to make myself clear. I DID NOT SAY I WANT TO ORGANISE THE BP. I was asking if there will be any mommies who will be keen to do that so that I can tap onto the order as I am not a SAHM and won't have the time to consolidate.

Anyway, thanks for the reply. Not that I care much abt the a/c. I just want justice to be done and to have my name clear.


----- Original Message -----
From: Bee Lee
To: Anissa Low
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 9:47 AM
Subject: Re: Account

Hi Anissa,

For your information, munchkukie was suspended before. Her account was reactivated after she understands and agrees to abide our Terms of Use. Although you did not put down the website link (we have ban it anyway), you have promoted by saying that you have received pay cheque from them.

As for the survey, you were invited to the survey and has the lady's number so how can you say that you do not know the company? In addition, survey is usually conducted by finding the right people so that companies will have the right information. By posting in the forum, anybody can claim to be recommended by you but are they the "right" people that the company is looking for? Moreover, most decent survey will not reward interviewee with monetary rewards as this will affect the survey results let alone a huge sum of money.

Regarding the Donuts thread, I have visited the website. The Amosco swissroll comes in big packages and I can comprehend why others need to share them out. But this shop you are referring to is selling individual donuts by pieces. You can easily buy and eat on the spot. Is there a need for BP? Why do you want to organise a BP? How many donuts can you consume within the expiry date? Has the company promise you a BP price already? I simply cannot comprehend it.

I thank you for writing in to seek clarification. This helps us an opportunity to clear the air and doubts that we might have.

Best regards
Bee Lee
Just to share...

To further elaborate. The reason why I said the survey co. will only take in pple base on recommendation is NOT cos I make $$$ out of it but cos many times, pple who register do not turn up. That's why they only take in those recommended ones.

Hi Bee Lee,

I hope you can read English cos I have NEVER said I received paycheck from *mailCashPro. That will be the BIGGEST lie as they were still at beta and had not stated operation then. Any idiot who went to the link would be able to point a finger at me and call me a liar. I am not THAT stupid. What I said in my posting was, my friends had received paychecks from SUCH websites but they are FOREIGN sites! Pls get your facts right.

As for Munchkukie, I believe all her LATEST postings still carry the link. It's not difficult for you to trace.

I do not know the name of the survey co. and I certainly do not know the lady in person. I was given the no. by someone else and called her to register. I won't know if the mummies online are the right candidates. They will have to contact her themselves and answer her series of questions before she can determine if they are the ones she is looking for. Don't tell me abt what decent survey cos. will do. I have been to many when I was a teenager. They do not teach us what to say and what not to say. Maybe you haven't participated in such surveys or have any contacts with survey co that's why you have this misconception. Whatever it is, my stand remains that I DO NOT EARN A SINGLE CENT FROM THIS! You can always call the lady and tell her you are interested in registering yourself. She will ask you for referrals. You just see if you get any $$$ out of it!

As for the donut co, if you read my postings, I mentioned that the lady hasn't gotten back to me! Anyway, to enlighten you, they charge a certain amt if my order falls below $30 (not too sure of the figure). The thing is, their donuts are around $1.40 each. Like what you said, donuts all have expiry date, I can't store them for more than 2 days so how on earth am I going to finish 20 over donuts in 2 days?! Besides, I am simply lazy to go down to Burlington Square to purchase the donuts. It's tough bringing a 10-mth old bb out. Anyway, just for your interest, last night the lady finally replied and said there will be a 5% discount if I order 100 or more donuts. And I wish to make myself clear. I DID NOT SAY I WANT TO ORGANISE THE BP. I was asking if there will be any mommies who will be keen to do that so that I can tap onto the order as I am not a SAHM and won't have the time to consolidate.

Anyway, thanks for the reply. Not that I care much abt the a/c. I just want justice to be done and to have my name clear.


----- Original Message -----
From: Bee Lee
To: Anissa Low
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 9:47 AM
Subject: Re: Account

Hi Anissa,

For your information, munchkukie was suspended before. Her account was reactivated after she understands and agrees to abide our Terms of Use. Although you did not put down the website link (we have ban it anyway), you have promoted by saying that you have received pay cheque from them.

As for the survey, you were invited to the survey and has the lady's number so how can you say that you do not know the company? In addition, survey is usually conducted by finding the right people so that companies will have the right information. By posting in the forum, anybody can claim to be recommended by you but are they the "right" people that the company is looking for? Moreover, most decent survey will not reward interviewee with monetary rewards as this will affect the survey results let alone a huge sum of money.

Regarding the Donuts thread, I have visited the website. The Amosco swissroll comes in big packages and I can comprehend why others need to share them out. But this shop you are referring to is selling individual donuts by pieces. You can easily buy and eat on the spot. Is there a need for BP? Why do you want to organise a BP? How many donuts can you consume within the expiry date? Has the company promise you a BP price already? I simply cannot comprehend it.

I thank you for writing in to seek clarification. This helps us an opportunity to clear the air and doubts that we might have.

Best regards
Bee Lee
Just to share...

To further elaborate. The reason why I said the survey co. will only take in pple base on recommendation is NOT cos I make $$$ out of it but cos many times, pple who register do not turn up. That's why they only take in those recommended ones.

Hi Bee Lee,

I hope you can read English cos I have NEVER said I received paycheck from *mailCashPro. That will be the BIGGEST lie as they were still at beta and had not stated operation then. Any idiot who went to the link would be able to point a finger at me and call me a liar. I am not THAT stupid. What I said in my posting was, my friends had received paychecks from SUCH websites but they are FOREIGN sites! Pls get your facts right.

As for Munchkukie, I believe all her LATEST postings still carry the link. It's not difficult for you to trace.

I do not know the name of the survey co. and I certainly do not know the lady in person. I was given the no. by someone else and called her to register. I won't know if the mummies online are the right candidates. They will have to contact her themselves and answer her series of questions before she can determine if they are the ones she is looking for. Don't tell me abt what decent survey cos. will do. I have been to many when I was a teenager. They do not teach us what to say and what not to say. Maybe you haven't participated in such surveys or have any contacts with survey co that's why you have this misconception. Whatever it is, my stand remains that I DO NOT EARN A SINGLE CENT FROM THIS! You can always call the lady and tell her you are interested in registering yourself. She will ask you for referrals. You just see if you get any $$$ out of it!

As for the donut co, if you read my postings, I mentioned that the lady hasn't gotten back to me! Anyway, to enlighten you, they charge a certain amt if my order falls below $30 (not too sure of the figure). The thing is, their donuts are around $1.40 each. Like what you said, donuts all have expiry date, I can't store them for more than 2 days so how on earth am I going to finish 20 over donuts in 2 days?! Besides, I am simply lazy to go down to Burlington Square to purchase the donuts. It's tough bringing a 10-mth old bb out. Anyway, just for your interest, last night the lady finally replied and said there will be a 5% discount if I order 100 or more donuts. And I wish to make myself clear. I DID NOT SAY I WANT TO ORGANISE THE BP. I was asking if there will be any mommies who will be keen to do that so that I can tap onto the order as I am not a SAHM and won't have the time to consolidate.

Anyway, thanks for the reply. Not that I care much abt the a/c. I just want justice to be done and to have my name clear.


----- Original Message -----
From: Bee Lee
To: Anissa Low
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 9:47 AM
Subject: Re: Account

Hi Anissa,

For your information, munchkukie was suspended before. Her account was reactivated after she understands and agrees to abide our Terms of Use. Although you did not put down the website link (we have ban it anyway), you have promoted by saying that you have received pay cheque from them.

As for the survey, you were invited to the survey and has the lady's number so how can you say that you do not know the company? In addition, survey is usually conducted by finding the right people so that companies will have the right information. By posting in the forum, anybody can claim to be recommended by you but are they the "right" people that the company is looking for? Moreover, most decent survey will not reward interviewee with monetary rewards as this will affect the survey results let alone a huge sum of money.

Regarding the Donuts thread, I have visited the website. The Amosco swissroll comes in big packages and I can comprehend why others need to share them out. But this shop you are referring to is selling individual donuts by pieces. You can easily buy and eat on the spot. Is there a need for BP? Why do you want to organise a BP? How many donuts can you consume within the expiry date? Has the company promise you a BP price already? I simply cannot comprehend it.

I thank you for writing in to seek clarification. This helps us an opportunity to clear the air and doubts that we might have.

Best regards
Bee Lee
Just to share...

To further elaborate. The reason why I said the survey co. will only take in pple base on recommendation is NOT cos I make $$$ out of it but cos many times, pple who register do not turn up. That's why they only take in those recommended ones.

Hi Bee Lee,

I hope you can read English cos I have NEVER said I received paycheck from *mailCashPro. That will be the BIGGEST lie as they were still at beta and had not stated operation then. Any idiot who went to the link would be able to point a finger at me and call me a liar. I am not THAT stupid. What I said in my posting was, my friends had received paychecks from SUCH websites but they are FOREIGN sites! Pls get your facts right.

As for Munchkukie, I believe all her LATEST postings still carry the link. It's not difficult for you to trace.

I do not know the name of the survey co. and I certainly do not know the lady in person. I was given the no. by someone else and called her to register. I won't know if the mummies online are the right candidates. They will have to contact her themselves and answer her series of questions before she can determine if they are the ones she is looking for. Don't tell me abt what decent survey cos. will do. I have been to many when I was a teenager. They do not teach us what to say and what not to say. Maybe you haven't participated in such surveys or have any contacts with survey co that's why you have this misconception. Whatever it is, my stand remains that I DO NOT EARN A SINGLE CENT FROM THIS! You can always call the lady and tell her you are interested in registering yourself. She will ask you for referrals. You just see if you get any $$$ out of it!

As for the donut co, if you read my postings, I mentioned that the lady hasn't gotten back to me! Anyway, to enlighten you, they charge a certain amt if my order falls below $30 (not too sure of the figure). The thing is, their donuts are around $1.40 each. Like what you said, donuts all have expiry date, I can't store them for more than 2 days so how on earth am I going to finish 20 over donuts in 2 days?! Besides, I am simply lazy to go down to Burlington Square to purchase the donuts. It's tough bringing a 10-mth old bb out. Anyway, just for your interest, last night the lady finally replied and said there will be a 5% discount if I order 100 or more donuts. And I wish to make myself clear. I DID NOT SAY I WANT TO ORGANISE THE BP. I was asking if there will be any mommies who will be keen to do that so that I can tap onto the order as I am not a SAHM and won't have the time to consolidate.

Anyway, thanks for the reply. Not that I care much abt the a/c. I just want justice to be done and to have my name clear.


----- Original Message -----
From: Bee Lee
To: Anissa Low
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 9:47 AM
Subject: Re: Account

Hi Anissa,

For your information, munchkukie was suspended before. Her account was reactivated after she understands and agrees to abide our Terms of Use. Although you did not put down the website link (we have ban it anyway), you have promoted by saying that you have received pay cheque from them.

As for the survey, you were invited to the survey and has the lady's number so how can you say that you do not know the company? In addition, survey is usually conducted by finding the right people so that companies will have the right information. By posting in the forum, anybody can claim to be recommended by you but are they the "right" people that the company is looking for? Moreover, most decent survey will not reward interviewee with monetary rewards as this will affect the survey results let alone a huge sum of money.

Regarding the Donuts thread, I have visited the website. The Amosco swissroll comes in big packages and I can comprehend why others need to share them out. But this shop you are referring to is selling individual donuts by pieces. You can easily buy and eat on the spot. Is there a need for BP? Why do you want to organise a BP? How many donuts can you consume within the expiry date? Has the company promise you a BP price already? I simply cannot comprehend it.

I thank you for writing in to seek clarification. This helps us an opportunity to clear the air and doubts that we might have.

Best regards
Bee Lee
Hi Bee Lee,

Those survey that gives out payment is called a 'Focus Group' or something... It's very common even among university students. My NTU friends in the mass comm do conduct such survey for their final year project. As the length of such survey is very long, they have to give some money as a token of appreciation. I personally also attended such survey before in NUS. It's a 15min paper survey and was already given $10. The money paid is from their project fund. So its wrong to say that
"most decent survey will not reward interviewee with monetary rewards".

About the 'mailCashPro' I also remembered Anissa mentioned that her friend received payment from this kind of website before. It's NOT her lar. If you check out their payment scheme, it would takes a long time and many many clicks before one accumulated enuff amount for them to send out the money.
Hi Bee Lee,

Those survey that gives out payment is called a 'Focus Group' or something... It's very common even among university students. My NTU friends in the mass comm do conduct such survey for their final year project. As the length of such survey is very long, they have to give some money as a token of appreciation. I personally also attended such survey before in NUS. It's a 15min paper survey and was already given $10. The money paid is from their project fund. So its wrong to say that
"most decent survey will not reward interviewee with monetary rewards".

About the 'mailCashPro' I also remembered Anissa mentioned that her friend received payment from this kind of website before. It's NOT her lar. If you check out their payment scheme, it would takes a long time and many many clicks before one accumulated enuff amount for them to send out the money.
Hi Bee Lee,

Those survey that gives out payment is called a 'Focus Group' or something... It's very common even among university students. My NTU friends in the mass comm do conduct such survey for their final year project. As the length of such survey is very long, they have to give some money as a token of appreciation. I personally also attended such survey before in NUS. It's a 15min paper survey and was already given $10. The money paid is from their project fund. So its wrong to say that
"most decent survey will not reward interviewee with monetary rewards".

About the 'mailCashPro' I also remembered Anissa mentioned that her friend received payment from this kind of website before. It's NOT her lar. If you check out their payment scheme, it would takes a long time and many many clicks before one accumulated enuff amount for them to send out the money.
Hi Bee Lee,

Those survey that gives out payment is called a 'Focus Group' or something... It's very common even among university students. My NTU friends in the mass comm do conduct such survey for their final year project. As the length of such survey is very long, they have to give some money as a token of appreciation. I personally also attended such survey before in NUS. It's a 15min paper survey and was already given $10. The money paid is from their project fund. So its wrong to say that
"most decent survey will not reward interviewee with monetary rewards".

About the 'mailCashPro' I also remembered Anissa mentioned that her friend received payment from this kind of website before. It's NOT her lar. If you check out their payment scheme, it would takes a long time and many many clicks before one accumulated enuff amount for them to send out the money.
Hi Bee Lee,

Those survey that gives out payment is called a 'Focus Group' or something... It's very common even among university students. My NTU friends in the mass comm do conduct such survey for their final year project. As the length of such survey is very long, they have to give some money as a token of appreciation. I personally also attended such survey before in NUS. It's a 15min paper survey and was already given $10. The money paid is from their project fund. So its wrong to say that
"most decent survey will not reward interviewee with monetary rewards".

About the 'mailCashPro' I also remembered Anissa mentioned that her friend received payment from this kind of website before. It's NOT her lar. If you check out their payment scheme, it would takes a long time and many many clicks before one accumulated enuff amount for them to send out the money.
Hi Clarences_mum,

I would like to apologise if we've erred on our part. I would like to take this opportunity to ask everyone's understanding as we are really really swamped with work managing the forum and finding revenue to keep operational so that everyone can continue to enjoy the communities formed here.

You can't possibly imagine the amount of emails we received from users, and we already have a lot of emails pending and requesting our assistance.

If we've made an error, we are sorry. However, we would really appreciate if everyone can be more tolerant. It does not help if your messages' tone is angry or abusive. We are humans too. It does not help if anyone post multiple similar messages in various threads as it does not help to resolve the problem. It only adds to our burdern. What is the purpose of posting the same message in a few threads? To shame us? If that is your purpose, I am saddened and I feel extremely tired. I'm terribley tired by the daily verbal abuse we receive.

I would like to take this opportunity to ask for everyone's understanding. Thank you.

Chin Leng.
Hi Clarences_mum,

I would like to apologise if we've erred on our part. I would like to take this opportunity to ask everyone's understanding as we are really really swamped with work managing the forum and finding revenue to keep operational so that everyone can continue to enjoy the communities formed here.

You can't possibly imagine the amount of emails we received from users, and we already have a lot of emails pending and requesting our assistance.

If we've made an error, we are sorry. However, we would really appreciate if everyone can be more tolerant. It does not help if your messages' tone is angry or abusive. We are humans too. It does not help if anyone post multiple similar messages in various threads as it does not help to resolve the problem. It only adds to our burdern. What is the purpose of posting the same message in a few threads? To shame us? If that is your purpose, I am saddened and I feel extremely tired. I'm terribley tired by the daily verbal abuse we receive.

I would like to take this opportunity to ask for everyone's understanding. Thank you.

Chin Leng.
Hi Clarences_mum,

I would like to apologise if we've erred on our part. I would like to take this opportunity to ask everyone's understanding as we are really really swamped with work managing the forum and finding revenue to keep operational so that everyone can continue to enjoy the communities formed here.

You can't possibly imagine the amount of emails we received from users, and we already have a lot of emails pending and requesting our assistance.

If we've made an error, we are sorry. However, we would really appreciate if everyone can be more tolerant. It does not help if your messages' tone is angry or abusive. We are humans too. It does not help if anyone post multiple similar messages in various threads as it does not help to resolve the problem. It only adds to our burdern. What is the purpose of posting the same message in a few threads? To shame us? If that is your purpose, I am saddened and I feel extremely tired. I'm terribley tired by the daily verbal abuse we receive.

I would like to take this opportunity to ask for everyone's understanding. Thank you.

Chin Leng.
Hi Clarences_mum,

I would like to apologise if we've erred on our part. I would like to take this opportunity to ask everyone's understanding as we are really really swamped with work managing the forum and finding revenue to keep operational so that everyone can continue to enjoy the communities formed here.

You can't possibly imagine the amount of emails we received from users, and we already have a lot of emails pending and requesting our assistance.

If we've made an error, we are sorry. However, we would really appreciate if everyone can be more tolerant. It does not help if your messages' tone is angry or abusive. We are humans too. It does not help if anyone post multiple similar messages in various threads as it does not help to resolve the problem. It only adds to our burdern. What is the purpose of posting the same message in a few threads? To shame us? If that is your purpose, I am saddened and I feel extremely tired. I'm terribley tired by the daily verbal abuse we receive.

I would like to take this opportunity to ask for everyone's understanding. Thank you.

Chin Leng.
Hi Clarences_mum,

I would like to apologise if we've erred on our part. I would like to take this opportunity to ask everyone's understanding as we are really really swamped with work managing the forum and finding revenue to keep operational so that everyone can continue to enjoy the communities formed here.

You can't possibly imagine the amount of emails we received from users, and we already have a lot of emails pending and requesting our assistance.

If we've made an error, we are sorry. However, we would really appreciate if everyone can be more tolerant. It does not help if your messages' tone is angry or abusive. We are humans too. It does not help if anyone post multiple similar messages in various threads as it does not help to resolve the problem. It only adds to our burdern. What is the purpose of posting the same message in a few threads? To shame us? If that is your purpose, I am saddened and I feel extremely tired. I'm terribley tired by the daily verbal abuse we receive.

I would like to take this opportunity to ask for everyone's understanding. Thank you.

Chin Leng.
Chin Leng,

I think Anissa is not someone who is unreasonable as we know her personally. After I read the email exchange u really cant blame her for flaring up cos the email reply from Bee Lee is not exactly very friendly too and alot of judgement were based on assumptions. I think it should be both way lor

Honestly, I do appreciate the effort and hard work that your team has put in and do keep it up!
Chin Leng,

I think Anissa is not someone who is unreasonable as we know her personally. After I read the email exchange u really cant blame her for flaring up cos the email reply from Bee Lee is not exactly very friendly too and alot of judgement were based on assumptions. I think it should be both way lor

Honestly, I do appreciate the effort and hard work that your team has put in and do keep it up!
Chin Leng,

I think Anissa is not someone who is unreasonable as we know her personally. After I read the email exchange u really cant blame her for flaring up cos the email reply from Bee Lee is not exactly very friendly too and alot of judgement were based on assumptions. I think it should be both way lor

Honestly, I do appreciate the effort and hard work that your team has put in and do keep it up!
Chin Leng,

I think Anissa is not someone who is unreasonable as we know her personally. After I read the email exchange u really cant blame her for flaring up cos the email reply from Bee Lee is not exactly very friendly too and alot of judgement were based on assumptions. I think it should be both way lor

Honestly, I do appreciate the effort and hard work that your team has put in and do keep it up!
Chin Leng,

I think Anissa is not someone who is unreasonable as we know her personally. After I read the email exchange u really cant blame her for flaring up cos the email reply from Bee Lee is not exactly very friendly too and alot of judgement were based on assumptions. I think it should be both way lor

Honestly, I do appreciate the effort and hard work that your team has put in and do keep it up!
Hi Seabreeze,

The thing I don't understand is that if she already emailed to us and we've responded to her, what is her purpose of posting the same message that she is unhappy with us in a few threads and making public the email exchange? Wouldn't it have been better for the matter to be resolved privately? For your info, her email to us was not exactly using a friendly tone either. Under the circumstances, I believe that Bee Lee's email reply to her was still reasonable and was not unfriendly.

Chin Leng.
Hi Seabreeze,

The thing I don't understand is that if she already emailed to us and we've responded to her, what is her purpose of posting the same message that she is unhappy with us in a few threads and making public the email exchange? Wouldn't it have been better for the matter to be resolved privately? For your info, her email to us was not exactly using a friendly tone either. Under the circumstances, I believe that Bee Lee's email reply to her was still reasonable and was not unfriendly.

Chin Leng.
Hi Seabreeze,

The thing I don't understand is that if she already emailed to us and we've responded to her, what is her purpose of posting the same message that she is unhappy with us in a few threads and making public the email exchange? Wouldn't it have been better for the matter to be resolved privately? For your info, her email to us was not exactly using a friendly tone either. Under the circumstances, I believe that Bee Lee's email reply to her was still reasonable and was not unfriendly.

Chin Leng.
Hi Seabreeze,

The thing I don't understand is that if she already emailed to us and we've responded to her, what is her purpose of posting the same message that she is unhappy with us in a few threads and making public the email exchange? Wouldn't it have been better for the matter to be resolved privately? For your info, her email to us was not exactly using a friendly tone either. Under the circumstances, I believe that Bee Lee's email reply to her was still reasonable and was not unfriendly.

Chin Leng.
Hi Seabreeze,

The thing I don't understand is that if she already emailed to us and we've responded to her, what is her purpose of posting the same message that she is unhappy with us in a few threads and making public the email exchange? Wouldn't it have been better for the matter to be resolved privately? For your info, her email to us was not exactly using a friendly tone either. Under the circumstances, I believe that Bee Lee's email reply to her was still reasonable and was not unfriendly.

Chin Leng.
i think maybe u shld cap the number of spree one can org at any one time. one spree shld be completed before the next. like the calbb 2nd bp havent even ended ie finish delivery, the organiser started 4th bp getting orders. if i am not wrong, organiser even said some items stucked at custom due to essential oil but still happily continue organising spree. not forgetting the organiser is selling the same item in yahoo auction. aint it fishy?
i think maybe u shld cap the number of spree one can org at any one time. one spree shld be completed before the next. like the calbb 2nd bp havent even ended ie finish delivery, the organiser started 4th bp getting orders. if i am not wrong, organiser even said some items stucked at custom due to essential oil but still happily continue organising spree. not forgetting the organiser is selling the same item in yahoo auction. aint it fishy?
i think maybe u shld cap the number of spree one can org at any one time. one spree shld be completed before the next. like the calbb 2nd bp havent even ended ie finish delivery, the organiser started 4th bp getting orders. if i am not wrong, organiser even said some items stucked at custom due to essential oil but still happily continue organising spree. not forgetting the organiser is selling the same item in yahoo auction. aint it fishy?
i think maybe u shld cap the number of spree one can org at any one time. one spree shld be completed before the next. like the calbb 2nd bp havent even ended ie finish delivery, the organiser started 4th bp getting orders. if i am not wrong, organiser even said some items stucked at custom due to essential oil but still happily continue organising spree. not forgetting the organiser is selling the same item in yahoo auction. aint it fishy?
i think maybe u shld cap the number of spree one can org at any one time. one spree shld be completed before the next. like the calbb 2nd bp havent even ended ie finish delivery, the organiser started 4th bp getting orders. if i am not wrong, organiser even said some items stucked at custom due to essential oil but still happily continue organising spree. not forgetting the organiser is selling the same item in yahoo auction. aint it fishy?
wonder...what so fishy??? r u refering to me... i had finished distributing 2nd one already.. with one box still with VPOST waiting for delivery.

And the waiting time for the products take very long and as u seen in the thread alot of mom ask me to start liao also. like that also fishy har??

I had never promo my california baby stuffs for a profits in SM.. alot of mothers can testify and even i have got extra.. (like recently misslan asking for it i sell it at $15 instead of $18 my yahoo price!) Dun believe... i can ask them one by one to post here.

I even delare about the net amount of the price insteads of the conversation which ends with cents because i need to call the USA and fax order to the USA and petrol for my delivery to the MRT station and SMS cost $0.05 each and airtime of my cellphone???. If i dun take all this cost into consideration, then i buy one tub at $17 and the rest of them buy at $15??

What so fishy then??? u got a problem?
wonder...what so fishy??? r u refering to me... i had finished distributing 2nd one already.. with one box still with VPOST waiting for delivery.

And the waiting time for the products take very long and as u seen in the thread alot of mom ask me to start liao also. like that also fishy har??

I had never promo my california baby stuffs for a profits in SM.. alot of mothers can testify and even i have got extra.. (like recently misslan asking for it i sell it at $15 instead of $18 my yahoo price!) Dun believe... i can ask them one by one to post here.

I even delare about the net amount of the price insteads of the conversation which ends with cents because i need to call the USA and fax order to the USA and petrol for my delivery to the MRT station and SMS cost $0.05 each and airtime of my cellphone???. If i dun take all this cost into consideration, then i buy one tub at $17 and the rest of them buy at $15??

What so fishy then??? u got a problem?
wonder...what so fishy??? r u refering to me... i had finished distributing 2nd one already.. with one box still with VPOST waiting for delivery.

And the waiting time for the products take very long and as u seen in the thread alot of mom ask me to start liao also. like that also fishy har??

I had never promo my california baby stuffs for a profits in SM.. alot of mothers can testify and even i have got extra.. (like recently misslan asking for it i sell it at $15 instead of $18 my yahoo price!) Dun believe... i can ask them one by one to post here.

I even delare about the net amount of the price insteads of the conversation which ends with cents because i need to call the USA and fax order to the USA and petrol for my delivery to the MRT station and SMS cost $0.05 each and airtime of my cellphone???. If i dun take all this cost into consideration, then i buy one tub at $17 and the rest of them buy at $15??

What so fishy then??? u got a problem?
wonder...what so fishy??? r u refering to me... i had finished distributing 2nd one already.. with one box still with VPOST waiting for delivery.

And the waiting time for the products take very long and as u seen in the thread alot of mom ask me to start liao also. like that also fishy har??

I had never promo my california baby stuffs for a profits in SM.. alot of mothers can testify and even i have got extra.. (like recently misslan asking for it i sell it at $15 instead of $18 my yahoo price!) Dun believe... i can ask them one by one to post here.

I even delare about the net amount of the price insteads of the conversation which ends with cents because i need to call the USA and fax order to the USA and petrol for my delivery to the MRT station and SMS cost $0.05 each and airtime of my cellphone???. If i dun take all this cost into consideration, then i buy one tub at $17 and the rest of them buy at $15??

What so fishy then??? u got a problem?
wonder...what so fishy??? r u refering to me... i had finished distributing 2nd one already.. with one box still with VPOST waiting for delivery.

And the waiting time for the products take very long and as u seen in the thread alot of mom ask me to start liao also. like that also fishy har??

I had never promo my california baby stuffs for a profits in SM.. alot of mothers can testify and even i have got extra.. (like recently misslan asking for it i sell it at $15 instead of $18 my yahoo price!) Dun believe... i can ask them one by one to post here.

I even delare about the net amount of the price insteads of the conversation which ends with cents because i need to call the USA and fax order to the USA and petrol for my delivery to the MRT station and SMS cost $0.05 each and airtime of my cellphone???. If i dun take all this cost into consideration, then i buy one tub at $17 and the rest of them buy at $15??

What so fishy then??? u got a problem?
I dun find lynette doing anything fishy... i mean if you can get a better offer than her, i shall get it from you too.... she is doing such a big favour for us by getting a good lobang than you are trying to say such things about her.... I myself join all her BP and knows she is not this kind of person. I have not collect my items from her and she is trying to get ppl to pass it to me just because she knows i am busy... if she is earning money, i dun think she will care if i get it or not. Pls WONDER, think before you accuse ppl of earning.

Chin Leng,
Alot of mummies save from Lynette BP for california baby product.... Little Dreamer is selling so much expensive and i dun think i can afford if not because of Lynette found this lobang. Hope you can see this view correctly.

I really trust you and thanks for being such a helpful lady when you are already so busy with all your things and looking after bb. Really hope you won't cancel or stop your BP for california baby.... my bb really need it and till now, you are my cheapest sources.
I dun find lynette doing anything fishy... i mean if you can get a better offer than her, i shall get it from you too.... she is doing such a big favour for us by getting a good lobang than you are trying to say such things about her.... I myself join all her BP and knows she is not this kind of person. I have not collect my items from her and she is trying to get ppl to pass it to me just because she knows i am busy... if she is earning money, i dun think she will care if i get it or not. Pls WONDER, think before you accuse ppl of earning.

Chin Leng,
Alot of mummies save from Lynette BP for california baby product.... Little Dreamer is selling so much expensive and i dun think i can afford if not because of Lynette found this lobang. Hope you can see this view correctly.

I really trust you and thanks for being such a helpful lady when you are already so busy with all your things and looking after bb. Really hope you won't cancel or stop your BP for california baby.... my bb really need it and till now, you are my cheapest sources.
I dun find lynette doing anything fishy... i mean if you can get a better offer than her, i shall get it from you too.... she is doing such a big favour for us by getting a good lobang than you are trying to say such things about her.... I myself join all her BP and knows she is not this kind of person. I have not collect my items from her and she is trying to get ppl to pass it to me just because she knows i am busy... if she is earning money, i dun think she will care if i get it or not. Pls WONDER, think before you accuse ppl of earning.

Chin Leng,
Alot of mummies save from Lynette BP for california baby product.... Little Dreamer is selling so much expensive and i dun think i can afford if not because of Lynette found this lobang. Hope you can see this view correctly.

I really trust you and thanks for being such a helpful lady when you are already so busy with all your things and looking after bb. Really hope you won't cancel or stop your BP for california baby.... my bb really need it and till now, you are my cheapest sources.
I dun find lynette doing anything fishy... i mean if you can get a better offer than her, i shall get it from you too.... she is doing such a big favour for us by getting a good lobang than you are trying to say such things about her.... I myself join all her BP and knows she is not this kind of person. I have not collect my items from her and she is trying to get ppl to pass it to me just because she knows i am busy... if she is earning money, i dun think she will care if i get it or not. Pls WONDER, think before you accuse ppl of earning.

Chin Leng,
Alot of mummies save from Lynette BP for california baby product.... Little Dreamer is selling so much expensive and i dun think i can afford if not because of Lynette found this lobang. Hope you can see this view correctly.

I really trust you and thanks for being such a helpful lady when you are already so busy with all your things and looking after bb. Really hope you won't cancel or stop your BP for california baby.... my bb really need it and till now, you are my cheapest sources.
I dun find lynette doing anything fishy... i mean if you can get a better offer than her, i shall get it from you too.... she is doing such a big favour for us by getting a good lobang than you are trying to say such things about her.... I myself join all her BP and knows she is not this kind of person. I have not collect my items from her and she is trying to get ppl to pass it to me just because she knows i am busy... if she is earning money, i dun think she will care if i get it or not. Pls WONDER, think before you accuse ppl of earning.

Chin Leng,
Alot of mummies save from Lynette BP for california baby product.... Little Dreamer is selling so much expensive and i dun think i can afford if not because of Lynette found this lobang. Hope you can see this view correctly.

I really trust you and thanks for being such a helpful lady when you are already so busy with all your things and looking after bb. Really hope you won't cancel or stop your BP for california baby.... my bb really need it and till now, you are my cheapest sources.
Hi Chin Leng,
Thanks for the reply. Let me explain myself as to why I posted the same posting in 2 different threads. I did the first posting yesterday in 'Chin Leng, help!' but received no reply. Today when I login, I couldn't find the thread. Thus, I decided to post in 'Chin Leng, PLS TAKE NOTE!!!' as I noticed many mummies post there and it keeps the thread 'alive'. Meaning, when I do a 12 hr search, I can still locate the thread. However, after posting there, I was afraid you could still miss it somehow. That's why I decided to post in 'Chin Leng, HELP!' again.

As to why I had to make my private exchange with Bee Lee public, it is definitely not to shame you or Bee Lee. It is simply because I felt ashame and embarrassed to have my a/c suspended time and again. People who do not know me could think that I am a suspicious character and it doesn't do justice to me as a person. Even if you do restore my a/c after our private exchanges, how would other mummies see me? They would think I apologised and begged to have my a/c restore.

I feel that the least you or Bee Lee could have done is to send me an email to allow me to explain myself before suspending my a/c.

The fact that I accepted your decision to suspend my 1st a/c and didn't write in to appeal is cos some mummies explained to me that *mailCashPro is banned. I realised my mistake and agreed that I shld be 'punished' for that. However, I disagreed with your decision the 2nd time.

I know I could have kept quiet. After all, I don't really do that many postings (I'm usually very busy with my work) and it's so easy to apply for a new a/c but I just can't 'swallow' it.

Anyway, Bee Lee has written to me this evening and offered to have my 'bubblyface' a/c restored. I appreciate that but it's ok with me. As long as you clear my name, I would like to close this chapter and move on. Besides, I like my current nick better.

My apology if I've come across as an unreasonable or unappreciative mummy. I understand your hardwork. As a matter of fact I have many clients who advertised at your website.

Having said that, have a good evening ahead!
Hi Chin Leng,
Thanks for the reply. Let me explain myself as to why I posted the same posting in 2 different threads. I did the first posting yesterday in 'Chin Leng, help!' but received no reply. Today when I login, I couldn't find the thread. Thus, I decided to post in 'Chin Leng, PLS TAKE NOTE!!!' as I noticed many mummies post there and it keeps the thread 'alive'. Meaning, when I do a 12 hr search, I can still locate the thread. However, after posting there, I was afraid you could still miss it somehow. That's why I decided to post in 'Chin Leng, HELP!' again.

As to why I had to make my private exchange with Bee Lee public, it is definitely not to shame you or Bee Lee. It is simply because I felt ashame and embarrassed to have my a/c suspended time and again. People who do not know me could think that I am a suspicious character and it doesn't do justice to me as a person. Even if you do restore my a/c after our private exchanges, how would other mummies see me? They would think I apologised and begged to have my a/c restore.

I feel that the least you or Bee Lee could have done is to send me an email to allow me to explain myself before suspending my a/c.

The fact that I accepted your decision to suspend my 1st a/c and didn't write in to appeal is cos some mummies explained to me that *mailCashPro is banned. I realised my mistake and agreed that I shld be 'punished' for that. However, I disagreed with your decision the 2nd time.

I know I could have kept quiet. After all, I don't really do that many postings (I'm usually very busy with my work) and it's so easy to apply for a new a/c but I just can't 'swallow' it.

Anyway, Bee Lee has written to me this evening and offered to have my 'bubblyface' a/c restored. I appreciate that but it's ok with me. As long as you clear my name, I would like to close this chapter and move on. Besides, I like my current nick better.

My apology if I've come across as an unreasonable or unappreciative mummy. I understand your hardwork. As a matter of fact I have many clients who advertised at your website.

Having said that, have a good evening ahead!
Hi Chin Leng,
Thanks for the reply. Let me explain myself as to why I posted the same posting in 2 different threads. I did the first posting yesterday in 'Chin Leng, help!' but received no reply. Today when I login, I couldn't find the thread. Thus, I decided to post in 'Chin Leng, PLS TAKE NOTE!!!' as I noticed many mummies post there and it keeps the thread 'alive'. Meaning, when I do a 12 hr search, I can still locate the thread. However, after posting there, I was afraid you could still miss it somehow. That's why I decided to post in 'Chin Leng, HELP!' again.

As to why I had to make my private exchange with Bee Lee public, it is definitely not to shame you or Bee Lee. It is simply because I felt ashame and embarrassed to have my a/c suspended time and again. People who do not know me could think that I am a suspicious character and it doesn't do justice to me as a person. Even if you do restore my a/c after our private exchanges, how would other mummies see me? They would think I apologised and begged to have my a/c restore.

I feel that the least you or Bee Lee could have done is to send me an email to allow me to explain myself before suspending my a/c.

The fact that I accepted your decision to suspend my 1st a/c and didn't write in to appeal is cos some mummies explained to me that *mailCashPro is banned. I realised my mistake and agreed that I shld be 'punished' for that. However, I disagreed with your decision the 2nd time.

I know I could have kept quiet. After all, I don't really do that many postings (I'm usually very busy with my work) and it's so easy to apply for a new a/c but I just can't 'swallow' it.

Anyway, Bee Lee has written to me this evening and offered to have my 'bubblyface' a/c restored. I appreciate that but it's ok with me. As long as you clear my name, I would like to close this chapter and move on. Besides, I like my current nick better.

My apology if I've come across as an unreasonable or unappreciative mummy. I understand your hardwork. As a matter of fact I have many clients who advertised at your website.

Having said that, have a good evening ahead!
Hi Chin Leng,
Thanks for the reply. Let me explain myself as to why I posted the same posting in 2 different threads. I did the first posting yesterday in 'Chin Leng, help!' but received no reply. Today when I login, I couldn't find the thread. Thus, I decided to post in 'Chin Leng, PLS TAKE NOTE!!!' as I noticed many mummies post there and it keeps the thread 'alive'. Meaning, when I do a 12 hr search, I can still locate the thread. However, after posting there, I was afraid you could still miss it somehow. That's why I decided to post in 'Chin Leng, HELP!' again.

As to why I had to make my private exchange with Bee Lee public, it is definitely not to shame you or Bee Lee. It is simply because I felt ashame and embarrassed to have my a/c suspended time and again. People who do not know me could think that I am a suspicious character and it doesn't do justice to me as a person. Even if you do restore my a/c after our private exchanges, how would other mummies see me? They would think I apologised and begged to have my a/c restore.

I feel that the least you or Bee Lee could have done is to send me an email to allow me to explain myself before suspending my a/c.

The fact that I accepted your decision to suspend my 1st a/c and didn't write in to appeal is cos some mummies explained to me that *mailCashPro is banned. I realised my mistake and agreed that I shld be 'punished' for that. However, I disagreed with your decision the 2nd time.

I know I could have kept quiet. After all, I don't really do that many postings (I'm usually very busy with my work) and it's so easy to apply for a new a/c but I just can't 'swallow' it.

Anyway, Bee Lee has written to me this evening and offered to have my 'bubblyface' a/c restored. I appreciate that but it's ok with me. As long as you clear my name, I would like to close this chapter and move on. Besides, I like my current nick better.

My apology if I've come across as an unreasonable or unappreciative mummy. I understand your hardwork. As a matter of fact I have many clients who advertised at your website.

Having said that, have a good evening ahead!

Hi Chin Leng,
Thanks for the reply. Let me explain myself as to why I posted the same posting in 2 different threads. I did the first posting yesterday in 'Chin Leng, help!' but received no reply. Today when I login, I couldn't find the thread. Thus, I decided to post in 'Chin Leng, PLS TAKE NOTE!!!' as I noticed many mummies post there and it keeps the thread 'alive'. Meaning, when I do a 12 hr search, I can still locate the thread. However, after posting there, I was afraid you could still miss it somehow. That's why I decided to post in 'Chin Leng, HELP!' again.

As to why I had to make my private exchange with Bee Lee public, it is definitely not to shame you or Bee Lee. It is simply because I felt ashame and embarrassed to have my a/c suspended time and again. People who do not know me could think that I am a suspicious character and it doesn't do justice to me as a person. Even if you do restore my a/c after our private exchanges, how would other mummies see me? They would think I apologised and begged to have my a/c restore.

I feel that the least you or Bee Lee could have done is to send me an email to allow me to explain myself before suspending my a/c.

The fact that I accepted your decision to suspend my 1st a/c and didn't write in to appeal is cos some mummies explained to me that *mailCashPro is banned. I realised my mistake and agreed that I shld be 'punished' for that. However, I disagreed with your decision the 2nd time.

I know I could have kept quiet. After all, I don't really do that many postings (I'm usually very busy with my work) and it's so easy to apply for a new a/c but I just can't 'swallow' it.

Anyway, Bee Lee has written to me this evening and offered to have my 'bubblyface' a/c restored. I appreciate that but it's ok with me. As long as you clear my name, I would like to close this chapter and move on. Besides, I like my current nick better.

My apology if I've come across as an unreasonable or unappreciative mummy. I understand your hardwork. As a matter of fact I have many clients who advertised at your website.

Having said that, have a good evening ahead!
