Chin Leng, Help!!

Hi Chin Leng

I'm wondering is there a way to search my last posted mss as I may not be able to remember where I post my mss as I would have done so under many different threads

Chin Leng,
Is there some problems with the thread?
I saw many thread missing and i can find "New Moms" thread anymore
Chin Leng,
Not sure if there is something wrong, tried opening the topic 'motherhood, pregnancies and babies' and noticed that there are alot of empty folders/threads and if you scroll down to the bottom, you can only see a small portion of the many threads under this topic. Can this be the reason why some of the mommies are having problems locating their threads?

PS: i too cannot locate the 'bukit timah .... ' thread.

Many thanks for helping to look into this.
dear chin leng,
when I clicked on last 12 hours, I don't see any threads under the "motherhood, pregnancies and babies" - may I know what's the problem? thanks!
dear chin leng,
am having the same problem as stated above again..
went away for awhile after I raised the issue and now it's back. pls help! thanks!
Hi all,

Apologies for not replying here but all the above messages have been noted and appropriate actions have been taken to address them.

If I've missed out any, please feel free to post a message again and I'll look into it. Thanks.

Chin Leng.
Hi Tuffy,

Please try this link instead: Click here.

Let me know if it doesn't resolve the issue. May I know if you are surfing through normal band or broadband and your Internet Service Provider (PacNet, StarHub, SingNet etc)? Thanks.

Chin Leng.
Chin Leng,

On-off will encounter this msg when I select "Last 24 hours" option ...

" One of the files required to complete this operation has been locked by another process. Please wait 5 seconds and then submit your request again. [board-topics.html]

Please contact Chin Leng if this problem persists. "
Hi Chin Leng

Can you help me to remove one of the threads under "2WW-Pregnancy Symptoms". It's a double posting.

Hi Chin Leng

I am new here, just registered online this morning. I would like to find out how long does it take to receive the mail to activate my account? Cos I still haven't received any yet. My username is dadagal.

Pls help me.

Chin Leng
I cannot find the thread which i frequent.
Where is "babies who are 2mth old in feb 2005"
Hi Eleanor,

Apologies for the delay. The e-mail function of the forum is still not working properly and that is why you've not received the activation e-mail. I've activated your account for you so you can start using already. Thanks.

Chin Leng.
Hi Chin Leng,

Could you move the "Babies who are 2mth old in feb 2005" thread to the "Year 2004 and Earlier mums" cos it's more suitable to be grouped there.

Hi KC,

Can I rename the thread to "(2004/12) Year 2004 December Mummies" as I would like to standardise the naming of the threads. If it is ok, I'll move it asap.

Chin Leng.
Chin Leng,

I have turn on the email notifications on certain topics but it was not reflected on my yahoo email. Please verify as I did received them before christmas day. PM also don't seemed to work as well. Thanks for looking into it.
Hi Pris,

The forum was having some severe technical issues since Boxing Day (26 Dec 2005). The e-mail notification service of new messages, private message function etc have just been fixed and back to normal. Everything is in working order now.

Please feel free to contact us if anything is still not working properly. Thanks.

Chin Leng.
Hi Pris,

You are welcome. Actually, I happened to be still in the forum, so the response was more prompt than normal but it sure makes me look good. Heh heh!

Chin Leng.
Chin Leng,
What happened to the 'Bulk Purchase of Allerhand Bags' thread pls? Did a search and couldn't find it either.
Hi Boey,

The originator has requested us to remove the thread. The thread starter will be contacting all the individuals who have placed an order and I believe reasons for her request to close the thread will be provided.

Chin Leng.
Hi Chin Ling,

Can you pls help remove a new topic I stared at the market place?

"&&& Baby Sitter Available at Sengkang &&&"

My neighbour told me after I posted out that she is not in hurry.
Sorry for the inconvenience caused...
Hi Chin Leng,

How to i admend the thread title? Can it be admended?

Because i made a mistake.. i want to bold but it was posted as b{text} instead.

Hi VMummy,

Yes, I'm sorry that the thread has been deleted. This is because similar bulk purchases have been made before and the organisers actually earn a commission from the same company. As such, similar threads will be removed.

The current organiser may not be earning commission and we believe her. However, if we start allowing her to organise the bulk purchase, we won't be able to stop others and who may actually be earning commission.

We appreciate your understanding. Thank you.

Chin Leng.
if this kind of BP benefit us mummies then no harm wat. You should delete those suckers who earn $ from us instead.
i don't understand leh....

lots of mummy do not know and keep buying things from her really

I have email the moderator...really appreciate if the moderator can do something abt it.

I don't understand obviously people are earning money out of this and you still allow them? and then you delete those that benefit us???????
I agree. I think it is very to lame to delete the thread just because of some previous black sheep. If the current organiser is not earning from it, then what is the issue really?!!!

Then I would suggest that YOU should monitor regularly in this forum.
This BP has out for 2 days. And it's about to close the BP today, YOU REMOVE IT. Its caused so much disappointment to those concern.
Do you know what much my daughter is looking forward in getting the stickers??!!! She actually sat down in front of the laptop to chose her favourite design....
How am i going to explain to a 4yo about this......????
