Child Adoption

Hi Bells bells. Thank you for your advise. Now we can better prepare ourselves. It is so good to have people who can support one another here.

Hi those of you gals who adopted from Vietnam, how old were your babies when they were here? Will we know the background of their birth parents? Do you hv to visit Vietnam to see the bb before adoption? How do u identify your babies then?

Also, did Singapore sign the adoption treaty with Vietnam? Will singaporeans face difficulties adopting from there?

Can gals who adopted from Vietnam help? Thank u!
Hi All,

Did any one know about KING INT'L. They have a mix race baby boy for adoption.

which meet my rquirement. Could anyone advise?
hi Jass,
Yes I agree with you. We did hesitate for a while because of that.
but ultimately I just have to believe that the child will be alright and thats my only way to get a child, so i still will be thankful for her.
Tub : I hv adopted from viet and bb already in my hands. I received news last week my final court order already approved. So now waiting for lawyers to send docs to ICA for birth cert. depends on how old u prefer they will see if any match. I was ready to accept as long as below 3 years old. So they ask me if I ok with infant. Depends on yourself what age group r u ok to handle.

Tub n little girl:
The whole process was quite fast too. It's like day time I called the agent, night time he met us and showed us the bb photo. Than he told us we can opt to fly in a few days time as he need to book hotel for us. It was just that my hubby had somethings and we couldn't fly there till three weeks later due to our own schedule. Than when we there, they arrange for bb to be brought to us so we could bond with the bb. Than he also brought us for a tour and arrange for bb to come in the day or night whichever we prefer. Than they teach us how to handle the bb.. Quite funny lah we hands like legs.. But the nanny came too to show us how to care for bb. Out of the four days we were there three days the baby came over for a few hours for us to bond with us.. They also didn't give us any pressure. They too were observing how we handle and correcting us on the way. Than second day we brought the bb to an expatriate hospital for whatever check up we want n they make sure the dr can communicate with u. Once we confirm, they arrange for passport and air ticket for bb, which was fast also. Initally I was like are "are you sure they so efficient in viet.. "Hahaha... But of course to my pleasant surprise bb came as per their promise date in fact two weeks earlier if I remember correctly.
Once at the airport, we took custody of the bb.
Hope that helps....

In case if any of u on ivf n need to talk just pm me or if you want to check about other things do feel free. I will reply when I hv time ok ;) cause now with bb need to go him tender loving care heehee...

Splw18: y u want to adopt? Just get your Home study report first.

Wendy: no leh my Mcys came once n than called me in about one month to inform me that she already send my report for final court order. I thought it was so nice of her. She was quite nice too. I was just too stress about the Mcys visit that I decided not to do anything else hahaha.. I just told myself just be real and let them see how we are at home! My hubby was like are you sure! Hahaha.. When she was at our home, we just brought bb to the hall and put him in his play gyms so we could see him, when he fuss.. We brought him on my laps and chatted with the officer.. When bb fuss again wanting to sleep I just brought him into his room, before we know the interview was over hahaha... Cool right.
Mine, bb had injections n the morning and afternoon was the interview do I didn't have to to worry too much which I thought was good.

LA tan : best wishes for your interview. Hang in there ok! Don't be overly worried hv good rest don't think so much before the interview. When u hv good rest than brain can better answer qtn haha ;p~ I was once in your shoes n gotten help from some of our frds here so now is our turn to give back to the group heehee...

Sunshine days : u want to pm me with the type of criminal record n I check with my lawyer n see whether they can advice. I am FRM property line so when CEA step in there were some agents with certain mistakes that they hv made when they were very young like teenage yrs like very minor shoplifting and whatever not... I mean they do a case by case. I know for sure in our field, if a person has been put to jail because of moeny issues high chance they can't get their license. Which I would think it is only fair right. Can u imagine you buy a house n your agent ever embaze company funds... I mean it's consumer protection that they are working on. Than there were lawyers who embaze clients funds use for property so now the law tighten on lawyers too.

Serene: what mix race are u looking for want to share? If we come across than will keep u in mind.

Sorry I like writing composition haha... Long winded haha :p
Little girl. Now pending office interview.. Good luck

Bell bell.. Can inform who is your agent? Looks efficient to me
Bellsbells: thank you for the support. I finished my office interview which lasted 4.5 hours. Almost died answering questions.

Anyone who wants to know more about the office interview can ask me. Glad to share what they ask. Next home visit in 2 weeks time.
LAtan, glad to knw tat everything went well for u..wanted to pm u to knw more abt office interview but u dun allow pm. Can pm me abt ur exp?
very infomative post bells

office interview done yesterday... 2 weeks wait for the home interview...
Little_girl, how was the home visit? How did you prepare for it?clean the house? Baby proof already? My home visit is on 10 oct. what did they ask?
er... my social worker just look ard, scan through. never say much. just ask more questions which she didnt ask in 1st interview. 2.5h then end liao
Little_girl: wow! So long? I thought they said will take only 1 hour. Glad for you that the stressful part is over. So exciting as u get closer to the day of getting your baby.

My office interview was rather informal. Took about two hours only. Wonder if its gonna be negative so they cant be bothered to interview longer. Nvr interview us separately too.
@mary: don't worry about it. Perhaps different places do the interview differently. I am sure that they will write u a good report.
for mummies who are worried about the home visit:

some tips based on our times...(i sound like a senior citizen ...hehehe)

a. keep your home clean (especially your baby area)
b. safety proof baby's area (keep all sharp items clear of baby's reach)
c. lock all window grills (if ur windows don't have grills, install one, before home visit or prepare an answer reg this - b'cos baby might climb on the windows when they grow up & might fall, if no grills)
d. if you have a separate baby room (if baby sleeps in that room etc., ) make sure that is fantastically safety proof. Also think on Q&As relating to it.
e. if you are having the baby in ur bed, during the daytime keep lots of pillows around the baby, so that the baby (even though not the baby not old enough to turn on her own) will not fall down.
f. if the baby sleeps only in her crib all the time, make sure the baby is safely secured in it.
g. if u have time, just browse through HSR docu one more time, also recall the Qs your interviewer asked you, during the interview. There might be some Qs that might pop up one more time or in a different angle...

if u need anyother point,PM me...(pls note, the reply would be a little late, my toddler boy is very active, so very less time on the net)

happy motherhood
you might wanna check our national library. they have a good collection.

ofc., there are many agencies & they do have so many
also, depends on from where you want to adopt (i mean which country)
Hi, library have. I borrowed quite a number from them when I am trying to understand more abt adoption.

Anyway, happy mid autumn festival. Wishing all mummies n mummies to be all the best.
Good morning all!! Anyone knows where's a good place to buy baby products? Eg stroller, bottles n basic stuff?

The agent recommend that I start buying the stuff for the baby but I'm not sure where to go..
Thanks Eil!!
Have not identified a baby yet but agent recommended that I start getting stuff coz he said I should be able to identify one within 2-4 weeks!
Hi I need help trying to submit HSR - can we submit Two same referee names for both male & female applicants? 1 friend 1 relative
Hi beanie: for mine, we could have 1 common relative as a referee only. So means we could provide 3 names for us together. But I provided 4. Kiasu.
home interview today. could barely sleep last night. really hope the assessor trusts us to bring bb home... wish i could google my house to check for potential baby hazards!
I'm so excited! I'm kinda hoping it'll be sooner!! lol
I'm using lovely baby adoption.. The agent was recommended by Project A. Of coz I believe it pretty much still depends on fate w the baby!

little girl - agent will take us to the nanny's place in JB to view the bb..

and upon confirming the little angel, u will have to pay a deposit of 3k after which they will send the bb for medical in MY and another in SIN when bb comes.

legal fees r seperate from the agency charges. But they do have lawyers who have been working with them so u dun have to source for one yourself. medical fees are, however, included.
