Breastfeeding Support Group

Yah! debbie is my gal. She looks like a boy rite? heehee..

when did your boy grow teeth? Recently my gal drools alot. Wonder it is a sign dat she is grow teeth soon. My mum said she is....

I also didn't shave my boy's hair till now, however intend to shave his hair or at least trim his hair coz it's getting longer and it seems to be poking and irrating his ear as he keeps scratching his ears nowadays. I heard there a salon at marine parade specialised in hair cutting for bb and children. Maybe will check the actual location and bring my boy there.

I think I got the same problem as you encountered previously, a pimple like stuff at the areola near the nipple. but I still coontinue to express and feed my boy BM from the affect side. I didn't see doc, hopefully it will recover by itself.

I went to check last week and the sale is over liao coz I also want to buy the avent storage bag. So I went to robinsons centrepoint to get instead it's $5.64 after 20% discount. Will be going again tomorrow to one more box.

How to post my boy photo on the web, just send photo to the website or we load it ourselves. I have been wanting to post some of my boy's photo onto a private website like yahoo but don't know how.

yes, the ss will increase when you increase the pumping frequency. This is what I did when I decided to continue BF after I start working. Increase my pumping from 2X to 4X per day.

I think you can try don't pump but you must bear with the engorgement for a day or two, or only pump enough to relieve the discomfort, gradually after a few days, the ss will drop drastically and eventually stop. This is what I understand. I also got pills from GP before I start work to stop the ss, but till now still laying in my cupboard.
hi JasTan,

there's a hair salon specialising in children at parkway parade - kinda opposite Mothercare (I think 3rd level). Standard charge of $16 each time.

My boy's hair also dropping, was thinking of shaving it off at 4mth. Then again, maybe by then, all drop finish liao.

Hi Natalie, During first 2 mths at home, i pumped every 4hrly, and even let bb suckle after pumping session when it's time for feed.

Previously was only able to express like 60ml max. Last 2 weeks of maternity leave, I started to regulate my timings so that I can pump during office hours - it got more.
I thot Robinson sales ended on Sunday??
Can you confirm? If it is still onz, I will go down today to the Raffles City branch.
No what, looks like a girl! Hehe..
Teething - not much saliva leh, but one tooth can already be seen, the other is slowly coming out, I think started to grow about 2 weeks back. I dare not put my finger inside cos he can bite real hard! He is bb-talking quite a lot lately.

Pimple - so long as no direct latch it is not painful. I think it is a tear, skin will take some time to heal. Took me a month!
Pumping - I think I try to delay this Friday nite at least anything happens I am at home on Sat. What an experience b/feeding has been.

Wah, heard that LH is the biggest boy around !! He is still on tbm? How is your work?

Are you logging on here? How is your girl? Is she talking?
I will go down tomorrow afternoon to take a look and see whether the sales still on. Can only let you know on Thursday.
hi JasTan,
the question u posted on power failure is in use! my area - hougang juz had power failure, seems like sengkang n ponggol also had the same problem. thankfully the power came back within 15mins or else i really dunno wat to do with the frozen EBM.
Ya loh...really "sian". Its in the other breast this time. But then still not cleared, might hv to go down to see LC. Coz everytime bb sucks, my breast will become soft, then between the feeds, the blockage comes again.

I gave him the teether to bite, but after a while, he still fuss.

He's only taking one cereal meal in the morning, at ard 8.30am. I usually mash the bananas and add to his rice cereal. Then he usually fall asleep after 9++. When he wakes up again at ard 10++, I feed him the veg, just one tablespoon. For the veg, it's steamed with some water, and then we use the processor to grind it into paste form.

ya lor...sounds the same as my boy. I think they want to sleep, but cannot fall asleep, tt's why cranky.

For the hair cut, can also go to forum. There's a shop tt gives u first hair cut free for bbs. That's provided u hv not cut bb's hair b4.
I didn't know I so accurate one, just have this question on power and really kena, my place at old airport road also power supply interrupted. Yours restored within 15mins but mine is only after 1hr 45mins, restored at midnight. I so worried about the frozen EBM. During the period, I didn't open the fridge door, hopefully the coldness is still circulating. After that check the status of the frozen EBM and they are still okay. Phew, what an experience...

Yeah lor, my mum said my boy is 'hong siem', keep wanting to play and don't want to sleep even if he is tired. That's why he get cranky.

Thanks for the info on haircut, but how the shop verify have I cut bb hair or not??? The shop is at orchard right?
do u have the name of the shop n opening hours of the salon at forum? is the free hair cut available on wkends? u brought ur boy there for first hair cut?

heard that some areas have power cut off for 2hrs. my mum's house in hougang is one of them. luckily tampines not affected else dunno what to do with the frozen ebm.
morning mummies,

Had a terrrible nite yesterday. My block is effected by the blackout and we had no electricity for 2 hrs!!

Me very suay, I got to send all my frozen ebm to my relative's hse at Pasir Ris. Scared the hell of my cos' I got alot of frozen ebm in my fridge.

next time cannot tok abt blackout. So zhuan!

Gosh! Are you in pain again? did you try to express out the milk? I feel the pain for you. Better see Mrs Wong earlier otherwise you got to bear more pain.
okay, I will not talk about blackout. 4D also not so zhuan... I told my hubby must get a backup power generator already..... hee hee...

where you stay? I got no place to transfer my frozen EBM to, not like you.
hi angeline,

i m using PIS...depends on how fast u can let down n how fast u can empty ur breasts. for me, i usu take 10-15 dual pump. but lately coz i got so much EBM in the freezer that i very lazy, juz pump 5-10mins. on need to press lah, juz leave it alone

hi moon,

nice to meet u too. ur boy very cute, n very guai too!

hi desert,

gues we got same fate. does ur boy sleep w u? i find if my gal doesnt sleep w me, she'll wake 2x (12 n 5) if he sleep w me, will wake so many times that i lost count too!! so decided to put her on another bed.

my gal is 6mths already. but i dun know how to train her. coz if she wan to latch on n i refuse, she'll cry so loud n throw tantrum...really can tell u know, not the normal cry but the "i wan i wan" kind of behaviour. actually i dun mind her crying. but the more she cry, the more awake she'll more difficult to make her sleep after that. if i latch on, few mins she'll fall back to sleep. so easier life for me to feed her :D...of coz i still hope she can sleep thru.

i notice bottle fed bbies, even without training, they'll adjust by themselves n will start to sleep thru by themselves. but direct latch more difficult
Hi all mummies,

luckily i was not affected by the blackout this time ard. Husband away, think i will be terrified. I kena the last blackout and sat in the dark and the terrible heat feeding my son. And don't dare to stand up with him in my arms so juz sat there till they restore the electricity, don't wanna go thru dat again.

Is it normal for a 3mth old baby to start teething? My son keeps biting when i nurse him, till i get so fed up i juz leave him alone. And he gets very upset when my right breast lets down. Anyone has the same prob?

I did log on but was just reading on the tread. Thks for ur concern, my gal is ok, stiil e same. no improvement on nite feeding and talking.
Yalor! Jus happened dat my oven power trip thrice last nite. I was going to pump when suddenly the blackout happened. I was thinking to myself, "Ay!! I aredi switched off my oven liao, why still got power trip??!!!"

I stay in P21, so suay dat my block got no electricity, the nearby blocks were not effected.

I was so gan cheong when the power was not resumed after 30 mins cos dunno when the power is going to resume. I started to make calls to everyone near my hse seeking help. I so scared the ebm melt. Wow! you so steady, wait for the power to resume, wat happen if it doesnt???
AIYOH!! How come so terrible - blackout!! What happened? HDB got some problem or what??? How stressful!!

This morning after I pumped I also still felt an area that is hard, decide not to take any chance cos going out after work today, I pumped again and it became soft. Now have to decide when to stop: between pumping to prevent engorgement and not to empty as advised by other mummies. Quite funny, my mum told me my boy finished up all the bm nowadays. Bb's pattern can change, seems now he prefers to lie down on bed to drink his milk and not carried.

Hope you are ok. Last nite my boy was in a good mood, happily playing with us, turning and rotating all over, singing too. I told hb he must have missed hb cos the nite before he came back late.

You try talking to her or not? Does she make any noise at all? She wakes up in the nite?

If my boy wakes up so often like your gal, I sure faint! (Imagine going to work all groggy!)Thankfully my boy not so particular, for more than 1 week I did not feed him direct and he is also ok. So long as there is food, I think he's happy..hehe
My mum told me to get a generator after hearing about the big blackout. I live in Yio Chu Kang, very near to AMK where the blackout also occured.

Does any of your babies reject your breasts? I don't know if my boy is doing it now cos when I tried to direct latch, he struggled but when my mum fed him using the bottle, he gobbled down the entire bottle.
If I encounter a hard lump after expressing, I will pump longer to get rid of the lump.

You want to take the risk and give it a try by not expressing it even though it is engorge? Since many mummies tried dat and it works, you can give it a try. But personally I dun dare, me scared of engorgement pain.

Yesterday I am suppose to pump at 10pm. Bcos' of the blackout, I got no mood to pump. I pumped when the the power resumed ie.12am++, dat is abt 11 hrs after my last pump. Before I pump, I can see the veins on my brs protrubing out. Very scary hor.

As for the blackout, it is not becos' of HDB problems, rather it is becos' of some gas pipes problems from Indo (think so). Wat a nite!
hi mummies,

Ya, what an experience last night. My area (SK) also affected by the blackout. Initially, so worried if the EBM will spoilt..but thank goodness, lights came back after abt 20mins. Glad that all was over.

I remembered someone mentioned using ameda pump and that it is much better pump. Where to get this Ameda pump? It is costly like Medela pump?

My boy also start to drop hair..ya, me thinking of shaving his hair on the fourth month too.

Btw, I got your email on the KKH booklet. Thanks so much!
i m using ameda pump. it is a good pump n cost half the price of medela PIS. i bought the pump from can tell them u need the pump urgently n they can deliver to your house the next day.
i m using ameda pump. it is a good pump n cost half the price of medela PIS. i bought the pump from can tell them u need the pump urgently n they can deliver to your house the next day.
I just found out that major parts of Singapore got hit by the blackout and that includes TPY, but we were not affected leh, recalled still playing with my boy at that time.

I think someone recommended that the shop at United Sq The First Few Years sells that...maybe you can go take a look.

So far, I dare not skip the session, still pumping, still have bm, still store. I try over weekend and see how.

My bb never reject my brs but I have weaned him off already, actually not a great deal cos he is more interested in food than the br..haha..
hi mini / stylobb,

Thks for the info. I went to the momsinmind website but couldn't find the ameda pump..instead saw another breastpump selling at $288.
the $288 one u saw is the ameda pump. the website use a longer name for it. its a dual electric pump.
hi mini,

thks. I bought the medela mini electric but find that dual will be good, time saving. Will discuss w hubby to c if i shld get the ameda pump.

hi mummies,
did anyone of you try the nipple stimulator from pigeon? will it really helps to stimulator your nipple to increase milk flow?
Hi mini
I I think the haircut for free at Forum not available on weekends. but myabe you can call to check out. I brought my boy there when he is 6 weeks old.

Hi Lea
ya I miss my boy when I go back to work. But no choice lah. Actaully I really envy you so young already got one gal and boy. How I hope I will be like you. Your children very well behaved, who look after them?

Hi AppleG
Yes I am still bfing. You too right?

Hi blessed
My boy guai mah? I think your gal too leh. She has a cut e cute face. She doesn't really look like you? Ya, I agree with you that bf bb seem cannot adjust themselves well. Why like that? how long do you intend to bf?

Hi stlyobb
I am fine. Still bfing. But recently my ss seem reduce don't feel much engorgement. Not sure why maybe due to stress and tiredness. Jesse seems better now hor. My boy also teething already.

Hi desert

You mention the vege soup? How exactly to prepare them? Do you feed your bb porridge? Is it good to use ikan bilis? Does your gal drink water? how much water is enough for them?

thank you
I am finally ok now, same problem like last time, got a dried up milk clot in the nipple tt is causing the blockage. I did not go down to see LC, managed to remove the clot myself. Phew.

Yes, he sleeps with me. Hmm...then I shd try to let him sleep in antoher bed.

Not sure how they verify whether its the 1st haircut. U can check with Fion, in the new mums thread for more info. She brought Ally there for hair cut too. I did not bring my boy there for his 1st hair cut, my mum did the shaving for him at one mth. His hair taking a long time to grow and not much some more, so dun think I want to cut it so soon.

not veg soup, but veg puree. so far, I've only fed him spinach. My mum steam the veg with a few drops of water, then she grind into paste form. No need to add anything.
My boy hv not started on porridge, coz the info I got fr PD advise starting at 5 mth. I will be giving him porridge in the evening next wk, after 5th mth injection.
As for ikan bilis, if its those salty types, its not needed. I dun know how much water is needed. I feed my boy spoonfuls of water while giving him rice cereal. On top of tt, I feed him abt 80 ml of water.
thanks for the info. btw do u have their tel number? i should think free haircut is only available on wkdays since usually lesser ppl.

dual pump is indeed better but then ex. it should be cost savings is intend to have more than 1 kid or lend the pump to siblings/good friend.
hi Jas,
Hav you gone down to Robinson?

How you remove the blocked milk clot? Is it pimple like? I read from somewhere, they said can poke the pimple like clot with a sterilized needle.

Think the last time I had blockage was due to the pimple-like thingy on my nipple.

I let my gal sleeps on my her bb cot but her cot is jus beside my bed (same level) so I can still see her and play wif her on head.
I not steady lah, just can't think of anywhere nearby to deposit the frozen EBM to leh.. morever don't have car and so late in the night, difficult to transport the frozen ebm to elsewhere to store. by the time wating for cab, travelling, the frozen would have thaw also.

my boy got different style to want to be feed, lie down on bed, floor, carry stationary, carry walk around. sometime for a single feed, got to change to different pattern just to ensure he finish the milk.

my boy don't want my breast anymore coz long time never let him latch on, and last month tried again and he push again, he prefer bottles now.
Robinson sales ended liao... anyway I still bought one pack of avent bag coz mine running out already, cannot wait for sales.
Wow, got different styles confusing! Hehe...mine ok lah, just lie down when fed, so far so good.

Yah, how did you remove the clot?
How does your mum grind the spinach? By hand or by machine?

Your boy started on formula milk?
seems like jesse is getting better each day, mine is naughty and likes to play a lot. Even drinking milk sometime must coax him into finishing all like changing different style lor...
Hi mummies,
how are you? hope everyone is enjoying precious moment with the babies!

your boy very qute with the hair standing at front!! He can hold the toy very well hor!! My girl still hold and drop.

not so busy with work now. Do you want to bring your boy to my place? i brought my gal to swimming pool, she doest seems to enjoy it as compared to bathing. Maybe I try again this weekend.

Have you started solid/ semi-solid on your boy? My gal not drinking well and my PD recommend to start rice cereal at 4 mths, I dont know how to start, what brand of rice cereal to buy and how much to give. Can anyone enlighten me? I read somewhere that gluten should not be given for baby below a year, so does it mean cannot give porridge?
Hi mini

Hubby not agreeable to get the ameda dual pump.. cos'i already have the medela mini now borrowed the avent manual pump. Since I borrowed the avent, I have been using it.. can pump out more milk than the mini electric but tiring.

Thks for yr info.
Hi joy_apr, I'm using the Ameda dual pump now and I like it. Btw, I managed to get it at cheaper price than momsinmind thru a fren's recommendation.
HI maro,

My daughter also like yrs...not drinking well and my PD also suggested her to start rice cereal when she was at 4 mths. U will not believe it, the moment you add one teaspoon of rice cereal to her formula milk, she finishes it in less than 15 mins. Previously, she prefer to drink water and go hungry and simply don take her milk just becos she don like the taste. Will struggle and even attempt to throw up when u feed her. I couldnt stand her cos she was not drinking her milk for ard 2 wks. Brought her to see my PD and he suggested feeding her with cereal.

I think yr girl is the same as mine. so u can start her with cereal when she is 4 mths. My PD recommend Nestle Stage 1 plain rice cereal (though stated fm 6 mths, my PD said actually can give at 4 mths). I mixed about two teapsoon to 6 oz of milk. But one thing to note is that with cereal added, is rather heaty so must let yr girl drink more water.

Hope this info does help.

PS:Anyway,we met...remember u took the cards from me.

I have a very good recommendation for you.

You can buy Frisocreme for your baby. Start with the rice cereal. They also have a wheat cereal but that's for 6 months and above. It's very yummy.... highly recommended as a 1st food to start off with.

Porridge probaby have to wait till about 5-6 months better. Rice cereal are the best and safest to start. You must not expect them to eat a lot. Just 1 teaspoon is very good for a 1st time introduction to spoon. As time goes by they'll take more.
Ok. Thanks! Shd have get a few more boxes during Mothercare sales. Haiz...

When did you delivered? How are you and bb?
Coping well wif b/f?

I bought Nestle rice cereal (same as Aical, it is recommended by PD to start wif plain white rice cereal). But I am holding back till she's 5 mths. So far, she is still okie drinking bm.
Hi miu, I delievered on 28th May. My bb still got jaundice though she already more than one month liao. Now sunning her everyday hoping that her jaundice will go off soon. Me not sure if consider coping well with bfg or not. BB kept wanting milk every 30-45min and she only sucks for abt 5-10min each time. My mom and mil keeps saying that it's cos I don't have enough milk for bb and wants me to supplement. But I turned deaf ear to them lah. In fact, I don't have any formula at home. Hope I'm doing the right thing for bb.
My dried up milk clot is shows as a white dot on the nipple. How I remove..trial and error. That time Mrs Wong removed once for me b4, so I just follow her. First, I use the syringe to suck out, but did not come out. Then the next morning, I tried using the needle, also cannot come out. In the end, after bathing, I tried to scratch out the dot and it actually came out.

U might want to try Gerber or Heinz rice cereal first. Both are not as yummy as frisocream, coz its just the plain taste of rice. But I find it better to start bb off on not so sweet fd. I am putting frisocream on hold 1st, coz too yummy, got added sugar.
My PD recommends porridge at 5 mths

For the spinach, my mum use machine to grind. I forgot to mention, just feeding 1-2 tablespoon of veg to bb is sufficent. U can give a bit more if bb likes it. There's a way to save preparation time, read abt it in bks. U can actually prepare more and the freeze the fd in ice cube trays. When u want to feed, just take out one ice cube and defrost.
The 1st mth of bf is always the most tough. Ur ss will be stable at ard 6 wks. The rule is to feed on demand. If bb falls asleep too soon, u can try to burp every 5 mins and change to the other breast. Another way of increasing ss in the initial wks is to pump after bb sucks.
As for sunning, dun think its neccessary now. My Pd says sunning only effective in the 1st few wks. The prolonged jaundice is probably due to bf, my boy had it too.
hi Giggler,


I'm glad you perservering despite such comments. Figure the older folks always do that - same as in my case. Be confident that bb can get enough milk from her mommy - as long as output is ok, bb is doing fine.

During the initial weeks, I tried all methods. Pump before or after bb suckle, tandem pumping (pump one side while bb suck the other side). Seems to have worked.

For your info, my supply only really came in 6 weeks later. Before that, it was so pathetic I kept thinking of giving up. Now I'm really glad I didn.

As for jaundice, maybe u can ask your mom/mil to get some herb thingy from medicinal shop to bathe bb. Can't remember what it's called.
m_maro and aical

my girl also not drinking well in the day when i'm away at work.... she simply refuses the bottle.... now she's started night feeds again 3 times a night

will prob start her on cereal soon too


sounds like your girl has breastmilk jaundice....
my girl also had that, went off at about 5 wks.... our PD said that jaundice in the 1st 2 wks more worrying, after that just need to monitor the level, but usually no major probs dev then
hi giggler,

is the ameda pump available in the market? I don't seem to find it. How much did u manage to get it?

Yes, it's good not to have formula at home, you will have no other options but just to breastfeed. I also don't have any formula during the 1st 2 weeks after birth, but my baby keeps crying for milk and even though i bf him, he won't sleep..just keep asking for more even though I have bf him for 1hr plus the end, I ask hubby to buy a small can of formula. My boy also has breastmilk jaundice.

morning mummies,

Congrats on your delivery! Do take care during confinement. Take things easy and dont put too much stress on yourself. Same like QHL, my ss oso came after 6 wks. So dun give up.

Think I had blocked duct yesterday nite. I quickly latch on my gal. Luckily she managed to clear it for me. I can feel the hard lumps and see the veins (glands?) on my brs protruding out.

If we freeze the grinded vegs in cubes, after thawing, wat must we do? How to warm the veggies?
Hav you intro fruits to your boy yet?
