BEDOK mommies club

Hi Nov Mum

Each morning I drop off the kids at parents' house @ Bedok South and mum will fetch the kids to the school.

Have you decide on the nursery class for your son?

Hi Nov Mum & Taurus

Hope your dream to have a baby gal next year will come true
Kris bb cot can b ltr.. Bt is best to pack ur bag cos any moment u will delivered..

Lee tai, tks for ur wishes.
haha.. I know.. I keep thinking everything can wait.. so everything also hv not start packing.. Seen the Gynea yesteday, he say bb a bit small must monitor.. Sigh.. think i got to eat more...

I'm using Dermaveen wash off body oil too.. Too many steps..
Eat more durian? Hear it's very "bu". Now is the Cat Mountain King season. That day I bought durian at the Chai Chee durian store. Saw many people eating there. The maternity bag get ready the basics - your pajamas, a few baby clothes, toiletries, IC for registration. Most important pack in camera !
Kris I agree wif Jun. Bt try nt to consume too much cos bb will hv jaundice. cos tat time I expectin my son I ate too much so he gt it. Try eat more meals & drink milk too..
Thanks Jun and taurus for your advise. Now my Iron level still low after eating 1mth of iron pills. So now eating 6 tablets of vitamins now. So I feel very thirsty everyday. Thats y when i started Iron pills i reduce the durian intake. To prevent constipation, Everyday drink different kind of drinks like cocount, resberry, red dates, milk etc..

This pregnancy is so diff from the first one. I feel tt my stomach very tight n heavy.. But i cannot use the binder as its very warm.. so i feel tired after walking for a while.. But i still got to acc Lucas.. Don wan him to feel he lost attention.

Can you'll give me some advise after i pop and lucas can still feel love. I start to worry tt after i start breastfeed, i'll feel tired for the first month before everythin get stable..
Can buy some small presents to explain it's from his sister. And invite him to participate in taking care of the baby like fetch the diapers, sing song for her etc. He is so independent I'm sure he'll be fine. It's natural for them to feel neglected when no. 2 comes along. Initial 2 years will be tiring as the age gap is close. But they will be v close next time. Since you're more experienced this time, things will be better than first time.
Now i always ask him where is mei mei, he'll point at my stomach. Hope i can manage. But the worst news is my Maid told me that she don wan to renew her contract last night which will be ending in Nov. Now another problem.. Sigh.. got to go to the maid agent to employ one.. Hope i can get one gd one. Bless me.
Hi Kris

recently I went to agency to employ maid ...
Selected one with passport, however earliest she can come is end Sep as now the training centre is already closed for Hari Raya.

Agent told me if select those without passport, earliest they can come is around Nov. So you better start your search soon ...
Hi mummies,

I'm looking for a private piano teacher for my 6 year old daughter - preferably one who can come to my place or otherwise near Bedok Reservoir area.

Please let me know if you have good recommendations. Thanks!
Hello Mommies

If you know of anyone interested in buying 2nd hand car, please PM for details.

We are upgrading to MPV hence selling the current one. The current one cannot fit all of us including the maid
Hi Kris, Winniebear,

My helper from Myanmar just arrived and she's a great help!! Still making adjustments to our timetable but hey, some help is better than no help!!

And she gets on great with my lil boy... Thank God!

I've an almost brand new Fisher Price Jumperoo that I'm willing to let go. Got it when he was 4.5months and within 3 months, he's outgrown the interest.

You keen?

Did you go Popular fair at Expo? A set of 10 EPB Chinese reader only $5. I bought 2 sets. Very old stock but doesn't matter lah
Many nursery and preschool activity books too

Didn't have a chance to check out john little sale. Wanted to buy bedsheets for my folks. If anyone going, please let me know if you see good promo for bedsheets
Hi yawn2

I want to go Expo for the Popular and John Little Sales, but hubby not keen. Said that it will be very crowded. Told him we shifted to Bedok for almost 2 years already but never go Expo at all

I'm not a huge fan of Expo until recently. These 2 weekends plenty of events.

Went last weekend for carrefour & furniture sale. Didn't find any furniture I like but manged to buy lots of children DVDs $3 each at carrefour sale

This weekend lagi good - addidas, popular, john little. Spent $300+ at addidas sale, very fruitful !
Lee Tai,
Ya.. Choosing a helper really depends on luck..

Nov mum,
Great that ur Myanmar helper is fine. My encounter with Myanmar maid is not very gd. And realise tt now a days maid agent also don't encourage us to choose.

Lee Tai & YawnYawn,
I don't really visit sales at Expo too.. Cus i scare got no place to park. But went there last thurs for Barney concert. haha

Is there any mummy here who place their children or have any feedback on the PCF at Blk 30 New Upper Changi Road?
I'm now deciding on a preschool for my girl since my MIL is staying at Blk 30.

Thinking of putting my girl either there or Bedok Lutheran, but not sure if its good.
Can any mummy advise me?
Thanks in advance
Hi floves

I used to study at the Blk 30 PCF twenty over years ago ... :p

The PCF may not have classes for pre nursery think they only take in from 4 yr old onwards. You should check and confirm.

One strange thing I encounter is that the children have to wear PE attire on certain days. But they don't do outdoor exercises at all if I am not mistaken. The PE attire is for some indoor activity (I think) which I find it unnecessary.

My children are currently studying at Bedok Luthernan. I don't know whether is it better than the PCF but the main reason why I choose Luthernan because it is a Christian Kindergarten.

Probably you should visit both the centres before deciding on which.

Another reason why I like Luthernan is because they emphasis on Chinese Language as well. Hence the children switch between English & Chinese Language on alternate days.

Before my gal studied at Luthernan, she don't speak Mandarin at all. Our fault too because we don't speak Mandarin at home. After being there for nearly 3 years (she will be graduating this year), her Mandarin has improved alot.

Now she's speaking Mandarin to my mum as she don't speak English.

So overall I am satisfied with Luthernan, my son is currently in pre nursery class. If everything goes well, he will be studying there for another 3 years and my baby will be there in 3 years time
I heard not all the Pcf is the same. Some centres have better teachers and lower turnover. So you need to check it out. My kids were previously in Blk 135 and the standard is quite high.Like in beginning of K2, their chinese spelling is ant (ma yi) and butterfly (hu die). The teachers told me a few of their students were top students in Temasek Pri. The phonics teacher at Tanah Merah, all her kids were from PCF Blk 135. Her elder kids have gone on to National JC so I think overall outcome is good. But you need to go down to talk to the principal and ask to see the children's works and how's past year's turnover.
Hi Lee Tai / Jun,

Thanks for the feedback and advise !
I'll go Bedok Lutheran to check it out one of these days since my husband prefer a Christian Kindergarden after a talk with him.

Lee Tai, glad to hear that Bedok Lutheran put some emphasis on Chinese coz my nephew who is currently 5 years old and placed in childcare since 2-years-old, can't really speak mandarin. Sometimes I hear him talk to my mother in mandarin I dunno to laugh or to cry. Like he'll say "ah ma, 很硬 leh.." when he actually want to mean 很难 (hard/difficult). Kinda worried for him when he goes to primary school next year -_-|||

Thanks for the info
Hi floves

You are welcome

Actually my first choice is Bethesda Kindergarten. However a bit too far from my mum's place although is nearer to my place. If mum bring my children to the kindergarten, she will have to take bus.
Hi Lee Tai,

I was considering putting my girl at Bethesda also.
And same as you, my mil will need to take bus if I send her there, but for Lutheran, my mil just need to walk there.
Sigh, dilemma...

Are your children in 1st or 2nd session?
I was thinking, 1st session, I might have problem waking her up.
2nd session, worried my gal cant focus well since she is used to taking afternoon naps.
Sigh, dilemma again...

Hi floves

My kids are in 1st session.
They are now used to waking up early .,.
We wake them up around 6 am to have their milk.
Thereafter reach mum's place around 7 am.

Has you dd received her ICAS result? I heard from another forum mommy that her dd from another school collected her ICAS cert before Sep school holiday.


My dd2 attended <font color="0000ff">Bethesda Bedok Tampines kindergarten</font>. I've BBTK English and Chinese readers from N2 to K2 levels to sell. In excellent almost brand new condition since only used in class. I can take pictures or bring along for you to view if interested. Half price $22 each set. Also giving away 2 set of BBTK girl's uniform together with the readers. PM me
No, she hasn't received her ICAS result. Will your dd2 be getting into P1 next year? Next yr the P3 will be in morning session. My 2 kids will see each other less. Hopefully by seeing less, they will quarrel less
What books are your gals into now? They have been pestering me to buy Genomino. I bought some but told them this year's quota has been met. So no more Genomino. There is the Wimpy Kids Series but I refused to buy for her. I don't think she should read up on how to be "wimpy". My gal also like Horrible Henry and Juny B Jones. Any authors that you can recommend?

Yes, my dd2 going P1 next year. They will be in different sessions till 2013. Good lah, I prefer them to be in separate sessions, more manageable for me &amp; less dispute to settle

Me too, don't like Geronimos and Wimpy kids series. I bought 2 Geronimos books for her last year and then she received another 7 for X'mas! I refused to buy any more for her.

I prefer them to read books by award winning authors. I bought quite a few to add to our home library collection. Here's the list for your reference;docId=149829&amp;pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&amp;pf_rd_s=center-3&amp;pf_rd_r=1EPD09RVGE0EV184T24K&amp;pf_rd_t=101&amp;pf_rd_p=78811362&amp;pf_rd_i=2241972011
Hi everyone! It's been a long time since I pop by here... N glad to see tat this threAd is getting active again!

Hi! My gal also in BLC.. Since nursery.. She's in K1 this year.. So far I m happy n fine wif her schooling there.. Cos she's happy...
Learning wise I find also not bad lah, she has learnt quite alot in e sch coz I dun haf much time to teach her on my own n she dun attend any extra enrichment classes yet except music...quite stress-free.. One thing I worry could b too stress free Liao, later go P1 dunnoe can cope anot:p
My gal in 2nd session, cos she usually slp late ard 11pm.. Follow my timing

CONGRATs! din Noe u r expecting n poppin real soon! Looks like we haf a few 2010 babies here! Next time can haf babies gathering! Hope u will have a super smooth delivery! So excited for u too... I m sure LUcas will love his meimei! I also bought my ger toys whn I gt Hme after delivery, telling her it's her baby didi give her wan... First few days my girl also gt jealous n left out... After tat, shes v happy to help us wif didi too

NovMum n Taurus
All the best for a rabbit baby girl next yr!

Lee tai n Kris
Gd luck for ur maid hunting/new maid!

Hw r u? Long time no see... Jus to say HelO! keke
Hope to cya soon!
Hi Yawn Yawn

your dd2 is the same age as my eldest. She has started reading those books that you mention?
Not too hard for her?

Actually I have not heard of Genomino, Wimpy Kids Series, Horrible Henry and Juny B Jones.

Btw, why u &amp; Jun don't like Genomino and Wimpy Kids Series?

Hmmm we still owe my gal a present and is thinking of buying books for her as she likes to read. Any recommendation? As she is going Pri One next year, those kiddy books at home (eg Disney, Dora, etc) I think too simple for her liao, so need to upgrade :p
Hi glad you 'drop by' the thread... It's been quiet lately. I see that you're quite active in FB. I'm the passive ones always popping into my friend's FB to see their pictures. I'm sourcing for CC for the baby. Hope to put him in half day CC next year after CNY. Cos now he's just watching Barney, Hi5 and playing with his jie jie, kor kor at home. I brought him to view a CC once and he refused to go home.

Thanks for the recommendation. I didn't know there's such a link. I recently ordered 3 books from Amazon. The kids were fighting over "Three Tales of My Father's Dragon" By Ruth Stiles Gannett. It's a very interesting book.

Lee Tai,
You can consider the book above for your girl. For a start she may not be able to read herself but you could read for her first. Although boys may like it more, my girl enjoys it too. I also recommend Mr. Men and Little Miss Series. I bought the complete sets which cost me a big hole. My kids will take a few books out to flip flip whenever they're free. It's UK English and the stories are very funny. My kids used to make me read to them again and again.

re: Wimpy kids and Genomino
I feel the content is not desirable. But my son likes and he's quite fussy so I just leave him alone. Reading some books are better not at all.
I've pop on 13 Sept. Now doing my confinement. Kor Kor coping well with meimei. We encouraged him to kiss meimei or carry meimei so that he don feel left out.

Managed to get approval on the application of maid. So now waiting for the fillipino maid to come. Keep my fingers cross, as this is the first time i employ fillipino maid.

Thank for your wishes.

So which CC r u sending him to?

Those books are mainly for my dd1. My dd2 mostly read books by Roald Dahl and Enid Blyton.

Geronimos is hardly good literature. Wimpy kids - I don't like its content, too much whining;ThisDay=24&amp;ThisJournalDay=1&amp;ThisPage=2

Book recommendation
you might want to consider 'The Enormous Crocodile', my dd2's first Roald Dahl's book. She's enticed every since and subsequently proceed to read the entire collection by Roald Dahl

Congrats on your new baby!


Which book did you order from amazon? Sometimes they have 4 for 3 offer, quite good deal.
By the way, do you usually join amazon spree or arrange your own shipping?
yawn yawn,
I joined the Amazon spree. I only ordered once but is addicted liao. Found some good books that are not available in S'pore so will reserach and order some more. Too much hassle to organize my own. Roald Dahl is good. I bought the bookset from Borders. My dd1 read all but ds2 refused to touch them. He prefers the "non-English literature" style either with dragons, dinosaurs, magic or comics. Have to accumstom to his taste and get books that he will read. Is your dd1 wearing specs? Some of my friends kids recently start wearing specs. I've to nag at my dd to rest her eyes more often.

How's the baby compared to Lucas? I've visited a few more CC. So far, I've in mind the one at eastpoint or another CC behind Anglican High. Do you think it's safe if I put him on schoolbus? He'll be 20 months by then. My sis said it's risky. Without schoolbus, then I've limited choice, cos I won't be able to fetch him to and fro.
Yawn yawn,
I ordered the Three Tales of My Father's Dragon, Mr. Popper's Penguins and The House of Sixty fathers from Amazon. The latter 2 books are supposedly award winning with good reviews. Does your gal likes Laura Ingalls? My friend recommended me but I find the stories so looong-winded. Will borrow from library first to see if they really like.
Hi Everyone

Can I say "Hi" again? I came in previously but MIA shortly as it was quite quiet. To re-intro myself, I have a coming-4yo boy and a 14mos girl.

I see that some of your kids are reading rather 'big kids' books. How old are your kids? My boy doesnt know how to read at all and is none too interested to learn...faintzzz...2 more yrs to Pri 1...

He loves being read to English. I bought quite a lot of books too through the internet.
yawn/ fizz,
thanks. When they's young, we wish they grow up faster. When they grow up, we wish they can just b a new born.. Jus like i hope my boy can b like a baby n let me cuddle. Or Mei Mei grow older so tt they can play tog.

BB Elise is not as tan as Lucas. N smaller in size, only 2.66kg at birth.Same druppy eyes as me n Lucas.. sigh.. So one look they know BB is mine.. Lucas drinking the breast milk tt i put out now.. haha.. surprise he dare to drink..

I don dare put Lucas on Schoolbus as i feel he is too young. But i did ask the schbus driver, they mention the younger they drove was 14months. But my boy is like a monkey, so i scare he refuse to fasten seat belt n create chaos in the bus.
U might wan to consider the distance as too far, he might feel tired waking up early. At times, Lucas slept till the sch door then he wakes up for sch.

Hehe, such a coincident, I borrowed 'Mr. Popper's Penguins' from library 2 weeks ago. My dd has finished reading it, she said the book is nice. I bought the book 'house of 60 fathers' recently too, after reading a review.

I borrowed a few books written by Laura Ingalls from library before. Aiyo, my dd said boring, didn't really read

Any good books we update each other here okie

By the way, how does your girl get along with classmates? Is she popular in school?

My dd kanna complaint by teacher. She's too bossy towards her friends, she must learn how to get along with peers lah.
At home also the same, super bossy, likes to bully her younger sister. Don't know what to do with her. Scold her then she called me naughty mommy, said I not fair. Problematic leh
Welcome back. My kids are 16 months, 8 yr, 7 yr. Big gap.... recently my girl pester me for a baby alive doll. Almost fainted. 2 kids + 1 baby not enough? I told her the doll will pee and poo like DiDi and she will need to clean it up. When she remembered my baby's poo, she changed her mind. Heng ah!

Actually how to define whether they can get along or popular? During holiday, her school friends didn't called her to chat (is it normal?), although the neighbors did ask to play with her in the evenings. I wonder if she's too bossy in school. The teachers 'complain' that she likes limelight and is v competitive. Everytime I've to counsel her to give other people a chance. It seems like our dds are quite alike in terms of character.

Elise and Lucas will look like twins next time ; ) He looks like the good kor kor type. Elise will be so lucky! Re: CC, I still have time, will start him next year Feb/Mar. By then he will be 21-22 months. I've been calling Orange Tree. They mention registration only starts in Nov. I worry he will cry if we leave him in CC. He's one stubborn fella. Keep fingers cross...
Ya Loh, I m v active in FB cos with iPhone v convenient to log on FB everytime...haha...
Hi hi... Hope u able to find a suitable CC soon, but I also find 20mths to take sch bus abit risky leh.. But thn again if no choice, wat to do rite? B more careful loh, mus make sure tat the sch bus will has all the necessary safety preacutions loh...
N yah, if ur kids realli love reading, make sure their reading posture is correct, lightings mus b gd, try not to read on moving vehicle also.. N of cos u r right, gt to take frequent break n see far on n off loh.. N important to haf outdoor activities too... Gd for the eyes...

Congrats once again! Hope u r enjoying ur confinement nw... With the accompany of ur two little ones
try to have as much rest as possible... Take gd care!

Ladies, my girl is in K1 nw... Any nice books u can recommend me to gt for her in her level?
I hope he is a gd korkor. But so far so gd, he seems to like meimei. But he goes to sch and tell his teachers tt he got didi. The teachers all laugh when they ask my mum and realise that he got meimei instead..

Thanks. Trying to adapt hving to take care of 2kids instead of one.

Forgot to intro, I got one newborn and a 28mth boy.

<font color="0000ff">Kris</font>

Itz true. Mummies can be rather contradicting. Sometimes I wish that time will slow down so that I can enjoy my lil girl in her babyhood more. Sometimes I just wish that she will grow up faster so that I dont need to lug so much stuff when we go kai kai.

Re School Bus. Initially I had wanted to put my boy in a cc at East Coast. But I could not bring myself to let him take the school bus, even at an age of 2.5yo. Eventually, we settled for a cc within walking distance from home. At least we are not at the mercy of the bus fare hikes.

<font color="0000ff">Yawn</font>

Re Bossiness. See it in a positive light! Itz not a bad thing. With correct guidance, your gal can adjust her bossiness into leadership. Itz always better to lead other than to follow others.

<font color="0000ff">Jun</font>

Thanx. Big age gap but ok lah. My youngest cousin is 14yrs apart from her 2nd sis. My boy is very laid back. Everything "I dunno" and likes to laze around. I wish he is more competitive though.

<font color="0000ff">Carrie</font>

N2 and K1 is a huge difference. But my boy in N2 is still reading (I read to him) picture books. Like Charlie and Lola, Dr Seuss, Julia Donaldson and some character books like Cars, Spongebob. This webbie has many books and the prices are normally cheaper than Amazon as they have free international shipping. A friend told me that Bras Brasah sells books as much as 40% discount but I cant be bothered to go all the way down.
