Hi to all, I have just sign a servicing package on Sunday 23/9/12 with Delphin---my butt!!! Pardon me.. But I'm so pissed.. The equip during demo is of cos very convincing. I don deny tht. But think abt it, when u come to do a demo in order to acquire sales, wouldn't it always turn out to be a success so tht u will be convinced?? Anyway, the prob with this is the whole closing deal took this sales rep by the name of Jasclyn( who by the way talks like a bullet train) 1hr and 8min to do so. What I didn't like abt the company is the way this product or service was being sold to me.. It began with a roadshow on Sat 22/9/12.. A lady named Lena was giving out these vacuum glass jars for free and said tht the condition was to hv a demo done at my place. She mention tht they r not selling the jars, they r a cleaning service company. So after hearing her sales talk, she said tried to make an appt for the demo, having appt made, I checked with her how does this service work and how it's charged, and I quote frm her honey-lips.. When U feel u need a cleaning service, just give this number a call. It's Thts simple! My butt!!! She failed to mention it was a package type of deal. And she ended off saying an auntie will come on sunday(My Black Sunday) to do the demo. It's tht simple! My butt!!!! So Sunday came, at 4pm, the so-called auntie.. Not one but 2! Turn up at my door, when I saw them, they came with the equip. Said they r frm Delphin but didn't know how I got to know abt them.. So this is where my nightmare starts, (ladies, one lesson I learnt frm a dear Frd, when u know tis person talks on and on and on, u don talk, just listen and ask a Q occasionally and u will find all the loopies) the sales rep start to set up the Vac, and did the demo in my rm, explained abt the Vac, of cos not to mention my kids who r the victims to these dust mites... She said tht they don encourage consumers to buy the Vacuum otherwise they will be out of business cos they run their operation mainly on providing cleaning service.. Which turn into trying to push the sale of buying their vacuum after my hubby just ask abt how much they sell their Vac. ( whatever happen to her initial principle) then we weren't at all keen on buying the machine just probably the service which I nvr knew I had to commit to a package of MINIMUM of 12 sessions excluding GST.. Nvr mind.. When I ask payment mode, she only said they accept Visa or Master which offers interest-free instalment as long as its Visa or Master.. My BUTT!!! She failed to tell me it's selected banks only. Cos when I thought I Cld use SCB to pay instalments, she only chose to tell me tht SCB was not part of the bank to accept interest free. Then she told me Harvey Norman and Best Denki sold their vacuum as well but at a higher price 4K++.. Which is not true cos I googled for Harvey and Denki, they don carry Delpin products.. Then I ask her when they r gonna collect payment, she was so assuring to tell me tht she don't collect cash at all only cards, and told me not to worry cos I don't ND to pay her today, I'll only pay on the First appt set which is bullshit! Cos in less than 20min, a man appeared at my door step, no introduction, no name just a sweaty looking man who's here to swipe my card which I didn't even know even when he was inside my house till the sales rep says so. Do u rmb I mention there were 2 person who showed up at my door, ya.. One was the sales rep Jasclyn, the other woman, NEVER made a sound. (I think she's a mute!) I'm sacarstic.. Pardon me! But seriously I don know who the hell she is, no introduction. No talk. A sale tht was so obviously closed in a chop chop way.. 1hr and 8min.. Setting up equip, demo, explanation, relentlessly using a Parang to chop me into pieces. Well, I'm not happy to hv signed the package, so I'm gonna cancel my order or contract by tmr. By the way, Karcher water based Vacuum cost only $659 ! In conclusion, don't get anything frm Delphin.