Anyone TTC in July 2006?

I am the eldest , next my sister and my brother who is 11 years my junior

Ur favourite months to have bb is???? U want june bb or july bb?

Mich, yes...I highlighted my hair red.
Alot of salon didn't increase price.

Sweet, rebond before cny nicer!

My uncle's no. 5 then finally girl!

Gal, sweet wants year end bb
irene, surprised the salon never increase price. That day the shop downstairs my house charged me an extra $2 to cut Serene's fringe... is the red obvious?

So your uncle had 4 boys and then finally a girl?? He was trying very hard for a girl ah?

Gal, wow 11 yrs... your parents waited very long before TTC for your brother?
mich, yeah that's a good way to celebrate the onset of 2nd tri too! hehe

now start to have some "flying hair" liao.. so probably wouldnt be able to last till my HK trip in apr hehe

wa! 4 boys, think i will faint first *LOL*

trishelle's fringe is all "home-cut" de hahhaha

gal, my fav mth is oct and nov! hehe oct is our wedding anniversary and nov is our partok anniversary.. some more yr-end weather more cooling, confinement more bearable (or so i hope) ;p

irene, now my hair still quite all right, so will be a waste to rebond now.. just rebonded last may niah..
Sweet wants a year end bb. I recalled june/july time very happening for her. Birthdays and celebrations all queue up.

Yes. Very long indeed I dare not ask how come so long hehehe.. Heaps of questions wondered in my mind : IVF, Sex choose?? Miscarriage? so on and so on

I heard of cases the other way round. 5 boys and trying forever to get a girl to close shop.
Which gynae are u planning to have?

U highlighted your hair RED. Red in the IN colour for 2009. Sammi and a few more actress also have that colour. That's what I read for the magazine. What inspires you to choose red? U daring gal, preggie and still dare to colour
Joy's fringe also home-made but Serene older already, will be embarassing when she goes to school if home-made kekeke

Rebonding last from last May to now, already quite good. So typically can last at least 6 months is it?

Ya, I think if I had 3 boys, I would STOP... dun know where she can find courage to TTC for a girl.

Gal, yup I suppose quite impossible to ask your parents this sort of "personal" question kekeke
Gal, going back to my same old gynae, HK Ho from Mt Alvernia. See him for 8 yrs, think will just stick with him till he retire le.
gal, nowadays seem like the trend to have same gender babies.. in my thread, a mummy having boy again for #2.. i think mikko also having another boy ;p
mich, hahahhaha i can imagine! trish always look so "du" the 1st 2 weeks after we cut her fringe hahahha

this is only my 2nd rebond.. my 1st rebond lasted for more than a yr and still very straight and nice. i heard that the more we rebond, the effect will not be as lasting liao..
Mich, congrats!!! Seems tat one by one is getting preggie, reminds me of those days when we were all actively ttc.

Irene, yes, will send him there prob when he is 2. Today got to skip class as he is down with flu.

gal, u sure have a lot of stuff!! When is your turn to give good news?

Sweet, u started ttc liao?
Peg, I thinking of starting Joshua there in March after his GUG class this term.

Sweet, if you have long hair, the rebonding will last longer. I used to rebond once a year too when I have long hair. With short hair, it is every 3 mths or so.

Gal, I think red is very nice leh...especially if its highlight lah. I dare not colour the whole head red ah lian. I wanted to do it for very long already.
I will be cutting it short next week I think as my hb told me he thinks I look sleek in short hair.

Mich, uncle die die wants a girl so try till no.5!!!
The news did report that as economy is bad, most salon not increasing prices.
Hi Sweet

Yes you are rite my #2 oso boi.

haha how to have bb gal?? Anyway don't think i have courage to try for #3. #3 oso come out boi how? Thou we wish to have a gal. But can't afford to keep trying for gal. So for now 2 shld be just nice for us
How have u been? When are you planning to put Del to playgroup or pre-nursery?

Remember to show us the BIG change. Who help you with Josh while you doll up yourself?
Josh has been in GUG for almost 3 terms already? U planning to put him in pre nursery already ah?
peg, just started last month
when u planning for #2?

irene, yup see how it goes. but if i preggie before my HK trip, i most probably wouldnt be rebonding le, just endure with the "bad" hair haha

mikko, hahaha i dunno how to answer your qn leh! but statistics has shown that it's more difficult to get a girl than a boy. have u named your #2 liao?
Peg/Hung, thanks!

Hung, good luck on your TTC.

Irene, short hair rebond only last 3 months?? Wah, like that very expensive if have to rebond every 3 months. How short are you gonna cut your hair?

Sweet, I thought there are more women in the world than men? Didn't know it was statistically harder to get a girl
Looks like I beat the odds twice liao kekeke
thanks mikko

mich,i once read that for every 103 men, there were only 97 women though difference is not a lot lah hehe actually u can surf thru the MTB threads, i also notice most threads have more boys than gers ;p
Sweet, I also thought there's more women than men!
I cannot tahan preggie and bad hair ah. Hahaha...

Gal, sending Joshua to playgroup, 2 hrs a day kind.Joshua with gug for 3 terms. Shouldn't be continuing cox must sling him on the way back as he wants to nap.

The change not drastic lah cox I already have short hair now. And don't think can see the red highlights thru photos!

Hung/sweet, good luck!

Mich, got ms now?
irene, ya lor, the usually nonsense... nausea and tiredness... only difference is this time haven't merlion before whereas last time by week 6 already merlion big time. There are times I will just go to the toilet and try and force out some gastric juice to make myself better.

Getting through the workday is a pain, but have to "ren".

How is your MS? getting better?
thanks irene

i can tahan bad hair for the sake of my bb ;p

mich, great that this pregnancy is better than the previous 2 times!
hang in there, u are reaching the end of 1st tri very soon ;p
sweet, thanks, I'm counting down every single day to CNY cos I know by then I'll be much better! Thank God its Friday already!
Mich, these 2 days no merlion and LS already so I am really very happy. I really merlion till super scared of that feeling!
Yah..sometimes I also puke nothing but those white bitter foam out to feel better.

I think as long as I don't overeat and don't let myself go into hunger, I feel ok.

But after I bring Joshua back from GUG, I really very tired! I will knock out in the afternoon earlier before Joshua.

Yah, hang on...I am coming to 11th week next week already so you aren't that far away too!!!
irene, looks like your MS is decreasing already! so happy for you.

Yah I also cannot be hungry or I'll be very miserable. Nowadays breakfast have to be a little heavier or cannot tong till lunch time. Usually end up 10am, gotta find extra food like a snack or will feel faint.

I know cold drinks and other liang stuff like tea, watermelon juice and whatever nots are no good. But I really don't care liao, anything that makes me feel better. You don't know how many cups of watermelon juice I've had cos of the "shiok" feeling!

Amazing thing is I have tong so far and no one in office suspects that I'm preggy ha ha... I've managed to maintain a normal look though sometimes feel like dying!

Cos in GUG you have to participate also, right? No wonder you're exhausted!
Mich, yah...I am really so happy when I don't merlion.
I didn't manage to find any comfort food to make me feel good when I feel nausea but I am really glad its all over now. *cross my fingers*

No worries about the watermelon juice as I also had alot of pineapple during Joshua's time just to feel better.

Maybe your colleagues never expect you to be going for no.3?

Yes, I carry Joshua up and down today during music time and sling him back coz he was napping.
irene, how long more can you carry Joshua up and down at GUG and sling him back? Think impossible with big stomach later...

Yah, i think my colleagues will be shocked... now I gotta think about how to shock them ha ha. But i will have to tell them by next week, cos team building exercise next Fri and got some walk in the park for 3 hours... no way am I walking in the park for 3 hours and climbing ropes or something. Think I will faint in the sun.
Mich, wahahaha..won't faint lah. So you going to tell them you preggie so that you don't have to go at all?

The term will end in late Feb. So I should be around 16 weeks preggie by then.

Thanks to all the throwing up and LS, I think my tummy is actually smaller than 2 weeks back. Should I be worried?
irene, my gynae gave me a letter to excuse me from climbing things and walking in the sun ha ha... i'll just go for the indoor segment of workshops in the morning.

don't think you should be worried, you probably just lost weight... is your tummy obvious?
Wow.. Heard a shock but good news... Congrates! Mich. See more & more of us PG really make me want to PG again..Wahahaha...
Wendy, then don't wait already...try now!!!

Mich, not hb was still staring at my tummy yesterday and commented 'are you sure you are pregnant?'
My mum even asked me how many weeks I am now and then say how come no tummy one?
wendy, wah, haven't seen you online for super long... busy at work? thanks for the congrats! Jia you and join the TTC gang!

irene, no tummy is a good sign, means its gonna be compact and you won't be looking big this pregnancy.
Hung/Mich, I hope thats the case. Will know next week when I go see gynae.

Anyway, now that ms has subsided quite a bit so appetite is better now thus tummy growing liao.
hi yoji n mich, ya I like being pregnant. Like the feeling of our own creation inside kicking me. Actually I had 3 difficult pregnancies which required bed rest as early as wk 12, 17 n 20 respectively. The most dangerous one is my 2nd pregnancy when my water bag leaked at wk 17. Other than loving the feeling of being preggie, I also like to stay in hosp during the first few days knowing baby is fine and well taken care of by doc n nurses while we just feed bb n sleep. Keke wierd rite?
jeng, you are amazing, you have to bed rest for all three pregnancies and actually can still "enjoy" the pregnancy? And then some more have 3 kids! So how long was your bed rest period for each pregnancy?
I had placenta previar for 1st n 3rd bb so rested at least 2 to 3 mth. 3rd bb was a major previar so rested longer. 2nd one I rested from 17 week onwards cos there was nothing to b done to fix the leakage. So can only rest to avoid more leakage or big gush. Also my 2nd n 3rd pregnancies I had premature contractions so had to b on duphaston to stabilize bb from week 28 onwArds. Thankfully all 3 bb r born healthy tho slightly early. Do rest well n not over tire yourself this new year. Take care.
jeng, with all that complications, I really pei fu you persisted on and had 3 kids. Think I might have thrown in the towel at no 1 if I were you!

Mummies are "wei da" afterall, such sacrifices they all go through. Like one of my friends almost died giving birth to her no. 4, cannot imagine what would have happened to her 4 kids if she didn't pull through.
Yes Yes. Like mich, I 'salute' to you. My MS pain seems uncomparable to you. And you still 'enjoy' your pregnancy and got the courage to go for 2nd, 3rd

Who is your teacher for GUG? I am planning to go for GUG in the new branch in suntec. Went to trial and the teacher seems to be able to 'catch' serena's attention in some activities.
Serena not attending LNT now. Trishelle? GUG branch is quite big and NEW. Something good is no waiting list and also get whatever slot you want
Not too sure if they will have waiting list as long as UE square.
gal, icic so serena attended 1 term at LNT right? planning to try out SM? Trishelle just started her term at LNT

that's good! no waiting list is best hehe somemore can choose your own time slot ;p
Serena went to LNT for 2 terms. This term planning to try out SM. A lot of serena's classmate went to SM so a little curious and plan to join one term and see what's the differnt..Trishelle enjoying in LNT? u like it yourself? Sm not easy. LNT less stressful. If you are a working mom, dun go SM surely.

GUG in new branch is good. I get to choose what ever teacher I want as well as time slot. So thought of asking Irene which teacher of hers is good
gal, for her 1st lesson last week, there were 2 noisy bubs so she was sort of distracted. but i was not in the class with her (my hb went in with her), so cannot really tell if she can pay attention a not. no lah, i wouldnt try out SM coz it's so ex!

after 2 terms, was serena able to complete most of the activities on her own? trishelle still quite blur with the memory games..

u mean the GUG teachers are interchangeable among the centres? i thot that usually if they are from this centre, they will stay put de hehe
After 2 terms, Serena could do most of the hand-ons activties, photo memory activities and eye exercise activites well after 2 terms. It just takes time. I am sure Trishelle can do that too. But she tries to RUN away all the time when they flash cards and sing song. I feel she is more of the hands on person. She is still slow in her speech and that's the reason why I am planning to put her in a speech class this term. This GUG trial class I tried last week, most of the kids are younger than serena and they are talking in sentences already. So hoping to get some good influences from them to make serena talk more. Is trishelle chatty now??

I was told by the reception in GUG suntec that some of the teachers teachers in UE for some days and suntec for other days.
gal, ok Trishelle doesnt move off from her chair though she will try to stand up but never try to run about. she also not interested in the flash cards hehe

wow! talking in sentences liao?! trishelle still doing 1 word type, vocab also still limited. which sch's speech classes u looking at?
I wanted morning class and GUG UE can't give me a spot so I am planning to join GUG. Chiltern House(JG) has a long long waiting list. I waited for 2 terms still can't get a morning slot.
Gal, I am not sure if Joshua's 2 favourite teachers teach at Suntec branch or not. The strict one is Teacher Aida and the friendly and warm one is Teacher Magaret.
Joshua didn't manage to get into these 2 teachers' class now as they are being split. Only one teacher is in the class and that's Teacher Aida with another new teacher.

Can you quote Joshua's name should you sign up at GUG Suntec? Joshua will get a $80 credit for the recommendation.

Huh??? Younger than Serena and can speak in sentense? I only know of one toddler who can do it. Didn't know there are actually a few more.

Joshua can only say one word. Other than that, his 2 syllable words are only apple, airplane and daddy.
Oh really? Ok. Just quote Joshua name and surname Will do that this coming sunday. U planning to let JOshua join one more term? So far, u think he benefit from the class? Serena still hates singing and sitting on the mat(even after trying a few trial). When they are singing and looking into the red bag, she will run and sit on the chair herself and try to peak at the teacher.

Only one younger kid in the class can speak in sentences. Other than that, all older than serena but also talking in sentences. In sunday class, I got this Teacher Rusell. She seems quite good. They asked me if there's any preferred teacher or time slot. I have no clue.

gal, JG at CH is really popular! seem like GUG at suntec is very customer oriented, still ask u for preferred teachers & time slot hehe
