Anyone TTC in July 2006?

mich, yup i like the M&D puzzles too! colors very virbrant and so interesting
your princess magnetic set is very pretty!! trish has a smiliar but simplified version of a bear with heads, dresses and shoes ;p

sweet, yes, very hard to resist the lovely designs and colours... think I spent more on wooden toys than any other kind of toys.

irene, exactly what is done in the OSCAR? i have never done it before, so not very sure what to expect...
Mich, hahaha...let me recall huh...I think its scanning for defects and take measurements of our foetus to check for abnormalities. There's another one kind of scan at week 20 or 25 rite? This OSCAR has higher accuracy and you get to know the abnormalities (if there's any) earlier.

Dr Wong advised me to go for OSCAR due to my age.
irene, the week 20 scan is the detailed scan to check the baby's organs I think...

Looks like Dr Wong is quite a cautious gynae... my gynae told me that it is only recently he recommend his patients do OSCAR. Last time, he only do this thing called triple test (a blood test that also checks for DS, but is less accurate than OSCAR). My gynae almost asked me to go to amnio... but then he say if I dun want to, no need.
Mich, yes...its the triple test. I remember triple test is like $100 and oscar scan is like $300.

The oscar result is out immediately so there's no waiting anxiously kind.

So you won't be doing any oscar or triple test? I think oscar and triple test are easier than amnio. Unless the result from oscar and triple test aren't good then gynae will suggest you do amnio.
irene, yup the OSCAR test is like 3 times more expensive than triple test but seems like 90% accurate compared to the triple which is 70% accurate. Result out immediately means they will pass you result directly ah?

I'll jus do the OSCAR, since the gynae recommend to do...

I really dun hope to do the amnio test... cannot imagine that big fat needle poking in. That time, my friend did the amnio, then after that kenna hospitalised for cramps due to amnio...
Mich, yes...I heard amnio got risk...might cause m/c.

Yes, I just need to go upstairs for the scan then I will collect the report and go down to Dr Wong's office where she will explain.
Is it or not huh...I can't remember leh...or was it the detailed scan that I get the result immediately????
irene, i think no matter what the result of the OSCAR I won't do the amnio test... at the end of the day, its not like I can choose to not have the baby...

Think detailed scan result is immediate cos as the doctor scan, she will announce the result... like kidney ok, heart ok, lung ok... while the nurse will furiously take down what the doctor say and remind him/her if he miss checking on anything.

After your OSCAR, let me know what it is like, can?
anyone has same experience as me? My last mense was 14/Nov, now due for nearly 1-1/2mths ler..I already tested twice but -ve, the most recent was last week when it was already due 1mth. Duno what's wrong ah...cham cham..but i rememeber i did use protection during last bd ler.. not so possible to get preggie mah..but why so long still not here u all think i should see gynae??
mich, yup! i am buying more wooden toys nowadays too.. even hb likes them ;p

patty, was this the 1st time u experiencing this? so far, my menses at most late for 2 weeks liao, never this long before...
Patty, is this the 1st time your menses delayed for so long? COuld it be due to stress? Its probably a good idea to do a check up with gynae...
Patty, I've not missed my menses for so long before too.

Do you have PCOS history? It might be a good idea to arrange a checkup with gynae.

this is 1st time after i got married. When i was a teenage, it used to be late for 3mths but just once. So far only delayed 2weeks, most 3wks bah..that's why kinda 'worried' ler..
Patty, PCOS = polycystic ovary syndrome...

A scan by the gynae can check for this... though I doubt you have bah since you didn't have it before... don't worry too much, probably nothing to worry about. The gynae can give you something to "induce" the period if he find that you're not preggy.
i already made appt with Dr Khi on Thurs..But i still hope no need to take pills to induce it haha. I am just worried as my right lower abdomen is painful, not so but still worried.
The clinic told me i am also due for the pap-smear annual check up, so i will do all at one go keke..
Wah.. active day today.

I recalled in australia, everyone has to do OSCAR and no such thing as triple test. The main difference is the blood test. Triple test doesn't come with blood test and Oscar does. Isn't it?
Gal/Mich, I will let you all know what Oscar is about after my checkup this Thur. I can't remember much too...heehee...
gal, er, triple test is also a blood test cos everytime the lab will produce this chart based on the blood... but honestly I have no clue what is the difference between all the different kinds of test *confused*
Sweet, yup, that's the only thing I know too ha ha... and the triple is 70% accurate, while amnio is almost 100% accurate....
Gal, ya lor, I cannot imagine that long needle, plus I heard its thick some more!! Anywya someone told me its super expensive... anyone knows how much?
Mich,is it a must to take that in singapore when you are after 35 years old?
Btw, how are you feeling these days? MS?
Gal, its highly recommended by gynae if giving birth beyond 35 years old... but not compulsory. None of these tests are compulsory by law, except the HIV test I think.

I'm surviving day to day. Some days are better than others. But the puking is just the whitish bitter stuff... not the merlion all the food out kind, so still ok.
mich, think it's at least $1k for the amnio test and they have "speedy" results kind but of coz pay more. if not, the standard is to wait at least 1-2 weeks
Sweet, wow...$1k ah. Then I must say I am glad my 'accident' came before I hit 35 leh.

Mich, yes...the bitter whitish stuff is better than all the food. Its really super yucky to see the food you eat all puked out!
Hang on...just another week and I think you will be ok completely.
sweet, 1k??? faintz... so glad my gynae say I can give amnio a miss. Actually the triple test results I also wait for 1 week to find out...

irene, thanks, now its mid way through week 10 le, think by CNY I'll be better
Is your MS completely gone?
mich, week 10 already ah. Sounds like a few blink and u are in trimester 2 already

1K is expensive. Sounds like everything in singapore is expensive when it comes to preggie stuff.

Gynae fee???

Mich, irene - is the package expensive in singapore this time round?
Gal, ha ha, but to me not quite in the blink of an eye... like suffering very long liao kekeke.

yup everything here is super expensive, from gynae package to delivery fees then there is the hospital fees. Everything adds up to abt 5k for me as I stayed in the single bedded ward.

Gynae package is $600 from week 20, and delivery fees range from 1-1.5k depending on what kind of birth it is.

In Australia, it is highly subsidized is it?
Australia is highly subsidized. We paid for private health insurance yearly that's about 2K for all types of hospitalisation. For maternity, it's like out of pocket 1K. Do u have to pay 5K out of pocket in Singapore?

Mich, Sweet
Re: Maid's room
Can I ask where does your maid sleep in? Heard from agents that maid sleeps in bomb shelter in HDB. Is that against the law?
irene/mich, yup amnio is ex de! but i think can use medisave ;p

gal, my maid sleeps in trish's room currently coz trish still bunking in with us ;p

err... it's kind of inhuman to make maids sleep in bomb shelters coz no ventilation and it's super cramp! but i not sure if it's against the law a not
Gal, I think about 2k was from the medisave a/c... the rest was cash. Oh this doesn't include the baby's portion. Cos that's another story in itself... haiz...

Don't think its against the law to sleep in bomb shelters, but its really super hot and stuffy leh... My maid sleeps in her own room. I'd rather she have her own room cos I don't wish to see her aroud all the time, so when she is in her room, I can have the living room to myself. How abt your maid?
Mich, I am still having sore breast and other than that, I think nothing much already.Definitely no more puking!

Yes, you definitely can enjoy your CNY food!!!

Gal, my gynae package is about $700 from week 12. Delivery also around $1.2k for natural birth. After the medisave subsidy, I remember paying about $1k for both bb and me.

If I have a maid, I will not ask my maid to sleep in bomb shelter too. My bomb shelter is my storeroom. If she sleeps there then how to store my stuffs?
sweet, how much per kg?

irene, wow, sore breast till now? actually sore breast quite tough also... sometimes mine will be sore for a few mins daily and it hurts!
Sweet, wow, i remember it used to be only $35-38/kg only... siao de... like meat must have gone up in price so much they can anyhow charge.
Mich, yes..I can feel the soreness few time a day. But at least its still better than LS and puking ah.

Sweet, only buy once a year so just bear with it lor.
Right now, the maid sleeps in the room behind the kitchen. It's a proper room for the them to share. But I am thinking how is the case for HDB. I asked the agent and they say this to me. Sounds very heartless I thought cause no ventilation.

wah.. ba gua so expensive . Some more must queue up long time for them. Heard this morning all the ba gua is gone for the 'ling zhi yee' shop at 11.30am already. Dun know if they can't meet demand or?

Mich, I think the Aust trip is put on hold now. Wahahaha...I am so happy lor.
I think my FIL can only start treatment after April as he still have not finish all the checkups. I think govt hosp is like that...they take very long to get things done!

On the other hand, one of my SIL has backed out from the trip and she mentioned its due to financial burden.

Sweet, you kua zhang leh...$50 alot meh? I think the ang bao is the killer ah.
