Anyone TTC in July 2006?

I think it could be food poisoning since hb also not feeling well. I have seen a dr already as I really cannot stop throwing up!

We had 1 meal at Macau airport then when back, had dinner near our place. Could be the sweet and sour pork near our place or the pastry at Macau airport as these 2 items joshua didn't take .

It's not easy to travel with one active toddler. Josh very demanding and when don't get the things he want, he will fuss! He wanna run everywhere and touch everything. I sling him till back breaking so hb has to sling him when he wanna sleep. Sometimes josh quite good boy too when he willing to sit in stroller.

I won't say it's fun but it's quite an experience. Think I won't wanna go holiday again till my kid is at least 2.5yrs old!

Oh no........ it's really isn't too easy to handle a active toddler. I won't dare to imagine my coming trip too.

Glad you seen the doc and assured that everything is ok esp no 2. Count your lucky stars that josh didn't have these two food, if not more headache with hubby and urself not well and then little one too.

Josh ate whatever u ate when on holiday. U didn't have to bring any food?
hi ladies,

Wishing all of u a very Happy New Year!!!

Irene, u better rest more, ask your hubby to take leave to help u. Think must be very tiring to take care of a toddler when u are not well.

U have a part time cleaner right, is she ok? Can recommend?

good news to share: I will be officially maidless from 1 Jan onwards!! Really been looking forward to this day.
irene, 2.5 yrs old meaning joshua or #2? hahaha

did joshua behave on the flights to & fro?

peg, u took a very long time to get rid of the maid is it?? u sound very happy to be w/o help kekeke
irene, hope you're feeling better now! Yes its super tiring to travel with a toddler, esp when you're not feeling optimal. After my Phuket trip when I was 8 weeks preggy, I swore I would not travel till Serene was 2.5 years old also. And yes, she was much better when she was 2.5 yrs old, when I brought her to KL, but then there was the super active Joy to deal with then... I have decided that that no holidays with the kids for now.

Sweet, its best to wait till ALL the kids are above 3 years old to travel or else really can faintz one...

Peg, wow, you finally are letting go of your maid. Her contract finished?
mich, probably coz trishelle is the "dormant" type, so traveling with her is relatively easy.. just the eating part is a major headache. she eats very little when she's outside so cant imagine how she is going to survive the 6 days in HK.. she will probably lose quite a fair bit of wt
Sweet, you should enjoy travelling with Trish before no. 2 comes along then
HK food got lotsa porridge and rice dishes, should be able to find something to suit her?

So she takes porridge at home mostly?
mich, yup that's why trying to squeeze in 1 more cruise trip before #2.. or else will be grounded again for at least 6 mths when #2 arrives before can go cruise again...

yup, she still take porridge only at my parents' place but during weekends, i feed her rice with soup.. she's also ok. she's all right with more textured food but once outside, her system hay-wired and she refuse to eat more than a few mouthfuls *hong sim*

hehe... i never made any resolutions before ;p
Sweet, yes, especially when cruises are quite particular and won't allow those in the 3rd trimester to board. So can only cruise before week 27 I think.

If she won't eat, hopefully she will take some milk to make up the loss. But eventually, she'll be hungry enough to eat something I would imagine.
mich, it's week 24 infact.. initially plan to go in Jan but virgo dry dock for most part of jan coz they installing this US$550,000 giantic stainless steel water slide.. dunno if after that will increase pts to book cabins a not..

ya.. nowadays she drinking like 800ml+ of milk per day! we tried before to cut down on her milk and attempt to feed her more solid but her intake of solid is still the same regardless of whether we feed the milk a not.. so my dad just continue to feed her so much milk
Sweet, wow 24 weeks. I really don't understand the cruise companies... its not like anyone will deliver on the ship at week 27 right?

Giant stainless steel water slide is for the kiddies to play is it?

that is really alot of milk Trish is taking. Yup if she is not big on solids, milk will do for now. I think she'll begin to eat more when she is older bah.

Have you started to cut down on your pumping sessions already?
mich, hahahha dunno them ;p

yup, the waterslide is for kiddos.. my dad was so excited, saying that trish can go on it.. i was like DUHZ, it will be ages before she can take the "ride" alone..

yalo, no choice since she's not keen on solids, have to make do with more milk..

hehe.. havent yet ;p but will drop to 2 pumps from next mon onwards (hopefully this time is really the ONE). initially wanted to drop to 2 pumps from 22nd onwards since officially past the 18 mths mark but these 2 weeks, all the big bosses not ard, so quite lang fei not to pump in office ;p
Sweet, yup, I think Trish will be at least 4 years old before she can do the slide on her own kekeke If not you or hubby has to follow her down.

Think you're really hooked on the pumping kekeke
Gal, be prepared to be super tired and pek chek when you travel with an active toddler. Somemore have to carry his barang barang so really no joke hor.

Yes, Joshua just eat whateve we eat during the trip. We order noodle and rice so he can eat them too. In fact, I didn't bring any milk out so Joshua only drinks his milk in the morning when he wakes up and before he goes to bed. We just give him bread, pastries etc in between meals to replace the milk feed.

And, you are so right! HK don't have those proper baby chair in most places. They only have booster seat which is to raise the seat higher without those seat belt.
The only place which I found a proper high chair and I was so god damn happy was Cafe Deco at the Peak!

During this trip, I try to let my hb handle most of the duties like sling Joshua, push Joshua in the stroller and carry all the stuffs. That includes bathing Joshua as the shower heads are all fixed kind, so hb has to carry Joshua to bathe. I sling Joshua for one day and after that my back was like breaking and I can't carry him for the rest of the trip anymore.

I really hope that after this trip, my hb will give up the idea of going Aussie as my hb was pissed and angry most of the time with Joshua. Hahahaha...let him have a taste of it how tough it is to handle Joshua!

Sweet, Joshua was ok with the taking off and landing. In fact he fell alseep while taking off when we were leaving S'pore and he took a nearly 2 hrs nap. After he woke up, he just sit and watch the surroundings or he just play with 2 other kids sitting in front of us.

On the way back, Joshua fell asleep after taking off and slept all the way till 30mins before landing! Phew....!!!!

BTW, Prudential hotel is not bad. Its not those small small type. Still got one couch in the room. And the shops around the hotel is convenient. Got small cafe around the hotel too.

Peg, my hb is still on leave and will be back to work this Fri.
But hor...he also sick. And hor, he damn good leh. Last nite he went to bed after taking med and I wasn't happy. I am sick too but still haven't bathe Joshua and I also haven't bathe.
So I grumble and then ask him to help 1st before he sleep. Immediately after I bathe Joshua, I throw Joshua to him and I ran to toilet and puke out all my dinner.
He can still say ' so serious ah!!!'
Angry leh...he thinks I don't pull a long face and don't lie down means I am perfectly well huh???!!!

My PT cleaner is ok...I mean just don't expect too much and you will be happy. But I think she is ok after trying a few. She is staying at blk 600+. I will ask her if she wants to take up another assignment next week when I see her.

Mich, actually I did set one new year resolution for the 1st time before I know I was preggie. I want to let Joshua give up his pacifier but hor...think abit difficult as sometimes I don't feel well and he fuss, I will just stuff the pacifier into his mouth!
irene, hehe think now your hb will think twice bout going to aussie liao.. since by then your tummy will be bigger and he confirm will need to do most of the "joshua-jobs" ;p

it's great that he manage to sleep so much on the flights!! did your hb have to carry him while he sleeps or u guys manage to find a spare seat for him?
U planning another cruise? Which cruise are u looking at? I heard the some cruises kids go for free while cruise like lengend of the sea kids have to pay adult fare ...

U still pumping till now!!!! SHOCKED BEYOND words could explain. U can contiune all the way until no 2 comes along then not much differences to your life style leh

So going on a holiday with little one is definitely a No No for romantic gateaway. Think really like no time to see or talk to each other for too long that sort of feeling.

Yes lor. So HK is not child friendly all. everything is crowd and crowd

Ur hubby must be thinking it's best to work after all. Less tiring. Nowadays, my hubby also angry with serena. He commented so active and dun listen.
gal, yup planning to go for another cruise before the HK trip.. we always go starcruise virgo de coz can redeem cabins using pts. same, trishelle's seaport tax is the same price as adults

hahaha.. cannot lah.. as it is, my ss already very low. if pregnant with #2, will try to stop asap le coz scare not enuff nutrients for #2 in tum-yum
irene, are you feeling better today? Hopefully the medicine stopped the puking. Does the nausea medicine cause drowsiness?

ya man, I would also be pissed if my hb went off to sleep w/o helping. I would drag him out of bed, scold him and insist he help out.

Hopefully after this your hb totally give up Aussie idea. How come he was always angry with Joshua?

Sweet, you have done so well, no need to feel guilty le. If you feel guilty, then the rest of us will feel even worse!

Gal, I heard that breastfeeding while preggy is the most painful thing on earth...
oh really? because of hormones or doing it is a chore

Lucky you. Keep going holiday non stop. How many days leave do u have one year?

What do u buy to store your baby stuff? CNY is coming and I am thinking how should I pack serena stuff. Book shelves for books and big boxes for toys like dollhouse so on and so on. What about wooden toys/puzzles so on and so on?
Sweet, yes! He definitely have to do alot of Joshua-stuff very soon when my tummy is bigger!

You really obsessed about pumping milk leh. Wahahaha...don't worry lah, you still got chance when no.2 comes along!

The flight is full so no spare seat at all. He sleeps on us!

Gal, yes...HK definitely not child-friendly at all!!! I see everyone carrying their toddlers around. Wow..didn't know Hong Kongers so strong!And hor, all the smokers!!!! I want to puke and faint ah.

I agree that my hb must be thinking going to work is easier!

I bought one shelf from Ikea which comes with some boxes so I keep those smaller items in it and Joshua can go and pull out the boxes to get the toys he wants.
I bought one small book shelf from Ikea too for his books.

Mich, my hb's temper is short and bad so whenever Joshua is defiant, he gets angry with him. I don't know why Joshua keeps hitting my hb on his face too which makes him super hot!!!

When I complain I got backache, my hb gets angry with me too leh! So can you imagine how bad his temper is? He told me he is already carrying Joshua and the bag so why am I still complaining about my backache from walking???!!!
Anyway, I think I need to see a chaero soon as I suspect something is wrong with my back.

You ladies got any recommendations?
Gal, heard its the hormones, causing ss to drop drastically and suckling by the toddler to be painful.

irene, with 2 kids, you hubby will need more patience than ever. If one is bad, two becomes a royal nightmare cos they usually cry and scream together. There are times I feel like a mad woman.

A chaero is? Or the chiropractor, the kind who treats sprains is it? Maybe should ask your gynae to recommend...
Mich, hahaha...I didn't know my spelling is soooo off!!!! Yes, its chiropractor. Okie...will get my gynae to recommend next week when I finally get to see her!

I really can imagine how its like to have 2 kids. I really can see myself fustrated and feel helpless most of the time!!!
Hello ladies
Came in here to kpoh a while .. :p

I've just seen dr wong 2 days ago, and i'm now in my 6wk. MS is terrible and i can't imagine how u can cope with a kid to handle.... i peifu u

Anyway, it seems that dr wong is very busy cos alot of pple were recommended to see her, but at the same time, i think she is cutting down on her patients cos the recep told me these days dr wong dun work on certain afternoons. Was this the case all along?

Ok, gotta go and suck on my sng-nest sng buay to relieve the stupid ms .... ggrrrr ..... & u take care ok, esp your back.
mich/irene, the sense of guilt is also partly coz i didnt do much for her except pumping milk. coz housework got maid and my hb handles most of her feeding + changing of diapers.. so that only leaves the milk production to me.. w/o tat, i will feel so useless

gal, aiyo it only seems like i keep going hols coz all packed within these few mths! my last last trip was way back in feb leh.. u in comparison, have traveled more! hehe.. i have 20 days of annual leave per yr

pegsfur, do take care! the ms will soon pass
irene, perhaps the backache is related to the stretching ligaments during pregnancy. Probably your gynae can advise you whether to see chiro?

Today is the classic case of being irritated with the 2 kids. Now Joy knows how to fight with Serene and they were fighting over a kiddy chair. So each one hold one leg, and scream at each other at the top of their lungs and refuse to let go. Only stopped when I confiscated the chair!

Sweet, yes i understand the guilt feeling, its hard to overcome!

pegsfur, take care!
Pegsfur, I also dunno how to cope leh especially now when I thought my food poisoning episode is over but its actually not!
I just puked my whole day food out!!!!

You take care too and do update us on your pregnancy progress. When are you seeing Dr Wong again?

I don't think previously Dr Wong worked on certain days only. Its usually like that...once the dr gets too busy and make enough already will cut down the working hours to spend more time with family. Dr Wong has 3 kids so I guess she wants more family time now.

Sweet, I wonder you refused to stop pumping milk! Maybe you can get more involved in helping your hb to look after Trishelle then you won't feel so guilty.

Mich, no leh...last time befor I have Joshua, I will get terrible backache too if I walk too much during holidays. Its so bad till when I sneeze, there will be a sharp pain on the lower back. I can't sit down immediately too, have to do it slowly.

I guess there's bound to be some fighting when there's more than one. And I thought girls are more tamed! Heehee...
mich, hehe i remembered last time my sis and i will get the "spearer" to hang up the clothes bamboo poles and fight! now they will fight and quarrel but as they grow older, they will be very close and loving de

irene, yup will be taking over the morning feed once i stop pumping completely
irene, oh dear, the medicine still not helping the food poisoning? Are you feeling better today?

Looks like you do need to see the chiro, but since now preggy, have to treat your back in tandem with the pregnancy, so Dr Wong can probably direct on how to go about it.

I cannot imagine if I have 2 boys instead of 2 girls *faint*
Hi ladies!

I have finally managed to convince my hubby to transfer the maid out before her contract finishes in mar. I have been pestering him to give up the maid since the day i become a SAHM, but he is worried tat i cannot cope n tat it is not very nice to her to end her contract before it expires. But after trying out for one mth without a maid (my maid went over to help my mom), I felt tat i was able to cope n happier n my hubby can sense it, so he finally agreed!! Now, I feel more useful, have our privacy back n also save money..heheh

Irene, thanks. How much are u paying her? I heard tat the rate is now abt $12 per hr. Does she iron clothes also?

Ladies, what forumla are your kids taking now? I let Del tried pedisure yesterday but find tat it was very sweet, like drinking melted vanilla ice cream.

pegsfur, do take care, ms will soon pass....
peg, so your maid has found a new employer? My 2 girls are taking oat milk, and to give it a little taste, i mix in some FM, so that overall its not sweet at all. I heard pedisure tastes very sweet. Infact FMs for kids this age typically have sugar added to it if you look at the ingredients.
sweet, is that the only thing you need to do for trishelle? How about on weekends when trishelle shit, eat or bathe?

Ladies, I just came back from dr wong as last nite started puking everything out again. So this morning I walk in early in the morning and heng heng get to see dr wong almost immediately. Finally saw my little ox's heartbeat and it's moving in the water bag. I am currently 9weeks plus and edd will be 3rd aug.

After that I was given a jab since I cant keep the medicine in my stomach. I was told it's partly stomach unwell plus peak of ms!
irene, its great you managed to see Dr Wong and saw the baby's heartbeat! With the jab, are you feeling better?

9 weeks plus already, that's great, cos it means the end of first tri is in just 2+ weeks time!

Did you ask her about your backache problem?
peg, Joshua is taking gain iq. I've never tasted it before so not sure sweet or not.

I am paying $10 an hr. If need ironing then she will work for 4 hrs or else 3 hrs enough.
peg, trishelle drinks partial Enfagrow now. she has tried pediasure but she totally hates it!

irene, weekends if she poo, my hb will wipe her dirty butt. i m in charge of holding her legs up and preventing her hands from getting to her butt. then i will hold/support her while my hb washes her butt lo keke we always do it together on weekends. weekdays will just depend on who is ard. i cook trishelle's meals and hb will feed. as for bathing, hb will bath her, i m in charge of holding up the towel at the end of the shower and bringing her to the changing station. but then weekdays, now i handle all the bathing hor coz even if hb goes my parents' place for dinner, he will only reach at 7 plus.
sweet, it appears that your and your hb's duties for Trish are so well defined kekeke. When you have no. 2, really cannot share duties until so clearly already, cos its 1to1 now and each one has to take care of it from feeding to bathing to cleaning up. So I always "volunteer" to do duty for Serene cos its easier mah since she can mostly feed herself and not as active as Joy, and old enough to adhere to instructions
mich, hehe we didnt purposely set out to "define" our duties but as times go by, we are used to this method of "working", so its automatic depends on whether it's eat, sleep, poo or bath ;p

i already "chop" trishelle to sleep with me liao and hb will sleep with #2 kekeke guess when #2 comes along, we will have to adapt all over again but i believe we will fall into some sort of "working pattern" as well.. coz both of us like structured routine stuff ;p
Sweet, its true, without a routine we all will kee siao one... even more so with 2 kids to manage. So Serene and Joy always do the same thing daily at about the same time. I'm the kind who cannot just go with the flow kekeke.

Why dun you sleep with no 2 instead? Cos your hb cannot breastfeed no 2 leh...
mich, same! i cannot go with the flow too so to speak, i am a control freak ;p

frankly, i dun have much confidence to totally latch on my #2.. so if worst come to worst, i will express out and hb will do the night feeds ;p furthermore from past experience, for the initial 3 mths after delivery, i sleep until dead to the world kind (coz always feel very tired), so kinda afraid that if #2 wakes up, scream and cry i also wouldnt hear. so my hb said that he doesnt mind sleeping with #2 also..

the other day he said something very sweet to me. he told me that he was looking at trishelle when she was sleeping the previous nite, and he told himself that he must remember how trishelle looks like at that moment and how angelic/cute/adorable/sweet she was, so that when #2 comes along, he wouldnt neglect trishelle coz of #2 coz he always has the thinking that newborns are the cutest and sweetest, compared to any other stages in a kid's life
sweet, maybe now you and hb can try to handle things alone to start practising for no. 2.

Yes, dr wong says no. 2 usually won't be late. My hb was saying next time end June to July period can go holiday to celebrate Joshua's birthday, our anni, mine and no. 2's birthday all together!
oh yah, my next appt is 3 weeks later when I will do the oscar scan too. Fast leh... 3 more weeks and I will enter 2nd trimester!
irene, can lah we can do most of the tasks alone. like if trishelle poos in the morning at our place, i also wipe, bath and wear diapers for her by myself mah since hb left for work even before we wakes up. just that on weekends, we both believe in sharing the duties and have more fun doing it together.
Sweet, hopefully you'll manage to latch on this 2nd time round, its really a lovely feeling to be able to latch on cos it creates such a special bond. And also less mah fan than pumping out milk. When I was pumping full time for Joy, I kept wishing I could just stick her on the boobs like in the 1st two months kekeke

Your hubby is so sweet to say such a thing! He really a good father

Irene, wow, celebrate all together will be quite fun!
mich, but i dunno how to handle latching-on while outside. not comfortable with the thot of breastfeeding in public even with a shawl. i m those clumsy type which i might just expose myself to the whole world! hahaha

ya, i was very touched when he told me his thots too ;p
Sweet, I also won't bf in public one, I can only do it in the nursing room behind closed doors. Some bf mummies are very garang, can bf anywhere, really admire them. And I have to lift up the entire shirt kind, the bf clothes dun work on me cos the slit like super small like that leh... and the milk leak all over *faintz*

mich, ya man!! i share the exact same sentiments! even during my initial attempts at latching trishelle, i have to take off my whole top, get ready cloth to wipe the leaking milk plus get the correct posture.. cannot imagine how to do it outside kekeke sure garang garbo esp if there are long Qs for the nursing rooms, i sure cannot get let down ;p
