Anyone TTC in July 2006?

mich, SM stands for Shichida Method
mich, last week was only her 1st proper lesson, so i shall see for upcoming classes, whether she still enjoys and shows "improvement" in doing the activites a not. but if the 2 noisy bubs continue to act this way for the rest of the term, i might need to change class date/timing if i wan to continue another term...

btw, how do u guys teach the bubs about colors huh? trishelle doesnt seem to get it and i have no idea how to teach her beside just naming the colors in random..
Sentences like " I want to go toilet." "Teddy bear is red " Shocking hor

I didn't teach Serena colours but bought books from popular that says COLOURS. Like red colour book - everything in that book is red. Blue colour book - everything in that book is blue. There is brown book, red book, yellow book, blue and pink.

How do you plan to teach shapes?
gal, so serena can identify colors thru those COLORS books?

for shapes, trishelle already knows the basic like circle, square, triangle and star. she learnt from the FP shapes sorter.
I am not too sure if she knows how to identify the colours but when I tell her "I want the orange book" - she gives me the orange book. Once I asked her for a BLUE triangle. She gave me the right colour.
Gal, yes..just Joshua's name and surname. Thanks!
I am currently considering to transfer Joshua to another term of weekend class before stopping GUG completely. Not sure if we should as it means extra expenses on top of the playgroup.

Teacher Rusell was one of the relief teacher once and I remember she is very humorous and comical. Yes, I think she is good!

If I didn't remember wrongly, toddler will really start to speak in sentense when they are around 2years old. Those who can speak in sentense in the GUG class are around 27mths old and above.

Serena is good, she knows her colour!!! Joshua can't...he dunno shapes too except star.

Patty, I can't remember exactly when did Joshua start saying a proper word but I think he can say mama and dae dae kind around 1 year old. The 1st word he can scream out while pointing to the object is car and that was about 15 mths old. After that, all the one syllable words start to pi li pa la.
Gal, I think Joshua has benefited from GUG. At least I can see the change in him.
For this new term, he seems abit rigid and likes to stick to me compared to the previous terms. I dunno if its due to my pregnancy or because most of his classmates are different and the teacher also different.

But he can follow instruction very well now compared to before he starts on GUG.
Serena is a late speaker. She only start speaking when she is like 14+ months. First word is ma ma ma - that doesn't mean anything hor. Second word is daddy. She understands my DH is her daddy but when she gets anxious, she will call anyone daddy. Even the teacher , sometimes she will call daddy too. aiiii
I am hoping to see some new words from serena after joining GUG. After last week trial, she came home with new words like "yeah yeah yeah" don't know where she learn that from then "duck", "dog". Suddenly few more words in this week, not too sure if it's GUG so thought of allowing her to try one term.

Not too sure if serena really knows colour. it's like mood dependent. Bad mood - everything also don't want.

Follow instructions meaning sing and dance like how the teacher is showing? That's very very good leh. Serena will just walk away.
Gal, you don't see them running here and there while in class, they are actually learning hor.
I also dunno if its due to GUG that Joshua starts to speak more.
Now when he gets into the lift and sees a man, he will go 'cle' for uncle and if its a lady, he will go 'tee' for aunty. When he sees jiejie or gor gor, he will call too.

After Joshua came back from the 1st lesson this new term, he knows how to sit down and cross his leg and put his hands on his lap. I didn't teach him at all...he saw the teacher asking some students to do it.

And, he will do the bow when the teachers sing the song. He is definitely learning from the class.
Serena also says tee for aunty - i keep thinking how come it's so hard to say "aunt"

Joshua is steady lah. Serena is still runnning wild. I really run out of ideas to make her seat properly on the mat and listen and follow instructions. Any method you heard of?
Gal, its difficult for them to say 2 syllable lah. Once they start they will be able to do it very fast.

The teachers will get the kids to sit one. When the kids walk away, the teacher will call the kid and ask them to sit down.
gal, well at least serena can say "daddy", it's 2 syllables leh!!

haha, same lah trishelle actually knows most of the body parts in english liao and she will point all when u asked provided she's in a good mood. bad mood or she's busy she will just ignore us!

it's all right if serena still runs ard, they are still absorbing despite it seem they are not!
what I meant was why all babies choose to say TEE first instead of AUNT first as the first syllables. It's strange right?
Gal, oh...that's because tee comes after aunt mah. So tee is the sound they heard last when we pronounce auntie. Didn't you realise they always say the last syllable instead of the 1st?
That day, I asked serena to call Uncle Joe and ending up she calls JOE and missing Uncle. Kids are strange. They choose whatever they want to speak. At long as they open their mouth and speak, we are happy already hor.

Josh is indeed doing well, can say apple, airplane and daddy also.... Well done.
Gal, initially when all the tods are saying at least a word or two, Joshua still can't say anything and I was abit worried.
But since now he can say some I am already very happy. As long as I know he is not mute I think its enough. They just need some time to pick up.

Now Joshua is at the 'parrot' stage. When I accidentally spilled some milk powder, I said 'shit' and immediately Joshua goes shit shit shit.
Then when my hb ask Joshua to wait wait wait coz he was helping remove his shorts and Joshua is trying to run away then immediately Joshua goes wait wait wait. Very interesting period.
Sweet, sometimes we will just show Joy the colours and repeat them to her. So sometimes she will know when we ask her back, but sometimes like she don't know. I think no need to purposely teach about colours... they will pick it up randomly somehow... I don't remember teaching Serene specifically and in the end she figured all the numbers, alphabets, shapes, colours by the time she was 2+ yrs old.

Patty, Joy started to try talking at ard 10 months...

Gal, those senetences are really damn impressive man... envy envy

irene, yes, I remember Serene started to do sentences aroud 2-2.5 yrs old... think that's normal timeframe.
Wah.. she knows all the numbers, alphabets and shapes all by herself when she is 2+ years old. Do u think it's her school? I know of a friend who send her child to PAP and now 3 + years old and still dun know numbers,name(dun know how to spell) and also alphabets. Serene is smart leh.

Enrolled in GUG and wrote down your name , your mobile no and joshua's name. So, all done.

SM - shichida method (right brain training)-

GUG - grow up gifted (speech, music and drama) -

JG - julia gabriel(speech and drama) -

LNT - Little Neuro Tree(right brain training) -

It's best to go for trial first and see what christine is interested in
Hope the above helps.
Gal, thanks alot!!!

I guess bringing our toddlers to classes help. Seriously speaking, I find that there's a difference between toddlers who attend classes and those who don't. But as to which kind of classes, it doesn't matter.

And I just found out that Joshua actually knows his 1-10 well. How I know? I said one today and he went two so I said three and he will continue saying four and this goes on till he reaches ten.
Previously, he only randomly say two when I say one and sometimes he will say three.
It's ok. Hope all goes well for ur credits.

Oh.. that's excellent....... U thought him that or he learn that from GUG? I noticed every lesson, they will have to count total no of students.
Gal, I think Joshua learn from GUG as well as I count with him.
Yes, they count quite often in GUG.

So which time slot did you pick for the class?
gal, even though serena is not talking much, is she good in her non-verbal communication? for trish, she can hand signal very well, even for stuff we didnt teach her, she can get her pt across. that's why it's delaying her speech according to her teachers at playdays as well as some books that i have read.

mich, icic i kind of worried whether trish is color blind?! since she pick up shapes relatively fast but she just doesnt seem to get the colors hehe

hung, usually the schools doesnt hold special trial classes. if u request for a trial, they will normally just slot christine into a normal class which is on-going. hope that helps ;p
Gal, I think for Serene, its a mixture of learning from us, from the school and also from DVDs. In school, I know they teach alphabets, numbers, shapes and colours... I was already randomly reciting the shapes to her at home but when she started school, one day she pointed to the floor tile and said rectangle. Also for alphabets, she learnt from the Leapfrog letter factory DVD (highly recommend it!!)... think Serene is just normal lah cos most kids at 2+ to 3+ know all alphabets, numbers, shapes and colours already...

Sweet no lah Trish is not colour blind... its a developmental thing. One day she will suddenly pick up colours. Colours is not as easy to understand as shapes cos its more abstract. Quite often, I find that things cannot be rushed. Like 2 months ago, I was "complaining" to hubby how come Serene cannot "write" alphabets??? So this KS mummy told him I have to tuition her soon. Then suddenly last week, she started to write A, H, I, J, L by herself.. I was so shocked.
irene, wow, Joshua can count, good leh! Yah I think classes really help. Serene started school at 22months, so maybe those classes in the childcare have alot of input into her learning...
irene, when did your MS start to get better? Today I woke up, and the nausea seemed better, wonder if its normal or not though last evening I was still puking away... hmm...
mich, i also bought the leapfrog letter factory for trish, but according to my dad, she's not really into it (my dvd player cant play the disc so she only watches it at my dad's place) but she simply loves the wheels on the bus DVDs! aiyo, everyday watch.. we all feel like puking liao ;p

wow, serene can write some of the alphabets herself liao! yalo, kids sometimes just out of the blue will amaze us! i realise that whenever i start to teach her something new, she always take quite a while to warm up to it and sometimes in between she will get frustrated and throw the stuff ard. i just have to "retire" those and re-introduce to her again after 2-3 weeks. 2nd time round, she's usually more receptive and higher chance of successfully doing it
really cannot be rushed
Sweet, ha ha ya lor first few times show Serene the DVD she also don't care for it. But later on, as she approached 2 years old, she started to sit down to watch... ya man... I totally understand what you mean. Joy keeps watching the same DVDs, watch until I also know how to sing the songs, sian man! But intro new ones also no use, cos she will jus walk around.

What kind of stuff did Trish get frustrated with? Guess we really can't "force" them, but sometimes I very kan cheong want to make sure they know what they are supposed to know :p my hubby start to worry I will be a slave driver when they are in primary school!
mich, ok probably i just have to wait a while more for her to "like" the letter factory. for the wheels on the bus DVDs, she watch until she can memorise all the hand signals and do just before the relevant parts *faint*

stuff like those wooden peg board puzzles, 2,3,4 pcs of cardboard puzzles and latest one i intro is threading with beads. threading activity i already retire coz she's not keen at the moment. but the peg board puzzles she can do with ease liao, she's used to hate it coz she cant fit any of them in! suddenly 1 day out of the blue, she can do it. i recently just bought her 2 new ones with no peg, she can handle it just after 2 tries

yesterday LNT class, she can do the 4 pc puzzle to my surprise! but maybe it's a flux lah, not too sure. coz i was trying to figure out the puzzle and place it in the correct positions for her to "fit" together, she already took 2 of them and fitted them in, 3rd one i pass to her, she also fitted in correctly. the last pic took a while coz 2 connecting pts but she did it w/o my help too ;p

we same same lah, also very kan cheong! hahaha
Sweet, wow, very impressed Trish can do the puzzle on her own!

Yup, let's remind each other to be less kan cheong, or the kids may be stressed out kekeke
I end up picking the sunday morning time slot

I didn't teach serena any sign language cause before I was afraid that she will relie on sign language and not talk. That was the worry before. Right now, she tries to point and play Charades games with us. She will try to act something and if we guess right, she will show her happy face. If guess wrong, she will shake her head.

What it peg board puzzles? where did u get them?
mich, i was very surprised too!

yes yes, i really need to be reminded not to be so kan cheong ;p but i do try to follow trish's lead. if she doesnt like certain activities or get frustrated, i will remove them. for confidence booster, i will let her play with stuff she can do well and enjoys ;p
sweet, trishelle is good, can do the puzzle. Joshua can't at all. He can't even fix 1 pc!

Mich, I think my ms starts to get better at week 10.

Gal, wow... Sun morning ah..scary leh
gal, that's the pt! we didnt teach her sign language at all but somehow or other, she learnt it herself. of coz, it's not those proper sign language but "sign language" she created herself. for eg, if she wants to sit in a kiddy ride which is a distance away, she will keep pointing in that direction and then stick out her butt and point to her butt, indicating that she wants to sit! now sometimes she can also indicate when she has poo-ed. she will do the smelly action and pat her diaper ;p

wow, charades is advanced!! did it happen out of the blue or u "taught" her how to play?

peg board puzzles are those wooden puzzles. sometimes it has a picture at the bottom (for them to match) and some doesnt. peg is the small knob on top for the kids to hold. u understand wat i m trying to say? hahaha paiseh, my description very bad.. u can find them at all children/educational stores.
irene, u can start with those wooden peg puzzles type. those are easier to handle then those small cardboard types which need "connecting" of at least 2 pcs kind.

but josh can speak so well liao! kids are actually divided into 2 categories. 1 type can speak early and well generally will develop fine motor skills later and vice versa.
Not really charades but it's Serena's charades game. Her own version. Dun know how come she will do things like that. Point and shake her head or say YES. Maybe child's instinct.

Wooden puzzles like those melissa and doug? like got alphabet, numbers so on and so on???

I agree with you. Kids are divided into these two categories.
gal, icic so cute!

yes, popular ones are from melissa and doug but the 2 sets that i bought from M&D doesnt have pegs... serena enjoys doing those too?
Oh.. it's those with pegs or knobs that Trishelle likes. Yes. Serena loves those wooden toys too. It's like learning and playing at the same time.
Sweet, I have those kind of wooden peg puzzles too. Its like one piece kind for you to fix into one of the animal's body part.
He can't do it lor.

Oh..since they are divided into 2 categories then I guess I have to be patient to wait for his fine motor skill to improve.

Yes, Joshua also can indicate he has poo-ed. Sometimes he can tell me he wants to and sometimes he will tell me after he has done it.

Gal, I know what kind of charades you are talking about. Joshua loves to do it too. Point and say something and if we don't understand have to keep guessing.

That day he call me 'mama' when I was watching tv then when I turn over to look at him on his tricycle and said 'yes', he smile and said 'push'.

Mich, have you seen your gynae?
irene, icic slowly bah. trish for quite some time also cant even fix in 1 but once she knows it, she can do all, somemore with both left and right hands ;p i tried video-taping her yesterday but she "freeze" upon seeing the cam

good leh! josh can say before he poos, trish always signal when she is done..
Sweet, Irene
Serene no need to signal or say anything. She will just show her 'gek sai' look. When she is doing that, she will hide then refuse anyone to touch her, carry her. When she is done, she will come and want to play with you again.

I am not sure if it's the class on sunday or? After class this sunday, when we were out for dinner, Serena says this : " MORE COKE" We were drinking coke and then she pointed and show to us she wants some. We refused and then say to her : Say MORE COKE" She surprised us and say More coke. We have no choice but to give her. hahaha
Gal, wahahha...sometimes I also dunno if its coincidental or what.

Don't care long as they can do it then we just be happy lor.

Sweet, its the same as talking. Once they start they can do it well very fast.

Aiya..sometimes only lah. Sometimes he refused to tell me before he poo-ed so I will nag at him. Wahahaha...

Gal/Sweet, I love Melissa and Doug puzzles... infact those for older kids are really nice that I even ordered in from the US for Serene. Look at this set, really cannot resist:

Irene, yes I saw the gynae at week 8. Next appt is OSCAR at TMC, then see gynae the next day with results. You doing OSCAR this week?

Gal, wow... its good that Serena can now ask for More coke kekeke...
