Anyone TTC in July 2006?

Mich, that's my intention...I hope to latch totally for no.2 as I really don't think I have the energy and time to pump out and feed even if there's confinment lady or hb around. I find that its double work to pump out and feed.

Hahaha...I think I have to practise how to latch with sling or shawl at home so that its easier to latch everywhere and anytime.

Sweet, you are really damn lucky to have your hb!!!!!! So envious!!!!

Sweet, hb has to be generous or else I will be quite dumb to marry a man who isn't of any help or use at all.
sweet, yes...same day. We didn't stay long at Ocean park as really too crowded already so we just go to areas we are more interested in.
Yes, its actually fun minus all the troublesome and tiring part.
irene, icic looking forward to more pics!
irene, yes ah, latch directly is so easy when compared to washing pump and heating up milk. All the energy saved can be invested on playing with Joshua so he won't feel neglected.

Yah, probably practise makes perfect. I really dun know how to latch covered by the sling, cos I find it like super restrictive like that.

The HK photos in your blog? I go see see...
Mich, yes...that's what I am thinking. Save the time for washing bottle and pumping for Joshua.
Somemore I can sleep with the newborn and latch while lying down and I sleep. Wahahaha...

Yes ah, the food in HK is really delicious!!!
irene, I have heard that sleeping and latching at the same time is a life saver... but I never succeeded also. Think I never practise enough kekeke. I tried but Joy like cannot drink properly so end up having to sit up. But while bf, always end up falling asleep cos so tired.
Mich, I can imagine falling asleep and feeding at the same time. The same thing happened to me even with bottles as really too tired already.

I must die die get the nurse to teach me all the bfing techniques in while still in TMC.
irene, i think the nurses aren't as good as the lactation consultant. Usually the LC will make their rounds, you should request to see them since its free when you are staying in the hospital. I asked for the LC every single day just to check the latching...
Peg, just now I finally managed to find the playgroup you mentioned below my blk. I was peeping outside the window with Joshua and can hear one kid crying till the grandma and mum buay tahan.
I ask Joshua if he wants to go in and he says yes. Wahahaha....
You interested to let Del join that playgroup?
wah, so quiet, where's everyone ah?

Today, my turn to shock you ladies... Dun fall off your chairs hor...

I'm pregnant!
Sweet, thanks, EDD is mid August or thereabouts.

My MIL wanted hubby to "confirm" this is the last and final one kekeke
Sweet, my hubby said she looked worried and asked if this is absolutely the last and final one... hubby promised her it will be! Think if not, she will hand in resignation letter.

Last time, after Joy, she already hint to us that 2 is enough. She says she is old already so scared cannot help much. But we also understand if she cannot help, don't want to impose. There are always other way out I'm sure. The most become SAHM again ha ha...
WOW Congrats Mich...i hope i can pursuade my hub to chase for No#3 also kekeke..but he said 2 are enuf, i thk he got phobia aft we got twins i am thinking to see doc for contraceptive..Probably wait for 4 more years when my gals turn 5..
Patty, thanks!! When your 2 girls are older, they will be so much easier to manage, and having one more should be quite mangeable and then perhaps your hubby will be more fang xin to TTC again. Actually when they are aroud 3-4 yrs old, already quite manageble one...

What kind of contraceptive are you thinking of? IUD or the pill? When is your hubby coming back?
do u have any idea of contraceptive? I did ask my GP, his clinic has those weekly birth control patch type. But i duno how safe it is. And my fr is using those inserted under bicep one. Which one is best and not much side effect ah u know? what's IUD by the way? I dont want oral pill. He will reach next Friday kekeke...
Patty, your hubby will be back soon! So happy for you

IUD is the inter-uterine device which is small gadget the gynae inserts into the uterus to prevent any implantation from taking place. This one has no side effects because it doesn't use chemicals.

Other things such as the pill and birth control patch, at the end of the day uses chemical to control and hold back ovulation... but from what I know, all has been deemed safe as in research has not indicated any kind of big risk, though the disclaimer always say got a little bit of risk... also some women using the patch or pill may suffer from headache or nausea etc cos of the hormonal secretion.

If you want to consider non chemical kind like IUD, have to consult gynae to do.

I told my friend I want to tie my tube after this! And she proposed that my hubby tie his tubes instead kekeke. What a good idea.
yah i am very happy and looking fwd to his return too. Is the IUD expensive? can it be removed in future if i want to ttc again? Yah i also heard that the chemical types more or less have some side effects, i just scare if i put on weight cos of that. I did tell my mom i want to tie my tube aft i delivered my twins (when i was still in Mt A) haha..the folks all said i am mad, esp my parents cos they said i am still very young, why tie it? I thk tie hub's tube is better suggestion, i will propose to my hub this case, it is also to prevent a decade later an unidentified child comes and call me '大妈'...(kidding :p)
OOO Dun think this is a planned one ???? Indeed Shocking!!! This thread is full of surprises these days. ** irene baby dusts work for you huh
Patty, ha ha, you very funny can even think of becoming "da ma" kekeke... yup after your no 3, you can propose to hubby to go tie his tubes kekeke.

I wonder if my hubby will agree to my crazy idea. My friend was saying since i already do all the giving birth, why should I be the one that is also tying tubes??

Actually not every gynae will be willing to tie tubes. My friend after no 2 wanted to also tie tubes to prevent anymore accidents. But she was only 32, so gynae refused to do for her. In the end, she went for the IUD instead.

I heard the IUD is a few hundred dollars but can be used for long time. Very easy to remove for TTC purpose in future and won't mess up the system since no hormone involved. Maybe the pills add up will already cost that much over a few years?

Yah think we can look forward to more good news from Sweet, Hung etc kekeke... and also gal and Peg when they are ready to TTC!!

Where has Gal gone to by the way, never hear from her for 1 week...
Gal, I was just asking where you have been?? Busy packing for CNY ah?

No lah, I want to close shop but cannot cos my hubby has been "bugging" me for no. 3 since time immemorial. So I thought I better accede to his request before I turn 35. And I just missed having to do the amnio thingy *phew* Anyway, he PROMISED it will be the last one... finally I can close shop!!
Mich, you gave me a shock leh!!! Didn't even know you are TTC-ing!!!
Anyway, CONGRATS to you!!!!

I really peifu you ladies who dare to go for no.3 leh. I will definitely close factory after this.
irene, thanks, ha ha... I think I also shocked myself by making up my mind to go for no 3. I also don't know where I found the courage to do so... but because hubby wants it, so I was worried we may look back and regret if I didn't agree.

Actually wasn't actively TTC cos I was half hearted and I was actually half hoping it never happen so I can tell hubby, see not that I dun want hor keke

April, glad to know that you're better!
So how long have u been TTCing? U have any pregnancy symptoms like irene before testing postive?

Really busy these days for CNY, my family members want to decorate the house and bake cookies. I have to spring clean almost everyday - unbelievable with the amount of things I stake up entire year.
Sweet, thanks, I won't think about it now... my MIL in the midst of shifting house, wait for her to settle down then we discuss with her again. Anyway, already told her the plan is to send Joy to CC together with Serene.

Gal, wow, everyday do spring cleaning? That's super tiring. What cookies are you baking? So you have been throwing things out?

Actually happened quite fast, maybe within 4-6 weeks of not using any protection. Actually no special symptoms only the usual stuff like cramps and backache so it was actually quite impossible to tell. Except maybe a few days before period was due, my mouth got a funny taste and lots of gas, and that's about it. But I thot maybe cos I ate some funny thing?
Wah... just one try and u kena liao. Really good. I recall I had to try a few months to have Serena.

Yeah.. almost every day of spring cleaning. Dun forget we shipped back heaps of boxes from australia. Almost 60 boxes and also new stuff we bought in 2008.

I overheard they are planning to make pineapple tarts, almond cookies and a few more. So far just helping to stir the pineapple filling in the stove yesterday. haven't proceed to anything else. Preparation for pineapple tarts is no fun.

Ur hubby must be overjoy --- feeling of winning the winning!!! Since it's a planned one, did u try the alt day throughout fertile period?
Gal, its quite funny cos when I was TTC-ing for Joy, I so desperately wanted it to happen but it took 4 months. So sad every month when it didn't happen. But when I am like half hearted like during Serene's time and this time round, one month and it happen, so the trick is to not try too hard?

Ya lor, I also say my hubby is probably the happiest. I didn't try and I didn't bother to tell my hubby when the fertile period is... think he was the one who was keeping track and then request to BD ha ha

Wow 60 boxes? So after opening all the boxes, where do you put all the stuff? Is there enough space in the house?
I just try to donate those unwanted things to charity eg : some winter clothing boxes(dun know when to wear them again), bedsheets and some thicker towels. Will have to go thru some more.

Yeah.. ur hubby keep track. The world is turning. It's their turn now. heheh.. He also very accurate. Didn't have to try that alt day everyday for one week method . This was the method i used to have serena. hehehe
Gal, mostly I have a 28 day cycle, keeping track is pretty simple even for a guy! Yah alt day for 1 week method was also what I did for Joy. That time, my hubby said he BD till super tired ha ha ha.

Do you and your hubby have plans to ever move back to Australia? Or will you be settling down in Singapore for the long term?
Yeah.. I recalled my hubby also say he super tired. It was like : "Do we have to do AGAIN" that sort of sitation ha ha ha

Right now, no plans to move back to Australia. Hubby seems to be settling well in work and just got promoted. So, our target for us would be stay here until serena is 7, then we can decide if she studies pri school here or pri school in australia.
mich, hahaha it's like when u want it, it doesnt happen.. when half hearted, it happens real fast! ;p

gal, congrats on your hb's promotion!
Mich, CONGRATS!!!!!!
Wow, should change thread to TTCing in 2009. keke! Too bad my hubby wants to close down factory, if not I don't mind joining you guys as I really like the feeling of being preggie!
Gal, it was the first time I hear my hubby complaining about too much sex ha ha ha... Congrats on your hubby's promotion!

irene, i think my theory about not trying hard is definitely correct especially in your case ha ha... you colour your hair ah? I'm going to rebond my hair after CNY.

Sweet, ya lor, appears that its best to be half hearted so won't be too disappointed also, then if it happens, then its a bonus!

jeng, thanks, wow, you even thought about no. 4???? *FAINTZ*
Sweet, Mich

I agree with Jeng, must change the thread to TTC for 2009. So many!!!. Hung and Sweet also on the way!!!! For now, two 2009 babies coming and then few more months later will be 2010 babies coming.

Hello. How have u been? U like the feeling of preggie? U have MS free pregnancy?

U have two girls already, ur hubby wants a boy next?
Gal, it doesn't matter to my hubby whether its boy or girl... so we're not TTC for a boy though I know pple will say we are ha ha.

Ya too bad we cannot change the name of our thread ourselves! Or we should change the name to ha ha.

Jeng, how come you like being preggie? I really cannot stand it! Really hate MS.
I thought your hubby is one of those traditional type of guy. Must try for a boy. That was what happen to my parents. Very traditional so keep planning for a boy. Luckily 3rd one is boy if not I think they will keep trying until they get a boy.
Gal, so you have 1 sister and 1 brother? Are you the oldest? I cannot imagine TTC until get a boy, what if only no. 7 is a boy?? I have heard of families with 4-5 elder sisters and then finally a boy.

Fortunately my hubby and in laws are not the traditional type... infact MIL was trying to get me to stop at 2 girls and kept telling me it is perfectly fine to have 2 girls! Its just that my hubby loves kids and he wants a small crowd.
mich, i still thinking whether to rebond before my HK trip a not.. hahahaha u waiting for 2nd tri before rebonding ah? hehe

gal, i hope can strike within these 2 mths coz my fav mths to have a bb! hehe

wow, it's lucky they got a boy eventually! my SIL tried 3 times, all gers kekeke

Sweet, I'm going to rebond after CNY cos its cheaper and by then already in 2nd trimester. Now my hair not long enough, must grow for a few more weeks. Anynow, now really no mood cos feeling so sian and tired all the time. Your hair is so straight and nice, how come must rebond?

All the best in TTC-ing!

Is your SIL going to try for no. 4, for a boy?? My ex-boss tried for a girl, but for 4 pregnancies, all boys!!
