Anyone TTC in July 2006?

Ladies, I've gotten something to share...

I am preggie!!! And its a major ACCIDENT!!! Not planned at all. *booboo*

mich, i read about that news before too! another one which also happened in HK disneyland was a mum who asked the elder gal to wait outside the toilet while she bring the younger one in, when she comes out, the elder one disappeared and was never found! so that weekend while in genting, i also told my hb to keep holding trishelle's hand and never let her out of sight

irene, a big CONGRATS!! hahahhaa
irene, congrats!!! now dun even have to plan or think anymore liao
don't worry, you can manage one... jia you. How many weeks now?

Sweet, yah so many scary accidents! Think really must be super careful when bringig kids out.
Your hubby drugged you ah!!! heheh
Hi ladies

Sorry, did not come in for a long time again.

Once I came in, I saw the good news. Irene, congrats!!! Must take good care of yourself now.
Gal, its really a major accident. Only did it once without protection and kana already. I can only say its fated lor.

Thanks for all the congrats girls...!!!

Peg, I will try lah...not easy when you have to look after a toddler full time.
But my hb surprised me, he has been helping to bathe Joshua the past 2 nites. And when he is around, he will try to carry Joshua instead of letting me do it.
peg, how are you? really haven't seen you around for months and months. Have you gone back to work?

irene, that's good leh... tell your hubby to keep it up!!!
Mikiko, no sure when the EDD is. I tried the online calculator and it should be early Aug. Will let you know after I see the gynae in Jan.

So you TTC-ing too?
Mich,I am fine, busy looking after a hyper active toddler. Me still a SAHM, but keeping my eyes open to see if there is any part time kind of work, difficult lah, now economy quite bad.

Mikiko, congrats to u too!!

Irene, tat's very nice of your hubby. Joshua still attending GUG? Del is also attending GUG now, weekend class as all the weekday classes are full. But next term, he will attending the weekday classes.
How have u been? You really come in just in time for good news
It's being quite quiet here. Now it's good news one by one. U have any good news to annouce too?

Now you are preggie, u have to train your hubby to do more things so next time when no 2 comes, you won't be overwork.

Really fated hor. So, in life really do not have to plan so much. After confirming the EDD, we will soon be excited to know the gender. U want gal or boy??

BTW, are you in shock that you are preggie? Just curious here, how come u suddenly go and test for preggie ah?

Congrats to you too. You know the gender of the baby yet?
Mikiko, congrats to you too!!!

Peg, yes, Joshua is still attending GUG. He will be moving to the tods class next year and it will be in the morning.
Which days are Del's class next year?

Gal, its definitely fated.
I know that day wasn't safe and when I found out hb didn't withdraw, I already start to paranoid and grumble to him since day 1.
So I start to observe my body everyday and I can see all the symptoms as day goes by.

I've missed my menses for few days by the time I test.

Yah, once my hb finish his course next year, I would have to need him to be even more involved in looking after Joshua at night and on weekends.
So it was the day you O? If so, it's danger danger X 10. Never mind, it's happiness to be preggie for second time. Any special feeling these days like extremely hungry or angry or??

Start considering if you want to put Josh to school or get helper or? Good to start planning..
Mich, trying to see if can get a part time or work at home kind of stuff and definitely not ttc!

gal, no good news lah, if got good news will come in first thing to annouce.

Irene, he willl be in the Tue n thur class but at 4pm, so tat I can drive there, attend class then wait for hubby to go back together. which days are joshua's classes? what symptoms do u displayed this time round?
April, thanks!!! I haven't even got chance to use the OPK yet.

Gal, if I estimate according to Oct month, we actually did it few days before O.

Till now, I didn't feel happy at all. I have lots of things in my mind as this bb is really a surprise.

Yes, I do get hungry faster but I don't have appetite to eat. I get morning sickness when I am hungry but unlike the 1st round when I can eat and eat.

My current plan is to find a 2 hrs playgroup in Mar when GUG ends then slowly move him to half day cc. Don't think I will send him to full day cc unless really cannot help it.

Peg, Joshua's class will be wed and fri morning.
So Del will be in the tod's class as well?

Hey, so when you wanna TTC for no.2? I remember you mentioned you want but I am the one who said I don't want.

I felt super tired few days after my O day then I felt the sharp pulling in my lower ab in the middle of the nite when I stretch and fuller breast. Next, I had bloated tummy and kept burping away.

Dunno if due to no.2 but my tummy is growing very fast leh. It really worries me.

Mich, does tummy grow faster for no.2?
Which 2 hours playgroup are you considering now?

Now I understand what you mean when you mentioned you slowly get all the symptoms. It's really 'ALL' u had.

U still planning to carry Josh in your sling all the way to GUG when you are in your 1st trimester?
irene, think must take taxi to GUG now? how to carry all the way... dun strain yourself hor. yup, tummy grow faster and the body is alot more sensitive to the changes cos it is tuned liao. Our tummy muscles loosen already so it will show sooner. LIke all the stretching feeling in the womb area, it will come sooner than for no 1. That's my experience. And my friend also say she has more backache and abdomenal aches etc and her gynae says its cos ligaments loosen after no. 1

april, you changed your nick ah?
irene, maybe twins that's why stomach grow faster? hehehehe anyway your symptons sound different from 1st pregnancy, maybe a girl for u this time? ;p
Thanks for all the congrats.

Still dunno the gender yet. Hope can find out on the next gynae visit.

How are you? Long time never chat with you on msn. ops.. think I have lost your msn contact. Can add me again. Thanks
(your pm is not on leh can't pm you )

I think for no 2 the tummy will show faster as compare to no1. Hee i now look like I am 5 mth preg thou i onli 3 mth+ keke . Eat well and take care!!
Gal, yah...everyday when there's some new symptoms, I get more sian as all of it is showing that I am 'dead'!!!

I haven't shortlist any yet.

I am still slinging Joshua. Cannot use the stroller leh. If I use stroller then when reach US, I have to carry Joshua and drag the stroller down the stairs.
But what I do now is when I am in the train, I will let Joshua sit next to me or on my lap instead on sitting on my tummy.

Mich, no wonder my tummy seems to be growing super fast and I wasn't even eating extra now.

Now that you mentioned backache, yes, I had terrible backache when it was near my mense due date.

Take taxi very ex leh. I just hope that my hb can come pick us up after class if he can leave office earlier. But I didn't mention to him though...don't want him to think that I am needy.

Sweet, I am crossing my finger it is not twins!!! As for boy or girl, I very ching cai lah...both also can.

Hung, thanks!!! Faster come join us leh.

Jeng, thanks!

Mikiko, I can imagine lor. Coz now only 4th weeks but look like in my 10th week already.
Eat well ah? You got appetite?
Wow.. Long time didn't post anything.. Got good news from this thread. CONGRATS!! Irene & Mikko. Have a Ox babay! Hooray!! hee... :p
Patty, pui pui pui...*touch wood* Wahahah...

Sweet, Dr Wong going holiday before me so I can only see her on 8th Jan.
Patty, so did you suspect you were having twins? One of my friends said her sister in law having triplets and its natural!!! I thot triplets only come through IVF.

Sweet, thought you're on leave today?

Irene, dun pai seh to ask your hubby for help leh... with 2 kids, cannot feel bad, just demand he help whether it is to fetch you here and there or with housework.
irene , not to scare u la hhaha...but for me it grew very fast already in 1st trimester.

mich, no i didnt suspect until 12wks we were told only when doing the Oscar at TMC, immediately the sonographer asked us to go out and top up the balance $ for twins, piang so realistic! my 12wks looked like 20wks liao.
Patty, wow, they are really realistic... but I guess every hospital is like that, charge for every little thing. What are your plans for the twins? Will you be sending them to childcare in future?

Sweet, have a fun outing this afternoon!
Irene, del will still be in babe class for the forthcoming term to build his foundation for the tot class. Just a suggestion, why not change joshua's class to tue n thur, 4pm, then u can go together with me, dun have to take the train. Not planning to ttc till del is 2 yrs, actually no def plans, but definitely not now.

U can consider the playground at your flat downstairs, Talentplus. I spoke to one of the mummies there before, and she was telling me not bad n the teachers are quite strict.
Seems it's getting crowded here. EVERYONE is showing up with congrats... Thanks to irene and mikko.

Still slinging. Really no joke leh. Go easy on yourself. Dun over tired urself. I recalled I was really very very very tired in 1st trimester.

So i suppose no 2, you will look more overweight comparing to no 1. I was told every pregnancy is different. Hope this is a easy one for you , esp you still have to look after Josh.
Take half day go dating with DH?

U planning to TTC when Del is 2, there's abt same time with sweet.The more the merrier...
Hi April

my msn account kanna hack. Thus careated new account. my new account front same as last time but change to ( get what i mean?)

Yeah I did plan to send them to enrichment class like GUG/JC before, but now I have problem to brg them there on weekend cos my gals still cannot walk yet, so me and my maid mgt have problem to brg them out if I drive cos my maid cant handle 2 in the car mah…so may be I will consider again when they start to walk..and I plan to send them to FT cc when turn 2.

Gal, you also joining Sweet/Peg to TTC when Serena is 2 yrs old? ;)

2nd pregnancy doesn't mean look more overweight one... I looked just as overweight both times kekeke.

Patty, so what will happen to your maid when the girls go to FT cc?
