Anyone TTC in July 2006?

Irene, think he should get overseas allowance bah... my colleague was stationed in Qatar for IT project and his overseas allowance was alot man... almost like salary like that. But he only stay 6 months, say cannot tahan... his wife never move, only he go on his own.

hello all
I am back from the Genting trip. Very proud of Trishelle that she "survived" the road trip with no fuss! I am very surprised myself too that she can bear it so well hehehe so I am fang xin bout the flight to HK liao, since it's lesser hrs in comparison.

patty, really must hand it to you that you can handle the current situation so well! somemore you have twins

irene, dubai should be nice ;p if the posting to dubai is confirmed, how long will the outstation be?
mich, the place was pretty all right, nothing much has changed since I was there 4 yrs back ;p there was this restaurant where we had our dinner the 1st nite, the buffet spread was good and food super yummy! best part is that there's 20% discount for early birds if you enter the restaurant before 7pm and senior citizens only half price at RM21. The food is even better than another restaurant where we had buffet dinner the 2nd nite at a 5 star hotel.

hehe, ok give me some time.. will upload the pics soon!
Sweet, I have no idea as there's really nothing confirmed yet. Not even discussion.

Wow...Trishelle is such a good girl!!!
Sweet, not bad...I thought Joshua won't be able to sit still but he did. He was watching the show throughout.
Sweet, it was 1.5hrs...with a 15mins interval in between. If the tod is not brave, better not to sit too near the stage as its very loud!
irene, i always seem to be out of touch with the shows ha ha ha.

i was just reading one of the multiply blogs... and someone is preggy, she used to always chat with us on this thread one... what is her nick name? anyone remember?
Mich/Sweet, yes...its Tulips!!!! I am so happy for her!!!

Maybe she is still reading the thread just that she didn't post.

Tulips, CONGRATS to you!!!
Wah woman is mad again!!! I just went for some trial with her and son the other day and her son didn't even call mama and yet she is saying that her son can say so much things!!!
My Josh even said bye to them before going back but the son didn't say anything lor.

And, I am very sure I didn't see him run abit!
irene, i went to read her blog, like textbook like that detailing all the toddler's acheivement... haiz... just let her be since she like to "show off" the son.
Nowadays the papers have nothing much but bad news of pay cuts and retrenchments... i think even the festive season also got no mood to celebrate! One of my friend's company in the semi-conductor industry already had pay cut and then 25% of the HR dept got retrenched!

Sweet/Gal/Irene, are you or your hubby's company affected?
Mich, so far I didn't hear my hb mention anything. I hope he is spared as he is the sole breadwinner leh.

How about your co and your hb's?
mich, my side nothing so far but think will be pretty soon since the economy is so bad nowadays. if retrench, have retrench benefits still not so bad (eg 1 mth for 1 yr of service), i worried is those give u 1 mth notice in lieu and ask u to leave kind! now i am in a dilemna whether to continue with my plans to TTC from next mth onwards a not

my hb's co is still doing well. just announce variable bonus amt and he's due for promotion in Jan. Just hope that the economic downturn wouldnt affect his increment amt
Sweet, don't worry too much about the retrenchment. Even if kana also can find another job. Maybe just let nature takes its course?
irene, yalo worry also bo bian... but out in the market now, a lot of "floating ghosts", so will be hard to get another job. will def need to take a pay cut lo
irene, my hubby and I are both in IT companies and I think the downturn of the economy hasn't filtered down to this sector yet.

My hubby's department does the long-term outsourcing projects so he says the contracts are already signed for years and years kind so he should probably be ok bah.

But cannot worry so much already... just take things month by month.

Sweet, don't let the market sentiment affect the TTC plans leh... more important to have a baby cos surely the economy will pick up and things will get better in time to come.
Back from Macau trip. Tiring trip even without serena this time. Mostly gamblers in the trip so it's casino tour everyday

Congrats Tulip. Any idea when is she due?

I read her blog. Really sounds like a great achiever to me.

How did you make Trishelle sit for so long without any fuss?

Yeah. Salary cut and retrenchment is the headline almost everyday. So far, didn't hear any bad news yet. He handle the accounts so heard his company is still making profit. Make that lasts.
Sweet, was just checking the MOM website, looks like protection is given only if employee is retrenched 3 months before maternity leave starts. How long will u delay TTC for?

Gal, think Tulips said July 1 is her EDD.
gal, we moved her car seat to the centre instead of by the side. i guess she feels less bored when she can see the road ahead? beside that, we didnt do anything special. when she's get tired in the car seat, i will take out her and let her sit on my lap and she sits there w/o trying to climb all over the place. we were thinking that she knows that we are going on a trip, so she behaved exceptionally well.. coz after the trip, when she sits in the car seats, she was screaming away again! *faint*

mich, dun think i am covered under the MOM rules since not a workman.. havent confirm any decision yet, have to discuss with hb
mich, *touched* u actually went to dig for the info! hehehe.. sekali, it's termed as termination and not retrenchment, citing poor biz as a reason.. dunno like that still can be "protected" a not.. haiz, alot of worries
irene ha ha... no lah, just want to encourage her abit :p if you say you also want no 2 soon, I will also encourage you too! kekeke
Sweet, I totally understand the concerns... yah in these bad times, company can say anything. We can only hope that they will treat us fairly. Women always disadvantaged in the working world.
Sweet, its because its recession then should TTC ah. My friend was telling me since recession, cannot go back and work so might as well TTC!
irene, it's different in your fren's case since she's not workng to begin with, so she doesnt have to worry bout losing her job while pregnant. if i am a SAHM all along, i also will TTC during these times
Sweet, really ah??? I should really consider to start ttc next year too.

Don't worry so much, alot of things in our live is fated.
irene, one of my friend works in the finance industry and she was also saying since may kenna retrenched, maybe should TTC. Then when times are better, go back to work.

Was reading your exchange with db on the June thread... you oldest on the thread? I think got a few mummies older than you bah... for example me. If you are old, then I am ancient kekeke...

Don't let age be a factor... but where having no 2 is concerned, the day will come when you know you want to. Probably when Joshua is in school, you may feel things are more settled and you can think of no. 2.
Mich, wahahaha...I said I am one of the oldest. Not the oldest lah. Heehee...

Yes, initially I do have plans to go back to the workforce next year. But now that its recession, I don't think its easy to find job especially for sahm like me who has been away from the work force for 2 years.

I am still thinking...
irene, yup u should seriously consider to start TTC-ing since would be quite difficult to find job now, might as well make babies hehe so after giving birth, can go out to the workforce again
that day one of my colleague shared with me this disturbing news. She said her cousin's colleague lost 2 kids (3 and 1 yrs old) at the HK Disney Land and they have never been found. Totally unimaginable... apparently the 2 boys are believed to have been kidnapped. I feel a chill everything I think about it.... nowadays when I at crowded places, I will hold onto Serene's hand and not let her go on her own.
