Anyone TTC in July 2006?

irene, yup, i know what you mean... for no 2 always end up not buying so much cos the mentality is that everything can be passed down - especially so if the siblings are the same sex. If you no 2 is a boy, then all the clothes can be passed down also, even more savings.

sweet, you mean before official opening hours, they were already open for business?

irene, icic i actually thot of buying the jumperoo for a baby shower end of this mth but i scare there's missing parts or spoiled set and by that time, the sale over liao, cannot change!

mich, that's true! that day at the sale my hb was "complaining" at home so many toys, still buy and buy so i "comfort" him that i wouldnt be buying much for #2 unless it's a boy! he rolled his eyes at me hahaha

yup, i read from the other threads that they went way before the opening hrs and can go in liao.. so i did the same and save some time. coz trishelle was with us, and the place was quite dusty, dun wan to stay too long also
Sweet, ha ha, if your no. 2 is a boy, guess he will have as much toys as Trish. Looks like you gotta convert one room of your house into a toy store!
mich, if #2 is a boy probably would need to get some "boys-related" toys coz trishelle's stuff all very girly and mostly in pink! ;p
Mich, yah...if same sex then can save some money. If different sex then you have some variety. Wahahaha...
Morning mommies !

Mich, i got my very 1st xmas tree this year too! Cos my gals really like to see the lighting. I got it from taka, quite ex ah..but my MIL likes it so i no choice lor. I tot of buying from Giant one cos very cheap can get tall one. But nice ah.

Sweet/irene, did u see any twins pram at the mattel sale?? I am looking for side by side twins pram but only found Maclaren and another brand which is very exp like $7xx. I will be very heartache if my MIL brgs my gals to wet market with the exp stroller so i am looking for cheapo brand. Any idea where can i find it ah? I went to baby kingdom and baby hypermart yesterday, only saw branded like maclaren. Out of my if i can get side-by-side prams within $200 hehe..
Patty, I didn't see any pram at the sale.
Why not you try to see if anyone is selling those 2nd hand ones?
Patty, maybe you can post on the forum and see if anyone is selling? My Christmas tree I got from some warehouse sale... so its the cheapo kind... a 5ft tree. I didn't do lights though cos I was worried that the girls will go and play with the lightings. How tall is your tree?

Sweet, yah if your no2 is a boy, then need an entire wardrobe of new clothes, perfect excuse to spree kekeke. But I guess the baby toys still can share till the boy is older, then need his own cars and other toys that boys play.... Irene, what kind of toys do boys play?
hi irene / sweet,

ok thanks!

hi mich

My xmas tree is also 5ft. I already posted and also searched online but no 2nd hand cheapo twins stroller i could find. I want those umbrella type, i saw it on ebay US$55, any idea how to buy from ebay and ship to sg?

Any of you buy from ebay before?
Mich, Joshua has quite a variety of toys. More boyish ones would be cars and balls. More girlish ones would be the ironing set and kitchen set.
Other than that I think its those unisex toys like shape sorter & musical instruments.
mich, boy's clothings generally more boring and lesser variety hehe so def wouldnt spend as much like on trishelle's clothings. but best is same gender lah, can save more! :p
Sweet, generally mummies with boys spend less on clothes. Yes best is if your no 2 is a girl also. I so love the girlie stuff that serene and joy has. Sometimes I will just open their cupboard and sit there and admire the dresses, crazy rite :p

irene, seems like girls and boys have quite similar toys when they are young. Suppose only when they are older then it will really be different. I guess boys will like things like remote control cars, transformers etc....?
Mich, I thought remote control cars are quite unisex?
But yes, Joshua loves remote control cars and he can say the word 'car' many times a day!

The variety for boys' clothings are definitely boring.
irene, remot control cars are unisex? hmm... cos i never play with them before so i keep thinking they are meant for boys kekeke. Looks like most guys love cars... even your hubby buy himself a toy car ha ha.
Sweet, ha ha, really hope your no. 2 is a girl, then more chance to buy pretty clothes and admire them kekeke. Just now, in my canteen, there was a vendor selling pretty clothes from Gap, Polo Ralph, I was super tempted lor kekeke.
Sweet, I didn't leh... I had to slowly walk away to resist temptation. Cos Joy has alot of clothes waiting to be worn, and I know my mummy will be buying from the US when she visits us next year in May kekeke
Irene, it is in one of the cc rooms, the one that is facing the car park.

Sweet, yah lor. Really scared to bring him out without stroller alone.

We set up the christmas tree last week, but del managed to get down all the stuff and throw them around the house. Trying to re do again this week.

Ladies, the great sale at gimmill is starting next week, 19 -21 dec, 9am - 8pm, 43 tampines st 92. They have designer bb/kids, men's/ladies' wear. Up to 90% off. went the last time round n found it really worth it. Remember to bring cash.
Shopping season is here.... So much shopping going on.

I went to the little tikes christmas shopping. Bought for Serena the little tikes slides, playhouse, rocking horse and also basketball.

Seems everyone had fun doing all sort of shopping these days... $$$$$ gone but everyone is feeling happy. Happy Christmas Shopping everyone
Gal, wow, that sounds like a lot of lovely pressies for Serena! Do the toys take up alot of space?

Are you asking whether the clothing is cheap in US or in Spore? The one at my office was quite cheap, selling the Polo Ralph dress for $19 only. Think last time the sprees was selling for about $21 or so.

Sweet, another toy for Trish? kekeke

Peg, is the Gimmill sale crowded?
Went there, everything seems to be good price. Buy and Buy. Now back home, must think of spaces for the toys. Yes, these toys take up heaps of space. Headache now. HAHAHAH, this is always the case for shopping....
Sweet, have you considered renting the toys instead so when Trish not interested anymore can return to the shop and dun have to take up space at home :p
Gal, ha ha, cos I have "rented" the slides before so I roughly know how big it is lor so I was having visions of the slide, playhouse, basketball hoop, all over your living room kekeke
HHAHAHAHHA. u are right... I was planning only to get the playhouse for Serena's christmas present. Then we went and bought it. When my MIL came from Hk , she wants to go and get some for Serena. So, we went again second time. So now it's everything all over the house. Heard about other sale but dare not go already.
Gal, ha ha, when Serena dun want to play with it anymore, you have to find a space to store for your no. 2 :p better start clearing space in your storeroom kekeke
Now after having toys all over, gossips from relatives and family members.. One child play so many things where got fun. Should have a few more children to play with her. U see, anything can also lead to having more kids.
mich, i got jie pi, so never thot of renting toys ;p anyway, the coupe car bo liao, can save $$ hehehehe

gal, it's a very direct hint! u should start planning
Gal, ha ha, oh man... that's what your relatives said? So everyone hurrying you for no. 2?

Sweet, ha ha, yah the impression is that maybe not very clean. But so far, my experience has been good leh... everything sterilised before it comes and all quite new.
Sweet, Mich
Yeah lor. So direct. I walk away. My MIL came to 'see ' serena and also chat with me to hurry for no 2. I replied. Her son dun want to shut her mouth. One child already so busy. Realy like mad woman on the round liao.

Wanted to bring Serena for some MY GYM classes to drain off her energy level soon. Still deciding if JWT gym is good or MyGYM. Been to Graces Kids for trial and Serena loves It.

U started TTC already? Jia You.
mich, it's just me.. i think they will sterilised the toys very well before passing on to the next kiddo ;p

anyway, i must exercise control over myself liao!!!
I am a very lazy mom leh. It's quite far from me so I am not too confident to commit
I thought others like mygym and jwt (parkway and kallang) is as good cause they are nearer .Will be bringing her to try them out before committing. u? still bringing Trishelle for playdays?
Yeah. Planning to go weekday classes. Trishelle enjoying it so far? U planning to contiune for next term?
Gal, I wonder what's the best way to shut relatives up??? Maybe should tell them no time for sex cos the toddler keeps us busy kekeke
Really hard to shut other's mouth. I just walk away and not dwell with them further. Yeah.. U are right, really no time for sex. BUsy until die.
gal, yup Trishelle is having fun
last week, they had water play.. aiyo, this girl cried and screamed when we dragged her out from the pool ;p not planning to continue another term coz not enuff kids to form a sat class.

mich, i once read in the readers digest joke column.. we always have "well-meaning" relatives asking us "when you getting married?", "when having 1st kid?", "when having 2nd/3rd and so on and so forth kids?" at weddings, baby showers, festive gatherings, so the next time when attending funerals, turn ard and ask "when is it going to be your turn?" whahahahaha
hehe think nobody will dare to say that to elders in real life ;p

gal, they only have weekday classes at the moment and not enuff to form a weekend class, so no choice lo

gal, yup have been bringing Trishelle for trials at Little Neuro Tree. This sun will be the last trial, so will have to decide whether enroling her for the Jan term
