Anyone TTC in July 2006?

irene, only 2 more days, can count down liao!

Sweet, oh no... i can imagine the scene *faint* your packing list must be super long... that time bring Serene and Joy on a trip machiam bring the entire house like that.

Today so upset with my maid! On Saturday I ask her to wash the bed sheets and pillow covers. I distinctly remember there were 3 pillow covers cos I checked. Then yesterday, only 2 came back after washing. I asked her and she says maybe drop down stairs when she hang out to dry???? Maybe? How come she dun even know that it dropped. Then this is not the first pillow cover lost liao. the other one I also never say anything, thot maybe misplaced. Now I think its both drop downstairs and she never say!

mich, ya boy! frankly i quite hate packing for trips. esp i am not known to be a light packer, somemore with a kid, it's double headache. last sat when i was dressing/testing trishelle in the clothes to bring for the trip, i was telling my hb "last time i need to plan wat to wear for the trip for myself, now with a kid i got to plan for 2, next time lagi jialet when we have #2"!

talking bout maids and their carelessness, yesterday my maid drop the bottle of window wipe detergent downstairs, i was damned pissed coz it happened for the 3rd time already! what if it hit someone? keep telling her not to hang the bottle by the ledge but think she still did it
sweet, ha ha, I am trying to imagine you planning for 2 kids and yourself! Think it will take 1 full day.

Oh dear... think you must supervise your maid when she is cleaning the window to make sure she follows your instruction. As its really dangerous to do that. If hit someone, she may end up in jail leh... think you better warn her of the consequences!
mich, yup usually i need to take at least half a day of leave before the trip, just to pack luggages ;p

ya hor, forgot to mention bout the jail part, will remind her of that! hb coming back tmr morning but flying off to somewhere else again on Thur and will only come back on Fri Evening.
Another trip, how come so close to one another. Cannot rest in SIn longer?

How often does your DH fly? Is it true that a captain flies more often comparing to first officer and second officer?
Mich, its vietnam. Short biz trip.

Gal, yah lor...he was waiting for the other side to reply then they finally ok so he has to fly over. Don't ask me go there for what.
Aiya..he already gone for so long so another 2 days no difference to me. As long as this weekend he don't fly I am ok.

Hung, no lah...I think your DH definitely fly more often than mine. My hb is sometimes fly alot but sometimes can don't fly for few months.
Yah often your DH fly huh?
Wah.. so how's this week without hubby. Completely worn out. have as much rest as possible when Josh sleeps.

My turn next week.. aiiii
Gal, ok was actually nothing to complain about.
Somehow I find that Joshua seems to know daddy is not around so he behaves alright.

Actually I am not worn out as its like normal days since all along I look after Joshua 24/7. In fact, I let Joshua goes to bed around 9plus which is sightly earlier than when hb is around so I get to have more time for myself after Joshua sleeps.

You can do it still have your mum to help you.

Mich, yes he is back. He has already chia us to nice lunch/dinner when he is back. Just now we still bring Joshua to T3 to look at the disney characters and eat dinner there. Heehee...
irene, oh dear... Monday again ah, where this time round? T3 got disney characters to look at? I never been before, think I should bring the girls there one day.

hung, looks like your hubby travels the most, but i guess it comes with the job. You managing ok when he's gone?
Hung, actually pilot doesn't fly as often as I think coz minimum also got 1-2 days at home per week and if good, can be up to 5 days at home.

Usual white-colar employee also get 1.5days to 2 days of off per week.

Mich, its another place in Vietnam. I really dunno what to say as its really too overwhelming!

Yes, I saw that the disney character will be around till 31 Jan 2009 from the rich woman's blog.
irene, oh dear this really sounds like a bad mth for u. hope that after this trip, your hb wouldnt be traveling for at least a few mths hehehe hang in there, wed will be here in no time!

gal, when u going Macau?
Sweet, I am inspired by the Sakae teppanyaki we had last week so will fry a few vegetables together, then one fish and one egg bah. Simple dishes...
irene, good that your hubby trip cancelled!!

That day my friend was gripping to me about her hubby, who has not been around for one whole month and she is managing 1 tod and 1 NB. She has a maid, but she says that without the dad around, her daughter is acting up and she can't handle cos she has to manage the NB.

I saw the pics on rich woman's blog... she on leave for 1 year leh..
Sweet, hahaha...I will get the ntuc auntie to help me remove the stomach then I come back will clean and wash in detailed again.

But hor...I dunno how to fry fish!!! My fish always turn out to be messy!!!! Wahahaha...

Hung, I have a friend whose hb will travel once every other month and each time, he will be away for 2-3 weeks. Quite boring lor...but then she got people to help her look after her son so she can still go out on her own all the time.

Mich, I do find that Joshua behaves better when hb not around leh. Dunno why leh...

She mentioned one yr ah? I didn't read in details..just scan through.
Actually 2-3 days at home is not bad. It's just like 5 days week. Except if he goes to US, jet lag issues. Then the 2-3 days lilke almost gone.

Going to Macau this coming sunday. So it's like work hard this week cause DH not around then can relax for few days in Macau.

Seems like we can never stop thinking. I am also like that. Around also think. not around also think.. HHAHHAHAH
gal, good mah.. then it's like "xian ku hou tian"
by the way, when u take jetstar, do u need to check in the stroller or can wheel all the way to the plane's gate?
Mich, no lah...won't tell my hb. He won't be happy to hear it.

Gal, yah lor...there's really pros and cons when hb is around and when he is not.
Sianz leh...this Joshua's appetite is horrible!!! He didn't eat much solid and didn't even want to drink milk. His maximum milk intake is 200ml!!!! I give him milk, he will push it out and turn his face away!

Didn't even want to eat much for his lunch and dinner. Don't think its due to teething as no LS.
irene, how many days has this been going on le? does Joshua have any fav food? usually when Trishelle no appetite, I feed her more bisuits since she likes that
Sweet, its from the day I brought him for his 2nd flu jab on Monday. I dunno if its due to the jab coz he didn't behave like this after his 1st jab.

Yes, I have been giving him things that he wants to eat like Cheerios or biscuits.
hehe talking about hubby, i thk mine is worst. He has been posted to middle east for 3yrs since July. So few months he only can come back once for home trip ler..
Mich, yes...slightly better today! Yeah!!!

Patty, it must be hard on you!Never thought of going over?
hehe i already got used to it liao..lucky i am staying with my in laws now so at least they still help me bit lor..if it's western countries then i will thk of going over, but it's middle east ler..ulu balia place, later my gals go there got to use headgear cover the head, i dun want that hub told me that all women must cover the head in the middle east, even u r foreigner...and men cannot wear short to go out also, all must cover till toes.
Patty, Dubai is in ME hor. My hb told me he might be stationed in Dubai next year!!!
Faint leh...must cover from head to toe ah? Aiyo....
haha paisei la i duno Dubai is in ME, my hub is stationed in Iran..if ur hub stationed in Dubai, shd be better bit la cos the country is very advance/modern like western country ler my hub told me. i duno Dubai needs to cover or not, but Iran is a must cos muslim country mah..and bear in mind, it's all halal hor, so pork lover sure die there hub lost 6kgs within 3mths, imagine haha..
Patty, wahahaha...then I really hope my hb can lose that 6kg leh. I am not a big fan of pork so I won't die lah.
Patty, wow, stationed in Iran, don't think that would be a pleasant place to go ... my friend's hubby is an Iranian... she said its a beautiful contry (scenery wise) but no, she won't stay there lor...

Irene, Dubai should be ok bah... heard that its very cosmopolitan nowadays, everything modern. BUt ya lah, the cover top to toe thing really cannot take it. Imagine how hot it is, plus how to eat lilke that?
Hope Josh is feeling better today. Ur hb stationing in Dubai. Sure or not? Or he plan to joke with you?

It must be really hard for you esp you have twins. Are u working now?
Mich, yes...I also heard of alot of people going to Dubai for holiday now so it shouldn't be that bad.
Wahaha...must bring the food into the mouth from below the veil. So feminine lor!!!

Gal, wahahaha...I don't think he is joking lah. If he is then he would have said Iran rite? wahaha...
irene, my friend who worked in ME before was joking to say all the food sure stuck on the veil lor.. eeeks!

ha ha yes if he joking, should say Iran or Iraq or Nigeria or one of those places....

at 1st quite tough cos i need to cope everything on my own as all the while done by hub, i even picked up my driving(10yrs didnt drive)and now i drive to work ,do marketing & errands. Now am busy with home and works..very tiring & sometimes quite stressful esp when my gals fall sick. I pity my maid to look aft my twins whole day, so i let her sleep thru the night and do the nite feeding myself. Tough lo but no choice, last time i must at least sleep 8hrs/day, now 5hrs i already satisify hahah..
It must be very difficult for you. When will your hubby be posted back here again?

Oh no.. please pray your hubby won't have to go. No joke to handle it all by yourself 365 days
Seems its getting harder and harder to survive in Singapore. More and more singaporean get stationed overseas.

Sounds a negotiation is already in the way!!!
