Anyone TTC in July 2006?

My maid contract will end in Sept nxt year, by that time my gals are turning 2. I am not sure if I still need the maid when my gals go to cc FT..cos I am working and staying with in laws (so many people ah)..if I dun have maid, means I need to help out in housework on weekend, which I don’t like to haha! But no maid, I am not sure we can handle my gals or havent decided yet.

updated pic of my twins, taken in Oct when they turned 1...hehe
Errrr... think not so soon for me. Sweet, Peg and Hung is enough to make the merry trio group. Really need lots of courage to have no 2.
Btw your no1 and 2 how many years of gap?

Your twins are sooo cute. Really identical 100%.
Patty, maybe can hire p/t maid to do housework on weekends, think cheaper this way. Carechild expenses for 2 kids not cheap... esp if you want to send to the more famous schools. But by 2 yrs old, think together with your ILs should be able to manage the kids... that is unless you're planning to TTC for #3 & 4??

Wow, the girls are sooo adorable! Wish I also had twins kekeke.

Gal, Serene and Joy are exactly 2 yrs apart. Late May 05 and early Jun 07. Its easier to have them closer in age, cos "xin ku" once and be done with it
mich, didnt go fidgets in the end coz raining just now ;p

gal, no lah my granny went for cataract op, so i need to take leave to take care of trishelle

patty, both your gers very cute!!
mich, no leh.. cannot think of where i can bring her to and manage on my own ;p chicken out, so stayed at home hehehe

mich/gal, thanks for the concern. my granny is home now and she's fine
so now got to fix another appt to op on the left eye
How's joy doing now? Seldom heard u mentioning about her. 2 years apart is good. Envious that u are so ready to have no 2. It's a planned one right?
Patty, wow....your twins very cute! But hor, I still scared of twins unless really staying with ILs or parents who can help out.

Your twins cannot sit in the car seats? Its easier to bring toddlers to GUG when they can't walk coz they won't be so curious about everything and want to walk everywhere. You can always bring your girls to class together with your maid. Each one handle one.

And hor, I really think 14 mths old is a good time to start on GUG...becoz they attend 2 terms of babes class and then once hit 18 mths old, can proceed to tods class.

Sweet, no lah..Dr Wong will be on holiday from 17th Dec to 2nd Jan. But she is super packed with appointments so can only see her on the 8th.

Peg, thanks very nice of you to offer me a lift. But I have to change the timing as I want to stick to the current teachers.
The tods class will be 2hrs instead of 1.5hrs so if I continue with the 4pm class, it will end at 6pm which is very late.

Thanks for telling me about Talentplus!

Gal, come join me soon leh...wahahaha...if you want no.2 then just get it over and done with once and for all!!! After this one, I will officially close factory!

Yes, its really tough to sling Joshua and bring him to GUG. When I reach class today, I have to put him down and I was panting away! Then I sms hb asking him to come pick us up after class.

Sweet/Hung, faster come join me leh...!!! Wahahaha....

April, no need to return you lah. I am passing them to one of my friend.
Sweet, glad to hear that your granny is fine

Gal, Joy is doing very well. I'm really enjoying seeing her grow up even more than during Serene's time. Cos Joy has such a different kind of personality - alot less cautious and more outgoing. She is always doing funny things which cracks me up. And she's learning much faster than the elder one at the same age, probably cos she's picking up from the sister. I have come to realise that with 2 kids, you can love both equally, but will love them differently!

Yup both the 2 kids are planned cos I just wanted to quickly have no 2 and then go back to work kekeke. But TTC for Joy took longer than for Serene.

Agree with Irene leh, best to get it over and done with :p One of my friend encourage me by saying its only tough for the 1st yr during infant days... after that it all gets much better already.
irene, wa u dun even mind staying with ILs if they can help out with your kids ah?? for me, die die is NO! but if stay with my own parents, i dun mind kekeke

if i really pregnant, then it will confirmed be planned de, coz i m too much of a control freak liao, i cannot take this kind of "surprise" kekeke

why not u let joshua walk some of the distance? u can hold his hand and walk mah, no need to sling all the way, very shiong leh..

mich, last nite the nurse even call up my granny to enquire if there's any pain in the right eye a not. if have, got to go down to A&E. quite good svc. this afternoon is the post-op checkup, then i think will fix an appt to op on the left eye liao

how much longer it took to TTC for Joy as compared to Serene?
Sweet, what is the most worrying is the kind of accident that happen even if use protection. Cos one of my church friend conceived no 3 while she was on the pill. She says its God's will cos she kenna the 1% chance failure of the pill.

Wow the hospital provides such good service. Which hospital was this? TTSH? So the left eye op will be in the next 1-2 weeks time?

When TTC for Serene, the first month already strike leh... but for Joy think it took 4 months... wait until neck so long and I thot it would never happen.
mich, wow those kind of accident can really bang wall liao! how old was she when she strike with #3?

it was SNEC @ SGH. my dad was predicting it will be 2-3 weeks later. just now when trishelle saw my granny, she was very curious bout the eye patch and indicated that she wan to wear too ;p

icic, ok lah 4 mths is not long at all. i also took 4 mths to conceive trishelle ;p
mich, i dont mind to ttc for NO#3 but definitely not #4 haha..however my hub die die also doesnt want to chase No#3 liao. He said closed factory liao as living cost is very high and he wants to give the best to my gals and 2 are enuf. actually he dotes gals more than boys, so he doesnt mind to stop for now. But my mum is chasing me for no#3, they said at least give it a try to get a boy for my hubby. funny hor the thinking?
Yah, i agree with your words "you can love both equally, but will love them differently"! everytime people ask me who i dote more, elder or younger, i will just ignore it as i think for every mother all kids are equal mah, esp mine are twins..they are so closed/look alike to each other..

Irene, how long is the duration for GUG? i meant 1 term? and how much is the fee ah? What they actually can learn frm the class ah?
Sweet, waiting for 4 months to strike actually quite agonizing cos every month so sad that it didn't happen :p but its true that 4 months is not very long.

For my friend, I think she was still in her early 30s when she strike no. 3 and her second one was but 2 years old. But now they are all grown up liao, the eldest one is 10 yrs old.

Trish so cute leh... ha ha...

Patty, the older generation mentality quite weird hor... your hubby also never say he wants a boy but your mum thinks you should give him a son. Like those olden days kind of style when must try and try until get a boy. What if no 3 also a girl then how?

These pple so strange hor ask such stupid questions about who you love more. As a mummy all kids are precious... but each relates to us differently that's why love both differently.
mich, icic coz for us when we 1st started trying it was still those "ai mai" attitude, it's only after 2 mths when i didnt strike, then i start to panic and wonder if there's any health issues a not ;p

at least for your fren, she started young so at least the "accident" was not too bad hehe
Sorry to interrupt here ladies .. just wanna say congrats to Bear

Bear ah ... u r so lucky leh ... like dat also can kena ... sprinkle some bb dust to me can or not?
Hiaz ... my tummy still have no news since Owen was gone, and it's abt a year ago liao.

Eh, u going to see Dr wong in Jan ah? I've just went to see her recently oso and we might be going for IUI in Jan when she returns fr her holiday. Ha .. maybe can see u at the clinic
Sweet, yah she had her no 1 at 28. So by the time her no 3 came, she was maybe 33 or something. I know someone who had a fourth baby by accident at 42 leh... her 3rd one was already 9 yrs old! I think at having a baby at 42 is scary.

Pegsfur, hi hi, haven't seen you for a while. All the best for your IUI procedure.
Pegsfur, yah lor...damn heng rite? Thats why I say its fated mah. Coz there is a possibility that I keep procrastinating my TTC plans for no.2 till I say I don't want liao.

*BB dust to Pegsfur* Good luck to you!

Yes, I am going to see Dr Wong on the 8th Jan late morning. When is your appt?

Mich, I am saying get it over and done with to console myself now. Wahahaha...

I really hope I can love my 2 equally and differently too!!! Coz now I got no feeling for no.2

Sweet, I heard from Crystal that her colleague also kana accident even when she has been using condom!

Joshua can walk long distance but he doesn't like to let us hold his hands. He will only allow for few seconds then he wanna wander around on his own. I think its even more tiring to chase after him and then carry him while he struggles.

Patty, Joshua is more sociable,interactive and expressive now after attending classes.

They teach zoophonics in class so now Joshua can tell you most of the pronouncation with actions. You will be surprised they pick up alot from the class.

One term is 8 or 9 weeks. The last 2 terms of the year is 9 weeks. I paid $600+ for twice a week weekdays classess.
bear, now got no feeling for no. 2 cos can't even see him or her... but it will be different when the baby is born and we develop feelings slowly bah... oh man Crystal's colleague also kenna from the 1% failure of condom... actually no protection is good except abstinence lor kekeke

How can i register my gals ah, just call them up is it? I am very impressed by what you telling ler...I read from forum that zoophonics help a lot but i was unsure how it helps until now you explained to me. Do you need to do anything when u accompany ur son to the class? Cos if i go with my maid, i am worried whether i can cope or not haha..Also, do they have once a week class i/o twice? cos i got no time ah..
Mich, yah lor...I hear already want to faint.
Could be...I just hope that once I can hold the baby, I will love him/her.

Patty, you can call up to enquire on the vacancy. There are quite a few time slots for weekend classes so you can pick one that is not your 2 girls' nap time.

You just need to be around during the class to bond and enjoy the class with them. If your girl crawl away, you can get her back, you get snacks or drinks for them during break time and to help them with the arts and craft.
As long as your maid understands english, she can do it.
Patty, btw, alot of parents send their maids to go GUG with their kids. So those maids learn all the phonics too and teach the kids. The maid can sing those songs at home with the kids too.
Irene, mich
Don't scare me leh. With condom also can have accident. If so, must sue the company for selling broken condom.

Your surprise is really a great one to all leh. Really get all those old old members all to this forum now

Oh. GUG teaches zoophonics like A for allligator .. so on and so on. I thought they are learning letterland instead. So do they repeat teaching their letters again since you have joined them for such a long time already? Does Josh sit there obediently to do his art and craft? I bought Serena for zoophonics hoilday program since it's so near my home. She wants to take my bag and run out of the class most of the time and then during art and craft : everyone is busy sticking with glue and she is busy pressing glue and make a entire mess. This girl really big headache.

Glad ur grandma is alright.

Really can love both child equally? I thought it's really hard and that explains favourism.

How have you been? It's nice to hear from you again. Good luck for you IUI.
Gal, ha ha, ya lor, can sue the condom company and maybe the compensation they give probably is enough to raise a child up! There are kids who will set down quietly and kids who won't... my 2 also can't so its not just Serena. Its only now that Serene is 3+ that she has the proper discipline to sit down and do stuff.

I think some people favor one child over another for various reasons say maybe boy over girl, or elder one over younger one etc... but I'm determined to love all my kids the same way. Think its a matter of choice. Favouritism is bad for the family cos it creates a rift among the siblings especially when they have all grown up.
pegsfur, all the best for your IUI!

mich, gosh giving birth at 42 really gives me the creep! and somemore got to look after an infant and later on an energetic toddler!

irene, icic trishelle will only walk if we hold her hands, so easier to manage ;p but she walks pretty slow hehe

u have no intention to hire a CL ah? the last round when u did confinement, how u settle the food issue?

gal, thanks. probably if serena attends a few more lessons, she will learn to sit down and do her arts and craft
ok thanks Irene

mommies, which dvd is good for baby? I have Barney, Baby Genius series & the wheel on the bus. But everyday repeat same dvd my gals quite fed up with it liao...any recommendation?
Sweet, yah lor, at 42 think I'll be planning retirement not trying to give birth kekeke

Patty, try Baby can read, leapfrog?
Gal, hahaha...I am sure if its you who is preggie, everyone will rush in with their congrats too!

Yes, its Allie Alligator, Bubba Bear...etc
So now when I say Allie Alligator, Joshua will go 'Eh Eh Eh'. They will sing the A to Z every lesson but focus on one alphabet each week.

Joshua loves the arts and craft part the most. He usually mess up everything too. Other toddler apply glue nicely while he smear it all over his hands and rub everywhere. Luckily they provide apron if not I will faint every lesson.

I can see that Joshua really likes GUG as I will tell him we are going for class later, do you want to go? He will nod his head and say yes.
And after the happy song before the lesson ends,he will run to the teacher and say 'hug' and then hug the teachers. Cute rite?

Sweet, I think this time round should be hiring a confinment lady. Last round my mum cook and my hb bring back for me.
I need an extra pair of hands this round so the confinment lady can cook, do simple housework and help to bathe and clean the newborn.
irene, in the end better call soon coz good CLs get booked way early.. maybe can try ros's CL since she has such great reviews bout her?
Sweet, you said the same thing as Sporty!!! Wahaha...she also ask me to try Ros's CL as she says her maid till so nice!!
U mean trishelle is the ladylike type that walks slowly? Serena runs whenever she is happy or excited. Most of tohe time, I look like mad woman chasing her. How do you train Trishelle to be so lady like ?

For the holiday program, we attended 3 lessons in a week. Disaster. How is Trishelle in her class?

Try baby can read. Serena has been seeing that since 10 months. 5 discs in total.

So most of the time all the art work is mostly done by you. I attended with Serena, all art work like 99% done by me.

So you allow him to mess up every lesson, including on his face, hands and even head?

So you send Serene to pre-nursery when she is 3? When are you planning to send Joy?
gal,Joshua was very excited and curious about the paints and glue initially so he just want to play with it. That's when I have to complete his artwork.
He is not as bad now and is more willing to do according to instruction.

I always watch where he put his hands so I will stop him from touching his face and head with the paint.

How's zoophonics huh?
Irene, no problem. do let me know should u change your mind....GUG is very interesting n fun. Actually, i think we the parents are enjoying the lesson more than our babies.

Sometimes, i also wonder if i have a second one, would I have anymore "extra" love for him/her and even if i have, would i love him/her as much as del

pegsfur, bb dust to u!!!

patty, GUG has quite a few timings for their weekend classes.

sweet, wow, trish very good leh, so lady like! most of the time del does not want us to hold his hands n then will start to wonder off to things tat caught his attention. it is a struggle to bring him back to path.

gal, actually, del very scared when he realized tat his hands are dirty, he will want them clean before he does anything.
irene, yalo i read about how nice she said her CL was hehehe

gal, yup trishelle walks very slowly de, she seldom run in public unless she's chasing us. we dun need to chase after her, she will cling onto us for dear life, she's such a timid fellow! aiyo, i do wish she's more garang leh... think inborn de, i didnt purposely set out to train her to be ladylike

it's only during class that she dare to walk ard on her own, coz she's comfortable with it. but during arts and craft, she will shy away from those messy stuff like use hands to smear paint etc. but she dun mind using brush to do it. last week, they are suppose to use the brush to dip the glue and spread it on her art pc, she was very careful not to kenna any part of her body but alas the girl next to her, when dipping the glue and transporting the brush back to her own art pc, kenna trishelle's leg. trishelle was so upset and kept pointing to her dirty leg and wants us to bring her to wash

peg, del boy mah.. boys are usually more active and mischevious de hehe
Gal, I sent Serene to childcare when she was only 22 months cos Joy was arriving and we desperately needed help. That time I didn't have a helper yet. But when the helper came, she has settled in and appears happy, so no point pulling her out. Joy will be attending a playgroup near my place next March or April. What's your plan for Serena?

Sweet, ha ha, your Trish reminds me of Serene, esp the part about wanting to wash her leg. This morning, Serene was spooning the muffin batter into the muffin cups. After every muffin, she went to wash her hands cos there was some that dripped onto her hands *faint*

Peg, you'll find the love in your heart for no. 2. I felt the same way as you before I had no 2 but when she arrived, the capacity to love came along too.
Peg, I think Del will have the same teachers as Joshua's. Coz the timing is exactly the same as Joshua's current class's timing!

Sweet, sometimes I wish Joshua is more tamed.He is always requesting to come down and walk and refused to let us hold his hands.

Mich, I cannot imagine having a X'mas tree at home. I think Joshua will either push it down or pull out all the accessories!!!
Irene, yes, I think Joy will have the same idea as Joshua. I got one this year cos Serene can appreciate it already and would love to do the decor. As for Joy, I shall have to "teach" her not to touch the tree, though its not gonna be easy!
mich, hahahhaha both of them really the same! but i wish trishelle can be more like serene in standing up for herself. till now, whenever someone snatches her toy or push her, she didnt dare to retailate. i very scared next time she goes cc, kenna bullied by other kids.

we dun have xmas tree leh!! and hb dun wan to buy, he dun wan trishelle to go mess up the tree

irene, hahaha grass is always greener on the other side ;p btw, got any good buys at the mattel sale?
Sweet, I have to agree with you on that.

I only bought the FP calculator, clock, one ferarri car with track and my hb bought one ferarri remote car for himself.
Sweet, dun know why leh, but Joy not interested in touching the Christmas tree at all, so weird.

I think dun worry too much cos as she grows up, you can teach her how to stand up for herself... like what to do if someone snatches her toy ie go tell the teacher, or ask for it back.

Irene, wow, your hubby bought himself a toy kekeke
mich, is it? maybe she need a bit more time to warm up to the xmas tree hehehe

ya, probably need to teach her when she grows up a bit more..

irene, in the end couldnt resist it and went down yesterday morning to the mattel sale. bought FP geotrax and shop & learn mkt
mich, yup its actually in tuas ;p some of the items were going for 50% and some like 30%, so i guess not too bad. but the place is just a tent, no aircon.. if a lot of ppl, will be super crowded and stuffy. we went on sun before the officially open hrs, so very few ppl and no Q at cashier. we went in, select, paid all within 20 mins
Sweet, I also went quite early on Sat morning and since the sale has started so we take our time to shop around as not much people yet.

I think there's alot of good buys if its your 1st baby.

Peg, are you there?
Where is Talentplus? I can't find anything below my block leh. Is it at your blk? I think I remember seeing the banner saying its your blk. But I can only find the PAP one at your blk.
irene, think the crowd was on fri! coz i read thru the forum and saw some reviews on the toys, so we just went straight in to get the toys i wanted, just took 5 mins to browse thru the rest ;p yup! saw the rainforest jumperoo going for only $180!

Sweet, yah lor..I think those jumperoo and bouncer going quite cheap as I can see people grabbing. I saw the rent-that-toy lady boss too grabbing those too.
