Anyone TTC in July 2006?

Hi Sweet,

Mandy answered your question already. I also think it should be ok. The only possible worry is the fertilized egg might be dislodge during the implantation by the 'violent' action, but I believe chances is low.

April, I think the whole pregnancy is a test of patience. From the 2 weeks wait to confirm if we strike jackpot, to waiting for the most risky 1st trimester to be over, then still need to wait till D-day. Therefore, I think having a child is considered a miracle.

I'm also thinking of buying the 2 for the price of one test kit. I saw it last friday while browsing through the watson shelves for ovulation test kits.

The clearblue ones are by far the most reliable but I find them rather expensive. I felt a bit heartache when the test result turned out negative, it is like throwing away $10+ which can buy me 2 good lunch with drink to the bin

Hi Mandy,
I think u must tell ur hb that, the reason why must follow ur style is u want the kid to learn good thing. Not say mil will teach bad thing. But certain thing, we read from books, we know more. That day my mil said I everything follow books, then difficult to look after my kid next time. In my heart "it's ok, my mum will listen to me".

Yes I have msn, [email protected]
But seldom on when at work.
Nite time u on msn?
hi mandy

dun be scare... imagine when u get a +ve results, you will be so happy!

hi pageup

yalo, i scare that if preggie, then BD dunno will affect the fertilized egg anot... haha... i find the 2ww very tiring... dun dare to eat microwave food, cannot drink cold water and cant eat sashimi!!
Hi mandy,

it is good that you start to identify and discuss on caretaker issue early. My boy is also taken care by MIL. Aiyo! I also have lots of conflict, I don't know why she like to say no to everything i say. Just like not too long ago, I went through the effort of reading up chinese medicine books and websites before suggesting her to give my boy cooked apple and rock sugar to improve his bowel. She immediately say it is bad for him since cooking destroy all vitamins. Now I learn to give up, close one eye and let her do what she wants as long he is healthy. Luckily I insist right from the day of his birth that she will not be the sole caregiver, she will take turns with my mum.
Test to let myself feel better that the money I spend is not wasted ah??? Hee hee... most probably I will do that but I know the result will be -ve. I have learnt a lesson through this is that certain things cannot buy and keep

Maybe you can tell you friend that your hubby like kids doesn't mean he wants to have kids. Example is my hubby's friend, no kids but I understand from hubby that he like kids too but it is more like to play with other people's kid.

I prefer male gynae and I got one for my #1. Even if I do change, I will still look for male gynae.

You mean your strike liao???
hi gals,

thanks so much for your advise...aiya..

April: seldom on msn when at home as using dial up.. slow man.. keke

sweet:precisely man!!! cannot eat sashimi.. i cut coffee also... now trying to cut tea and coke... haha

page up: i guess as long as not our own mum sure will have more conflicts one lah.. for me i quite particular in hygenie and some food things i totally don't agree with her... hb commented to her and his sister.

in the end when hb not around the 2 of them come to talk to me.. say not easy to bring up kids etc etc... and hb and i so fussy etc etc... the 2 kids day and nite eat the same food one leh... monday to sunday.... like that.. aiyo.. how can? then eat in the toilet some more... let them play with butter knife and soap during meal time.

i was so fed up... tell the 2 of them straight in the face... if cannot never mind lor... we as parents also want to give the best.. told them i can employ maid and get my mum to help out.

then told my hb about it and ask him next time please spare me from all these things.. not our kids don't bother.. think hb now can see my pt of view better now....
hi jas

who was your previous gynae?

hi mandy

luckily i cant drink coffee... will LS... haha... tea also seldom.. coke is when i eat fast food lo...

huh? your MIL allow the kids to eat in the toilet?

now i drink hot chocolate. haha.
ya.. she encourages some more.. she can ask me to bathe the elder boy and meanwhile she feed the youngest boy at the same time in the bathroom...
very can rite?
i told her not good.. she say never mind then i ha..... she start to say.. next time i help u take care of your kids also will be like that.. u don't come and interfere ha.... <faint>
hi mandy

hot chocolate is a nice choice

aiyo... for me, it's either i leave my kid at my parents' place or i throw into infant care liao... i would never let my MIL look after my bb
Hi Pageup,
I heard that cook apple soup is good for health too. Maybe u juz cook and feed him.

Hi Jas,
Ya, juz to make u feel better that it wun go to waste. hehe.....
U're rite, better to buy when nid it. Insurance is the only thing cannot wait. haha....

My hb oso said the same thing. He said if like dat, then he likes a lot of things. He oso likes sport cars.

U all so good, got cut this cut that. I keep drinking ice lemon tea. Thot if cfm have then cannot drink.

Hi Mandy,
How come she ask u to bath the kid?
If my mum saw this, she will scream.
Where got pple eat in toilet one.
I tell u, not that I bad, but u shld think many many times before u really decide to let her look after. I even go to the extend of telling my hubby that I'll have prenatal and postnatal blues if I nid to worry abt this. So, I make him say yes to my arrangement. Furthermore, I cannot tahan pple nag.

Hi Sweet,
U oso cannot tahan the way she react?

Why MIL so difficult hor?
I more unlucky, stay same blk, same floor.
Only 2 doors away. Sometimes I think I STUPID!!
hi april

she speaks very loudly lo... sometimes a bit crude.. so i wouldnt wan my kid to grow up in that kind of environment.

though she was a baby sitter before.. hehe and all the bb under her care, grow up to be very big and chubby... but i still dun have lo... anyway, she also never say she wans to look after our kid lah... but i told my hubby very clearly liao, i will never let her take care of our bb in future

when we were choosing flats, i purposly choose one that is nearer to my parents' place rather than ILs... hehe... but alas, my bro-in-law shifted to our area not long ago! so i fear that she will shuan bian come up to our place if she is visiting my bro-in-law
Hi sweet,
same here.

For this I got a lot to say, but a bit inconvenience to say here.
Scared someone I know. haha.... Like real....
hi april

yah man.. i also worry hb or his siblings will come here to read.. haha.. so did not mention most of the things here also.. haha...

then really finished liao.. haha
sweet, april - looks like we might be in same shoes.. haha....
aiyo.. my menses cramp getting from bad to worse today.. feeling it more strongly today.. dunno is it coming or wat.. sigh...
hi april and mandy

u gers know wat? just now when i was typing the msg, i was thinking the same thing!! wonder if my bro-inlaw will come in and read this anot... but i guess not, since his bro is not the type and the wife is not PC illerate... haha... for my hb, he oredi knows how i feel, so i not scare for him to read this

yalo, looks like the 3 of us suffering the same fate... haha...

aiyo, need to eat pandanol anot?
Hi Sweet,
Ya, think we better find a good plc to "discuss" abt this. haha....
But luckily u din put ur name, like me. Silly me....

No, dun anyhow take panadol. Not good for health. Immerse in warm water better, drink some warm water. Maybe air-con too cold.

Think on the positive side. If strike, good, if dun strike, great. Good as in, ur wish come true, great as in, u get to try it again. ;p
Juz relax. Maybe really strike already?

yesterday did not buy to test.. maybe tonite or this weekend will test again.... but hor i got this premonition that is is going to be a -ve... hmm dunno why.... that is why i not very keen to test.. haha

i thinking of going gynae to check if i got cysts and fibriods or not..

hung: you going to see gynae when yr AF did not report ah? me also thinking if i should go or not.. heee..... but wondering to go before or after AF lor.... i work near mt e.. really v tempted to lunch time just pop over...
Hi Mandy,
If got cyst, you'll have bad cramps during menses and after menses, u'll still feel the cramp. Then will oso have many many outbreak on face. This is wat I experience.
That time when I got cyst, my menses came, I could not even stand up. Lie flat on bed. And it's only the 1st day of CNY. Then after that, how I sit or stand, oso feel the pain. In the end, go see doc, discovered 10cm "diamond" on my right ovary. After ops, take abt 1 mth to recover. That's 3 yrs ago. But now, found one on the same side, smaller version. Sometimes big sometimes small.
hi april

yeah, we shall "discuss" somewhere else... hehe.. thanks for the birthday wish! hehe... but not doing anything special today coz hubby working late, as usual

hi hung

u have the symptons for stomach flu? my AF came yesterday liao, so no strike this month.. hehe
Hi Hung,
Maybe you relax first, test on Sunday again.
Mine oso funny. First time found out, it's 2cm. Next check up is 4cm. Recent checkup is 2cm again. But before that, I on pills to control it.
hi april

no leh coz hubby cannot take leave
hehe... yesterday, when he discover me didnt strike, he was relieved... haha.... he still not ready to be Daddy

hi hung

my O date according to the website is suppose to be 8th, but when i updated my correct AF date for this mth, the O date was adjusted to 6th... so miss we oredi miss the O date when BD... haha
My gynae is Dr Lee Chee Wan. Thinking of it, I haven't gone back for pap smear test since 2yrs ago.

Me too, giving MIL to look after my kids will be at the very last resort that I would consider.

me should be confirmed did not strike liao....

i have a fibroid detected also.. gynae say never mind. pre preg test is all normal no suspect of PCOs etc etc
hey hung!!!

your O date and cycle same with me!!!
i also think i miss the O date.. just now went see gynae.. to do pre preg checkup...
my mense a bit kaput also... but normally is 34 days... then we discussed about the discharge it hink i saw the discharge on 4th july!!!! and i don't remember bd during that time.. argh!!!!

next cycle must try harder

no symptons.. but she say ok one.... this morning my message was still contemplating to go checkup or not.. then aiya.. just pick up the phone call my sister's gynae, she available so just go lor.... i did a even more accurate than preg test kit.. did the u/s followed by the vagina scan.... (dunno wat they call that) so confirmed no sac....

the gynae told me how to monitor the O period etc etc.. how to see mucus... the mucus must be clear and stretchy.. the time when i bd.. my mucus was a but yellow but stretchy... she say not considered O.... a few days after i BD i noticed the clear stretchy mucus but hb not in town so no bd activity lor...
haha.. then u might have chance...

i saw the clear mucus on 4th july but that one not v stretchy.. so i told myself maybe not indication of O... hmm.. it may be hor... no choice lor... never mind lesson learnt...
Maybe the chance of your success is high. By the way, durian got anything to do with better chance of conceiving? Can explain? Me never heard before.
wow, i feel so excited for u gers!

hi mandy

i also think i saw the clear discharge at ard 4th, also didnt BD then... so miss chance liao...

gals, normally how long your clear discharge last? coz mine is about 3-4 days, so got to BD alt days?
hi sweet

very hard to say.. i suspect only mah.... i talked to the gynae lor... she told me will really be clear clear one... and stretchy.. put between fingers can stretch 2-3cm like that... just now when doing u/s she say maybe she see the sac.. i was a bit happy...
but who knows.. no...

so now really waiting for mense to come liao., i think should be coming soon...

hey when go gynae 1st visit hor.. keep some urine in yr bladder...i read some where.. then just now my gynae also say.. good that i have a nearly full bladder.. haha
yah lor.. will try again next cycle.

i think if full bladder better for u/s kua.. not sure leh.. did not ask the gynae.. keke
Hi gals,
But this 2 mths, I din see much mucus leh.
Dunno is it becos I dun O at all.
Juz now go toilet. Found crumbly sticky discharge. Some of them even got bit of blood. Think me no strike too. So disappointed. Heart fell.
hey april...

when did you O?
i understand sometimes after fertilization takes place.. and when the egg plant itself in the womb.. there will be some spotting. (implantation bleeding).

it all depends.. i think we just take it easy lah.. now already 433pm.. weekend coming liao!!! enjoy lah!!!!

if we can't be july's conceive mummies.. we can be Aug conceive mummies!!!
then our kid bday will be in april 07!
Hi Mandy,
Actually, I oso not sure. By rite, shld be on the 9th. But from all my OPK, none is positive. From my chart, shld be on the 10th.

I thot this mth conceive oso april? I want apr bb.
hi april

dun be so disappointed yet... your AF hasnt come, so still got chance

hi hung

hehe... i always thot that oysters is the type of food for BD-ing... probably can get your DH to eat that the next cycle

gals, u have any preference on the gender of bb?
Hi sweet,
I see the blood, I sad liao.
Whole heart dropped to the extreme down.

Both me and hubby prefer gal. But hope to have boy as 1st. For me, I want my boy to protect his sis.
hi april

the blood is just abit right? not necessarily menses... so dun be too sad first

i like boy too, though hubby no preference
Hi Sweet,
Ya, juz a bit, inside the discharge. Like sometimes when blow nose too many times, the mucus will have blood like dat.

Hi Hung,
If I am not mistaken, full bladder is for u/s.

So is possible to have menses even if there is no O for the month? I always thought menses only comes when O coz egg not fertilised mah...???

Oh is it? I didn't know that. Your hubby quite good hor, got do some read up on such stuff. Mine is like boh chap type, never read up on such thing, even after he became father, most of those parenting stuff is all I read.

Cheer up and enjoy your weekend. Don't think too much.
Hi Sweet,
Ya lor, I oso find it strange. I start work at 8am. Sometimes quite tiring to wake up early.

Hi Jas,
I heard it's possible. But not sure abt this though.

Hi Hung,
Dun be sad. I've overcome my sadness. Think after AF, start work hard again. Must work double hard. Think this mth we din work too hard.
