Anyone TTC in July 2006?

hi april

i just went suntec today and pop into spring maternity and cloud9
cloud9 maternity wear really sweet & trendy!

hi mrs wong

u started buying your maternity wear liao?

hi ah_kat

ya, same as us! we will just let nature takes its course for a few mths and see how first... relax is the key!

Sweet, I starting buying when I was around 5-6 weeks preggie cos alot of clothes cant wear already...

My hubby recently went to KL for business, he bought quite abit of maternity wear for me cos it is v cheap
Their maternity wear is v trendy too, and can wear as normal clothes also..dun have the maternity look
Hi sweet,
Is the maternity wear at cloud9 expensive?

Hi Mrs Wong,
The xchange rate for RM is high now. Hubby said can change some first. Then plan to go shopping there. haha.... Even though juz back from there in May. But feel like gg there again. Especially genting. Cool.....
April, my hubby got extremely great rates when he changed his S$ to RM in KL.

We checked out the maternity clothes in JB, worse than SG. All v auntie looking and quite exp also.
hi mrs wong

that's quite fast hor.. hehe.. 5th week.. but i think should buy some comfy bottoms. i oredi stock up some baby dolls top and cardigans just in case, but havent got round to the bottoms yet

hi april..

i would say about avg about.. $40-$50 for top... i didnt check out the bottoms prices
Hi Hung,

Could the sticky discharge be semen?
Don't know about the rest of you but both looks the same to me :p

I used the online ovulation at but I only measure BBT. Today is my CD30 already but no sign of O
Hi Hung,
Not sure if it works for me. Cos if follow the calendar online, I shld have O on Sunday but my OPK show negative.

Hi pageup,
U saw the red line already? I am using too. But till today still no red line or any O sign from the chart. Today my CD15.
Hi April,

no red line yet. My body temperatures are still on the low side.
This cycle is super long, I suspect the delay of o is due to stress from my recent one week intensive business travels around china and hong kong. Also felt sick during the trip.
Mine oso no red line. And hor dunno when is my O too. Cos tested on OPK but all negative....

U try to relax. Can request ur boss dun send u for biz trip at the moment? Hope u feeling better now. Sleep early.
hi gals...

actually O is when u have the sticky discharge or...? coz according to those online ovulation calendar, my O day should be sat... but i had the sticky discharge about 4 days in advance and lasted for a few days. on sat, no more sticky discharge leh....
Hi sweet,
I heard/read that after O will have eggwhite type of discharge.
I still dun see tat, though my suppose O day already over.

Hi Hung,
I oso dunno how to feel cervix.
I have slight discomfort on my lower abdominal area. And when I lie on my tummy, feel the hard thing inside too.

Wonder when will I O or already O. gg crazy liao.... haha....
hi hung

think will be difficult for me to strike this month, coz we only BD twice on the supposely O day... haha... but i never experience the sharp pain u mention leh...

hi april

i got abit of the eggwhite type of discharge... so that means O day oredi over liao....
best of luck to you...

Wonder whether the OPK or the calendar, which is more accurate?

So white discharge mean O-day over? Since yesterday I got yellow thick discharge, today got more, so what it means? Higher chance? I found that I always have the yellow thick discharge for a few days then will follows by transparent white discharge, then after which will be dry before menses. If I didn't calculate wrongly, I should be CD14 today.
Hi Sweet,
Me not sure too. But this is what I heard and last time before my menses I will have such discharge. But dunno why since last mth, I din it. Maybe ur that 2 times will strike? Some pple, one time only strike liao. So, pray hard. Maybe good news soon?

Hi Jas,
I think calendar may not be 100% accurate cos every woman O differently. It can only be guideline. As for OPK, shld be more accurate but I dun think it's 100% too. Cos wat is LH is low? Like mine, until now, still no positive. So disappointed. Dunno is O or not O yet.

Me too got yellow discharge yesterday. Yellow creamy.
Actually I am quite confused on how to determine if the mucus is a sign of ovulation. Like Jas I will have a yellowish thick mucus as a start for a day or two max. After that it will become clear and then dry before the menses. I know that alot of ladies say that if the mucus is sticky like egg-white it is a good indication. So initially I though the yellowish thick mucus is it because it is sticky whereas the clear mucus is very thin and not sticky. But it turned out to be wrong. Confusing!
Hi Odie,
I heard, if the mucus is like eggwhite, means O-ing. Not sure yellow thick mucus means before O. But now I have white creamy mucus. Checked with a fren, she told me is a sign of abt to O.
hi april

just the other day, i was teasing my hubby.. haha... i ask him "u think your boys will be champion kind anot? 2 strikes and will kenna jackpot?" he laughed... hehe...
Hi Sweet,
keke.... U so cute.
U got the feeling u all strike liao?
Maybe u did? hehe.... Then got more reason to celebrate.

For me is, my hubby like to ask am I fertile today. Then I'll say, "I'm fertile everyday".
hi april

no lah... just got weird feeling.. coz 1st time trying, dunno wat to expect... will think whether will strike anot.. though we prefer to wait for a few mths before we get good news

somemore we went to soak in bathtub straight after with very hot water...hehe....
Hi ladies,

Have a look at what I found:

Monitoring the changes in cervical mucus is the only method that will not require looking back to the past few cycles for analysis, and also provide reliable results that you can trust when trying to conceive. You can do this yourself by getting a sample of your cervical secretions and stretch it between 2 of your fingers (the thumb and index finger) to test for the consistency. Examining the changes in your cervical mucus can help you pinpoint your time of ovulation and increase your chances of pregnancy.

Before Ovulation (low chance of pregnancy):
The first few days following menstruation, there will be little or no discharge present. You will feel dryness around your vulva. During this time, chances of getting pregnant are low.

Approaching Ovulation (chance of pregnancy):
The first discharge that does appear should be moist or sticky and should be white or cream in color. In the finger test, the mucus should break easily. You will only be able to pull your fingers about 1 cm apart before it breaks. During this transition time, first the mucus will become cloudy and slightly stretchy during the finger test (this means that it will still break before the fingers are stretched all the way). As time progresses, the mucus will become greater in volume.

Right around ovulation (high chance of pregnancy):
At this stage, mucus resembles egg whites. It is the thinnest, clearest and most abundant at this point in the cycle. Finger testing will allow the mucus to stretch quite a ways (several centimeters) before it breaks (if it breaks at all). ) The amount of this thin mucus will steadily increase until you experience your 'mucus peak'. This is the last day of this period where the chance of conception is high. It is closely tied to ovulation. During this phase, the sperm's survival rate is higher. It can survive in cervical mucus for up to 72 hours, a significantly longer time than during the rest of the cycle.

After Ovulation (low chance of pregnancy):
After ovulation, there is a marked change in mucus appearance. It returns to the sticky stage (does not stretch during finger test) and there is again a feeling of dryness around the vulva.

One caution for this test is that sperm can be confused with the mucus secretions and you could make wrong assumptions. Also, vaginal infections, medication, and birth control can alter conditions and should be taken into consideration when examining any vaginal secretions.
Maybe you can prepare to BD everyday now.

Me also the same, the white transparent mucus is not very sticky and thick. If based on what I know, after the clear discharge disappear, the next 2 to 3 days still possible to strike if BD.

Just wait and maybe later on when you test, will have good news... hee hee..
hi pageup

wow, thanks for the comprehensive info! at least me now clearer... hehe

Hi jas

will keep u gals updated... whether strike or not.... haha
Hi Sweet,
hehe.... 1st time I try, oso feel weird.

Hi Pageup,
Very informative. Thanks.

Hi Jas,
If really do everyday, think hubby will find excuses to stay away. haha.....
But really hope to strike soon.

Hi Hung,
When u going to test for positive? Good luck.
Thanks for the website. Will check it out.
hi hung

wow, so nice! go Italy!!! free & easy?
we also planning to go Korea in Oct/Nov... so a bit half hearted trying now... hehe...

great! waiting to hear your updates!
Hung, you can plan for trip to Maldives during your fertile period. There seriously got no activities other than BD!
hi hung

u havent go for honeymoon yet? when is your AD?

yalo... abit unfair to BD so often during O day, then suddenly deprive my hubby for 2 weeks... hahaha
hi hung

icic, your wedding just over!
can still planning where to go for honeymoon and have a "make-there" bb liao... keke...

hmm... think got 1 gel in blue colored packaging that is suppose to help uclers in mouth? my sis used tat and she said effective
Hi Hung,

Maybe can try to gurgle with salt water. But actually, got one type of cream good for ulcer but I can't remember the name. When I'm home and found it, will let u know.

My hubby always used that when he got ulcer.
Bongela is good. But not suitable for preggies, so if you suspect u r preggies already, follow April's advice on the salt water
Hung, is your cramp on one side onli? I will have cramps on 1 side when I'm going to ovulate (pain on the side that is ovulating).

If it is normal period cramp and alot of white discharge, might be AF coming or you preggie le

You got any other pregnancy symptoms?
Hi Hung,
Dun mention. Wow, ur mil so good to u. U staying with her?

Hi Mrs Wong,
Check with u, do u take ur BBT?
My BBT very strange. 2 days ago, from 36.8 dropped to 36.1. But now back to 36.5.
Hi Jas,
No prob, juz want to share.

Hi Sweet,
I think after O, temp shld rise and maintain high is good. Drop means AF coming. But mine a bit siao siao one. This is my first time taking BBT.
hi hung

u plan to be a SAHM when u have kids?

hi april

icic... that's interesting.. hehe...

btw, my AF should be reporting this thurs if never strike.. so can count down liao.. hehe...
hi hung

nope... i will still continue working
not willing to give up my present lifestyle.. hehe and if with only hubby working, difficult to support... so no choice lo...

great! we count down together

btw, how old are u? think me and april same age.. hehe
Hi Hung,
Wow, so good, can be full-time hsewife. I hope I can too. hehe.....
But if I working, I rather let my own mum look after. Cos at least I can "scold" my mum if she din do a good job. haha..... Me, the Evil daughter!

MIL din really bug us cos she only dare to bug my hubby. haha.... Poor hubby.... And all his relatives did bug us. Then his fren, one of his fren, dunno why so concern abt us having bb. Keep pushing and pusing.... Xian!

Hi Sweet,
I heard that maybe if ur dunno wat is high, if u test now, oso will have +. But even if it's -, it does not mean anything. hehe.... Maybe I thinking of testing.
hi april

when is your AF suppose to report if u never strike this cycle? i will only test this weekend if AF didnt report.. hehe... but i think no chance, got i no symptons of preggie at all.. hehe...

yup me dragon gal!
hi hung

u r still so young! *envy*
as long as your hb can supports the family, it is nice to be SAHM... esp when a kid's first few yrs is so impt
Hi sweet,
AF shld be expected this coming Sunday.
Me stays Jurong West(I know u not asking me, hehe....). I used to stay in Bukit Panjang.

Hi Hung,
Maybe can find some homebased job.
hi april

excited hor counting down... hehe... same as u, all my life, i stayed in the west... my parent's place at hillview

hi hung

all 3 of us stay very near to one another! hehe...

gals, are u seeing any gynae now? dunno start from where to search for a good one...

Hi Sweet,
Ya, very excited. hehe....
I'm seeing the gynae who operate for me when I got cyst. Now, I'm still seeing her. Find her frenly and she oso dun mind I sms her ask her questions.

Maybe u can look at forum and see which one u think is good. My fren oso found her gynae from forum.

Hi Hung,
Good, all west side, maybe can meet up. haha....
