Anyone TTC in July 2006?

Thanks for the encouragement ladies!
Anyway, I can't do much either as menses had been irregular since just seeking doc's advise lor..

Hi ladies,

jia you jia you!

Hi jas,

Drinking grapefruit juice improve fertility? All along I thought it is 'cleansing body system'... I will have massive LS everytime I drink that.

Today is my cd10 liow.. a couple more days to verdict... wish me luck.

I'm trying to quit coffee so as to prepare myself for next goodness, I'm like a drug addict going through cold turkey.. my colleagues laughed when they see my contented look whenever I take an exaggerated deep breath to sniff the coffee aroma
drinking grapefruit juice helps increase CM as understand from tulips. Maybe grapefruit juice not suitable for your body, everytime LS for your case. No wonder you thought is for 'cleansing body system'

From what you wrote, you really a coffee addict.

All the best to you...
hi pageup

then luckily i havent buy the grapefruit yet.. coz i have IBS... didnt dare to try new stuff

All the best! remember to update us!
Hello gals,

Long time didn't post any message. Seem like this threat is very active. But when I read, some short form I can't really understand, like OPK,CM ,IBS,etc... I will be gtg for my honeymood trip end of Aug. Hope b4 my trip, I can heard some good news from u gals..
Jia You & good luck.. hee..
Hi Wendy,

OPK - Ovulation Predictor Kit
CM - Cervical Mucus
IBS - I oso dunno. haha....

Where u gg for ur honeymoon?
Enjoy. U bring good news back for us too.
Hi April & Jas,

Thanks. I go europe trip for 20 days. 12 days tour package from insight, & extend some days F&E in london & paris..

Yup! We all jia you and have good news..
Wow.. a nice place and a long holiday. Good to have such long holiday to a far destination before kids comes along. Enjoy your honeymoon to the fullest...
Hi all, so glad to find this thread. I'm ttc #2 now, tried in June, didn't suceed. This month, I think also no chance liao coz I can feel AF coming with all the cramps.

Sometimes i think ttc is very stressful. I keep watching the dates and the symptoms. Do you ladies feel the same way? Or maybe I take things too hard hor...
Hi Mich,

Welcome here. So glad to have one new member here too. My first try oso in June, failed. This mth oso failed. So, have to work hard next mth. It's stressful but we must relax ourselves. Try not to take it that u're ttc. It's juz all abt love making.

Try to do alt days during ur peak period. Ur AF regular?
Hi April, thanks for the warm welcome

Yup, my AF is quite regular, comes every 29-31 days or so... I am really glad to have this forum to come to talk about how I feel coz I don't really want to discuss with friends I am ttc. Plus one of my friends ttc first time already preggy liao so make me feel even worse lor. I am happy for her, but feel so sian and sad for myself. Then I wonder what is wrong with me.

Now I think I have to quit thinking about ttc. Like u say, just enjoy the session, and if have good... don't expect, then when AF come, won't be so down... And if really preggy, it will be a surprise
Hi Mich,

Do u keep track of ur BBT? Try to chart so that u'll know more info. U use OPK? haha.... I tink all these add to more stress. But sometimes quite useful.

Feel free to discuss here. No one will pressure u. Juz relax. Nothing is wrong with u. Not everyone will strike the 1st time. I used to think it's easy too. But realised it's not. But when the time is ripe, I'm sure I'll be pregnant.

Shld juz relax. Too tense, oso no good. I realised that when I tell my hubby it's my fertile period and we have to try to BD, it's not that pleasure. haha.... So, I tell him, for this mth, wun tell him when I fertile. Will juz do it when we want.
Hi April, I decided that I won't chart the BBT or use OPK for now coz like you say I think I will be very stressed out over it. Then if chart already and that day cannot BD, then even more stress!

And I also dun tell my hubby when the fertile period is (can calculate based on cycle days) so we just BD every 2-3 days coz that's what he wants to do lor ha ha.

I think just do randomly during the fertile period then one cycle sure can strike. And I am one person don't have the EWCM, so cannot guage using CM... so I just have to pray to God
Hi All..

I am new here & also ttc this AF just ended and waiting for the O day now..stressful as need to take note all the symptoms for OPK , when u guys start to use it aft AF?
Hi Mich,

Impossible chart already that day cannot BD. Charting only to see ur O day.

During fertile period, best to BD every alt days. After on O day and oso after O day.

How come no EWCM? Maybe try to drink that grapefruit juice as recommended by the gals here? Not sure works or not but worth to try. Read that sperm nid cm to survive.
Hi Patty,

Welcome here. Juz relax, if not symptoms will play hide and seek.

When to start using OPK depends on ur cylce length. Mine is abt 25-26 days. So, I shld start ard CD 8, which is today. But yet to test yet cos I still not home.

Good luck.
Hi April

Mine is 30-35days cycle. I thk i will just simply start to test from day 12 onwards. are u testing daily? or alternate day? Yeah my fr also told me to bd every alt days during fertile period..tiring right? esp during weekday sigh..

So is this your #1 ttc? Good luck to u too..
Hi Patty,

I juz started to use OPK last mth. Yes, I tested everyday. hehe.... Agreed with u. Very tiring. Especially after a long hard day at work. Sometimes really no mood but for that, have to work hard.
Hi April, dun know why don't have the EWCM leh... but I heard some mummy comment that this book called Taking Charge of Your Fertility says for those who dun have, the days of wet and watery discharge are the fertile days... think I better go look for the book.
Hi, welcome. Me TTC for #2 also. Agree with you, watching all those dates and symptons are very stressful.

That's a good idea. Just do it whenever you want it instead of just waiting for the fertile period, at least no stress.

Welcome too. My cycle days are similar to yours around 30-35days.
welcome mich & patty

hi gals

just bought the book "What to expect when you are expecting" over the weekend, suppose to be a good book
Hi Jas, thanks for the welcome, how old is your first one now?

Hi Sweet, thanks for the welcome too, yup, I heard that is a good book.. The other place is - one of the most comprehensive places on pregnancy I have seen online.
Hi all,

I am new here. I am TTCing this month as well and trying for my #1 and I am admit this is indeed very stressful.

I am within my 2WW and AF due 6 AUG. Everyday during this 2WW is like hoping for +ve and then cramping almost everyday for the last week or so, gassy and dizzy spells (Sometimes I am thinking if I am starting to imagine things)..

Just wondering if any of you have funny symptoms during the 2WW(2 week wait)?
Hi Jas, my girl is 14 months old now.

Hi gal, welcome here. I agree the 2ww is not easy to pass as well. But don't think too much about it till AF is due. Because sometimes the symptoms could be real but may be due to something like flu etc then you may set yourself up for disappointment. So try and keep yourself busy and your mind on other things.
hi gal

i fully understand wat u mean... hehe... during my 2WW, i was having weird dreams almost every nite! then i wake up more often at nite to pee...

but didnt strike this mth (just started also)... this weekend is suppose to be my O day.. hehe
Hi gal,

Last mth during my 2WW, I oso feel like vomit. haha.... Juz relax and maybe u might have good news for us soon?

Good luck.

Hi Sweet,

My O day oso suppose to be this weekend. hehe.... Not going out liao. Must camp at home.
hi april

our cycle running on similar days... haha... even O day about the same
still hasnt decide if we are going out... got to mointor CM this mth.. hehe.. try a new "method" every mth to see which one works
Hi All,

Thanks for the welcome too. Yeah i have weird dreams during my 2WW too haha!! & felt like vomitting & no appetite, but AF came at AF just ended, waiting for O day hehe..hope can strike this mth..Oh gals, is the Florida grapefruit juice really work to get more CM? Saw somewhere in another thread abt this.

Hi Jas,
since ur cycle is same as mine, r u using OPK? so when u start to test it aft AF?
Hi Sweet and April,

It is quite amazing we have this sort of funny symptoms. Very sian, sometimes it makes you feel you going to be a MOM this moment, next moment NUP.

Really funny is I have been going thru the website where anyone can go and list early pregnancy symptoms and then start monitoring any chance everyday. Do you have any sort of cramping symptoms as well?

Quite dreadful to do this everytime during 2WWW until we see a BFP
Hi gal, I have cramping before I get my menses as well as that time before I found out I was preggy with my first baby. Coz of the cramps, I kept thinking AF coming liao but in the end, never come. So cramping could be a good sign
Hi April and sweet,

Yes. Sometimes I do think it is in the heart as well. So, sometimes having your AF arriving is disappointing but it is like some kind of relieve so that you can stop thinking. Is this normal, is that normal?

Hi Mich,
You do have cramping as well. How long did you try for your baby? Which month did you strike?
hi gal

for us, coz we are not really very very serious in the TTC-ing plans, so dun feel very disappointed when i didnt strike in Jul... hubby could even be said to be relieved when didnt strike.. heh...
Hi gal,

Same here. I feel the disappointment too. The first mth I tried, I really very sad. But tell myself I want apr bb so still early. Then last mth, I was a bit sad too. But very fast feel ok already. Juz that when I teased my hubby, I pretend to cry and in the end really got tears. haha..... This mth, I take it quite lightly though am working hard.

Hi Sweet,
I try to lift up. But not sure how long. Cos leg "suan". haha.... But if nearer to O, will put up longer. My GP oso advise me to do that. hehe....
Hi April,
This is my first month after waiting for 6 months. I wish I do not have to wait too long too hehe... Like you, I wanted a aries baby too.

Hi Sweet,
So, which month bb u really want?
You aiming for a 2yrs gap between #1 and #2 right? It is quite a nice gap. For me wanted to have a 2yrs gap too but due to housing and caregiving issue, delayed till now and the issues are still not totally resolved, but I just can't kept on waiting and nobody knows when will the issue be resolved. So you hoping for a boy for #2? I definatively hope for a girl for #2.

Welcome, the 2WW sometimes quite difficult to pass right? Just don't think too much on it, else will be very stressful too. For me I just treat it as waiting for AF.

For me, when I had my #1, I don't think I had any symptons at all or maybe I didn't take notice of it coz it was sort of unplanned type. The only thing is that my appetite is very very good, so it explains why I can put on a hefty 20kgs... hee hee...

I haven't started to use OPK yet, I just received my orders last week. Maybe will try after AF which I am waiting for it now. Maybe have to consult April how and when to use it. I was thinking to use it from CD15 onwards but not sure whether will it be too late.

I didn't lift up butts. Normally I go and wash up immediately liao...
hi april

icic... coz i feel weird lifting up the butt... hehe... my mum even ask me not to wash up after that.. i was duh, cannot!

hi gal

we actually prefer 2nd half of the yr bb and we are planning for a trip to Korea either in Oct/Nov... so if strike now, wouldnt have chance to go.. thus not very committed to the TTC-ing.. hehe... but since old liao, so thot better try early lo... very contradicting hor....

hi jas

icic... some ppl believe that good spermies will find their way w/o any aid... 2 school of thots
probably i try lifting up for awhile and wash up liao... hehe
Hi sweet,
How sweet is that.... is that honeymoon bb? Is it really not wise to travel during PG?

Hi JasTan,
Thanks for your encourgement. I will contiune working hard.
Btw, anyone into BBT ? Is increasing BBT after ovulation the correct way to go? I am still new in this, starting to learn and researching in this.
hi gal

nope, it's suppose to be our 1st yr wedding anniversary trip, we got married last yr in Oct
... best not to travel during the 1st tri, coz foetus still not stable... best time for traveling while preggie is during the 2nd tri
