Anyone TTC in July 2006?

Wow all of you are thinking of being SAHM. I am one who definately cannot be a SAHM, I just don't have the making of it. Morever, I stay with in-laws and I sure will not want to face them the whole day, I will go crazy man.....

Most of you are westerner hor.... seems like I am the only easterner....

hi april

what's the name of your gynae?
yalo... when free, we can meet up

hi jas

i also wouldnt consider being SAHM, at least not in the near future
i am sure that there are a lot of easterner as well! hehe
Hi Jas,
Nvm, we can meet somewhere convenient for u too. Where u staying? Juz dun say Changi that side.

Hi Sweet,
Geraldine Tan. She's with TMC. But her own clinic is at East Coast Road. Near to Katong Mall.
Hi sweet,
At first I see her at TMC. But now I see her at East Coast. Her clinic oso have all the equipments.
I planning to give birth at Mt A. But not sure will hubby send me to the rite plc at the rite time or not. Cos a few times we go TMC and East Coast, he still still can lost his way.
Hi Hung,
Ya, think so too.
But maybe when really +, then we go check up, must ask him to remember. If he still forget, then something is wrong up there. haha.....

So, for u, u'll choose TMC?
hi april

i will most probably choose TMC too, but just that not confirm on the gynae yet... wow, from jurong west to east coast quite far hor...

i wan to choose a gynae that is convenient for me as my hubby is very busy with work, worried that he wouldnt be able to go for all check-ups with me
Hi Sweet,
Ya, quite far. But luckily only for check up.

Hi Hung,
Mt A oso nearby only. If we can go same date, then good. haha.... I mean give birth.
Not 'gong' but sometimes quite forgetful. But luckily he know how to read map. Unlike me, I dunno how to read map. Ask me read map sure lost my way.
hi hung

is your gynae only available in TMC, no outside clinics?

hi april

will u continue to see this gynae once u get preggie? coz by then, will need to go for regular visits
hi ah kat

nope, we are all counting down only... hehe... my AF should be coming tomolo if didnt strike

u stay in JW, same area as apr!! so u got any gynae oredi?
Not at Changi but quite near.. hee hee..

To be on the safer side, maybe taking a cab would be a better choice in case of emergency.

No lah.. as what sweet mention, we are all still in TTC.
hi gals....

i am also trying to ttc starting in july 06.
just very confused.. based on my past menses cycle my O was early July.. BD very frequently during 1st week of july as also noticed clear discharge.. but noticed that mucus after the O period became more clear and watery (never like that before) haha... then that period of time as hb not in spore so did not bd liao...

now i am already on CD35.. last wed tested -ve.. no guts to test again this month...
hi mandy

how long is your cycle usually? 35 days seem long... probably if u r preggie last week, it is still very early stage, that's why tested -ve. Why not test again this weekend if VF didnt come?
hi sweet,

my cycle generally is 32-35 days lah.... last monday for no reasons i was unable to sleep the whole nite... then i worry becos of that my menses will be late.. now a bit scared to test...

as last wed i tested, i was a bit disappointed and affected by the results.. even though it was my 1st month of actual trying.. keke...

the mucus i monitored in early july was slightly yellow but sure can pull long long.. keke... but after that during 6th july the discharge became v v clear but cannot pull long long.. <puzzled>

in May my menses cycle was 45... so really dunno if it is trying to be funny this time round again or not.. hmm

right now have those kind of menses cramp...
hi hung... march cycle came... april nothing and then late may then came something like that lor...

trying not to think about it.. but these few days keep having those menses crampy feeling then go toilet no spotting.. hmm...

for me burping is very normal and bloatedness in stomach also normal.. so cannot be used as a preggie symptons for me...
hi mandy

cramps is also sign of preggie... hehe.. probably wait awhile more to test bah

today is my CD29.. my longest cycle is 35 days
Hi Sweet,
Yes, I'll continue to see her if I got preggie. I think I feel comfortable with female gynae.

Hi Kat,
hehe.... We have not strike yet. Waiting to strike. Me oso stay Jurong West. I'm in st65. U?

Hi Mandy,
Dun give urself pressure. Relax. I don't even see any mucus for this mth and none of my OPK show positive even though the day is suppose to be my O day. Test this weekend, maybe u'll get good news. good luck.

burping oso sign of pregnant?
Recently I keep burp leh. But it's after eating. Usually I dun burp much.
Hi Mandy &amp; Sweet,
Burping after meals oso count?
But I dun feel bloated.

Now my mucus is sticky, crumbly type. Dunno why oso....
You can try to test again this weekend. Even if result is -ve, don't be disappointed. You can try again next month.
Good morning Sweet &amp; gals,

I oso feel cramp on my right side. And keep having the feeling something flowing out. Last nite even dreamt that my menses is here. Oh no, is this the sign?
hi april!!!!

same same!!!!
i have the cramp on my left side... i think this month it is the left ovary that produced the egg also...

i have the strong feeling tat menses coming also as kept having mense cramp.... very scary.. yesterday i draw up my guts to buy a test kit leh.. but hor.. the test kit spoilt!!! the control line did not come out....

hb ask me to buy again today and test again.. told him provided i can draw my guts out again.. haha
hi april

they said that dreams are opp of reality!! so maybe u strike this month!!

hi mandy

spolit?? can take back and ask for refund?? hehe... ask your hb to accompany u to buy the test kit again
hi sweet

haha... the disclaimer did say that if the control line did not appear means maybe too little or too much urine... for my case i think i overdose it.. haha!!!! i drowned it with my urine!!!

i bought the clearblue 9.90 one not so good.. .. will consider buy the 12.90 one..
I had my IUI on 6th of July
And today morning I tried to test for pregnancy using clear blue that i got in guardian.
But it turned out to be negative.
I am so depressed. Is it too early to test or should I use any other early pregnancy test kit please advice
Hi Mandy,
Which brand u bought? Maybe try clearblue?
Must find out earlier than can schedule go see gynae. Dun worry, we give u courage.

Hi Sweet,
Hope so, but scared cos keep having feeling got something flowing out. Used to dream of having menses before it came. Hope this time wun come. Cos only saw one spot on the pad.
Maybe you want to consider buying the Watson's brand one, I think it cost $8.9 and it quite good coz I tested +ve with it for my #1... hee hee..
I had one now kept in my waredrobe unused which I bought quite a long while ago and I check last week, then notice that the expiry is end of this month.. argh...
Hi Anita,

Cheer up. Dun be depressed. Try to relax. Did gynae advise when u shld test?

Hi gals,
Dun say I kia su. I have one in my cupboard now. I bought during Watson's sales. Clearblue. The one show + or -. Mandy, the one u bought only show one line or 2 lines rite?

hehe.... Jas, then u must test on it soon.
Hi Anita,
No prob. Actually din really help yet.

I understand the curiousity. I myself even feel like testing right after BD. haha.... Hubby oso tease me, asked me have or not. Faster test. Juz that, for the sake of save cost, I dare not use my one and only test kit yet. Must wait.

Don't worry, 24th very fast come one. Close ur eyes, next second already 24th liao. I oso plan to test on 24th. Cos my menses due date is 23rd. hehe....

How long u been trying already?

Good luck to you. All the best.
Wow April Then I have a company
Hope we both get positive on 24th.
I have been trying on 2 years on my own
And finally this year from Jan I was seeing a gyni and actually with all this fertility programms its 3 months.
And this is the first IUI
But what irritates is everyone who got married even 2 months back call up with their pregnancy news and keep asking tell us good news soon

you are right!!! i use the clearblue 2 lines one.. haha.. maybe should get the +ve and -ve one hor.. keke...

actually last wed i kaypo lah.. go test also.. bought the +ve and -ve one test.. but i remember my mense date wrongly... so tested too early and it was negative.. that is why now got phobia to test again lor.

anitha: don't think abt it too much first as each of us the body is a bit different.. some girls use preg test kits can test a few days after O some can't.... so it all depends.. the most impt is must not be too stress by it. i know easier said then done.. but just follow your gynae's instruction lor.

hey gals.. let's talk about something more happy.. keke... any1 of you seleceted gynae liao?
i prefer a female gynae.
Hi Anitha,
Yes yes, let's all get + on the same day. hehe....

Let's juz think it this way. Maybe out time is not ripe yet. We still not ready for "suffering" so soon. Tell them u're not in a hurry to "torture" urself yet. I dun like when frens push us give birth, irritates me a lot.

Hi Mandy,
Now very high tech, they even got one with "pregnant" and "not pregnant" digital type of HPT. But very ex. Not worth it. Cos I can write out the word "pregnant" nicely myself.

I oso prefer female gynae.

Anyone try HPT on ur hubby? haha.... Joking only lah. That day, I ask hubby, wonder if I test on him, will he get + or not??
Hi ladies,

i am staying at JW st 64!! So near hah..

Hee hee...I am so confuse now with this counting and going for a checkup then see how lah..
hi April,

true true.. as long as can tell me the news can liao lah.. keke... i most prob will be taking Mary yang from Gleneagles..

Told my hb if this month we did not strike i going for pre pregnancy test.... today is my CD36 liao.. very tired today.. feel like sleeping.

these few days went back in law's house MIL also kenna asked the same question also.. ask me when giving birth etc etc.. aiyo... i pretend did not hear anything. just don't respond.. haha...
ever got once his cousin ask if we have problems conceiving and if we need her hb's expert advise or not.. wah!! pissed my hb off big scale man!!!
hi gals

me bu dio this month... AF came liao... hehe

hi mandy

i heard the clearblue one not bad... i will buy that one too
since today is your CD36 liao, can test this weekend if still didnt come.. probably good news!

hi anitha

probably u can test on 24th.. now probably abit too early bah...

hi april

how does this +ve -ve clearblue test kit looks like? pink color one is it?
hi ladies,

long time never log in liow.
update from my side. I finally see the red line in my fertility friends chart a couple of days ago, which means my cycle is delayed by 1 month.

Like many of you ladies here, I also have slight cramp on one side. I don't remember having such cramps during the past few cycles. Anyway, will keep my fingers crossed while hoping for miracle in 2 weeks time.

I agree with Jas, the watson one is pretty good. It can pick up +ve result as early as 11DPO. I also use it when I found out I was pregnant with my boy.
I think they have buy one get one free offer now.
The clearblue one is rather expensive
hi pageup

ask u ah? can we still BD during the 2ww? this question has been puzzling me for some time.. hehe...

wow, the watson one sounds like a good go check it out!
Hi Kat,
What checkup u going for? Prenatal checkup?

Hi Mandy,
Me feel like sleeping too. Xian oso. Very moody. Recently not feeling well, very xian.

How did ur hb reply? This kind of pple very insensitive. Hb got a fren oso. She said, my hb likes kid, impossible he dun want kid. Wat's she trying to hint, I still guessing.

Hi Sweet,
U'll still try next mth rite? Keep trying ya.
The box is blue. As for the inside, I have not open up and see yet.

Hi pageup,
2ww is the most diff period hor? Keep hoping 2 weeks past faster. Wow, the watson got offer ah, maybe will go buy and try. haha..... Think today is my 11DPO liao.

Then my clearblue have to wait again.
hi april,

my hb just 'chey' her lor. keke
now even if i have kids i have another set of problems ah.. as MIL wants to take care.. she taking care of 2 kids(3 and 5 years old) now with help from a maid. i doubt she can handle another newborn lor and she has been laying down her rules and regulations if she is the caregiver of my kid..
etc cannot interfere with her method, etc etc etc

aiyo.. so angry.. i told my hubby if that is the case before i give birth might as well give me a contract and let me sign off my rights to my kid better... <angry>

Hi sweet,
clearblue +ve and -ve is a blue box.. in guardian there are 3 types of clearblue.. range range is 9.90, 12.90 and 19.90. 9.90 one no good.. 12.90 one better(showing +ve and -ve)

Hi pageup
2WW can BD lah.... i still bd now leh.. keke.... but cannot be so wild lor.. must be more gentle.. keke...
ok.. tonite if i pass by watson maybe go buy the watson brand.. that is if i have summoned all my courage.. haha
hi apr

yeah, i will try for 1 or 2 more cycles... if still no news, then i will stop for the 3rd cycle... hehe

hi mandy

ok, i will keep a lookout for the $12.90 one... u dun dare to buy test kit or u need to courage to test?

i was worried, dunno whether can BD anot... haha.. now i know
hi sweet

once got courage to buy i sure got courage to test.. haha...
wat i know is that ok to bd one.. just cannot be too rough.. unless your pregnancy is not stable then gynae will tell u to refrain from bd-ing..
hi mandy

icic... so u are scare of the part of buying the test kit.. hehe... i not paiseh in buying these stuff... i even buy for my colleagues... haha...siao hor?
Hi Mandy,
Other than ur mil, anyone else can look after? For me, my MIL stays same blk as me, but I still make my hb promise to let my mum look after. At first, we did ask mil if she will want to look after. Then she said, if she healthy ok. And she said, nite time u all must bring back, I cannot look after. The way she put it like not very nice. So, I asked my mum, she said ok, will even look after at nite cos she know I'm weak, must have enuf sleep type. And I can set my own rules for my mum. I told hb before, if let mil look after, sure got conflicts. Cos I got my own way to bring up my kid. He agreed with me. Luckily for that.

Must grab since got offer.
"ning ke sha chuo bu ke fang guo",
rather kill wrong then let go.

hi sweet,

no lah.. buy is ok.. but i scared of the results. if i buy means i wnat to test liao lor...

hi april:
hb like prefer his mum to take care leh... i also think sure will have conflicts but hb hor.. ever once told me straight in the face b4 say if let who take care we must not interfere too much.. then a few days later my MIL kept repeating her 'cannot interfere, cannot interfere' thing liao lor... sigh... that is why i told hb might as well they draw a contract for me.. let me sign my rights off my child better.... if i cannot interfere and let MIL do wat she likes then i can say i not fit to be a mother liao... a lot of things sure cannot take it one lah... april u got msn?

MIL help me take care sure conflict like mad one lah... already a lot of things i cannot agree liao...
