Hi all,
I am now preg wif #3. Previous 2 pregs were csection.
#1 e-csection as bb was in distress. Heartbeat dipped aft induced. Bb was not receiving enuff oxygen and I was put on oxygen mask. I was aldy on epi and dilated to abt 4cm in 3hrs+. Not a pleasant experience as I was in total shocked due to the last min decision made for e csection. So e csection is totally not one I will want to go thru again.
#2 - Elective csection as gyn afraid if induced and ended up bb distress and e csection. Not very supportive of non induced labour though gyn was supportive of vbac as I was told that I've no pre-condition of csection and am capable of vbac. Need to induce as we were told of bb not gaining weight at wk 37. As I was also afraid of another e csection shd bb ended up in distress like #1, gyn told me to go for elective csection. So I opted for epidural csection so my hb can witnessed the birth of our #2 in the opt theatre while I'm wide awake. Aft study much abt csection + 1 past experience, Im more prepared for it, having a positive attitude and eagerness to welcome bb #2.
Both were wif the same gyn.
So now, I'm in a dilemma. As Im also aware of the risk involved in gg thru 3rd csection. Current new gyn (previous gyn was in long leave when we visited 3wks ago) nt supportive of vbamc at all and scheduled me for elective csection end July/early Aug. Sigh.
But as I've read up quite a fair bit of vbac since 2nd preg, now I am very determined to seek 2nd opinion wif Paul Tseng (rather than believe what the gyn has planned ahead for us, leaving us no choice at all) just to make sure I dun end up feeling guilty and regret for not chkg from him should I end up wif csection. But I am more than willing to accept another csection if Dr Paul Tseng said my chance of vbamc is very slim and the high risk of endangering me and bb's life. Appt has been made wif Dr Paul Tseng b4 cny. Shall see how it goes.
My personal views on vbac is that it all depends on how you see the risks involved in vbac. Can you take the risk of womb rupture during labor ? What is your objective of going thru vbac? To experience natural birth ? Or faster recovery ? Or to feel the "real" mother of gg thru natural birth?
To me, safety of bb and myself is my main objective. However having said so, I am hoping to get 2nd opinion on my chance of vbamc since I have not experience natural birth still. Plus the fact that, complication of vbac is indeed lower than csection except rupturing of womb during labour. Csection is considered a major abdomen opt though.
Also the total cost involved in gg thru vbac will be much higher as more monitors and updates are needed. So, if you are not willing to pay more and have an open mind that you may end up gg thru another csection due to unforseen circumstances, then an elective csection is still the best choice. Afterall its cheaper than vbac. A fren had just gone thru vbac wif Paul Tseng. She was shocked to see the total bills. Said its so much higher than her 1st twin preg via csection. Plus, Paul Tseng doesn't have any antenatal package. So that means, the cost will be from case to case, depending on the mother n bb. My fren had more than 10 cts monitoring her bb (3.9kg) during labor. Hence this is one of the reasons why they had paid more. Also, for huge bb, sometimes assisted delivery will be needed and hence additional fees incurred.
Lastly, talkng abt recovery. I thk its also very subjective. For my 1st csection, it took me abt 2wks+ to be completely healed (meaning no pain at wound area) though I have to control my coughing, sneezing or laughing just to make sure I dun feel pain at the wound. I cld walked around in the hse wif much ease. Can bf and expressed bm for the next 7.5mths. I am the main care giver to my child then, wo any help.
For my 2nd, my recovery was amazing & slightly faster. I cld walked aft 15hrs del #2. I dun hv any helper when I gv birth to #2 except confinement lady during 1st mth. Aft tat I was left alone w 2 kids (28mths apart) for the next 4mths b4 I got my maid. Reason was becos I had no time to hmsch my older child due to bfg my #2.
Both, I ate fish 3x daily for speedy recovery. I had alot of bedrest to ensure I can cope w bb aft confinement lady left. It worked!
So, now, why am I still considering vbamc now wif #3 ??
Well, my 2 main concerns are, bfg. As aft opn, your milk flow doesn't come in automatically. So I had to use a breast pump to stimulate milk flow. Alot of challenges & preservances involved. I had successful bf #2 till slightly beyond age of 1.
2nd, bb deliver via csection will be in higher risk of unstable/high heartbeat & other complications which happened to my #2. He was in ICU for 2days to be closely monitored 24hrs and his suckle was very weak hence he was on drip for 2 days.
My conclusion is, its really up to you to decide what do you want ? Are you willing to risk it yourself including your bb's life ?
Still all in all, I firmly believe the gyn does play a part too. My gyn is someone who doesn't want to risk me or bb's life. So she tends to be extra careful (hence 2 csections) yet she is a very decisive gyn who left us not much time to tarry when our #1 was in distress. Should we delay our decision, very likely our #1 will end up being a down syndrome kid now (due to insufficient oxygen to bb's brain).
Hope this sharing gv MTMs a better understanding of your own birth plan. In any case, be thankful that you have given birth to healthy child despite different birth plan taken.