Hi ladies..
I would like to share abt VBAC..
My first child was born in july 2007 by emergency c-sect..
then 5mths later,i got preggy again by accident..even though they said if we breastfeed chances of being preggy is almost zero..
My gynae was not keen on me having VBAC as he worries the womb mite rupture n putting my baby n me in danger..
but sumhow i REALLY wanted VBAC and so i was against of having c-sect..
I gave birth to 2nd child on 2 aug 2008..It was traumatic for us even though we went thru the e csect b4..
Admitted on 1/8/2008 @8pm to break water bag..
Contractions came in fiercely at around 5am,it was contractions every minute but too bad im only dilated 7cm n the pain was EXCRUCIATING..
even painful then my first experience..
I was feeling really weak n my blood pressure drop from 140 to 70..my baby's hearbeat was not normal n showing signs of distress...
My gynae was really worried n kept asking us to do emergency c sect now as she doesnt want anything to happen to me or my baby..we agreed n immediately i was pushed to the operation theater..
I was already losing conciousness n was not alert at all as my blood pressure drop below normal levels..
wen i woke up, i saw the gynae and she asked whether im ok..i asked her y my baby is not crying..she said my baby had complications n the paediatrician is checking him now..
They brought my baby out in a transparent plastic case..not sure wats its called
n told me ur baby have to sent to the ICU now..
my heart pain to see so many tubes n oxygen mask on him..
The gynae told me i had a bad ruptured womb but they managed to repair it..but i couldnt conceived anymore as my womb is delicate n thin now..
After a day in the ICU, at 11pm,my baby was wheeled down to me n i was really GRATEFUL to GOD that he's ok..
The next morning,my gynae came to visit me and explained wat happened..and abt unable to conceive again..i mean i can conceive lah but the risks are 50/50 for me n future baby's survival..
She said im very very very LUCKY coz both me n my baby is safe bcoz in most cases she handled before,its either the baby or the mummy will not survived..
I got a 30cm wound..It was so looooonngggg..n painful....took me almost 2mths to heal...
In hospital i had a tube sticking out fm my uterus to drain the blood out as i was having an internal bleeding...
But now im healthy n my baby is doing great..
For those mummies who wants to do a VBAC pls pls ask ur gynae for advice..
Coz watever we want may not happen...
oh yeah btw my baby was 3.73kg at birth...
p.s sorry for my long post....