Any SAHM or MTB staying around Woodlands

aiyo juz realise this morning i posted a msg but didnt appear....

i was saying thanks cclyn for the link but seems like kinderland dun ve full day or half day cc for 18 mths old so i ve to give it a miss for the time being liao.....
oh really ! kinderland dun have full / half day cc for below 18 mths, i din notice that sori.
Hi Tora
i didn't go cos v busy & when i'm free is already 4 pm laos.

How about other mummies, anyone sign up ?
Hi gals,

I'm new at this thread. Currently, I'm into my 15th week (first child). I stayed in Yishun.
Hi Stephanie,

Welcome !!

My boy is 26th month old laos.

Hi mummies

Has anyone put their little one in childcare already ? And did anyone register their toddlers in Little Skoolhouse ? I have yet to register Z'en in any playgroup. Probably will starts next year.
Hi Stephanie,
Welcome, My gal is 1 mth younger than cclyn boy

Hi cclyn,
me 2 have not start looking for any school oso leh
Hi Yippy

Yesterday call up a school (near by my mom's place) wanted to register Z'en for playgroup next year, but the staff told me that their school will operate till Dec this year, which means 'CLOSE DOWN' haiz......... wanted to put him in child care but my parents refused, said too young. Haiz......... headache.
Hi Stephanie ,
Welcome , My gal is 28mths old.

Hi cclyn & yippy ,

My girl is attending childcare @ learning vision at 888 plaza liao .
hmmm...she is still very "ah poh" in the morning!!
This is her 3rd week there.

If you dont mind your parents to look after Zen then wait till he is older then put him in childcare. Think it would be much easiler by then in term of his thoughts & health .
My girl got sick after 4 days ...ha..ha...
Too many viruses in the school ...cough and running nose ...
Then also worried whether did she slept and eat enough in school ...
( I have no choice , cos do not want MIL look after her , MIL look after my baby ( also no choice!!) hmmm...
Hi tora,

Poor little gal, she got sick after few days of school
Is she getting better ? I heard too, children tends to fall sick in school, their body immune system not strong to fight the virus.

How is she in school, can she adapt with the new environment ? Normally it will be tough during 1st few weeks but after a while she will be fine.
Talk to her teachers, get feedback from them about your gal, is your gal getting along well with frens, play with frens and does she eat & sleep in sch.
Hi cclyn ,

She still have cough and running nose !!!
She is fine in school and can adapt with the environment , just that she want me to follow her to class !!
She always "cry" in the morning !! ( Say "I want mummy follow me to school"! and "I want mummy!")
Maybe she is too use to me playing and talking to her !

Yah , did talk to her teachers ...they say she is adapting to it !

But now she always say she dont want to go school !! And find that she is more cranky and stubborn now !!

Hi all mummies ,

Any gathering at woodlands ???
Hi tora

Is good to hear your gal can adapt to the new environment. Why did she refused to go to sch, has she feel bore with the sch already or something happened she was afraid, that's why she refuse to go. Try to find out the reason.

I am worry about Z'en when i send him to playgroup next year, he also the same leh, almost cry every morning when i leave my mum's place. Sometimes when he see me carry my bag, he will said 'mummy dun work', quickly pull my hand to go into the room. Haiz.... dun know how ???

Hi mummies, any plan for gathering ???
Hi tora,

How's your gal doing in sch. Hope she is enjoying

Yesterday went to Julie's Learning Centre (somewhere near to little sch house) it is located in exquisite 3 storey terrace house along Cedarwood Grove, their concept is similar to little sch house, it is more convenience then lsh cos it is along the main road and the fee is more cheaper. :p They also had transport provide (chargeable)

I had registered Z'en for the playgroup (3 hrs). and he will go for 1 mth trial class started this 1st Dec (next week). Hopes he can adapt to new environment

Hi Reanne,

Have u continue Ian for the next term @ mygym ? Z'en did not continue cos i'm sending him to playgroup next Wed (1st dec).
Hi cclyn ,

She is better now . But only in the morning when I send her to school , she will cry !
hee..hee... so lousy ...1 month already !!
When I fetch her , she will tell me what she do in school and sing the song she learn .

Oh , I have been to the two center near the main road . think one is julie and another is MMI ..cant remember liao !
( One school is full house ,another one not many student !)
The fee after deduction is also 400+ right ?
I still prefer ISH as compared to this two center.
( Just that its more expensive and inconvinent )

Hopefully your Z'en can adapt to the school .
Think its not a problem cos just 3 hours .

Ha ha ..til now I havent send my gal to mygym !
She likes it when we went for the trial !!

Any gathering ??
Hi cclyn,

No, i didn't sign up for the next term too...cos i can see that Ian is getting bored
...anyway..i am thinking of signing up the pilates program for myself at amore fitness centre..hehehe
Hi tora

Yup ! there are 2 centre on the main road, one is julie and the other is montesorri lab (malay sch which i din visit) I was told by the supervisor of julie that they will not take in anymore student if the class is full. Max for playgroup is 10 kids. They have a total of 32 childrens in the morning session (include fexi care, full day & half day), whereas afternoon will be lesser children.

Hi Reanne
I was with amore fitness for abt 6 mths but stop 2 mths agos. save money for Z'en school fees hehe
Amore have few types of packages, aerobic & power packages. I signed up for the aerobic (unlimited) packages, which means i can go as many times as i want within 3 mths of aerobic class. But pilates is under power packages so i dun have chance to try out
hello gals

may i join in this thread too?
i hv a boy who jus turn one.
me stay in yishun.
will be delighted to join in any gatherings or activities too
Welcome Joey !
I'm a working mother and my boy is 27 mths old.

Me stay @ Sembawang.
Are u working or a SAHM ?

Hi mummies
Anyone interested in gathering ?
Hi cclyn ,

Today , my gal finally wear her school uniform (she stop wearing for 2 weeks ) and did not cry when i leave her . Hope she will behave this way from now on....
So Zen is going for the am or pm session ?
Oh , they can have 1 month trial ? Not bad hoh !
Mine just 2 weeks . But anyway , once you let your child start school , you should not stop even if they cried . Cant be heart pain ...
Your mom bring him to school or by their transport ? SO how much did you pay for it ??
Oh , why didnt you consider kinderland @ civic ?
Their environment not bad leh !

Hi reanne
So do you plan to put Ian in any playgroup ?

Hi all ,

Do you go for any facial or spa that can recommend ? Recently feel like pampering myself a bit ...ha..ha..

Hi Joey ,
Welcome ..
Congrats ! finally your gal wearing her uniform & din cry when u leave her

Z'en will b attending the morning class (9am - 12pm). My mom said she wants to try out 1st, will consider their transport if she cant cope. I decided on Julie cos they are spacious, i like the place and find the environment comfortable. Teachers are friendly too.

Z'en & I were at Julie on monday, we spend abt 1 1/2 hrs there, when i was talking to the supervisor, Z'en was exploring the place, he climb up & down the stairs, kepo at the class when they are doing art & craft. He also joined the kids when they were having out door activity. Z'en seems to enjoy it, so ... registered him straight :p

They have full day, half day & Flexi-care
Full day S$500 after subsidy (working mother)
7am - 7pm (mon - fri) & Sat 7am - 2 pm (opt)
Half day S$375
7am - 1pm / 1pm - 7pm (mon - fri)
Flexi care S$220
9am - 12pm, 12pm - 3pm & 3pm - 6pm
Transport will be base of distance, nearer the cheaper (woodlands area ard $50)

I will be with him for the first few days, hopefully he will be fine there & everything goes smoothly. *pray*

Hi Yippy !
where r u ? MIA ?
Hi cclyn,

Ha..ha ...what you describe about Zen @ school is similar to my gal before leh ...
When you are there , they can mix around !
Then when they know that they have to be alone without you ...ha..ha... start crying ...
Oh no !!!! your gal also like tat !
I'm prepare to see Z'en CRY when he was left alone in school. Anyway I only be with him for 1 or 2 days then my mom take over. hehe... see my mom will 'heart pain' or not when she see him cry.
hi cclyn,

like you, i m working too.

wondering when did u gals put your baby in childcare? Mine is only going 13 mths. thinking of putting him when he is 18 mths.
Is it too young??
Hi joey,

Some parents have no choice bcos no one able to help, so they send at 18 mths. But if u have someone to help u to take care of your gal then probably u can consider putting her in childcare when she is older cos their immunity is not strong at young age and will get sick easily.

Since I had my mom to take care of my son, so i just registered him to playgroup (3 hrs class). Wanted to register him earlier but mom object
'bo pian'
Hello mummies,

I am here! got a shock how come got so many contributions suddenly man. so long so quiet liao...

Hi Cclyn,
miss me ah?? haha...
dun worry, think Zen will be able to adapt to the new environment very fast. He is so independent as compare to my gal.

Me haven't really go searching for a child care for her yet. Hope to send her mid of next year.. but really worried she will cry like mad...
Good morning mummies !

Hi Yippy
U MIA ah ? no sound fr u lah :p
i think it is a phase where every kids will go thru 'cry' when they were left alone in school with 'so call' stranger. Tora had gone thru so I'm expected Z'en also will cry like mad lor
Hi mummies ,

My gal wear school uniform and did not cry again!! And she even say "bye Bye" to me when I leave her !!
Huray !!!

But still afraid cos tomorrow school close . So will have long weekends....Hope on Monday she will not cry !
Every monday , I have to pray hard ...hee..hee..

Any gathering ???
Hi tora
Huray huray !!!!!! can sense that u are very very happy !

Do u have any suggestion for the gathering, i'm fine but so far most of the weekends in dec were occupied
i'm only free on 4, 5 & 18 Dec. U wants to organise ?
Hi Mommies.....

Wow...i guess serparation anxiety for kids are unavoidable. Tora, good for you that your gal finally settled down at school. Anyway, Ian waiting queue @ Julia Gabriel finally end...they called me yesterday to confirm his placement for next year January.

Ccyln, no worries...i guess Z'en will be settled easily at school given his maturity at his age
Hi reanne,

Is Ian attending nursery @ Julia Gabriel next year ? How much did you pay ?

Z'en was so stubborn this days and always like to yell and show tantrums. At times, I was so angry and 'boil' wanted to buy a cane to whack him, *haiz*... think back... what will a 2 yrs old kid know ???
Hi cclyn,

Ian is attending the playclub 1 (for 18mths - 42 mths) is a 2 hrs session..twice weekly.

Today just went to make payment...

Deposit : $200
Term Fee :$882 (for 10 weeks)
Library Fee : $9+

The waiting list is so long, i have registered him since March this yr & he can only get a placement on Jan next year...

I guess it is more like the terrible 2 that kicks in now for Z'en. Ian is also like that...he will throw his tantrums whenever he can't gets his ya, as what u said....i also scolded & smacked him but felt very gulity after that cos What will a 2 yr old kid know...they still dun quite understand most things...LOL

My mom always scolds me if i smacked Ian..she always said " when u are younger..u are worst i also never hit you can u smacked him"

See! that's another problem!
Hi mummies,
seems that most of u have already signed up ur kids in the school...

Ian is attending next year huh? so how is the session like? is a full day program or wat ? where is the location?
Hi yippy,

Yes, ian will starts class next year January. It is a 2 hrs session...@ Forum. Interested to send Dawn there?
Hi mummies,

This morning bought Z'en for his 1st day school.
I was surprise to see about 1/3 of the kids in his class are having running nose.

Tora - understand why your gal got sick after few days of sch laos.

There is no classes conducted today cos they are having full dress rehearsal for their graduation. The kids looks so cute wearing the costume and is fun looking at the performance

So far so good, Z'en seems to get along well with the kids, but dun know what will happen without my presence.
Dawn is oso having running nose now and wif cough oso.. haiz. just bring her to doc this morning.

During daytime, she dun cough but nite time yes. Some more wif alot of phlegm and she will cough until she boey tahan and sit up on the bed during the middle of the nite. so kelian.
Hi yippy

poor Dawn, hope she is getting better after seening doctor. Many kids fall sick nowadays due to 'bian tian' (weather change), fews of my colleague's child also sick. *Sigh*
Take care.
Hi all ,

Sorry been Mia for a while ...
cos busy with my gal ...
Sign.. she had fever last week then cough and running nose ... now recover already.
Oh , my girl finally settle down for the past weeks i presume everything is ok liao.

So why this thread is so quite again ... all busy ??

Hi cclyn ,
How is Z'en doing in school ??
Sorry about the gathering plan left 18 Dec ....if not then next year liao ....

Hi yippy ,
how is dawn now ?

Hi reanne ,
You so good hoh .. next year when Ian starts class can shop & shop in orchard ....
Good morning mummies !

Hi tora
Lucky you that your gal had settle down in school

I dun know (cant tell) whether Z'en had settle down in sch or not.
1st week still OK, but dun know why now he told me that he dun wan to go to sch *Sigh* so everyday he will hold ah ma's hand and asked her to follow him to his class, once he lost sight of my mom, he will CRY
and will be fine after a while. His teacher commented that Z'en is very talkative

I'm fine on 18 dec but how's other mummies ?
hello everyone!
ya, dawn is ok now.. after almost 1 week. i caught the virus from her too! MC for 3 days last week. now ok liao.

where u all plan to meet on 18 dec? i have family gather in the evening so me not confirm yet..
Hi cclyn ,

Dont worry ....last time my girl also like that !
1st week -ok
2nd week -say dont want to go school
3rd week -say friends/teacher beat her
4th week -say want mummy follow her to school
Sometimes I think when kids are too clever it is more diffcuilt to handle ...
Anyway , when they got use to the routine , it will be fine !
They will even tell you what they did in school ...sing song to you too!!
Really ! hope what you said apply to Z'en too

Just called my mom, today she did not followed Z'en to class, just hand him over to the teacher at the door step. She could heard him CRY and she ignore. Later she went to fetch him, his teacher said his cry only last 2 minutes then stop, may be he know that no point crying cos ah ma already left
Hi mummies

I wish all mummies A MERRY X'MAS & HAPPY HOLIDAY !!

I will be on leave so will not log in till next week. Mummies enjoy your holiday !
I would like to join you mummies. I live near Admiralty Mrt. My bb boy is almost 2mths old. Would be great if I could come in when I have time to share and seek advice from you all 'qian bei'. I am taking care of him by myself, so feels lonely at times and stress when bb cry and I dont know what to do and there is no one to ask for advice.

Hello Sleepymom,

Welcome! This thread is a little quiet now, but if u do have any questions, pls do let us know...we may be able to help. I know exactly how u feel cos i am taking care of my son by myself too....don't be stressed, u will get used to it & being to enjoy your bb as he grows each day
