Any SAHM or MTB staying around Woodlands

Yippy, i would said Z'en was too mature lao at this age, he doesn't behave like or even look like 2 yrs old boy.
sometime i envy those kids with bb's look, they r so cute but can't find any 'cute' in Z'en leh. hehe...

hi emma, there r few types of classes in mygym, from 3 mth up to 13 yrs. U may want to visit for more info. Registration fee is S$50 (dun know still have 50% discount or not) Charges will be in 8 weeks term, S$300 - 45 mins class & $320 - 1 hr. If u r interested, u can call them to register ur bb for free trial.

aiyo, so quiet these few days...
wat happened?? how are all the mummies coping wif their ds & dd???
hi yippy, is friday again.

where r u planning to bring ur little one to during the weekend ? Sometime i feel so tired and wana to rest at home but thinking Z'en had been staying at home for wkday laos & he will b so boring staying at home again. *sigh* 'bo pian' then got to bring him out.

Mummies any suggestion ? I have run out of idea where to go.
hahahah. i always bring my gal either to northpoint, sun plaza or causeway point just for a walk. lazy to go too far
pok pok, causeway pt & sun plaza me go until sian lao, if with Z'en then we can only go toys dept of metro or kiddy palace.
how i hope that i do my shopping and he play with toy there, an hour later i come back to pick him up. haha ... i must be dreaming.
ya, how can that be? but no choice ler. unless u wants to go down to orchard or other places,or else, we are stuck with these 3 shopping centres
Hi all ,

just manage to log on today !
wow ,alot of new kaki liao ! Hi

Hi yippy & cclyn,

Me working in private sector , and as for the additional maternity leave , I am still waiting for my company to approve it !

If 2 months maternity leave , then will start work on 1st oct .
If 3 months ML , then will start work on 1st Nov.

Still thinking whether to continue working or be sahm ...
If I can find a babysitter near my place then I might consider to work ...
Hi tora ! welcome back.

wow... time really fly, already 1 mth plus laos how's ur little one ?

U r looking for babysitter ? my aunt have exprience in babysitting, she is staying at Blk 727 woodlands circle, if u r interested, may b i can check with her.
ya, agreed! Only Northpoint, sun plaza or causeway point around this area. so sian....

Hi Tora, finally u r back... Welcome

Hows is yr bb?
Hi all mommies

I also agreed with u gals...only these few places for shopping...but recently i started to bring him to sembawang shopping centre, not too bad lah, not too crowded.

cclyn, i have changed Ian's MYGYM class to sat now cos he will be going for classes on tues too so i will see u every sat
Hi mummies !

I think I going to become 'country pumpkin' laos. Yesterday went Bugis junction, first time this year I went there, so many changes. Went to Seiyu, they had reno the children's dept, i find it not bad, they have a arcade for older children to play on token machine. children's corner (free) with many lego lying around. Z'en enjoying very much there. They also have a nursery room with hot & cold water dispenser. I find it so conveninence, I shop at the children dept where hubby & Z'en play at the children corner. Hehe...

Reanne, beside mygym & growing gifted, what other classes did Ian attending ? He seems like attending many class leh. I wanted to send Z'en to playgroup but still hanging leh, dun know whether to starts soon or next yr.
Yayaya... me 2 wanted to send Dawn to some weekend classes maybe next yr but till now still hanging oso.

haha. cclyn, think u & i belongs to the same kind....always waiting & waiting...

Hi cclyn & yippy ,
Ai yah , your aunt stay quite far from my place leh ! ...
My baby is fine . thanks
Already 1 month + liao .

Oh , My company approve of my additional 4 weeks of maternity leave ..hee..hee.. can stay at home for one more month ! Hurray !
Hi Tora,
Ha, so good lah... additional 4 wks leave for u..

this thread seems so quiet these days.wondering where are all the mummies....

Hooray, today is Friday liao.
Hi all mommies....

WOw! That's so nice of your company Tora, gd for u, so u can now have 1 more mth eh

ccyln & yippy, today i just went to see another school at bt timah, very nice school but the distant is a problem....traffic very bad in the still deciding whether or not to enrol Ian with the school.
Wah , Bukit Timah ...which school is it ??
I am thinking of sending my gal to little skool house at woodgrove. ( this is already far , dont say to Bukit timah !) Dono this school good or not.
How , any of you interested too ?
Hi Mommies,

i went to whitelodge @ linden Dr (Bt timah), very nice school & they told me that they have more than 20 diff nationality there...hehehe,
tt's why they celebrate UN day leh. The teachers there seems so friendly & cheerful & all the kids there so cute...they have a dressing up corner (with diff countries costume) & many more...hmm...but not cheap leh..they are not a childcare, so no subsidy from if go 5 times a week from 9.15am tp 12.15pm is $1500 (10 weeks)..anyway, still considering lah...
I'm interested in sending Z'en to little skool house, but thinking to the distance (although not very far) got to take feeder bus, but i'm afraid my mom cannot managed, worse if it is raining. Still considering ....
ccyln ,

hmmm..thats why I am also thinking leh!
they have school bus and think its $90 per month.
I may want to try it from October.
tora, so u have decided to try out on Oct, half or full day ?
Although school bus is convinence but i'm worry that our little one cannot behave throughout the jounery. I have yet to visit the school, may b will starts only next year .
cclyn , got to try out on Oct because I am going back to work on 25 Oct. Actually have to put her for full day but dono she can or not. So thinking of trying for half day first .
Hi mummies,

Anyone looking for a baby-sitter? My mil has experience is baby-sitting and she is staying at Woodlands Ave 1, Blk 300+
hi people,
I am new to this forum and wonder if it's really good to enrol our kids in mygym? my boy is going to be 11 mths liao.
care to share more with me?
kam xia
Hi jo !
I think is better to let ur boy try out himself @ mygym bcos different kids act differently. Anyway they have free trial lesson, why not give it a try.

Reanne & myself have registered our boy for the classes cos both of them enjoy there, at least I find that Z'en can mix around and interact with other, so I just signed up Z'en for the next term.

Hi Reanne,
Did u registered Ian for the next term ? I had signed up Z'en for terrific tots class for next term, so dun have much chances to see u & Ian there laos unless we go for free play.

Hi Tora
How's your gal doing at little skool house ? Does she enjoy there ?
I met a mother @ mygym and she actually signed up his son for 1 mth trial class there, unfortunately her poor son fell from the staircase so she withdraw him, deposit paid but cannot be refunded. Now it make me hold back my idea of sending Z'en to playgroup @ early stage. *Sigh*

Hi Yippy
How's Dawn ? Have u sign her up for any classes ?
Hi everyone!

Cclyn, hmmm... no yet leh...

i took her to O'Kidspot at OCC on last sat for the trial class. She doesn't seems to enjoy leh. still so shy leh.. there were only 3 children in the class, 2 boy and dawn. When the teacher is teaching & flashing the cards to them, she will listen but when the teacher call her name, she will immediately nod down her head and dare not look up. haizz

think i really need to sign up some classes for her so that she will mix ard more....
Yippy, O'kidspot - what do they have there ? Is that playgroup, u mentioned about teacher using flash card, so is the children study there or play like mygym ?
Hi cclyn ,

ha ha ...I still havent send her to little skool house yet !!
thought of going to see again on 16 Oct .

I also wanted to sign her for mygym , but also havent yet ... hee..hee...

Really fell off from the stairs how does the school react ? Oh ???
Hi cclyn,

hmm, think its abit diff fm mygym. The teacher will sing / read wif the flash cards to the kids, gv them some musical instruments to play wif / do some simple exercise etc etc.

Hi cclyn,

Yes, i already signed up for next term. So, Z'en is at the terrific Tot class he already 2.5yrs?? Sure, will see u during freeplay

Yippy, sound like fun leh the class at did u sign her up?
Hi all

Yesterday bought Z'en for 2 1/2 hrs playgroup trial class nearby my mom's place. The learning centre is not a montesorri but with montesorri approach.
They put the childrens from age 2 - 6 yrs together during some lesson becos they wants children to learn from each other, younger learn from older and older kids take care of younger one. Each lesson about 1/2 hrs.

The environment are fine and the location is convenience too but have not register Z'en for the playgroup, cos still wants to look out for others.

Hi irenevinc
So u will be going to little skool house on this 16 oct, what time ? If u wants probably we can meet up there.

Hi Reanne
Z'en has not turn 2.5 yrs yet but Ms penny said he can listen to instruction already so can let him try out.

Hi Yippy
O'kidspot sound interesting, have u sign her up ?
Hi cclyn ,

Today I went to Learning Vision at 888 plaza.
Think I am going to send my daughter there starting from next week ( 18 Oct )because it is near my place ( at least within walking distance ) and cheaper ..ha..ha..( then can let her sign up mygym too )
Their Full day is 7am - 7pm.
morning is 2 teacher : 16 students then afternoon reduce to one teacher.
Charges : $610 -> $460 (after gov sub )
Reg : $50 ( waive )
Deposit : one month fees. ( can refund if you want to withdraw but must inform them eariler)

Environment there so so (ok lah).(not those high end type lah ) Actually not much choice for me ..all center are so far ...have to start her soon cos I am going to start work liao !!!
There are quite a lot of students there .
They have 2 classes of Nursery 1.
I went there in the afternoon , all their students are sleeping !
They said my daughter can join their Nursery 1 class.

What about you ? Are you going to the little skool house on sat ??
Hi tora,

Is learning vision located at 2nd level of 888, above Macdonalds ? I notice there is learning centre above Mac when i went to the coffee shop for dinner. hehe..

I think i will be going to little skool house this sat to look see look see lor, see how's the environment. Probably will send Z'en to playgroup near to my mum's place.

Hi Reanne,

Last sat was the last semester of mygym, they giving out cert of excellence to every kids. Z'en was so happy to receive it. I have signed up for the next term, have u sign Ian for the next term also.
Tora, the new term started this week & only 6 session instead of 8. If u r interested, u may call them up for free trial, they even able to pro-rate if the class had already started.

Reanne had signed up Ian for the gymaster and Z'en had signed up for terrific tots.
cclyn, I didn't continue with mygym b'c I'll be away for 2 weeks. But why is it only 6 sessions instead of 8? Also, is the price still the same?
Hi Cclyn,

Ya, i was so surprised to see that they actually give away certificate....very impressed! So far i didn't come across any others that give a cert at the end of the term & i guess it is gd so that when the little ones grow up they have something to look back
. And yes! I signed Ian up again for next term.
Hi Winnie,

spoke to Penny, she said next term only 6 session bcos of school holiday, they want to end this term on sch holiday, so the following new term will starts during sch holidays. I believe they are planning some holiday programme during that time.
Dun know how they calculated the fee but I paid $229.5 for 6 session.
Hi Mummies,

Anyone here sent your toddlers to Little Skoolhouse @ Woodgrove. What are your comments/ views abt the school & their teachers?

They are having open house tis sat, i might be going lor, r u going too ? if not update u next week.
hi mummies,

i am going to sign up my 18mth old son at lsk @ woodgrove after visiting lsk n lv @ 888 plaza...

my comments is:

lv @ 888 plaza, environment is so-so ok but hor i notice the 2 teachers for the toddlers class which my son will be in if i sign him there, they like dun really talk much to the kids during the class and hor one of the teachers like cant really speak gd proper english kind... and also during my visit there, i saw one little ger go to toilet herself, with no teacher supervising... then i ask the person talking to us, she said that ger 3yo liao knows how to go to toilet herself but usu they will have a teacher to follow them one... but when say they are short handed on that particular days, then they wont have any teacher to follow.... wah i was thinking like that not very safe leh... coz there is a pretty steep step (to me lah) going up to the toilet... so even if the kid knows how to go toilet hor, but if say touchwood any accident trip n fell then no teacher there how? so i m pretty concern abt that lor....

as for lsk @ woodgrove, i m pretty comfortable with the environment and the teachers lor.... at least for one thing i can see... the kids there are all very attached to the teachers and will always go to the teachers as and when and stick to them kind... whereas at lv hor, i dun see that n like gives more an estrange feeling lor.... or rather u dun feel the closeness of the kids to the teachers at lv lor....

thats my personal opinion lah of the two places.... another reason i putting my son at lsk is also mainly bcoz its pretty near to my mum's place lor....

i duno if anyone of u ve any other comments to share? hope to hear more comments before i commit myself to lsk leh.... heheh...
Hi islandpub,

Thanks for ur info.

Have u visit the kinderland at woodlands civic ctr. I find the environment not bad, they have full day / half day care, they have weekend class for kids above 2 yrs (sat & sun). I heard thier childcare are full and need to put under waitlist. I will put my son on weekend class if I'm not sending him for daily playgroup. Meanwhile still sourcing
hi cclyn,

hmm.... i havent visited kinderland @ civic ctr yet... coz recently then i juz got to know there's one there... :p maybe i shld go check it out too before deciding on lsk.... thanks for the info.... any idea wats the rates like for full/half day cc at the kinderland at civic ctr? coz the lsk one is pretty exp also....

I will be going to their open house on Sat.. the problem here is that my mil wants the convenince that the school be near her place. She is staying at Dr 14 and there is a Woodlands Kindercare which she has enquired and she seems to be very keen on that and it influencing my hubby without even consulting me. Have you been to Woodlands Kindercare?

Do u intend to place you kid there for full or half day??
islandpub, u may like to visit their web
I think i have their brochure at home, will check out and let u know once i got it.

Sparks, I have not been to woodlands kindercare, but have u ? I think u better go look see look see the environment lor, though it is convenience but no point sending our little one there if we ourself dun like the place.

I dun intend to place my son in childcare, and my mum sure not allow also, so will only let him go for those 2 1/2 hrs playgroup. So got to find a learning ctr which is convenience for my mom to bring him thru & flow the ctr. 'Shang nao jin'
