Any SAHM or MTB staying around Woodlands

no lah, u can save more $$$ using diaper mah, we wanted to save $$ but got no choice so used pull up lor

Hi Reanne, did u brought Ian for the free play last Sat ? Is it crowded ? Too bad the timing was not right cos Z'en was on his afternoon nap during tat time. *sigh*
U wan to meet up on coming monday 30/08 @ mygym for free play? (i think free play is 5pm plus) I will be taking annual leave to look after Z'en cos my mum got medical appt.
Hi cclyn,

Hmm...too bad u are not there cos not too crowded (maybe the timing is not right for many people)

So u will be there on monday? I will try to go & meet up with you & Z'en...provided my mom finished cooking..
Hi, this thread sounds so interesting. me staying at Woodlands Dr 75 with a 2 mth old gal.

Hope to join u all
hi pok pok,

I'm staying at dr 75 too. Its directly opposite northoaks.
Sorry, gals, very busy at work. hardly have time to post. But i'm reading all the postings.

i am staying woodlands too, near Vista Point. Any of you know any baby sitter around there? my baby is due on nov, will enjoy the 3 mths maternity leave. so i will need a baby sitter around feb.

finally, i've called mygym for the free trial. will go on this sat morning.

Hi cclare,
long time no hear fm u leh... hows life

Hi Winnie,
how old is yr son?
Morning mummies !

Welcome Winnnie,
How old is your son and which class did he attending @ mygym ?

Hi Yippy,
R u going to mygym this sat ? which class did u register Dawn, i will b there 9 - 10 am. Hope is the same.

i'm fine, just busy with work.
My IT has been doing upgrade for my PC the whole morning. So cannot access to internet lor!

How old is your baby huh? Sorry, forgot liao! Am interested in bringing my boy to mygym. But may wait a month or two later. Think better to wait till he can sit on his own or crawl first.
ha! we gg for the 9-10am session, so can see u all there! i jio my fren oso and she will be bringing her gal for the free trial too!

my gal coming to 2 yrs this Oct liao.... so fast man!
Hi Yippy
finally u registered for free trail, so see u, Dawn & your friend wif her gal tomorrow @ mygym. Z'en will b happy cos got more friends laos.
Hi coffee
u r looking for babysitter ? my auntie has experience in baby sitting but she is staying somewhere blk 700 plus, i will get more info if u r interested.

BB bonus had announced, does it benefit you. Is ur company giving u 3 mths maternity leave ? :p
Oh ya hor, but think Tora can enjoy only the bb bonus rite since it is effective fm 01 Aug while the 3mths maternity leave is fm 01 Oct ( for private sector only ).

So Tora, r u fm government sector or private sector?
Hi Winnie,

oh u stay near vista point? hmm.. can ask your mum if she know any of her neighbours who have experience and want to babysit?

have u make enquiry with your neighbours, u may want to put notice (like advertisment) outside the lift of your blk & near by block, there sure b someone calling u up to enquire. my friend did this & got few calls after that.
Hi all mommies,

this thread has been quiet for few days ...LOL

Anyway, any comments on the new BB Bonus? So sian! As a SAHM, i got nothing leh !
so u r trying v hard for 2nd ? :p
did u & your friend registered @ mygym ? Both Dawn & Joey are so shy, everytimes stick to mummy.

how's Ian, hope he is getting better ?
BB bonus - unless i'm planning for 2nd if not also got nothing leh.

Pok Pok
Lousy me, still havn't figure out where Dr 75 is, only saw where vista point is last sunday when passing by. hehe
Hi Cclyn,

I will be joining the sat class @ 9am this saturday (cos next tues not free to bring ian for class) so may see u & Zen at mygym.

Hmm..ya, although u gain no bb bonus but at least have some tax relief cos u are mom helping me but since i am not working i can't get anything too

If u take bus #962 from sun plaza, u will see Dr 75...opp 3M & seagate.

Yippy, "JIA YOU" for your 2nd one!
Aiyo cclyn,
u know where is North Oarks / Woodsville Condo?
just opposite the condos are Dr 75 lor...
can figure out already?
no lah, both of us did not register for mygym lah.. u can see lor, we the mummies are enjoying more than the kids man!!! Haha!
I think i 'aga aga' know where is Dr 75 laos, i will passed by Woodsville condo when i took MRT right ?

Dawn is a bit shy and she need times to warm herself up. I think she got to mix around with other children more often, haha u got more excuse to bring her out laos. :p

C u & Ian on sat.
yaya, she's gek gek one lah... after a while she shld be ok liao....heehee

remember dat time at the library?? at first shy shy later can play liao....
Hi angelia

Yew Tee is only 2 MRT stn away from marsiling & marsiling is under woodlands leh, is it consider far ?
Welcome !
BTW when is your due ?
Sorry for the late reply. My bb is 18mths and he's attending gymster class on Sat 3.15pm class.

I'm staying near coffee's place!!

Coffee, my mum does not stay with me or near me. So no lobang in Woodlands. Sorry...
Hi Winnie

Both Ian & Z'en are attending gymaster at mygym too, we can arrange free play together in future laos.
Too bad Yippy have not register Dawn, if not will be more fun, shot of one mahjong kaki leh. :p
Aiya, I saw your posts, both of Ian and Zen are in morning session, mine in afternoon. Quite difficult to meet. Haha... you play mahjong?
Hi Winnie,

Although ur BB in afternoon class but still can bring him for freeplay on sunday leh

Aiyoh ccyln, Z'en really smart leh..he is so helpful & cute.
Hi mommies

Can i join in ? I don;t stay in Woodlands but my mom is looking after my boy and her place is near admiralty MRT. Are all of you staty home mom? How old must my baby be before he can go to the babygym?

<font color="aa00aa">cclyn, yippy, reanne, winnie,</font>
thanks for the welcome.

my EDD is 04 Oct.

staying at CCK Cres, Blk 692A

yes, am still working, though now in wk 36
Morning mummies,

Winnie, i dun know how to play mahjong, everytime only pays tution fee

Both Ian &amp; Z'en r not in the same class, Ian on weekday &amp; Z'en on weekend.

Reanne, Z'en helpful ??? no......... he is kepo. Ian run around in class, he really enjoy very much there.

Welcom Moon ! Most of all r working mother except reanne, she is SHAM. BBs reach 3 mths old can join TinyTykes class already, u may wan to visit for more info.

Angelia, just nice for the bb bouns leh, good planning... hehe
Hi Moon, Welcome!

So hows the class during last sat? both Zen and Ian can interact wif one another? dun think i will register dawn for Mygym, she dun seems to enjoy / mix around one leh... likewise for my fren oso... haizz...

ya, can see that Zen is like the lead in the class. Everytime when the person in charge need to get a volunteer to show / demo something, Zen will be the one!
Welcome Moon!

Yeah, angelia....good planning

ccyln, i guess when children are so call "kepo" we shd encourage them more cos this will teach them so that they will be helpful rite...i saw some kids very helpful like waiting for me to get out the gate while holding for me ( i dun even know the boy) i was sweet of this boy
How i wish Ian can be so call "kepo" LOL

Yippy, i guess no, Ian cannot interact with pple very much yet, so he is only running ard the gym...HAHAHA
reanne, i agreed with u, I always encourage Z'en to be helpful &amp; teach him to share things with others, but......... *sigh* that day @ mygym, Z'en refused to let other kids to help, he was shouting there. Bo pian, got to carry him away and distract him.
ccyln, hahaha, ya matter what...Z'en is only 2 yrs old leh...thou he looks &amp; behaves more mature than other 2 yrs old children
...but seriously i am very impressed by him.

Yayaya, agreed! Zen is too smart liao! doesn't behave like a 2 yr old boy...

Dawn can only speak simple words while Zen can speak in sentence liao! Wow!!! Really impressed 2!
