Any SAHM or MTB staying around Woodlands

Hi Sleepymom,

Welcome! so u r alone taking care of ur boy? how old r u?

Hi Reanne,
Hows R U and Ian? so long nvr hear fm all the mummies here liao...Is Ian still attending all the courses?

Hi Yippy,

HELLO! We are both doing well...accept Ian kept getting all the virus from school...the whole of january is down with flu...& he caught it again last week & is down again.

Spent so much on his medical bill sian!

How is Dawn? Have u sign her up for any playgroup yet? Yes, Ian is still with the same playgroup.

Cclyn, How are you & Z'en?
Hi Reanne & Yippy !!

Both Z'en & myself are fine

I was down on MC Y'day due to throat infection & cough
ate too much CNY cookies :p

Poor Ian, has he recovered ? Children always get sick easily when they are in school, one after another... too many virus around

Did you gave Ian any supplement like multi-Vitmins or cod liver oil ? I had gave Z'en cod liver oil when he turned one and recently i also gave him multi V.

Yippy, how's Dawn ? she attending any playschool ?

Welcome sleepymom !!

Ya ! like reanne had said, let us know if you have any question, we had been thru' already ;p and might be able to help. We still learn from each others and share our views
Hi Cclyn,

Ian is still sick! Is cod liver oil good? I am not sure will Ian like the taste of it cos i cannot stand the smell leh. I haven't let Ian tries any Multi V yet, is it necessary? I thought that their normal diet should be good enough?
Hi Reanne,

I think is cod liver oil is good as it helps build up the body's natural resistance to infections, ensure healthy growth and development of children, and of strong bones and teeth.

If you dun like the smell, you can try the orange flavour, try with a small bottle 1st, may be Ian will like the orange taste

Vitamins also can help to build up immune system, I let Z'en take mulit V becos he dun eat vegi at all, in order to let him had the nutrient from vegi, so i gave him multi V.
I am a pretty old first time mom, rather not say how old I am :<

I have a question to ask. How do I tell if my bb is colicky? Does colic means he will cry for a few hours every evening? Is there other signs? My boy does not cry madly, but every evening will be very active. After feeding will still look for something to suckle. Giving him pacifier helps. But he just dont want to go to sleep until after the 11 or 12am feed. Is this consider colicky?

Is there a PD near Admiralty that anyone can recommend? I heard of Baby Bear clinic in Woodlands St 82. Anyone heard of it? My bb has not seen a pd since birth. Thought of bringing him to see one for a start, just a checkup to see he is growing well.

All of you seems to have toddlers already. Anyone have a bb around my boy's age of 2mths?
Hi all mummies ..
Really been so so quite in this thread !!
Hows everyone doing ??

Hi Reanne ,
My gal do take the cod liver oil when she was younger she doesnt want to drink any more ..Think she knew that it is smelly ...ha..ha...
I cant tahan the smell too. Even one drop of it on my hand can really STINK !
No vitamins for her also ...not sure if its good for children to take those Multi V ..
My gal also dun eat vegi !! Sigh!

Hi Sleepymom ,
Welcome !
hmm..dont think your boy is consider colicky !
Does he sleep too much in day time ??

I have a gal @ 6months+ now.
I didnt bring her to PD , just GP.
PD are exp $$$..
Didnt you go for those jabs and doctor checkup ??
Hello Tora

hehe.. i also can't tahan the smell leh, but hor my son love it so much... and ask for more ;p

How you balance your gal's diet ? I try to give Z'en fruits to replace vegi, but my friend said is not enough, so 'kiasu' me bought the multi V for him and only give twice a wk.

How's your gal doing in sch ?? Z'en seems to enjoy himself there

Hi Sleepymom

I also din visit any PD around woodlands area, only GP, as for the jabs I do it in polyclinic.

tora is right, is your bb sleep too much during the day ? that's why make him very active at night.
Hi mummies!

Yeah, i do agreed with u tora, that maybe too much of those multi Vitamins may not be good. Ccyln, maybe u shd consider try harder letting Z'en have more natural fruits or veggies. Ian ate all kinds of veggies...even bitter gourd
but he only eats apples &amp; bananas once in a blue moon.


There is a PD at marsiling &amp; i bring my boy there since he is few mths old. very nice lady doctor.... you can call 63661011 for appt. I heard the PD at woodlands...but never been there b4, maybe u can try.

Actually i tried GP the last time, but their medicine is strong enough &amp; in the end i still have to go to PD.

Wow !!! I really envy you, Ian ate all kinds of veggies even bitter gourd. I dun even dare to try :p

*Haiz* I tried to give veggi to Z'en, and even chopped into small pieces but still.. he refused to eat
luckily he likes to eat fruits, all kinds... durian, mango, pineapple etc, so fruits will be the replacement of veggies.

Actually I did ask the pharmacist and was told that not necessary to give multi V to children unless they dun eat well. Will stop it after he finish the bottle :p dun waste $$
Reanne, Is the pd clinic called Angeline something?

I am thinking of bringing my bb to see the pd to check if he is colicky. Everynight very stressful have to pacify him until 10/11pm+. There is only me and my hubby. And hubby needs his rest for work... Any advice on how to pacify him, besides pacifer and holding and patting him. He only quiet now for a while then struggle again, like he want to say something. See him like that also heart pain:<

My bb also doesnt sleep much during the day,esp afternoon. He sleeps an hr at the most after each feed. He will look around with big big eyes after the feed and go to sleep after I have carry and patted him. So I have to entertain him until the next feed.

Am wondering if it is because it is too hot in the afternoon. Do anyone of you let your bb sleep with the aircon on?
Hi Sleepymom

Angeline's baby &amp; child clinic is at Blk 303 woodlands St 31 and Baby Bear children clinic is at Blk 849 Woodlands St 82.

bb cry can be due to many reasons likes hungry, wet diaper, hot weather and colic. I can understand how stressful when bb cries
Bring your bb to Pd to find out the reason.

I let my boy sleep in the aircon room (only at night), but during the day, he will sleep in sarong with the fan on. Weaned off sarong when he was abt 18 mths.

Just to share my experience wif this pd...Brought my baby to Angeline's baby clinic b4. She is a nice lady but dun tink we would bring our baby there again.

Been told that my baby has eczema condition but applying the prescribed moisturising n steriod cream didn't help at all until we brought him see another pd (that was 2 mths plus later). Was told it was actually allergic reaction to Ru Yi oil n not eczema.

So we stopped using the Ru Yi Oil and in abt a weeks time, my baby's skin condition totally recovered.
Hi sleepmom

As cclyn had said , there are many reasons when baby cry , maybe you have to try an error of different method to calm him .
What about baby soothing music or does he have stomach upset (air) or is he still hungry after feed ( as you said he still look for something to suck).
Cos baby will sleep better if they are not hungry!
how much are you feeding him?
The weather is very hot recently , is he warm ,too much clothing/thick material cloths ?

I dont on aircon everyday. only when I really feel the room is too warm then no choice have to on loh !

Hi cclyn ,
Your Z'en is better then my gal !
Mine is very choosy , a little green vegi also can split it out !!!
She doesnt like fruits too .
So I have to give her fruits juice too!
And still trying very hard to let her eat different kind of fruits!
Think as long as she is healthy and not sick often will be fine !
Oh , she likes school too but as she is very "ah poh" she tends to cry sometimes !! sigh ..
After much review by me &amp; hubby , we think she is too comfort at home and during weekends cos we always go out and enjoy ourselves too much !!
Hi mommies,

Sleepymom, there cld be many reasons why your bb is crying...maybe u can try letting him sleeps in a sarong like what Cclyn did. My nephew used to cry every nite too...after my sister let him sleep in is so much better

As for me i will preferred to let him sleep on bed...just in case when we are out there are no sarong...but if it can solve your problem...give a try.

I have the aircon on every is too hot...oh yes, also try not to cover your baby with too much clothing etc...i have a GF that covers her BB as if singapore is a cold country :p so funny...i guess baby will feel uncomfortable.....given our weather !!!

After all, it is best to see a doctor soon for his crying...if is colicky baby..u can always buy colic drops from guardian or give grape water..hope these help!
He is drinking 90ml now.Is it too little?

Hi all
Need your advice.
There is a playpen on sale at tangs at $99, with bassinet and changer, brand is Babycraft, size 110x70x77cm. See ST Home pg 15. Anyone can tell me is the size smaller than usual, but still feasible? My hubby will be going see this pm. Would appreciate any advice asap.
Hi sleepymom

I got a babycot instead of playpen, i dun find it handy cos used it only for about 3 mths.
Each time i placed Z'en in the babycot and less then 10 mins he will cry... dun know how he managed to push himself up to the side/eage of the babycot, he felt uncomfortable cos no more space for him to move ard, so decided to let him sleep in sarong and bed instead.

Now the babycot was just like a 'store' to keep Z'en toys
Hello everyone,

Dawn will start to go to the half day child care most probably in May, Q-dees which is just walking distance fm my house. Have call and checked if there is vacancy and will dropped by one of these days to take a look at this place. Anyone heard of this ?

By the way, just to let u all know that i am expecting a second one....
HI Yippy ,

Congrats ! ..When is your EDD and which Gynae you are seeing ??

Hi Sleepmum ,

Think 90 ml is bit little if I remembered correctly . hmmm..have to check again ..
By the way , if he can finish 90ml then you may increase according to the formula suggestion.
( Opps , is he breastfeed or on formula ?)

How are you and baby recently ?? Is he getting better ??
He sometimes dont even finish the 90ml. But like yesterday, after 90ml, he cried and i made another 30ml for him and he finished it. So I just default still give him 90ml, and if he still want then make somemore. He was weighed on Sat, 5kg already.

He is on FM as my BM is not enough. But I still let him latch on 3 times a day to give him whatever I got. That mess up the schedule. My friends keep telling me to have a schedule of at least 3hrly feeds instead of the 2hrsly I am on now. But bb wakes up every 2hrs and cry for food, how to drag the time to 3 hrs?

Still feels depress when I am alone at home. My mil comes every Tue and Thu afternoon to help out. But I hope she can come every day,fullday. Maybe the withdrawal symptoms, cos one day got help, the next day dont have, thus gets depressed.

Think it also affects my BM supply as I read that emotions also plays a part in the production of BM. Plus as I am alone, I dont cook lunch cos bb somehow always wakes up when I am eating. Just eat sandwiches.Not very healthy.

BB still very active at night. We have to give him pacifier which helps some. But the whole process will last from 7+ until 11 or 12+ before he really sleep. So stressful still. Will he change soon?
Hi mummies,

my EDD is 03 july and i stick to my previous gynae, Dr Roy Ng at Mount E but think i will choose to deliver either at Mount Alvernia ( 1st bb here ) or TMC instead...

Any advise... ??
Hi Sleepymom,

I'm not sure whether emotion will affects the BM supply but not eating healthy sure will reduce the milk supply.

Since you are not cooking and eat only sandwiches, my advise is you eat sandwiches make with wholemeal, you can also eat canned salmon/tuna, cereals cheese and some nutritious snacks. Drink plenty of water and eat fruits &amp; veggies, these will help you in your milk supply.

Your MIL is visiting you twice a wk, may be you can also ask her to help to cook simple meal during this 2 days.

Hi Yippy

You had tried Mt A, you may want to stick back to it if you feel comfortable.

Anyone helping you for confinement and taking care of you bb ?
hi yippy,

will it be a boy or girl? How do you feel having a number 2?? Will Dawn get jealous? I cannot imagine having a 2nd baby......

i heard from many friends that TMC is A shd be ok too if u have tried b4. I was at Mt E when having Ian.
cclyn , My mil only can come around 2pm+. So cant cook. She can only ta bao for me. So for these 2 days, I always have late lunch. Will try to eat the nutritious food you suggested.

Yippy, Congrats. Like Reanne, at the moment I cant imagine having a 2nd bb when I am so tired taking care of ONE only! I also had my bb at Mt A

All mommies, Help! My bb doesnt sleep well during the day and evening when he is cranky(colicky??). Like 15mins or half hr each time. My mother suggest getting a sarong which will help to get him to sleep. Anyone uses sarong? What are the pros and cons? Cos I also dont know what are the cons, as most of us grew up sleeping in them. I am very tempted as he cant sleep then I have to carry him all the time. I cant do anything else.
Hi mummies,

my second one is a boy. ya, think she is getting jealous. We are so surprise that dawn at such a young age knows wat is happening.. when we ask her if she wants a di di or mei mei and u know wat? she replied that she dun want!!! we all got a shock to hear her reply.

ya, will be getting the previous confinement lady to help me, if not think i will go crazy man!!
Hi Sleepymom

I have let Z'en slept in sarong when he was about 2 mths and weaned off at 18 mths, that's the time he knew how to climb up to sitting position and I only allow him to sleep in the day but not night.

I find Z'en taking longer nap sleeping in sarong compare to bed.

Hope this will helps in some way

Hi Yippy

I agree with you, children will get jealous even at young age. I remembered once when i carried my niece (6 mths old), he cried when he saw me carrying the bb, want me to carry him instead. After tat incident, whenever i'm going to carry someone's bb, i will ask his permission 1st :p

I oso asked Z'en the same question want 'di di or mei mei', he also said dun want!! Yesterday my aunty asked him the question again, he still say dun want

Ya ! Is better to get someone or CL to help during your confinement, if not really go crazy
Cclyn, so do u mean u r planning for 2nd bb already?

oh ya, now on average Zen &amp; Ian drink how much milk each day huh? wat formula u gving ? we need to change to 3 yrs+ formula for them soon liao...
Hi Yippy

No planning yet, but many ppl said is time for 2nd laos. Thinking of having the same process again make me scare leh ;p

Z'en still on Gain IQ, might change to Dumex when he turn 3 (still considering) He is now drinking abt 240 ml or more milk 3x a day, sometimes he can't finish it. It will depends what he eat during lunch &amp; dinner.

How about Dawn and do you intend to change brand for her ?
Hi yippy,

Ian is also drinking abt 240ml or more 3 x a day.....exactly like Z'en...depending on what he eat during lunch &amp; dinner too...
I am still considering the sarong. My bb hasbeen able to sleep in the day time these few days and last night was quite good.

Now I have another problem. My bb likes sleeping on his right side all the time. Now the right side of his head is flatter than the left. Will it be permanent? If so, any remedy? I try to move his head when he sleeps, but he always turn back. Anyone have this problem and how to solve it?

Does buying something like Sassy Back Sleeper With Head Positioning Wedge helps?

Ya, Dawn still drinking Gain IQ 3-4 times a day but not 240ml leh, everytime i will only prepare 180ml and most of the time she doesn't even finished them.

The only problem i have is that she still wakes up asking for milk during the middle of the nite!!!! Sometimes i wanted to ignore her but dun have the heart to do it as she will keep calling, "Mummy, Dawn Dawn wants milk milk," then after drinking will go to sleep immediately...

Anyone has any suggestions how to stop all this?
Hello mummies,

i am a mother of a 16months old boy. My area is in yishun which does not have good enrichment schools here. *sigh*. Trying to think to send my son to the hua language centre for some chinese infusion. hehehee. pleased to meet u all!! Hope we can get some chatting going!!
hi yippy, my son drinks lot of gain IQ too!! he drinks 200ml 6 times a day and at nights also want milk. me so tired...working mum's woes. hehehe. what i have tried is mixed gain iq with dumex mamile night milk powder but still didnt work. so for the past month, i added one scoope of fine cereals in the milk for the last feed before he sleeps around 10pm..he will only wake up around 5am to feed milk. maybe u can try that.
Hi Eliza,

i added Nestle cereals to the the milk which i gave to my gal since 6 mths till now! i think she is only milk addicted and not hungry since she only can finish abt 150ml most of the time...

Haiz..Thanks for ur advise anyway..
Welcome Eliza !!

Have you decided to send your boy to Hua language ? There is another language school 'Han Language' located at Woodlands Civic Centre 5th floor, I went there once when they had opened house. Their class is for kids 3 yrs > You may want to try Kinderland, they have weekend class (sat &amp; sun).

Actually was thinking to send Z'en to 'Hua' but... rite now he is attending playgroup and they have mandarin lesson also, so decision still pending ;p

Z'en is also drinking Gain IQ and I add brown rice in his milk
hello lyn,

i have visited this han language centre but their classes age group is 3 years old so too bad.
which playgroup does zen attending? im looking for playgroup 3 times a week for josh. must have mandarin. do u know any good ones around woodlands or yishun?

Z'en was with Mygym @ Woodlands Civic Centre, he was there for abt 3 terms but stopped when i intend to send him to playgroup. He is now attending 3 hrs x 5 days plygrp at Julie's learning centre.

My neighbour send his son to Hua Language playgroup - 18 mths Bilingual class, she said not bad. I'm not sure any others good playsch in W'lands or yishun.

GUG also have playgroup rite ? since your boy is with them, y not consider their classes.
hi lyn,

gugifted is too far..i have to spend on cab fares..not worthwhile. so i am thinking about sending him nearby schools. which julie learning centre u sending? how much is it? is it good? do u c improvements?
Hi ladies, just happened to read this thread. thot of sharing with sleepymom on the colic thingy. My baby is currently abt 14 weeks old. He has colic when about 3 wks old, brought him to see Dr Teo from Baby Bear Clinic @ Woodlands &amp; was given some medication i.e. Ridwind. Quite effective. Improved after several days.

as for the breastfeeding, I was kinda of like a "return" bf mom. my milk production went down really low as I was not bf exclusively. Baby takes formula milk &amp; nurse as &amp; when. moreover, I took a long time to recover (suffer from blues) &amp; back on the feet (about 2 mths). after taking the following measures (&amp; some of my sharing), my milk production has gradually increased:
- i used dual pump @ work,, manage to get more milk in shorter time
- can take fenuegreek (herbal supplement) from GNC to increase breastmilk
- dun really like to take fish but i think it works for some bf mums
- take malt drink (non-alcholic beer), quite nice esp Bavaria brand with the apple flavour (can buy @ some cold storage)
- most effective...latch baby on as often as possible. takes 2 days for milk to increase to meet the demand. but can be tiring for mum this period as baby wants to nurse every 2-3 hrs. juz be mentally prepared &amp; rest as often as possible.
Again the above may or may not work depends on individual.

so if u want to bf, dun give up. can still salvage the situation.

have a good weekend to mums here!
hi all moms, I havent posted for a while. How is everybody? Time flies, my bb is now 5 mth old. He is awake liao. Sorry gotta go.
Hi, I am back. Anyone with 5 mth old baby? Would like to share and consult as we take care of our baby. Cos both my mother and mil have forgotten anything to do with baby. I can only seek help and advice from the forum or friends.
Hope this thread is not dead. One last try. Anyone know any photo shop nearby that prints digital photos for less than 35cents@? I have not printed any of my baby's photos since birth!

Hi Sleeymom

You may wanna try the shops below Sembawang MRT, 30 cents per print 4R. Think this is the cheapest i can know :p
