Any SAHM or MTB staying around Woodlands

Hi babymel

I used to be like u a wkend mother too, but wanted to be closer to Z'en, so decided to bring him back every night. Now every morning bring him to my mom place & bring him home after work. Lucky my mom is staying nearby.

Hi Reanne,
GUG have weekend class oso, I have visited GUG when Z'en is abt 1 yr old, wanted to register for trial but got to put him under waiting list..... dun know how long, end up did not register

Until Mygym opened @ Woodlands civic plaza lor.

hi all,

i'm working 5 days week as well. I bring my boy home everyday. Same as cclyn, bring him to my mum place in morning and back at nite. very tiring but I kind of enjoy lor! You get to see your baby learning new things day by day.
Hi mummies,

We just came back from mygym!!! It is FUN & Ian enjoyed so much that i signed up with them immediately :p

Hmm...very diff from Little Gym @ Forum...MYGYM had more to offer i guess....Yippy, u shd call for the free trial soon...

Oh yes, Ian loves preschool...other than phonics,they teach arts & Crafts & story time & mandarin play for 20 mins. They do have snack time too...& what they offer are very nutri fd like, cheese block, cereals etc & sometimes..bread or fruits.....

very shy leh, i am quite old.....
Hi Cclyn,

Maybe u can try to put Z'en in the toddler class call them for trial, i guess he will enjoys too
Did u sign up for Gymaster class also? When will Ian starts his class ? Aiyo ! so excited leh !
Z'en is attending Gymaster class every Sat 9.00 to 10.00 am. He starts two weeks ago.

Really hope to c u there.

Hey, Ian will starts immediately next week...Hmm...i signed up Ian for Gymaster but is a weekday class leh (tue 10 to 11am)....maybe will change one of his class to sat so can meet up, at the same time also let my hubby take a look at the place.
izit? Ian enjoys in Mygym ah? ok, i must call for free trial liao...
but scared my gal dun mixed ard leh.. she's so shy and pai seh to see ppl one leh.. everytime only stick to us when go out... sigh..
how many types of classes have u sign for Ian huh? seems like a lot leh. got Mygym, Gymaster, Growing Up gifted??

Sure we will meet one day, they have free play on Sunday 5 plus (wk day not possible cos working), so we can arrange to meet there lor.

Haha so happy

I also sign up immediately after Z'en went for trial, he enjoy soo... much there especially Circle time.
Hi Yippy,

No lah, i didn't sign up many classes for Ian lah
Anyway, Ian doesn't really know how to mix with other kids too...but i guess the "equipments" at mygym are the ones that he preferred...the teachers are nice too!
Hi Reanne/Yippy

Do u face any difficulties getting ur child walk when u bring them out ?
I have problem asking Z'en to walk whenever I bring him out even 'jalan jalan' at void deck also want me to carry.

I dun know whether he is lazy or wants to 'Tekan' me *sigh*
Hi cclyn,

I do have difficulties holding him while walking, cos he will tries to break free from me & starts running..
. If i try to get hold of him he will flops on the floor or struggles so hard that i may hurt him
That's why i always bring a stroller along just in case...but with a stroller, getting up & down a bus is a big problem!
Hi Cclyn,

yap, think my gal is still ok, i will put her in the stroller then give her some biscuits while i shopping. if not, once u start to carry her, oh no, its the end, she will not want to get back to the stoller liao!

by the way, how heavy is Ian & Zen now huh? my mil always wonder how come my gal doesn't put on weight even though she ate alot.
Hi Reanne/Yippy

Unless with hubby around, I will bring stroller out, if not I will have problem carrying Z'en & pushing the stroller. Normally when I was alone, I rather carry him
No choice got to bear with it laos

I will sure carry Z'en when entering MRT gate cos he height is almost 90 cm, need to pay child fee already

I weigh Z'en was about 1 mth ago, his weight 12.5 kg.

Sorry! Been quite busy lately to reply!
Yup, it's 4 months of full-paid maternity leave.
Hi Cclyn & Yippy,

Hey, Ian is abt the same size as Z'en...almost 90cm & 12.5kg! I have no more strength to carry him...

Too bad, 4 mth maternity leave not apply to my company yet unless offical announcement. Too bad


U r right, where got strength ! unless I want to train my biceps muscle and become a body builder, then u will see me in next olympic game haha...
if i continue carrying him.
Wow, wonder if its my gal too small size or wat? shes only abt 80cm, weigh 9+kg.

Maybe girl so small size?

so any suggestion when can we all meet up??
Hello All

May I join in? So excited to know so many "Admiralties mommies"!

I will be staying in Admiralty in another few months. Currently staying in Marsiling. WM will a 6-mth old gal.
Hi Happy (mygal) - Welcome!

Yippy & cclyn,

How, any idea when to meet?? or meet on sunday for the mygym freeplay
Welcome happy !
Which part of marsiling do u stay ? my mom is staying marsiling too near to Woodlands centre, so I will bring my son Z'en there morning, me staying @ Sembawang

Hi Reanne

It will be fine for me to meet up @ mygym on sunday, but not the next two sunday cos me going to bring Z'en to Marina Bay to see firework
actually we went there yesterday, the firework was so... beautiful and do not want to miss for next 2 sunday.

Has Yippy register for her girl @ mygym already ?

Went to mygym last sat and registered Z'en for the next term. They are giving 10% discount for earlybird. So did Ian registered too ?
Hi cclyn,

Any idea is the freeplay at my gym crowded? Have not been to one but understand from them that each time abt 15 to 20 kids plus yes, i already enrolled him for next term...given 10% too
Wow! so Reanne & Cclyn u 2 have signed up for the Mygym ah?? which one ? the 45 mins or the 1 hr ?

Aiyo, pai seh, i still haven't call for the free trial leh...

understand that the free play is entitled to members only leh...

I went there once and not very crowded (just opened) about normal class size 10 kids or so. But now have no idea laos, may b crowded.

We can consider Library too. I ever bring Z'en to Woodlands branch on Sat afternoon, but is also crowded.
hello cclyn

stayin at blk 217 now. near the wl ctrl too. abt 5 mins walk.

looks like most mommies are bringing their precious to Z'en. but my gal is still quite young. do u think it's worthwhile?
Hi all,

I did not log in for quite some time cos I am staying at home with my girl alone ! I am having my maternity leave now , but havent "pop out" yet !Will induce on this friday if she still doesnt want to come out ! think she is too comfortable in my tummy !

My girl is about 87cm and about 11.3kg .
I brought my girl to mygym for the trial on one weekday too. no need to call for trial !( maybe because its on weekday ) My girl like it too but I did not sign up now because I am going to deliver soon. Their term starts August to Oct. So I may start from next term ( mid oct )!
Like the cirle time too but felt not long enough for kids to interact !
And think most kids will like mygym because there are many toys to play , like indoor playground!
You all can meet up first , think I have to wait till after my confinement liao !

Hi happy ,
My mother also stay at marsiling .
Think your gal is still quite young , waste $$.
Hi Tora

Yo ! I thought ur gal 'pop out' already & u on maternity leave :p tat's Y MIA
Has your company practice 4 mths maternity leave already, Kris was saying some company already started. Take care
Hi Tora,

was wondering oso if u hv deliver since u missing for so long... haha.
wow, ur gal is quite tall huh!

Hi Cclyn / Reanne,
seems that we are only the ones quite active in this thread! So any other places near which we can bring our kids to meet up?

hi tora

i think so too. i thot maybe when she's 12 mth old, i may consider. wanted to get some opinions from u all though.

hehe.. looks like marsiling is meant for the oldies. the younger generation prefer living in wl new town n admiralty. but marsiling actually is a nice place to stay. quiet neighourhood. the air is fresh and the surroundings are very green and friendly. i sort of miss the place. the inconvenience is that hv to take feeder bus to mrt.
Hi all,

just came back from my tired

Hi tora, did u bring ur gal to the trial last week on tuesday morning...if yes, than i guess i have met you
cos i remembered last week when i was there, i saw a a little gal with mommy & daddy (mommy is pregnant)....

yes..yes, any suggestion where or when to meet??
Reanne, wow, u really like a tai tai huh? we r struggling at work and u lead such a relaxing life !! Juz came bk fm Gym? where's the gym? then who takes care of Ian?

Hi cclyn ,
My company still only practice 2 mths maternity leave ! How I wish can have 4 mths ! hmmm....

Hi happy ,
Yah , dont like to take the feeder bus to mrt ! And also at night , it is very dark !!

Hi Reanne ,
Oh , you saw us ! That day , my husband was on leave so I ask him to bring us there , dont waste leave to stay at home mah ! So there was quite few mummy & son that day , what did you wear that day? dono can remember you or not ! cos I did not accompany my girl in mygym, just sitting there and watch her reaction!
And how was the class today ?how many kids there ?
You are really a tai tai and rich one too !!(your husband must be earning alot ! )
Can send your son to so many classes !
Hi Tora
my company sama sama, practice 2 mth. U soon becoming a 'tai tai' too right ? hehe by then I will envy u & Reanne laos.
oh seems like now everyone are envy of Reanne liao! No nid to work, go gym, send Ian to classes etc etc...

me oso want lei....
hahaha, no lah, what "taitai"...more like a maid
actually that is the reason why i only insist of having one child cos cannot afford all these classes for the 2nd one than it will be unfair i guess......btw tora, if u are there last tuesday @ 10am plus session, than confirmed i met you
happy.gif son is the one that try to snatch toy from your gal & failed cos your gal seems stronger than him HAHAHA that's why i have the impression leh!
hi yippy,

no...u mistaken lah, i mean just came back from MYGYM with Ian
happy.gif i wish i can go gym...need to work out...gain so much weight after giving birth LOL too bad...
oh haha, anyway, my gym or mygym oso ok. u r not working so consider tai tai lor..

so u ever consider to "chong chu jiang hu"?
Hi Reanne ,

Ha ha ... my gal very naughty hoh ! Oh so you are the one with long hair and wearing white blouse , is it ??

Hi cclyn ,

Is the saturday class crowded ? How many kids are there ?
Hi Tora

I went last Sat & heard from the trainer is full strength about 10 kids (not inclusive of parents) so the trainer only allow one parent at a time to be with their child.

About 10 kids per class is OK for me cos I want my boy to mix and interact with others, so no problem.

Hi Reanne,

Beside bring Ian for classes, what do u do at home ? will u feel bore ?
hi yippy, tora & cclyn,

yes tora, i am the one with long hair & white blouse
no,she is not naughty in fact i think ur gal is very clever leh...she can sings so well

ya, actually i do feel bored i am online most of the time to chat with my overseas friends via msn or yahoo lor...or else i will read books or play with ian when he is not sleeping..

btw, how old are all mommies here?? curious...only....20s or 30s??...i am in my 30s already...
hi Reanne

have u ever think of putting Ian in childcare centre ? May b half day care so u can have your own time for yourself.

I intend to send Z'en to playgroup (1 1/2 hrs) class when he turn 2 yrs, instead of watching TV and do nothing at home, I want him to mix around with other kids, learn & to built up his confident. That is also the reason i register Z'en @ Mygym for him to explore.

me age same as u leh !
Hi cclyn,

So, which playgroup will Z'en be attending? Or u have decided to put him in childcare?

I did ever think of putting Ian at childcare b4, but drop the idea cos he is already attending preschool & moreover i am not thinking of sending him to preschool more often, maybe 3 or 4 xs a week, plus the gym...guess his schedules is full

I guess my hubby travels quite often, if both of us are working, Ian will be so poor thing...seldom gets to see daddy & mommy...& that is why i decided to be a stay@home mom. Both my hubby & me used to work late & travel often & that's why we only decided to have a child after 3years of marriage...

what abt u gals?
Hi Tora

u going for induce tomorrow so 'Gong Xi Gong Xi' to u in advance.


I have source for fews learning centre near to my mum's place but have not decided which to choose.
Learning Vision @ Woodlands Civic Ctr (got to take feeder bus)
Littleskools House @ Woodgrove (got to take feeder bus)
Vinyard @ Woodlands Town Ctr (walking distance for my mum place)
Smiling Star few block aways fr my mum place (but I don't like the environment)

Probably will choose Vinyard @ Woodlands Town Ctr cos will be convenience for my mum to send & pick Z'en up. Still got time for me to consider leh.
Hi Reanne

me in late twenties liao lor..
hey, me same like u leh.. my hubby travels often oso leh.. just left to China for 2-3 wks. Think we are "Tong Bing Xiang lian" ... Sianz....

Hey, me using msn messenger oso leh. wats yr email address?

Actually i'm oso thinking of putting my gal to child care or preschool next yr but think my mil dun agree leh.. but i want her to mix around with other little frens and learn more things.

Hi Cclyn, how much does the learning centre charge huh? i have checked with one in Yishun,
Q-dees and they charge $720 for 1 mth!! So Ex!!

Hi Tora,
R u excited now? can see yr bb soon leh... Congrats.
hi Yippy

Smiling star is cheap $120/mth (1 1/2 hrs)
Vinyard is $330/mth (1 1/2 hrs)
Learning Vision & The Little Skool-house is half day or full care but have not check the fee yet, sorry

tora, must be excited eh? Congrats in advance too!

ccyln & yippy,

actually sending litle ones to these classes are not cheap leh, i was thinking the government shd have the bb bonus as paying their education since young instead of giving maternity leaves (4mths)...most of my friends told me even given 4 mths they dun dare to take too...what if after 4 felt that they dun really need them anymore...

actually i also think of little skool-house @ woodgroves, seems quite nice, i tot learning vision is for staff only?
Hi all ,

Thanks everyone , tomorrow I have to "chiong" liao !
Actually I also did check out some childcare around woodlands.
I like the little skool-house @woodgrove but is the most expensive one !
After subsides from gov , its $640 per month full day , half day is about $400++(no sure the exact amount ) . They have transport also , its $90 two trip . And its 1 teacher to 6 students !

Me also in my 30s already !

Sorry, I rec'd brochure (in my letter box) from crestar not learning vision, but I remember when I visited them @ Woodlands civic centre, I enter the same enterance leh. *funny* I didn't know learning vision is only for staff.

I have not visited The little skool-house yet so dun know how's the environment there, have u been there ?

Government only wants to encourage mother to give birth cos population drop so they give bonus to mummy mah


We must pay for the transport ? isn't it provide free by the school. Wow ! so add up $700 plus per mth exclude uniform. VEry Expensive leh.

Have u visited the school ? How's the environment ?
