Any mtb/moms staying at Woodlands area?


Welcome JM, cwoon and doremon!

wow, so many kids in kinderland.
Welcome to all new mummies!!

my gal will be starting her class nxt term.Same class as JJ & Cayden as well as Declan(nw then i know declan same class). Wow almost 1/5 of the class belongs to the mummies here.
Hi SheRhino,

Opps...I think I got mixed up. It is Cayden, NOT Declan. My apologies.

Coincidentally, JJ, Cayden & Claire(my gal) have also attended GUG, prior to Kinderland. And now all 3 are in the same class. Come next term, it will be 4, including your gal.

<font color="119911">JM</font> <font color="0000ff">doremon</font>
Welcome welcome ..

Same as SL and cwoon, been quite satisfied with Kinderland so far. Its hard to judge whether the kids are learning anything at this moment since its only beginning of the year but we do know that Cay and JJ adore the teacher and that is a stepping stone to wanting to learn

What I do like about Kinderland is the music enrichment for the kids conducted by Yamaha teachers every Thu. For Cay, its the basic sing and dance thingy while Ash is currently on the electronic organ. Saves me the $$ of sending them to separate music class :p

Educational values aside, I do love the school's vibrant decor, toilets which are scaled down to kids' size and a relatively large padded playground.

<font color="aa00aa">cwoon</font>
Ya girl, you were literally still laughing when we spoke yesterday. The world is small, ain't it?

Paiseh, didn't get to chat much with you yesterday, was up the whole night doing my school project, thus was still in a state of daze when i sent the kids to school

Your girl wouldn't be in a primary school till 2011 and by then, some schools standards might have risen nor drop.. its hard to predict.
Heard from some mommies that a couple of the better schools around Woodlands would be Woodgrove (or was it greenwood?) or Admiralty.

<font color="aa00aa">cclyn</font>
Your colleague's son in the same class as Ash? What's his name? Btw, how many fishes do you have left? My count is 0

<font color="aa00aa">Sherhino</font>
How was Vivo? Got Da4 Feng1 Shou1? Did you chance upon this book store King's Books? They sell lotsa of children's books at a steal.
I went down to Zara GWC yesterday, managed to get some clothes for the kids but not the sale items. The sale items are mainly for infants or older kids, there was nothing for Ash and Cay

Oh, 0 fishes left, Ash must be very sad.. I still got abt 10+ left, last night 2 die..
Hopefully they can survive :p

My colleague's son is Ganden Kok. My colleague say if Ash in the same class then their class will have 2 Ashely.

My email add: [email protected]

Haha wat give you off is C = Claire & Woon = Surname..... sorrie lah dun to working environment I am very sharp on things like tat... next time just join us for any programmes lah and hope you will like it.....


Wow our thread is like moving so fast now??? One day never see the thread I have to read awhile.. Yippee our thread is alive again....


Ya, Cwoon is very hardworking, she actually stand at the menu list and write down.... tat is wat my mum told me....


Of cos all your fishes dead lah, but how long did they survive??? Till tat saturday nite only????

Wow think next day, the 11:15am - 2:15pm slot will be for woodlands mummies......


Want to have any programmes this Sat???


So you have changed your slot already huh????
Hi, Thanks a lot for your advise.
I am planning to enrol my daughter in third term as have to go aboard with her in May for one month.

How do you all send them to school? By bus or school bus?

By the way, Im so excited to have found this forum so that we can share some experience.
Wah!! u so bad leh... our fishes survived for few days & mine still swimming lively in the tank hehehe..:p If Cay din put the soil into the tank, think their fishes still happily swimming around :p
<font color="0000ff">cclyn</font>
You still laugh
... I went to a "fish" shop yesterday and was contemplating whether to get her another fish, but decided against it. Don't wanna be a sinner and "kill" another poor fishy.

<font color="0000ff">SL</font>
Think the thread is alive with Kinderland mommies.. thanxs to cwoon, she brought us new topics to "38" about again

No lah... our fishes did survive for a few days before they all went to meet their maker. Like what cclyn said, if Cay did not feed the fishes with soil, they might be able to hang around till CNY

<font color="0000ff">Kenix</font>
You changed your nick? I believe most of us here send the kids to school by ourselves/ moms/ helpers. School transport is out of the question for me as I would need to fork out another $140 ($70 per kid) if i opt for school bus.
I have a direct bus from my place to CWP, thus it's quite convenient.
Where do you stay?
Thanks mummies for the warm welcome. Perhaps will drop by this wkend & check out Kinderland. Like Cwoon, am now looking around for good primary school for my gal though she's only two now! In facting am contemplating of doing volunteering work at RGS.
Hi, feline,
thanks for the advise. Im staying in woodlands ring road. Though there is direct bus fm my place, Im concerned with the raining day. also I have a 9 months baby, it is inconvenient to take him along.

Hi, Doremon,
Already thinking of primary school, parents are really stressful nowadays. what is 'RGS', which school?
Hi CWoon,

I don't receive your email leh...Can send one more time?? Thanks a lot..


Which block are u staying? I'm at 657. My son also take bus 912 to school. It will stop at bus stop in front civic centre. But come back must walk to causewaypoint bus station or can cross the bridge at library side and take bus 912. I learn from my maid

My son also enjoy the music lesson there.It's the Yamaha music enrichment that attract me to enroll him. The teachers are quite nice.The place also clean. My son attends to the school since Pre Nursery 1. For afternoon session, there is also tea break. Sometimes they give bread, biscuit or cake and drink milo, yakult.
Im staying in Blk 659. just behind your Blk. How abt your maid? do you trust your maid. Actually I am looking for a maid, still struggling to make decision...

Anyone knows any betther primary school in Woodlands?

RGS = Raffles Girls School


Ya ya I agreed I enrolled into kinderland is also they got music and I dun need to bring JJ to any place for classes and also at the same time allow me to see whether he enjoy music or not...

And yesterday heard from my mum tat JJ is eating rice in class.. haha finally....
Hello feline,'s okay..dun need to feel paiseh.

I am actually just sourcing around any better neighbourhood schools around our vincity. To get a better pic. The primary schools within my area are Si Ling Pri & Fu Chun Pri. And was told the former wasn't so good. As for SNGPS, distance is way too far, though enrolling Claire is not an issue 'cos I am an old gal. Old is an understatement!!!
happy.gif Woodgrove Pri near Woodgrove estate? I am staying in Woodgrove.
Hi mngo,

very sorry...I got the names mixed up. My sincere apologies.

Anyway, I think we have "chatted"(via another forum) before, though we have yet to meet up.

Does Rolex watches ring any bell???????

I have also just send you the daily menu. Let me know if you did not rec'd too.

Hmmmm...actually C=my name, not my gal's.hahaha.
Woon is my hubby's family name. Anyway, you are still sharp to be able to notice that.

What to do...gotta be hardworking. Since the school will not give us a copy, and I wanted one for my reference, hence I gotta stand there & copy as quickly as I can, or else, Joanna will be staring at me!!! She has been giving me her "killer look" everyday!! hahahahaa.
Hi Kenix,

I am a SAHM, so I personally send my gal to school.

Drop her off in class(abt 11am), hang outside the school, wait for her to wash her hands before lunch(which is usually at abt 12:15pm to 12:30pm),have a quick lunch myself & then I am back at the school again to pick her up(which is abt 1:30pm).

School transport is out for me too. I had observed, and still am observing..and my conclusion transport conked out!!!

Let me share with you this incident, on volunterring work :

I happened to know this while watching a "live"
telecasted news on CNA.One mommy did volunteer work at Nanyang Pri for a couple of years,hoping to enrol her son into that reputable school. After balloting, in the end, her son was unsuccessful. She showed her displeasure(and trust me, GREAT displeasure) on national TV,when reporters interviewed her. She claimed most of her weekends were burnt doing volunteering work in the school, she stressed her time & effort were down to the drain. Can see she was so pissed off!! And I was actually laughing while watching that news on CNA.

Hence, even if you comtemplate, or decide, to do volunteer work at RGS, there is no full proof
guarantee your gal will be secured a place in the school. And on thing abt RGS, there is no affilication, even if you were from the Raffles family tree. Talk abt privilige & prestigious!!!
aiyo, Cay animal abuse.
Get him fishes when he's older.

I agree, volunteer work is no guarantee to get into the good schools. So difficult nowadays.
A warm welcome to all the new mummies here.

So glad to c that our thread is 'alive' again.

Tks to all the Kinderland mummies !!

What's pur CNY program this year?
Any hse visiting??
<font color="0000ff">doremon</font>
If you could, try visiting the school on a weekday when there are on-going classes, will be able to paint a clearer picture..
Keep us posted ..

<font color="0000ff">Yaya</font>
With a little one in toll, its really gonna be very inconvenient if the weather works up against you...
Maid:- No matter how much we trust them, there is always a guard we should put up. Its subjective and alot really depends on your luck as to whether you get a good one. You looking after the kids by yourself at home?

<font color="0000ff">cwoon</font>
Hmm.. can't comment much on Siling/ Fuchun Primary. Pardon me, SNGPS =?
Being a former student will put our kiddo in either Phase 2A1 or Phase 2A2
Where is your former school located?


I would love to put Ash in my former school as well if I can. I am pro girls school. But con of it is Cay can't be categorised under Phase 1 for the same school when its his turn to register for Primary 1.

Yap, I think Woodgrove is the one near Woodgrove estate.

<font color="0000ff">Smallbell</font>
Ash: Mom, the fishes are hungry.
Cay: Fishes are hungry? I go and feed the fish.
Mom: Sure, thats nice of you.

*pause....think.....pause again...*

Mom: Wait, we don't have fish food. I have yet to buy them.
*Confession of a fish killer

<font color="0000ff">bbnmum</font>
House visiting? Good idea..
Would any mommy mind "sacrificing" their place for our CNY visiting/ gathering?

Yes!! It is me! Phew!! Glad you still do remember me!!

Yup...I think I did receive an email from you. Anyway, congrats again. I believe you love the watch very much. Good deal right? From the shop I recommeded you??

School transport very messy. Hmm...guess you gotta see it yourself to undestand why I said it conked out!!

SNGPS = St Nicholas' Girls Primary School.

I am an old St Nicks girl. And as I'd mentioned, "old" is the understatement!!(if you know what I mean!).

I was in the secondary school though. But luckily for St Nicks, unlike RGS, it is affiliated, hence enrolling my gal is not an issue. Claire will be under Phase 2A1 'cos I am still a member of the alumni. Now my main concern is the distance. Yio Chu Kang to Woodlands...quite far ley!!*sigh*

Where's your former school? Btw, do you want a copy of the daily menu? I can send to you, via email, if you want. Let me know.

Wonder any mommies here whose little girl is in SNGPS now.
wow. this thread is suddenly so busy and active.
What a great way to end the 'year'.
Lunar 2007 sure 'wang'.

i tik the kiddos here are only grappling with kindy/nursery still
<font color="0000ff">cwoon</font>

I am one of those mommies who gets stares from Joanna as well, standing there and copying the menu

Me? an old old girl of SCGS.. yes very old indeed..

<font color="0000ff">Smallbell</font>
hehehe.. yes, Cay will always be Cay..cheeky and mischievious.
Btw, when are we going to come out for supper again?

<font color="0000ff">cclyn</font>
I managed to make the orange "holder" and paper fishes

I baked some pineapple tarts too. But the pineapple paste somehow got a little hardened....

<font color="0000ff">Lach</font>
I owe R a CNY latern, but I failed
So made an orange "holder and some decorative fishes for R&R.

<font color="119911">Firestation Trip</font>
Thinking of going over to the Fire Station again now that Cay is a little older.
Most prob will set on 3rd March, Sat @ 10am.
LMK if anyone joining

Date: 3 March 2007 (Saturday)
Time: 10:00am
Venue: Most probably Causeway Point

Feline, Ash & Cay
Slquek, hb & JJ (tentatively)
morning mummies
wow! only 2 days never visit the thread, got so many posting liao. Good good

<font color="ff0000">FIRE STATION EXCURSION</font>

Date: 3 March 2007 (Saturday)
Time: 10:00am
Venue: Most probably Causeway Point

Feline, Ash & Cay
Slquek, hb & JJ (tentatively)
cclyn & Zen

Feline, told Zen that will be bringing him to fire stn, he was so happy and everyday asking me when going ha, issit today ?.... *pengz*
Cay is forever so cute.

Smallbell & Feline
I was just telling HB last nite, I miss the supper w the Woodies Mummies.

<font color="ff0000">FIRE STATION EXCURSION </font>

Date: 3 March 2007 (Saturday)
Time: 10:00am
Venue: Most probably Causeway Point

Feline, Ash & Cay
Slquek, hb & JJ (tentatively)
cclyn & Zen
bbnmum, hb, & Vs (75% confirmed, i waiting for leave to be approved)

i m new in this thread, can i join in too? where is it? Thanks


Date: 3 March 2007 (Saturday)
Time: 10:00am
Venue: Most probably Causeway Point

Feline, Ash & Cay
Slquek, hb & JJ (tentatively)
cclyn & Zen
bbnmum, hb, & Vs (75% confirmed, i waiting for leave to be approved)
okmum, AJ, AG, baby AG

Welcome to this thread. Venue I am still not very sure must wait for our chairlady to confirm.


Pls remember to sms me the time and venue to meet hor as I will only be back on 2nd March.

Date: 3 March 2007 (Saturday)
Time: 10:00am
Venue: Most probably Causeway Point

Feline, Ash & Cay
Slquek, hb & JJ (tentatively)
cclyn & Zen
bbnmum, hb, & Vs (75% confirmed, i waiting for leave to be approved)
okmum, AJ, AG, baby AG
smallbell & patrick

re: Supper
Oh yes, must arrange for supper again. Haven't go geylang for supper yet.

arrange eat hokkien mee & la kopi at the coffeeshop near ur place la
if stay till late then we can go ur house continue part II

Date: 3 March 2007 (Saturday)
Time: 10:00am
Venue: Most probably Causeway Point

1. Feline, Ash & Cay
2. Slquek, hb & JJ (tentatively)
3. cclyn & Zen
4. bbnmum, hb, & Vs (75% confirmed, i waiting
for leave to be approved)
5. okmum, AJ, AG, baby AG
6. smallbell & patrick
7. doremon & toddler gal

ps : fire station sounds interesting. Which station?

Feline, can bo?


Date: 3 March 2007 (Saturday)
Time: 10:00am
Venue: Most probably Causeway Point

1. Feline, Ash & Cay , Helper + nephew.
2. Slquek, hb & JJ (tentatively)
3. cclyn & Zen
4. bbnmum, hb, & Vs (75% confirmed, i waiting
for leave to be approved)
5. okmum, AJ, AG, baby AG
6. smallbell & patrick
7. doremon & toddler gal

May I know what time is it expected to end?
If early, then maybe I can make it
