Any mtb/moms staying at Woodlands area?

Hi hi mummies,

I am back. Today tour is fruitful for my family.


Long time really no see you. Hope we shall arrange a la kopi session soon to catch up with you.

Shall we state down the possible days now????

La Kopi Session

8 March 2007 (Thur)

13 March 2007 (Tues)

15 March 2007 (Thur)

Or any suggested dates....


My son is in Kinderland Preschool (3hrs course), I do like the environment.


the 3 schools mentioned is in my list too.

My gal will start her class at Kinderland in Term 2. But as the school fee is very high, i am seriuosly looking arnd for cheaper yet not too bad curriculums..

New Life
Heard that this school is rather "popular"..need to register fast to get a seat in school.Also they emphasize on theory which menas a lot of homeworkto do(so it depends on individuals mummies on how they see it). School fee is like $450-500. Can use CDa a/c also..But our kids will start class for Nursery nxt yr only

Waiting for my neighbour to give me the details....she is also looking at this school

Fire Station Trip

the trip today was gd but i still think the 1st time visit was more organised...Somemore today weather very hot hor.Sweat like hell.... too bad i cant join u gals for lunch as i got a bday party to attend.

La KoPi

i m fine with all dates mentioned
re: fire station
Glad you all enjoy the trip. Sorry i can't make it as just found a job, got to do those health check and x-ray yesterday.

I tried cold turkey, then he kept crying. So i use the cruel lemon method. Was thinking that if still doesn't work, then use the chilli torture method as taught by other moms from forum.

<font color="ff0000">re: La Kopi Session</font>
8 March 2007 (Thur)
1) Ling
2) Sherhino
3) Smallbell

13 March 2007 (Tues)
1) Ling
2) Sherhino
3) Smallbell

15 March 2007 (Thur)
1) Ling
2) Sherhino
3) Smallbell
Thanks, Shall wait for your update on the Evangel.

I heard from some mommies, Evangel used to be good. but the principal has been changed since last year, so don't know if it is still good. Kinderland is too EX.

Also appreciate other mommies to share some experience.
Fire stn trip
It was good & fun but the weather is super hot, at first still scared it will rain... Zen was asking me whether we can go again 'tomorrow' when we on the way for lunch *pengz*

Wah !! Chilli !!! but can u tahan the burning sensation

Heard from someone that it works on weaning off pacifier

Zen no longer wanan be policeman liao, he wanna be fireman, but dunno wat will be next lor

Now it seems like JJ wana be policeman

Join us for the la kopi if u r free hor, so long never see u liao, missed u leh..

<font color="ff0000">La Kopi Session</font>
8 March 2007 (Thur)
1) Ling
2) Sherhino
3) Smallbell
4) cclyn

13 March 2007 (Tues)
1) Ling
2) Sherhino
3) Smallbell
4) cclyn

15 March 2007 (Thur)
1) Ling
2) Sherhino
3) Smallbell
4) cclyn
Hi Mummies
Anyone interested to go Birdpark & Zoo ??

<font color="0000ff">Birdpark</font>
<font color="0000ff">Date : 12 March (Monday)</font>

1) cclyn & Zen

<font color="0000ff">Zoo</font>
<font color="0000ff">Date : 16 March (Friday)</font>

1) cclyn & Zen
Fats!!!!welcome with open arms* :p

Fire station trip
Our family enjoyed the trip. Tks for organizing Keira has been taking about "fire engine" for the past few days :p
how's your holiday? show us some pics ok?

how come no pictures on 2nd fire station trip?

Ling and cclyn,
missed me har?
gam tong...actually ahem..i also miss you girls a lot!, esp the RA jokes *LOL*
ya ya i will see u all soon, and pls pls don't ask me if i'm preggie, its actually FATS FATS FATS! i gain even more weight after i stop BF

you take leave for the sch holiday har? Quick quick bring Zen to airport, then he will want to be pilot leow!

La Kopi Session
8 March 2007 (Thur)
1) Ling
2) Sherhino
3) Smallbell
4) cclyn

13 March 2007 (Tues)
1) Ling
2) Sherhino
3) Smallbell
4) cclyn
5) ribena

15 March 2007 (Thur)
1) Ling
2) Sherhino
3) Smallbell
4) cclyn

congrats on your new found job. Wish you bu bu gao sheng!

jek arch leh you, don't use chilli, its not good for the throat. how's he taking the lemon now?
another friend of mine used those washable colour pens to paint her breasts, then her daughter see already, don't dare to go near. maybe can try that?

yes yes, tell me how to go abt doing it?!!!
<font color="ff0000">Fire Station Visit</font>
Though the weather is hot, but we enjoy ourselves.
Tks Feline
Sorry cant join u guys for lunch as we have another venue to rush to.

<font color="119911">La Kopi Session </font>
8 March 2007 (Thur)
1) Ling
2) Sherhino
3) Smallbell
4) cclyn
5) bbnmum

13 March 2007 (Tues)
1) Ling
2) Sherhino
3) Smallbell
4) cclyn
5) ribena
6) bbnmum

15 March 2007 (Thur)
1) Ling
2) Sherhino
3) Smallbell
4) cclyn
5) bbnmum


Date: 13 March 2007 (Tues)
Time: 7:00pm
Venue: MacDonalds

1) Ling
2) Sherhino
3) Smallbell
4) cclyn
5) ribena
6) bbnmum

See the rest of mummies there.
i oso want to join, miss e fire station trip, was so sad


Date: 13 March 2007 (Tues)
Time: 7:00pm
Venue: MacDonalds

1) Ling
2) Sherhino
3) Smallbell
4) cclyn
5) ribena
6) bbnmum
7) okmum
haha!! i also dun know..everytime ask ah lao do for me. maybe we shld learn some simple IT stuff from mngo liao! or cclyn lah..she blog somemore ah jie? can teach boh?

yes join us pls!

SheRhino, u said it, i think it can be funny too..wah piang u make me imagine how it look like!
big turn on for hubby maybe? hee..hee...sorry siao again..

you mia?
Hi Mummies
Anyone interested to go Birdpark & Zoo ??

Date : 12 March (Monday)

1) cclyn & Zen
2) sherhino Sam & sasha

Date : 16 March (Friday)

1) cclyn & Zen
2) sherhino sam & sasha
thks 4 ur concern.
was very keen 2 go 4 e fire station visit but had 2 'pai nian' 2 my SIL so cant make it. even cancelled gabe's class tat sat morn.

been busy wif both boys since gabe started school in jan n edward getting more active...he trying 2 crawl, pulled 2 stand, etc. he has been bumping his head whenever he not successful in standing up or he cant stand 4 long. must watch him closely lor.

both boys also falling sick quite often since gabe went 2 school so another headache!

i also started doing some biz so busy busy busy! do call me 2 chat if u wanna find out more.
colour pen? i manage to totally stop expressing and survive the engorgement using your method, thanks.

organize birdpark and zoo trip on weekends too, then i can join liao.
so sad, miss the fireMEN visit again :p

birdpark, had to give it a miss. need to work

lakopi: tentatively, I am on.

Hope to see all mummies on la's been a long time since we last have such a gathering think I must be more hardworking to organise such programmes.. SO sorry have been very busy lately...
Hi Kate
Welcome to our thread

Do join us for the la kopi if u free.

Aiya, din know u got a job so fast mah, will organise again on weekends but wont be so soon hor :p

La Kopi will be on 13 March (tues) 7pm @ Mac

huh???? me MIA ????
im ok to join the la kopi session.


Date: 13 March 2007 (Tues)
Time: 7:00pm
Venue: MacDonalds

1) Ling
2) Sherhino
3) Smallbell
4) cclyn
5) ribena
6) bbnmum
7) okmum
8) kate

Date: 13 March 2007 (Tues)
Time: 7:00pm
Venue: MacDonalds

1) Ling
2) Sherhino
3) Smallbell
4) cclyn
5) ribena
6) bbnmum
7) okmum
8) kate
9) ginsengmum
<font color="ff0000">School Holiday Activity</font>

<font color="0000ff">Marine Fish Tour</font>

<font color="119911">Organic Fresh Fruit & Vegetables Market</font> (1st Mar 2007 to 31st Mar 2007)
Fresh Fun Shopping Experience
Time : Every Wed & Sat, 8am to 2pm
Venue : Blk 18 Dempsey Road
Tel : L'Organic @ 6836 1091
Dates : Every Wed and Sat

<font color="0000ff">Art Space (1st Jan 2007 to 31st Dec 2007) </font>
Art activities for children that relate to current exhibitions.
Time : Saturdays, 2.00 pm to 3.00 pm
Venue : Singapore Art Museum , 71 Bras Basah Road
Tel : Singapore Art Museum @ 6332 3222
Cost : Free

<font color="119911">Very, Very Crazy Warehouse Toy Sale</font>
(8th Mar 2007 to 25th Mar 2007)
Financial Year-End Stock Reduction Exercise.
Time : 11am to 7pm daily
Venue : Blk 103, Boon Keng Rd , #05-11 Singapore 339774
Tel : 6396 6338
<font color="ff0000">Grand Opening of I CAN READ -AMK Branch</font>
Venue: Ang Mo Kio at Block 728, #1, 4216-4218 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 6.
The Opening Day will take place on 18 March 2007.
There will be children's activities, candy floss and popcorn, balloon sculpture, colouring contests.
Talks by the founders of the I Can Read System, refreshments.
As well as the opportunity to book a free assessment for your child.

Date: 13 March 2007 (Tues)
Time: 7:00pm
Venue: MacDonalds

1) Ling

3) Smallbell
4) cclyn
5) ribena
6) bbnmum
7) okmum
8) kate
9) ginsengmum

Hi Ladies

tomolo lakopi session cant join u all liao cos sasha is sick and sam is on the way also...haiz...have to avoid crowded plc
<font color="0000ff">Ling</font>
Aiyah... why la kopi either on Tue or Thu?

I have okmum's number.. alright with you to give yrs to her?

<font color="0000ff">Ribena</font>
Missed a chance to see you again..

<font color="0000ff">Kate</font>
H hi.. welcome. Too bad I wot be able to join tmrw, hope to see you another time

Sure no problem just give my no to Okmum.

Okmum & Kate,

In case u cant find us, we will always be a bunch of noisy pple at Macdonalds...
See all the mummies tonite... except Feline.... Will try to fix one for you the other time... I will take note that I choose Monday, Wednesday n Friday.
Hello mummies
Just log in today. PC down.
Unable to join today too coz keira down with flu/cough again. hiaz.....

I have no idea how to "accept" the fats although I really really want to :p
marker pen is a turn on. wahahaha. *good joke*
hahah..pontang pontang! no lah..of course we'll fix another la kopi just for you. But pls don't choose Fri hor!
Sherhino shld be able to join this time round.

no prob! you're always welcome!

and i really like patrick a lot!!

hello! my email has some problem, currently trying to solve it. you have my hp number already?

Kate and Okmum,
nice mtg you girls today
hope to catch up with you again soon! no choice i have a very sticky boy with me.

And it was nice to see old friends again
ginsengmum, lach, bbnmum....and everyone has grown up now!

you SAHM now? hope Keira recovers soon ya.
Since i also dun know how to transfer my fats to you, i need to burn off ASAP! starting my excercise regime very soon, wish me luck! heehee..
hi okmum, kate.
great meeting up with u 2 nice ladies.
lets do it again soon.

you mean me har.. i know i have "grown"!

old friends,
tHANKS for the fun company, as usual.
u have learn new skills ah??

Okmum & Kate
Nice meeting you 2.
Another 2 fun-loving mummies.

Quick quick come out plans for our 2007 tour ok.
