Any mtb/moms staying at Woodlands area?

<font color="ff0000">Ling</font>
Our dearest secretary, welcome back!

FOOD, how can i missed out!
My attendances as follows:-

X'mas Party
Date: 16 Dec 2006 (Sat)
Venue: To be confirmed
Time: 1800hrs

Activities include: Buffet or BBQ and gift exchanging for the little ones budgeting at $20.00

1. Slquek, hb &amp; JJ
2. Potato Family
3. bbnmum, hb, Vyeoz &amp; Vytoz


Date: 9 Nov 2006
Day: Thursday
Venue: Causeway Point
Place: MacDonalds, Crystal Jade, Swensen, Jacks Place, Pastamania, Ya Kun
Time: 1930hrs

bbnmum (i will be late)

If u ladies prefer another date, pls feel free to jot down......
Hi Ling

Zen had nightmare after EC tat nite.. hahahaha.. Anyway dun worry, Zen still likes JJ but only a bit scared when JJ keep insist of holding his hand :p

X'mas Party
Date: 16 Dec 2006 (Sat)
Venue: To be confirmed
Time: 1800hrs

Activities include: Buffet or BBQ and gift exchanging for the little ones budgeting at $20.00

1. Slquek, hb &amp; JJ
2. Potato Family
3. bbnmum, hb, Vyeoz &amp; Vytoz
4. cclyn, hb &amp; Zen (tentitive)


Date: 9 Nov 2006
Day: Thursday
Venue: Causeway Point
Place: MacDonalds, Crystal Jade, Swensen, Jacks Place, Pastamania, Ya Kun
Time: 1930hrs

bbnmum (i will be late)

If u ladies prefer another date, pls feel free to jot down......
X'mas Party
Date: 16 Dec 2006 (Sat)
Venue: To be confirmed
Time: 1800hrs

Activities include: Buffet or BBQ and gift exchanging for the little ones budgeting at $20.00

1. Slquek, hb &amp; JJ
2. Potato Family
3. bbnmum, hb, Vyeoz &amp; Vytoz
4. cclyn, hb &amp; Zen (tentitive)
5. Sherhino's hb &amp; Sam( Me doing confinement that time i think)


Date: 9 Nov 2006
Day: Thursday
Venue: Causeway Point
Place: MacDonalds, Crystal Jade, Swensen, Jacks Place, Pastamania, Ya Kun
Time: 1930hrs

bbnmum (i will be late)
sherhino &amp; Sam

If u ladies prefer another date, pls feel free to jot down......
X'mas Party
Date: 16 Dec 2006 (Sat)
Venue: To be confirmed
Time: 1800hrs

Activities include: Buffet or BBQ and gift exchanging for the little ones budgeting at $20.00

1. Slquek, hb &amp; JJ
2. Potato Family
3. bbnmum, hb, Vyeoz &amp; Vytoz
4. cclyn, hb &amp; Zen (tentitive)
5. Sherhino's hb &amp; Sam( Me doing confinement that time i think)
6. evelyn, hb, Wesley &amp; Wilfred (tentitive)


Date: 9 Nov 2006
Day: Thursday
Venue: Causeway Point
Place: MacDonalds, Crystal Jade, Swensen, Jacks Place, Pastamania, Ya Kun
Time: 1930hrs

bbnmum (i will be late)
sherhino &amp; Sam

If u ladies prefer another date, pls feel free to jot down......
X'mas Party
Date: 16 Dec 2006 (Sat)
Venue: To be confirmed
Time: 1800hrs

Activities include: Buffet or BBQ and gift exchanging for the little ones budgeting at $20.00

1. Slquek, hb &amp; JJ
2. Potato Family
3. bbnmum, hb, Vyeoz &amp; Vytoz
4. cclyn, hb &amp; Zen (tentitive)
5. Sherhino's hb &amp; Sam( Me doing confinement that time i think)
6. evelyn, hb, Wesley &amp; Wilfred (tentitive)
7. ribena, hb, Ernest


Date: 9 Nov 2006
Day: Thursday
Venue: Causeway Point
Place: MacDonalds, Crystal Jade, Swensen, Jacks Place, Pastamania, Ya Kun
Time: 1930hrs

bbnmum (i will be late)
sherhino &amp; Sam

i'll cfm again next week

I wanna see BB!!!! go your hse ok? keke..
Good to see everyone back :p
BUT hor I can't join any activities for the time being coz my BIG "E" is coming EXAMS!!!!
Will join u all after 22nd.
Meanwhile enjoy yr la kopi :p
X'mas Party
Date: 16 Dec 2006 (Sat)
Venue: To be confirmed
Time: 1800hrs

Activities include: Buffet or BBQ and gift exchanging for the little ones budgeting at $20.00

1. Slquek, hb &amp; JJ
2. Potato Family
3. bbnmum, hb, Vyeoz &amp; Vytoz
4. cclyn, hb &amp; Zen (tentitive)
5. Sherhino's hb &amp; Sam( Me doing confinement that time i think)
6. evelyn, hb, Wesley &amp; Wilfred (tentitive)
7. ribena, hb, Ernest
8. kelly, hb, gabriel &amp; edward (it'll b edward's 1st xmas party - i'm already feeling excited for him)

Sherhino also havent delivered....then good lor if she confinement u go there and accompany if her maid is still not here....

Ok, I am thinking where should we have the party???

East Coast Park? Sembawang Park? Chalet? Woodsvale??

Buffet??? Potluck???

Hee hee my mind is running mad again with FOOD....

Forget to reply u that the size sam's wearing was L. As JJ's height is quite a bit diff,u will find it's either just nice or too short and cant use for long...U went Orchard got other sizes??

Date: 9 Nov 2006
Day: Thursday
Venue: Causeway Point
Place: MacDonalds
Time: 1930hrs

bbnmum (i will be late)
sherhino &amp; Sam

Mummies, see u ladies tmr.
Hi there! I live in Woodlands St 83, and have 2 small chdn, 4 yrs old girl and 8 mths old baby. Can I join u mommies? Problem is I don't always have access to internet. But I cna be contacted @97949546 via sms or call.

Anyway, I still wud like to join u all if that's ok. Will try to log on as often as possible from now on.

Btw, my name is Khatt and I'm a 38yr old Malay full time working mom.
Hi Ling,
I can't join u gals tonight cos I just realized that I need to send Wesley to class at 8pm near my cc. (hubby is on course today).
so sorry! I will join u gals next time. Have fun ya.

Hi Khatt,
Thanks Ling for inviting me for last night kopi time at Ya Kun but sorry I couldn't make it coz I'm on course 3 nights a week til mid Decemeber.

Anyway, hope to join in ur X'mas party.

Btw, anybody interested in enrolling their chdn form 4 yrs old, to swimming lessons @ Woodlands swimming pool?

Thot of starting the class in Jan'07 as the weather lately is not so good. Perhaps now we could get together at the swimming pool with our kids to get them water confidence and also to get them to know each other. Also for us to know each other ;)

Well just a thot.

BTW, I scroll down this thread and realise u mommies had a baking class for the kids. That's great!

I also did mini pizza and other fancy toast with my little girl. She enjoys it tho she is not much of an eater.

I also notice there's a story telling session @Times the Bookshop @Plaza Singapura this Saturday, anyone going?

Hi there mommies,

Yep it's me again. Actually was wondering if any mommies out there in Wdlnds would like to lose weight together. I desperately want to lose some weight by mid December cos going to hubby D&amp;D and I want to look good in this dress that he just bought me. Although I can wear it, I don't look so good in it, can see all the bulges sticking out at the wrong places

Actually I wanted to join aerobic dance or body sculpt or philates at the CC but problem is nobody to look after my 4 yrs old girl and 8 mth old baby. If I take the neighbourhood walk, I could take them with me, infact I did before but no motivation to carry it out consistently as I'm doing it alone.

That's why I'm looking for like-minded mommies who have same problem like me; want to lose weight and nobody to look after small children. So we could go walking together with our children. We can plan together our balance &amp; healthy diet and also our exercise/workout schedule and programme. I have a few resouces on this matter. I just need a partner(s) so we could motivate one anather.

You can also call or sms me @9794 9546.

This is a good deal you know. Lose weight at ZERO cost, no side effects as there's no pills and on top of that, spend quality time with your kids and to top it all, you have a new friend, ME!

hey I have a 8mth old. In fact I started exposing my 4 yr old dotter to water at 2 mths old &amp; by the time she is 5.5 mths, she's already snorkelling with us in Bintan. I still have a pic of her underwater. We took her snorkelling again at Tioman when she was abt 8 mths old.

I started taking my 8 mth son to the pool at the age of 3 mths and he's able to stay under water for 2-3 secs now. Somehow, I see my baby boy abit more "fragile" than my girl, that's why I haven't taken him to the seaside.

Anyway, our babies can still enjoy the pool. I bought a float with two holes for the legs, whr the baby can sit in. I also know of a swimming class for babies from 9 mths onwards at Orchid Country Club by SwimFast.

Anyway, I like taking the kids to the swimming pool so if anyone interested to join in, just drop a line ok.

hi mummies,
didn't log in quite long le so missed the la kopi session... but think the xmas party i can make it together with bjorn(my son) hubby nt confirm yet.
Day 1

Well I started my weight loss prog on Saturday. Weigh myself first in the morning, 71kg. Did my briskwalk in the morning, 20 mins then stop &amp; let my girl play at the playground for 15 mins, then walk again 20 mins home. At home, did some exercise; hips, legs, butt &amp; abs. For breakfast, had a bowl of oatmeal with low fat milk &amp; 2 tbsp of milo. Lunch didn't do so well. Had a late lunch &amp; ate a lot; a plate of char kway teow, a plate of rice+veg+squid, try some of my hubby's fish noodles and my daughter's chicken rice. Drank iced tea then soya bean. Too full for dinner so just drank a bottle(1 lit) of apple juice and a glass of orange juice. Then just drank plenty of water.

Day 2

Had an event at work, breakfast was curry puff, lunch was high tea with a lot of fried stuff; wanton, chicken wings, samosa, curry puffs, spring rolls, fishballs etc. I also had fried bee hoon, egg sandwich and some fruits. Dinner was chicken noodles and I didn't exercise or do any workout today :[

Day 3

This morning weigh myself, though I'm suppose to weigh weekly only but couldn't resist and I couldn't believe it, I weigh 70kg, down by 1 kg. I thot I might put on 1 kg or so. So the walking did pay offs a bit. Plan to walk for 20-30 mins this afternoon during tea break. Didn't had b'fast but for brunch, had half pkt of chic rice (shared with a friend). Just order beehoon yong taofu soup for mmmm.... late lunch ;> I'm on course tonite so can't do any exercise workout tonite.

Hi precious gem
Congrats !! keep it up

Re: swimming
Do u know how much swimfast charge for beginner class (4yrs old kids) ? I'm looking @ weekend class at Safra Yishun.

Hi mummies

<font color="0000ff">X'mas Party</font>
Date: 16 Dec 2006 (Sat)
Venue: To be confirmed
Time: 1800hrs

Activities include: Buffet or BBQ and gift exchanging for the little ones budgeting at $20.00

1. Slquek, hb &amp; JJ
2. Potato Family
3. bbnmum, hb, Vyeoz &amp; Vytoz
4. cclyn, hb &amp; Zen (tentitive)
5. Sherhino's hb &amp; Sam( Me doing confinement that time i think)
6. evelyn, hb, Wesley &amp; Wilfred (tentitive)
7. ribena, hb, Ernest
8. kelly, hb, gabriel &amp; edward (it'll b edward's 1st xmas party - i'm already feeling excited for him)
9. Mngo, hb &amp; Declan
10. sheena, bjorn (hb not confirm)
They just increase to $70 p/mth from $60 but if u take the twice a wk class, it's $90-$100 p/mth. The wkdays classes are in the evenings @Sports Sch and wkends class r mornings @same venue. I'm not quite sure about the classes in Orchid Country club but I'll try to get the number for you to call to enquire.

I've stop my daughter's swimming class @sports sch cuz I've find it in accessible especially when my hubby couldn't send me, I have to walk all the way there from Wdlands St83 with my 4 yrs old jogging alongside me, while I briskwalk and push my baby in a stroller. I don't mind the walk as it is a good workout for me but I pity my girl for having to walk a long distance and especially coming back, when she's tired from swimming. The worst is when it rains. Even on sunny day, it's really hot on the way back cuz she finishes at 12 noon.

Hi precious gem
Thanks for the swimming info, think I will consider the 'location' also before making decision

We have yet to confirm buffet or bbq for our X'mas party, will accommodate if halal food is require, do join us if u can
hi All mummies,

my gal is 8mths old, not sure when can i bring her to swimming pool for a "swim".. any idea....?

and also... sourcing for a stroller for a college's baby full month gift. try to find combi or lucky baby singapore website, but cannot find it. i don't have to buy from the site lah, jus wanna show other college which type of stroller available... anyone know any site that i can check it out?


btw,,, i am a woodlander too..posted here before but not as active as some mummies here
Actually babies can be in the water/pool the minute they were born as they r natural swimmers (these days they have water birth). They have the ability to "breathe" underwater and even float as that's what they've been doing for the last 9 months in our womb.

The only thing is that the swimming pools here in Singapore are outdoor and the water tend to be abit cold for newborns and perhaps not that clean for newborns and also with all that clorine. One reminder, don't let ur babies in the zoo water play as the clorine content there is pretty high. Only recomended for preschoolers and above.

I brought my 2nd daughter to the swimming pool when she was exactly 2 mths old and the youngest one who is 8 mths old, when he was 3 mths old. They said that babies still remember how to float and breath in water within the five months after they r born but I don't dare let my baby go ... floating ... though I did dip both my kids heads underwater and u'll be surprise how they r able to hold their breath. I did this the very first time I brought them to the pool and even til now.

Hamzah is 8.5 mths and enjoys being in the water even having his head dip in but of course the problem is they can't be in the pool too long because of the temperature, it's too cold for them, usually half hour is enough and the longest is 1 hour, if not, they'll be shivering.
We haven't been to the pool for quite awhile, almost 2 months now, since the fasting month. We'll be going to CSC club @Bt Batok this Sunday. Anybody wants to join us?

oh.. thanks precious gem.

so after that, u bath them? how to bath them in the public toilet when they can't even stand ? wat's the best way to bath them?
Hi Yan
I brought my son to the pool when he was 6 mths, he love and enjoy in the water, will only spend 1/2 hrs there cos the water is cold.

Re : bath
Usually we go privite pool (ie, Safra, Cdans)as they have hot shower, will carry him with me to bath, just a quick wash up.

Hi precious gem
Swimfast have classes conduct at SAFRA Yishun, 1 hr/10 week, fee are 150+ for Safra member and $180+ for non member. Will have to check with Safra for more detail.

well usually I bathe them in the shower but some shower the water comes out really hard so u have to test first. Another thing if u shower ur baby naked, don't soap them cuz it'll be slippery and u might drop them! The other alternative, I sometimes bathe them in the sink but I will clean the sink first. I mean I really use soap &amp; tissue to really clean/wash &amp; rinse the sink. U can also use the shower near the pool, u know the ones by the side of the pool cuz the "jet" from that shower is not as hard as in the bathroom.

I play by ear, see how's the condition of the bathroom in different pools. If it's really bad, I just wash their face at the sink and then wet a towel with water and wipe his body. But I will bathe them the minute we get home.

Hi Mummies,

Quite sometimes not log on at this site. Haven't had a chance to meet all of great mummies here.May I join in your x'mas party?
thanks precious gem..

ya... luckily u warn me about the soap... never think of it will be slippery...

the sink is a good place to bathe them too... good recommendation... the cleaner must be very happy when u visit the pool.. haha.. they have lesser sink to clean up... haha.. but no choice lah,,, we got to protect our baby skin.. think i will clean the sink before put her in too...
Can anyone recommend me a good Kindergarden at Admiralty/ Woodland/ Yishun Safra, if possible with transport also????

As my girl is currently attending PCF at admiralty but seem that she is behaving very naughty just like boy so I just thinking of changing new envoriment for her with good dislipine school!!

Anyone care to share with me??? (Mee very headache with her,she's sooooooo "Drama")

Pls share!! Thanks

Any commend on the Creative Land Childcare at Blk 715 Woodlands Dr 70 &amp; Sweetlands at blk 643 woodland rings rd???
Hi mummies

X'mas Party
Date: 16 Dec 2006 (Sat)
Venue: Most probably Woodsvale MPH
Time: 1800hrs
Food: Halal Buffet

Activities include: Buffet or BBQ and gift exchanging for the little ones budgeting at $20.00

1. Slquek, hb &amp; JJ
2. Potato Family
3. bbnmum, hb, Vyeoz &amp; Vytoz
4. cclyn, hb &amp; Zen (tentitive)
5. Sherhino's hb &amp; Sam( Me doing confinement that time i think)
6. evelyn, hb, Wesley &amp; Wilfred (tentitive)
7. ribena, hb, Ernest
8. kelly, hb, gabriel &amp; edward (it'll b edward's 1st xmas party - i'm already feeling excited for him)
9. Mngo, hb &amp; Declan
10. sheena, bjorn (hb not confirm)
11. Loveyboy &amp; family


Sure u r welcome to join in our forthcoming party.. pls indicate the no of pple attending. Tks.
KK kid and Mum,

I am not sure too, but my auntie used to send her daughter to YMCA opposite Blk 846 and apparantly the school and syllabus are good.. you can look out for tat one...

I will be sending my son to Kinderland Pre school in Jan then will give comment on the school.


1. Slquek, hb &amp; JJ
2. Potato Family
3. bbnmum, hb, Vyeoz &amp; Vytoz
4. cclyn, hb &amp; Zen (tentitive)
5. Sherhino's hb &amp; Sam( Me doing confinement that time i think)
6. evelyn, hb, Wesley &amp; Wilfred (tentitive)
7. ribena, hb, Ernest
8. kelly, hb, gabriel &amp; edward (it'll b edward's 1st xmas party - i'm already feeling excited for him)
9. Mngo, hb &amp; Declan
10. sheena, bjorn (hb not confirm)
11. Loveyboy, hb &amp; Jo
Hee hee, was even thinking of a Xmas party for Woodies.. too long never check thread liao... so backdated

1. Slquek, hb &amp; JJ
2. Potato Family
3. bbnmum, hb, Vyeoz &amp; Vytoz
4. cclyn, hb &amp; Zen (tentitive)
5. Sherhino's hb &amp; Sam( Me doing confinement that time i think)
6. evelyn, hb, Wesley &amp; Wilfred (tentitive)
7. ribena, hb, Ernest
8. kelly, hb, gabriel &amp; edward (it'll b edward's 1st xmas party - i'm already feeling excited for him)
9. Mngo, hb &amp; Declan
10. sheena, bjorn (hb not confirm)
11. Loveyboy, hb &amp; Jo
12. feline + family (tentative)

Need some brainstorming or suggestion on the venue of our Xmas party as on the 16 Dec Woodsvale MPH is not available. Currently is looking for alternative dates on MPH availability.
Yesterday I was at my granny's place and JJ went to swim, now he is not really scare of water as I purposely splash water on his face and he wanted to cry but i told him this is how u do swimming haha... trying ways n means to let him overcome water....
Hi there!

I wish I cud join u all for X'mas party but just check with hubby &amp; it clashes with our holiday plan. I'll be away during that time. Plan to leave for Thailand around 12 Dec and be back 22 Dec. Wanted to come back later but my 2 kids got Doctor's appointments.

Wish you all a wonderful X'mas party

ccyln &amp; Yan,

BTW, the swim school that my daughter attended wasn't swimfast, it was speedswim. I got it mix up cuz I inquire both school before I enroll her in speedswim. I just got their new brochure for the holiday programme. I think they mail in the letter boxes around woodlands. Didn't u get them?

precious gem,,

no.. maybe they did .. but maybe we throw it away already. whenever we see brochure, we jus throw it away.. too many already.. especially those housing agent..... aiyo,, letter box always full of tat.
Hi I'm new here. Wud luv to join u ladies &amp; kiddos for X'mas party.

Buffet : halal

1. Slquek, hb &amp; JJ
2. Potato Family
3. bbnmum, hb, Vyeoz &amp; Vytoz
4. cclyn, hb &amp; Zen (tentitive)
5. Sherhino's hb &amp; Sam( Me doing confinement that time i think)
6. evelyn, hb, Wesley &amp; Wilfred (tentitive)
7. ribena, hb, Ernest
8. kelly, hb, gabriel &amp; edward (it'll b edward's 1st xmas party - i'm already feeling excited for him)
9. Mngo, hb &amp; Declan
10. sheena, bjorn (hb not confirm)
11. Loveyboy, hb &amp; Jo
12. feline + family (tentative)
13. doremon + bb

Hi Doremon,

Welcome here....

I will confirm the place later as currently still dun know where should we hold the party...

Mummies, where are u guys... need to brainstorm the place and do u think we should change the date to 9 Dec???

Pls pls respond..
