Any mtb/moms staying at Woodlands area?

Hi Smallbell

me too long time never go liao... when u intend to go ? Me available on Sat

<font color="ff0000">Ling</font>
WOw, finally u r free now.
Go indoor since the haze is nit getting better.

<font color="119911">cclyn &amp; smallbell</font>
Mayb can go for this
<font color="0000ff"> A 2-1/2hr trip, tour round Singapore water.
Include hi-tea refreshment. (pastries, cakes n drinks),
and 30min @ KS island.</font>

KS Island change a lot, very nice and clean now.

Ya I think we should go for Kusu Island....

Let me get on with the itinerary before our thread went dead..

Date: 28 October 2006
Day: Saturday
Time: 0830hrs
Venue: Woodlands Pick up Point


Ling, Hb &amp; JJ

Date: 29 October 2006
Day: Sunday
Time: 0830hrs
Venue: Woodlands Pick up Point


Ya I will be free but it might be bored too.... and actually JJ dun really disturb me a lot and me tends to be bored if he is not around..
<font color="0000ff">Event : Kusu Island</font>
<font color="0000ff">Date: 28 October 2006</font>
<font color="0000ff">Day: Saturday</font>
<font color="0000ff">Time: 0830hrs</font>
<font color="0000ff">Venue: Woodlands Pick up Point</font>


Ling, Hb &amp; JJ
cclyn &amp; Zen (hb not confirm)

<font color="0000ff">Date: 29 October 2006</font>
<font color="0000ff">Day: Sunday</font>
<font color="0000ff">Time: 0830hrs</font>
<font color="0000ff">Venue: Woodlands Pick up Point</font>


Seem like the whole thread has been u n me talking only... dun know where is the rest.

Calling for Feline, Small bell, Ginsengmum, Bbnmum, Ribena, Lachesiz, Sherhino, Brocoli, Evelyn, Mngo, mykono....

Did i leave out anybody??? Nowadays memories have been bad...
Cclyn and Ling,
I can't make it for the Kusu trip. Got to wait for my mom to go in november. Let me know if any changes to the island.

Yeah, how come only like 3 of us chatting here???
Hi hi Ladies,
I am here. been MIA for quite some while coz #2 giving me pain all over. &amp; with tt monkey sha monkeying ard, kinda of no mood to do anything much.

Kusu Island,
Doubt can go, coz tt day nid to attend HB's cousin wedding. Haiz..
Wow haha.... mummies all appearing....

No problem for those who cant make it... then we shall come out with other outings but just tat currently cannot do anything outdoor due to the haze so we must wait for the haze to settle down first before we proceed with our plans.....
sherhino reporting!!

I dun mind either days so long the haze is much better.Now whenever i go out,must be indoor type then will consider.Dun want to trigger sam's sensitive nose.

Hey when La kopi again ah??

I am on for indoor actitivies too.

(machiam like suggesting dating prog....)

Indoor Gym/playground?
baking class for kids? (n mums!)
Event : Kusu Island
Date: 28 October 2006
Day: Saturday
Time: 0830hrs
Venue: Woodlands Pick up Point


Ling, Hb &amp; JJ
cclyn &amp; Zen (hb not confirm)
Sherhino, hb &amp; Sam

Date: 29 October 2006
Day: Sunday
Time: 0830hrs
Venue: Woodlands Pick up Point

Sherhino, Hb &amp; Sam
Hey Lach
talking abt baking class.
i went to Genius R us before. it looked really fun but our kiddos r too small for that
28 October... not working

Event : Kusu Island
Date: 28 October 2006
Day: Saturday
Time: 0830hrs
Venue: Woodlands Pick up Point


Ling, Hb &amp; JJ
cclyn &amp; Zen (hb not confirm)
Sherhino, hb &amp; Sam
feline, ash, cay (depends on weather,will skip if haze is bad)

Date: 29 October 2006
Day: Sunday
Time: 0830hrs
Venue: Woodlands Pick up Point

Sherhino, Hb &amp; Sam
hi lach,
u got an oven tat works? i can bring my boys over 2 ur plc &amp; do a baking session. gabe has gone for a few baking sessions wif his friens &amp; my mum. he loves it but will run off after a while...short attention span lah. we can invite a few other tods but hv 2 keep e group small cos can b rather chaotic.

my oven dun work, if not can invite u &amp; the others over.
Hi lach,

Know u sooo long, nvr know u got OVEN! Dat's is sttg new. Thot u only know how to eat but never cook nor bake! haha!
Dear Kelly,

I never knew i can bake or cook...
I am unlike you and some of the super mummies here.. can cook n bake so well...
if my oven is operational, please come and conduct lesson.. haven met edward yet

just that i have not used it for 2years!! and i have used it less than 20x :p
will arrange something wif u personally. then we invite e rest of e woodlands mummies can? i havent done any baking session wif >4tods. it'll b TOO chaotic &amp; messy.

ya, can u pls check if ur oven is operational? juz switch it 2 180degrees, leave it on for 10-15mins. if ur oven dun cause e whole hse's electrictiy 2 go off (like wat my oven did), then it's still operational.

if not, i get my husband 2 fix our oven then u2 can come over my plc IF u dun mind. i stay in pasir ris leh...
Hi Woodland mommies,

Has been quite a while since going online last. Yasmin is quite a handful to look after by myself. We have just started our Hallmark Babies area in Robinsons Raffles City and Danny was there everyday last week. Initial reaction has been very good and we have been invited to set up a counter in Centrepoint Robinsons in Dec. They are giving us 200 sq ft of space to play with.

Do come by to say hi if you are in City Hall. Danny will be there all weekends.

Kelly, you are good at baking? Danny would love to hear that. He loves to bake (Turkey, salmon, muffins, cakes, bread, pudding, ornaments etc). He even wants to bake bread for Yasmin daily after that saga with preservatives in bread from Malaysia.
i'm not gd at baking but i love 2 bake, cook &amp; EAT (hence my round round size). ya, i've tried baking salmon, cookies, cakes and bread (i own a bread machine). all edible. CNY coming soon so i tik i betta fix my oven so i can bake my cookies &amp; kueh lapis.

will pop by ur counter 2 take a look. my edward needs some new clothes.
<font color="ff0000">Lach</font>
U can BAKE!
how come all the funny words BAKE, OVEN, DIET, SLIM suddenly started appearing in yr dictionary?
Can u invite me PLEASE?
<font color="119911">mykono</font>
I think that oven belongs to RAE.

<font color="0000ff">Kelly</font>
U asking her to test the oven?
I doubt she knows how to ON it leh.
Better tell her maid to do for u . hehehe
ok, at least i give lach instructions then she can instruct her maid lor...hahahahaha!

i tik u no need 2 get ur maid 2 check e oven liao...i juz nagged at my husband so he'll get e oven fixed. we can probably do something next wk? my boys still not 100% well.
<font color="ff6000">Kelly</font>
hahaha ... that's true.
Hope she can get the message rite, else duno wat will happen!

Yr boys still not well yet ah.
Poor boys, hope they can recover soon.
<font color="808080">C&amp;D</font>
Congrats to the opening of yr new store.
Any big discounts for Woodies mommies??
Will say HI to Danny if I happened to be there.
see la.. the hyenas are out.. (i think the zoo ones are more mild) :p
but bbnmum n mykono sure know me well.
for the record:
i cant cook/bake. hb wanted to sue me for poisoning him when i tried to cook.
even if i bake, i use the near idiot-proof betty crocker(?) thingy... yet i can still mess it up:p
BUT, I CAN EAT! i will outlast anyone in a buffet.

please please get your hb to fix the oven soon so i can stop drooling and start eating...

I will hold your promise to heart

lets arrange for one real soon.

congrats on your new store..
Like Lach, i only know how to eat.
The only cookie i can bake is from our Home Econs book. Haha
Sure. Let me know if u organize one :p

Hello Ladies

Last nite Zen was telling me tat he missed his little friends and he call all their names... think he really missed them especially his gf

Shall we arrange la kopi session ?

Up coming Event - Kusu Island (if confirm we had to get tickets)
Date: 28 October 2006
Day: Saturday
Time: 0830hrs
Venue: Woodlands Pick up Point


Ling, Hb &amp; JJ
cclyn &amp; Zen (hb not confirm)
Sherhino, hb &amp; Sam
feline, ash, cay (depends on weather,will skip if haze is bad)

Date: 29 October 2006
Day: Sunday
Time: 0830hrs
Venue: Woodlands Pick up Point

Sherhino, Hb &amp; Sam

Hahahah.... seems like there is no response at all....

hee hee me now thinking whether should we organise one helicopter flying near my place.... haha me still thinking rite no body take any actions...

Nowadays me really very busy and tired.... always feel tat if i can sleep how nice.... and always dun think of going out... can sleep so nice...
Hi Mummies &amp; Children,

Programme for the weekend, we will go to the beach to play follow by dinner at Lagoon Food Court.

Date: 28 Oct 06
Day: Saturday
Time: 1400hrs
Venue: East Coast Park (Car Park D - Free parking)

Slquek, hb &amp; JJ
Cclyn, Zen &amp; hb (not confirm)
Sherhino, hb &amp; Sam
Bbnmum, hb, Vyeoz &amp; Vytoz

Calling out all mummies, please come back into action......
Hi Ling,

will try to meet the woodies at ECP.
*subjected to her royal highness mood/nap as we will be meeting friends in the late morning*

you take care and remember to rest well ok
Hi Lachesiz...

I will take care of myself...

If u dun join us for the beach do join us for the eating.....

There are porridge, seafood, etc at the lagoon tat is NICE....

Dun miss out... hahaha ...

Always remember to let u DROOL...
U very long never c Lach liao hor.
Now she got 'DIET' in her dictionary lor,
so must watch what she eats liao.

She is chio bu now ok. Dun play play ah .
U mean lach on DIET????
REALLY???? I m too shocked for words! She told me dat she will never diet unless hse suffers blows. Oh no! mux go counsel her liao!
Hi Mummies,

I am very kaisu.. but now I will book all of u for the Xmas Party.

Date: 16 Dec 2006 (Sat)
Venue: To be confirmed
Time: 1800hrs

Activities include: Buffet or BBQ and gift exchanging for the little ones budgeting at $20.00

Slquek, hb &amp; JJ

Very long no la kopi hor...

Shall we organise one now... Me today very free so thinking of outing outing and outings.


Date: 9 Nov 2006
Day: Thursday
Venue: Causeway Point
Place: MacDonalds, Crystal Jade, Swensen, Jacks Place, Pastamania, Ya Kun
Time: 1930hrs


If u ladies prefer another date, pls feel free to jot down......


How is Zen feeling now abt JJ???? I am also very surprised by how JJ cling on Zen... Hope JJ is not a nightmare to Zen.... As he said I like Zen Kor Kor very much....

Me going to East Coast again this saturday as my cousin 21st birthday. Then I will bring my kite to make full use of it.... and JJ will get to play sand again....


Yesterday I went to Aussino to buy the bath robe but seems like no more at cwp. Wat size did u buy for Sam huh? They only left one blue L size but feel a bit small. Me will check out today at Orchard to see whether am I able to get or not...

Date: 16 Dec 2006 (Sat)
Venue: To be confirmed
Time: 1800hrs

Activities include: Buffet or BBQ and gift exchanging for the little ones budgeting at $20.00

Slquek, hb &amp; JJ
Potato family

I suggest no bbq, give our 'man-slaves' a break la..
