Any mtb/moms staying at Woodlands area?

thank you so much... u bao ka liao

then we only come and eat hor
<font color="ff6000">Ling</font>
Ok, i will settle the pork and the seafood.
Do we want fish?

Date: 13 May 2006 (Saturday)
Venue: Woodlands Drive 75
Time: 1700hrs

1) Ling, hb n JJ
2) Cclyn, hb n Zen
3) Joyfulstar, hb n Bernice
4) ginsengmum, hb n Shanice
5) bbnmum, hb n Vyeoz
Date: 13 May 2006 (Saturday)
Venue: Woodlands Drive 75
Time: 1700hrs

1) Ling, hb n JJ
2) Cclyn, hb n Zen
3) Joyfulstar, hb n Bernice
4) ginsengmum, hb n Shanice
5) Bbnmun, hb n Vyeoz


I will order the otah too. No worries.


Ya i bao ka liao. Then maybe ask Hb to bring JJ to GUG alone lor..haha then he will say he again.
Hey... I can order otah. The ones that I bought is nice, right??? Any objections?? How mamy??? 100???

bbmum, yes counting down. 1 more week....

U Very Efficient!!! I'm very Impressed....

By the way, where is Woodands Dr 75? Any exact location??? So sorry me abit blur!!!
Hi all,

I've been directed to this thread by a participant in this thread. I don't think I need to intervene at the moment. However, please feel free to let me know if you think otherwise. Thank you.

Chin Leng.

Yes the otah u brought the other day is nice. Pls order instead of me. Thanks..

It is opposite Northoaks Condo.

Thanks for ur compliance as i am working in fast paced job so i tend to be doing thing all fast fast chop chop. Hee hee (thick skinned)
Date: 13 May 2006 (Saturday)
Venue: Woodlands Drive 75
Time: 1700hrs

1) Ling, hb n JJ
2) Cclyn, hb n Zen
3) Joyfulstar, hb n Bernice
4) ginsengmum, hb n Shanice
5) Bbnmun, hb n Vyeoz
6) sherhino n Sam(hubby not confirm yet)

Hehehe...i dun mind to cook curry veg..but wana let u gals know y'day is my 1st time trying out this dish 13th May is my 2nd time!!!!!Hope it turns out well enough to eat on that day.
Ok... I'll order. Is 100 otah enough???

Date: 13 May 2006 (Saturday)
Venue: Woodlands Drive 75
Time: 1700hrs

1) Ling, hb n JJ
2) Cclyn, hb n Zen
3) Joyfulstar, hb n Bernice
4) ginsengmum, hb n Shanice
5) Bbnmun, hb n Vyeoz
Date: 13 May 2006 (Saturday)
Venue: Woodlands Drive 75
Time: 1700hrs

1) Ling, hb n JJ
2) Cclyn, hb n Zen
3) Joyfulstar, hb n Bernice
4) ginsengmum, hb n Shanice
5) Bbnmun, hb n Vyeoz
6) sherhino n Sam(hubby not confirm yet)

I will let u know how many we need to order nearer to the date, can? As we have to see how is the attendance later. But I think 100pcs will be too much..

Today u seems to be free huh. Not working today huh.


Ok on. You shall cook curry vegetable. Then i will just cook bee hoon ok?
Hi girls,
I was so shocked when read the posts yesterday. I hope the misunderstanding can be resolve soon. Although Ive joined in this group only for few mths but I really treasure our friendships and I love this big family so much cos the mummies here are so friendly and really treasure each other a lot. (Even my hubby also comments that.)

<font color="ff0000">Hopefully whoever wanna to join in this thread PLEASE be sincere and truthful.</font>
Hooray! Of course I will definitely attend this BBQ; eat eat eat and chat chat chat!!!

Date: 13 May 2006 (Saturday)
Venue: Woodlands Drive 75
Time: 1700hrs

1) Ling, hb n JJ
2) Cclyn, hb n Zen
3) Joyfulstar, hb n Bernice
4) ginsengmum, hb n Shanice
5) Bbnmun, hb n Vyeoz
6) sherhino n Sam(hubby not confirm yet)
7) Evelyn, hb, Wesley n Wilfred

If your dont mind, I can make fruits salad again.
Hi ladies,
I woke up this morning wishing to send flowers to people dear to me. I
that it should only be one single rose but I didn't want to deliver it
myself ,
coz it's nicer to receive it from a man .
So, I asked a very good old friend to do it for me. I hope he makes you
smile today.

Well don't we all love having him..heehheee


Sure the more food the merrier.... but hor i shall cfm our list of food later nearer to the date as by joting down the list of food is to make Bbnmum n Lachesiz drool when they see the food.. Haha.. me mean rite...
wah hahhaa ... i tot who u want to post. so is tis dashing old man .hahaha

hey the bbq sound interesting. but i am soooooooo lazy to move my butt. haizzz
Agree with Ling, the more the merrier.
How can we resist food??

<font color="0000ff">Evelyn</font>
Your fruit salad is nice, we finish that up during the last bbq , remember?

<font color="ff6000">Lach</font>
R u joining us?
Is ok if u cant, ask Rae and Hb to represent you will do, so that i can eat your share again!
mngo, join us lah! the more, the merrier!!! All the mummies here very helpful and fun one
Btw, I will try to check for you any PG near my place. Will let you know ya.

bbnmum, thank you thank you! Glad that u all like it.

Yes we like it very much.


Join us lah if u can make it. Dun be lazy with us around u will be active n not lazi..
I dont know how to cook nice curry, tried to cook few times but..

u must teach me leh! Next time I treat u my kampong yong tao fu.

Ok on... very easy to cook curry chicken as the most impt will be the paste.. will let u know the details on 13 May n hope u like it...
Saw the outing pics on 14/04, notice that the toys to play sands is quite similar with the christmas gift that given to the kids in New Creation Church...Is any mommies attending this church?.

Understand that the toys are also sell in market, just wonder only...
Hi all,

I've corresponded with mumloveme. I would like to suggest putting this incident in the past. We'll be deactivating mumloveme's other accounts and she has agreed to it. Her account "lovebb" will remain until she concluded her trades in the Mareketplace and Exchange Corner.

I would appreciate if we do not dwell on this incident any further. Thank you.

Chin Leng.
before i read the postings...
pluck this from mktplace:

check this out:

United Square Kids Bazaar sale @ Atrium, B1, 20-23 April 06
It's here again! The long-awaited Kids Bazaar Sale is back with exclusive brands on discounts up to 70%. Start your search for real bargains now!;action=latest&amp;page=kidsbazaa&amp;mentry=&amp;session=

anyone wants to go and take a look? i went to the one held last yr, not bad!
dunno why my fingers itchy leh..
think maybe i stood too close to a person with Head-Lies, now got allergic reaction
i think shopping may cure tat Irritating itch.

anyone else with that allergy wants to seek cure?
Fantastic Photos of the pignic.
thanks feline.
do i get a taste of the curry+meehoon at the bbq?

welcome. come join.
you know you are welcome to the PG and the gatherings. This friendly thread welcomes all!

hope to see you at the next gathering. really exciting awaiting the arrival of your firstborn.

do share hows your cc hunting.
i definitely trust your judgement

do come for the bbq, esp so if its on your bday.
we get all the kiddos to sing you a cutesy bday song!

fruit salad! yes please.. the last one was very very popular among the mummies. very refreshing..
too lazy to move your butt? you want us to go and move for you? hehe
the mums here will def agree to assist in transporting your butt to the bbq (your butt so small, no problem, can fit in most cars)
and most importantly, your boys cute butt too.
agree.. ling can bao ka liao.. bbnumum and i just go eat and tabao.

bbnumum, u wish i dun turn up..
good food, great company, how can i miss it?

otah... can share where u got it from?
the mummies were raving about it.
sumtimes, i get my otah fix from J.kayu, esp the white ones.

kampong yong tao fu? whats that?
sounds real good though....
Date: 13 May 2006 (Saturday)
Venue: Woodlands Drive 75
Time: 1700hrs

1) Ling, hb n JJ
2) Cclyn, hb n Zen
3) Joyfulstar, hb n Bernice
4) ginsengmum, hb n Shanice
5) Bbnmun, hb n Vyeoz
6) sherhino n Sam(hubby not confirm yet)
7) Evelyn, hb, Wesley n Wilfred
8) lachesiz, hb n potato salad.

i would prefer woodsvale MPH cos theres a big function room to confine my gal. so i can binge in peace without worrying about her safety.
but Dr 75 has a playground n open space for the kids to run.. (hence more exercise n stress for this fatso mummy)
anyway, i will go where the food and company goes.

please let me know what i can do, (other than eat).

so many post to read till i blur liao.. thats why reply bit by bit...

curry chap chye?
yummy. i love it..
ya... really can't wait to meet my boi in july.

Thanks.. actually i'm finding some clothes that is wore before cause my mum told me that it's good to wear someone clothes so the baby will be "guai" but i did bought abit of my boi's clothes already.

ya, i really can't wait till july to meet him... keke... btw u got how many kids rite now??

To all
Do anyone here due date is in june or july this year?
i went to check out the appletree thingy. aiya, it was closed! apparently the school operates half a day only in the morning. first sessioin is 9-1030, second session is 1045-1215. i saw some photos they posted and i saw the kids in shoes. if so, they i wont mind putting my ds there since no nid to take out shoe lor.

huh move my butt for me?! sure sure!! come and help me lah. hehehe . MPH : i tot is the book store! Now then realised it is multi purpose hall. haizz....

let me confirm with my AH LAO first to see if he wanna go to the bbq or not

United Square Kids Bazaar sale? I want to go, i want to go. Pls bring me along. I am shopping queen mah. hehe, how can miss out such an opportunity to shop rite?

Wah lah? U got head-lie? So unfortunate? Where u caught it from? To get rid of head-lice hor, u can buy those super strong shampoo from pharmacy lah. Or u happi, i can catch the head-lice for u. &amp; i will squash them for u. haha.. shiok to see the blood splashing out.. esp since head lice is nothing but PEST which goes ard creating havoc, sucking ppl's blood! kekekeee...
Alamak, i don't have any hand me down for u, haiz.. coz mine is a ger. hehe, nvm, if ur #2 is a ger, i can pass you sha's stuff. So hor, must work harder ok? Must bet the other mummies, then i can hand the clothes down to u. :p
my gal is the queenbee of the house now.
my mum also did that. she got hand me downs from my cousins bb. but hor... my gal still a tyrant. (think the handmedowns from cheeky babies.. hehe)

why wear shoes in the cc, u dun mind?
your ah lao say come la.. use his sart sart camera n capture professional shots for us.

hehe, can lah. or u faster wish all the babies coming out b4 ur #2 are boys lah. then auto will pass to u oso. :p my ger is turning 10 mths end this mth

Sun? hmm, i find with any time ley. Ask our dear Lach lor, princess Rae also attending class at GUG ley. B&amp;J? i love it ley..
Lobang Queen,

Well, if someone insist that she/he is right, i guess there's nothing we can do lor. If someone wants to defame us, go ahead lor, aferall, everyone got eyes to see one mah. The truth will reveal itself as time goes by. So be cool, we shall not be angry with such ppl, yah?
Lobang Queen, We shall ignore wat pple like to say as long as our words are TRUTH NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH....


For the BBQ you will still get to eat the bee hoon but not the chicken curry as Sherhino will be cooking the vegetable curry.

If we really decide on having it at MPH, Ribena or Sherhino can u book for us.
yes, lets meet before the class and shop.
how about the rest?
anyone need to do retail therapy?

curry chap chye is just as good!
All these talk about BBQ and Food is making me real hungry.
I cant wait for the day to arrive.
Since I can't wait, and i am bo-liao again.
I shall share an amateurish poem entitled

Chicken wings, Satays and Sotongballs,
Woodlands Mummies eat them all.
Ladies eat and Daddies cook,
Isnt that what theyre suppose to do?
Sausages, Fruit Salad and Fried Mee Hoon.
Appetite no good? Stay at home and koon?
Loss is yours, Gain is mine!
Irresistibly cute babies and kids will be there to dine.
Ablaze the charcoal, the BBQ beckons.
Resistance is futile, surrender! Your stomach reckons!
me me, i'm from new creation
hey glad to know a churchmate here!

lachesiz,ling and sherhino,
i like curry chye too, anything to do with curry i like lah.
now that i have more time, next time i will contribute my family recipe of ngoh hiong ok?

shopping again?? hope sha not like u leh, if not my ernest need to earn a lot a lot of money!!

Lobang Queen,
yeah i agree with Ling that we shall ignore lor. well, we just let it be cos we all know whats really going on, some pple don't know what is this word call gratitude.

Date: 13 May 2006 (Saturday)
Venue: Woodlands Drive 75
Time: 1700hrs

1) Ling, hb n JJ
2) Cclyn, hb n Zen
3) Joyfulstar, hb n Bernice
4) ginsengmum, hb n Shanice
5) Bbnmun, hb n Vyeoz
6) sherhino n Sam(hubby not confirm yet)
7) Evelyn, hb, Wesley n Wilfred
8) lachesiz, hb n potato salad.
9) Ribena, hb n Ernest

Ling, i'll be late cos ernest has class. if really want MPH, must quickly book liao hor.
Hi Lobang Queen,

Please refer to my earlier posting here, which is 14 messages before yours. As I've mentioned before, this issue is over and please do not dwell on it any further. Thank you.

Chin Leng.
Date: 13 May 2006 (Saturday)
Venue: Woodlands Drive 75
Time: 1700hrs

1) Ling, hb n JJ
2) Cclyn, hb n Zen
3) Joyfulstar, hb n Bernice
4) ginsengmum, hb n Shanice
5) Bbnmun, hb n Vyeoz
6) sherhino n Sam(hubby not confirm yet)
7) Evelyn, hb, Wesley n Wilfred
8) lachesiz, hb n potato salad.
9) Ribena, hb n Ernest
10) smallbell n patrick

WoW!!! The BBQ looks like lotsa fun...
Would like to join if i can make it

Date: 13 May 2006 (Saturday)
Venue: Woodlands Drive 75
Time: 1700hrs

1) Ling, hb n JJ
2) Cclyn, hb n Zen
3) Joyfulstar, hb n Bernice
4) ginsengmum, hb n Shanice
5) Bbnmun, hb n Vyeoz
6) sherhino n Sam(hubby not confirm yet)
7) Evelyn, hb, Wesley n Wilfred
8) lachesiz, hb n potato salad.
9) Ribena, hb n Ernest
10) smallbell n patrick
11) LobangQ n bblobang (to be confirm)
