Any mtb/moms staying at Woodlands area?

oh no... cclyn. Din know it confuses you. Sorry mummies. My nick remains unchange. Tat time my nick appear as lovebb cos i mention tat i am using my cousin's laptop and she has the username store in her comp. My mistake that i forgot to log into my own acc.

Lovebb is my auntie's daughter who spend most of her life in aust. Recently she been back in spore for a short stay and hence intro her into this thread. She has a 13 mth old daughter (only few days older than abc) and for most of their loves they spend it at sydney (envy them!).

Anyway Feline: Nice picture and it does sound fun. Too bad i missed it.

Ling: Miss yr cooking oso leh. When will we hv another chance to eat it again?

I'm looking forward to next outing or La Kopi session.

Hi Lovebb,

Didn't koe you have a 13 mth old daughter coz u'r cousin onli mention that u will be due in jun? Am really really confused now, so you mean u have a 13mth old daughter & you are preggie now, going to be due in Jun?

Posted on Friday, March 31, 2006 - 1:16 pm:

Tat username is my cousin who will be giving birth in June this yr. I am helping her to reformat her laptop and hence sometimes forgot to change into my account. Many times i have accidentally used her account but jus realise it this morning when i saw the username. So sorry... Apologies.

Hi Arielene N Ling,
How's ur MIL? Discharged alreadie?
Tat my youngest sister. we both use this nick together. And tat is oso one of the reason why we are back in spore. Sorry for confusion. Think we better change our nick again then. So sorry. Will let u all know our nick real soon.
Dear all,

My cousin is very apologetic about the confusion. She called me immediately after she know abt the confusion. I'm sorry too.

She has decided to change a nick so tat it is solely hers and not shared by anyone.

Meanwhile in this thread, there will be NO lovebb (as lovebb this nick is sometimes shared by me and her sister,sometimes even her husband. that is one nick, 3 user.) She will let u all know the nick soon. Sorry for all the confusion caused.

I do hope she is able to join in this thread though..
Lovebb & Arielene n Ling
Thanks for clarification.. I'm not confused anymore. BTW pls let us know the new nick of lovebb if you joining W'lands mummies thread, so that there will not be any confusion

Arielene n Ling
I'm very disappointed with you

You remember last Saturday morning, i sms u asking how's your MIL (she warded in hospital) and are you in hospital ? You told me she din go icu but under observation, you were there overnight so you are sleeping at home... but in actual fact, you went to Zoo with another group of mummies from another tread... (i saw the picture posted and u are enjoying)
I'm very very sad
, i dunno why you wanna lie to me. I treat u as a friend and care for you but in the end I got this type of treatment.... I'm very disappointed
cclyn n mummies:

Yes i wen to the zoo. I am awake the whole night and slp only 2-3 hr but as i am the organiser and it is the first time mtg thus i hv to be there. She was in ICU cos she went unconscious suddenly. Morning she is still there under observation but regain consciousness and is better.

someone took over me and ask me to go ahead with wat i hv. I went there half heartedly FYI. But i dun wish jus because of the unhappiness i stop abc from making frens and visiting the zoo.

Fri i din join u all cos everything is very uncertain and i dun hv the heart to join in. But by sat things were more certain n better and hence i went.

I appreciate yr kindness and help. Cclyn: i din lie to u. I hope u understand my feelings hving someone sick and oso to hv to be happy so that it wun affect my gal.

In fact i went to GUG too. Lach n Ginsengmum saw me.
In fact on sat morning i went home at 5am took sm slp then went out again at 10am. I was in fact late actually.

In fact that few days day time i was with gal and night time at SGH. I am really very very tired from all these. Hope u understand that one way i hv to worry abt things and on the other when with her i hv to be happy and dun wan her to be affected by all these too.

Sorry if i upset or disappoint anyone
Arielene N Ling

I understand u dun want to affect abc and want her to make new friends.. by all means... just tell me you are at Zoo with friends..I'm fine... But why tell me you sleeping at home... I really really disappointed
You still say u din lie to me
Arielene n LING,

Can we have an explanation of what is going on here. From what I have read from your posting and your sms to cclyn does not tally at all.
Arielene n Ling,
O, u still at home when i sms u....
Below are the sms we send on sat morning

<font color="119911">cclyn ask @ 10.37 am</font>
hi hows ur MIL ?

<font color="0000ff">your reply 10.38am</font>
Ok le. Thanks for asking. Din go icu but still under observation. Hws yesterday ? Anymore outing ?

<font color="119911">cclyn @ 10.43am</font>
was fun after our 1st round, we detour 2 smallbell's parents place due to weather.. continue round 2,3of eating till abt 7pm. too bad u miss d fun

<font color="0000ff">you @10.45am</font>
Ya lor, Miss u all.. anymore outing ?

<font color="119911">cclyn @10.48am</font>
no planning yet ok la, not 8 disturb u. hope ur mil get well soon

<font color="119911">cclyn @ 10.57am</font>
btw u now in hospital ? mummies were saying might want 2 arrange 2 visit ur mil

<font color="0000ff">You @ 11.00am</font>
Im at home sleeping Been there overnight. Thanks for wanting to visit.. She shd be able to discharge next wk.. I get back to u again. Thanks for concern..


You posted in another thread abt the trip on 15/04 @ 10am
A report of wat we does (by lovebb)

Meet at 10am.. went in at abt 11am. Headed straight for elephant show. After tat had lunch then went to another animal show. After tat we went walking ard and came to the children's world. Kids had lots of fun there.

Abt 3plus sky getting very dark. Had a great time fighting with the rain by walking super quickly back to the entrance.

Disappointment: couldnt find the aust outback. Din get to see All animals....... blar blar...
Thanks for attaching the details of your sms with Arielene n LING. It gives us a clearer picture of what is going on.
<font color="0000ff">Arielene N Ling</font>
We have been giving you our care n concern during your ups and downs,
really dont understand why u are not being honest with us?
You can have the freedom to start your PG, but please dont take us as <font color="ff0000">fool</font>.
Arielen N Ling,

I believe the purpose of us joining a thread is so that we can have fun, share knowledge together. And i believe we all hope that our friends are sincere, truthful &amp; caring.

I don't koe why is there such a conflict b/w you &amp; Cclyn. And i am in no position to say who is right or wrong. But from my personal experience with Cclyn, she is a very good nature person. So if you do treasure ur friendship with her, i guess you should at least give her an explanation of what happened.

Never mind, if you don't mind losing your friendship with us. But at least please don't beat around the bush, we are not trying to film any movies, ok? And should you really dislike us, then pls, do yourself a favour, don't make yourself miserable by joining us in our outings, whatsoever. I mean at least you no nid to put on a mask in front of us.

Afterall, we are all adults, not young children who goes around "today i friend you, tomolo i don't friend you!" If you dislike us, tell us direct, no need to make up stories one.
Arielene N Ling,

Wow looking at the thread really sadden me. Why are u not sincere in your words. It really makes me wonder whether wat u mention to us previously are the truth nothing but the truth. Like we are the best group of mummies etc.

I think u might feel tat we are pin pointing at u at all times and we are closer. I feel like saying YES.. becos we are sincere with our feeling n we treasure the whole group of mummies in this thread. If u think u r left out there is nothing much i can say.

I think in all the threads in Singaporemotherhood we just want geninue pple n dun treat others like idiots or fools.
Hi mummies,

Although I just join this thread and not really know all of you personally, but seeing the pics and the chatting here, it has been told how fun of this group...So it's a bit sad to see this small conflict here.

However, let's give chance to Arielen N Ling for clarification and don't judge each other. As a friend, we should respect, trust each other..So better don't make any assumption that can make things worse...Let's cool down...Actually, I don't see any reason that Arielen N Ling have to lie...

Based on my experience, sometimes sms really can create trouble. Recently, I also have a bit tense with one of my best friend just because of sms... there is misunderstand..and worse is when we received sms , it's not shown the correct time..and it's sometimes not in sequence, so cause a lot of misunderstand...The funny things is although both of us said sorry each other, a minute later I received her e-mail that provoke me so I questioned her again and find out that is should be the earlier one...And 2 days later, my friend sms me said that why I keep sms her for 2 days non-stop...I'm so puzzle that in fact, I never sms her at all so could be earlier sms that just reached her...Really sms almost killed my friendship....

Understand everybody's feeling, but let's hear Arielen N Ling reason first....
Peace ok.....

I understand your point. I, too don't wishes to see any conflict in this thread. &amp; all of us don't wish to condemn anyone either.

ALl the mummies have really been a great batch, &amp; we treasure each other a lot. Afterall, great friends arent easy to come by.

I don't see why she cant give us an explanation, esp when she is innocent. I mean she can still be happily posting in other threads (so i'm positive she aren't busy), yet, she can't be bothered to even come here to give us a quick explanation. So if she really is innocent, why can't she speak up &amp; prove us wrong?

If just one mummy doubt her, fine, i understand it could just be that she can't get along with that particular mummy. Nonetheless, if a few mummies are doubtful of her words, then i believe something aren't right, isn't it?

We are adults, so we aren't easily influence by just what a mummy says. The fact why some mummies are doubtful of her is because there is some past history we had with her. I don't think its nice for us to list them here also.

So the basic point it, we all wish we were wrong in judging her. But this cannot be done unless she speaks up for herself. Nonetheless, i don't think we have any reasons to believe she is innocient.
Dear Mommies
It's been quite... maybe 1 or 2 weeks since i came to this thread. Today.. i had a shock cos of those messages posted. But, i'll not be boycotting this thread though

I wanna find out about playgroup in sembawang. Not sure if anyone can help me?
Hi mngo,
of coz you are welcome to join our playgroup. hehe, but the details are yet to be finalise yet. We'll post the details once we fixed the date &amp; venue, ok?

oops... the playgroup i am talking abt is like the montessori kind. or watever where we can send our kiddo every alternate day 3 hrs a day. something like that....
If i'm not wrong, there is one apple tree at blk 350/351 (opposite sembawang mrt stn) i remember i saw banner hanging on the road side.

U looking at only sembawang huh? There is one 3hrs MMI in Woodlands Vista Point. And apparantly i heard tat they are good but not the full day one at Woodlands...

I went to the one at raffles place and was quite impressed with it but really expensive.
wow 1day nvr log in some many things happened!

I felt the same w/Ling that it really saddens me when i read abt what's going on among the mummies here.Actually do u all know 1 of the reason why our group can be so united is bcos we had 100% complete trust in each of us here.Basically we knew each of us here almost inside out.

I m not here to say who is right or wrong. But please remember this : Don't tell a lie to cover previous lies as it will lead to nothing but more misunderstanding.
Hi Ginsengmum,

Thanks for your briefing....At least,got picture about it..If there was a past issue that make ppl doubt now, I can understand....

Hope she put the effort to clarify this issue..

All the best.....
oh.. tat apple tree ? ya i saw the banner. but i was told tat they use RC centre as the playgp in the day time, and kids r to remove the shoes. and then at night, adults walk into the place with shoes on. i am not sure how true though...

yea... bo bien lor. have to only looking at sembawang. cos it is going to be my mil bringing my ds to school leh ...
hi All...
So sorry after the first reply i do not have the time to reply any msg till now.. finally got the time to read all the post... I'm currently in the 7th months of my pregnancy and my due date is in july and i'm staying at woodlands Dr 14...
Hi Mummies,

This thread really is "happening"......
See all the post liao so confuse.... especially about this [lovebb] n [arielene &amp; ling]

I still wondering is it actually the same person or iz many people sharing a single account...

Anyway... hope can join the woodlands mummies in your activities in the near future.

Hopefully the misunderstanding can be resolve too.... (soorie for being kpo)
HI, Welcome Sheena,
is this your first pregnancy? do tell us a little more abt yourself

its good to know that you won't be boycotting this thread, becos you have to join us in order to know us better
i'm sorry i can't help much on the playgroup becos i haven't been scotting ard for any. but i'm sure some mummies here will be able to help you on this.

Arielene n Ling,
i agree that i hope you at least put an effort to clarify yourself, becos frankly speaking, you know very well how close this family is. i think i don't have to elaborate on that.
i have once mentioned to you that this group of ladies are vry hard to come by, and you have also declared that woodlands mummies are the best. so really i feel sad and puzzled why become like this.

we already knew each other so well, i mean, is it that difficult for you to just tell cclyn the truth or take an effort to explain?
becos i hope you have not forgotten that you have this same bunch of pple staying united for you, and the care and concern showered upon you.
All of us treasure each other here and i hope you value what we've done for you. be transparent and just be truthful, becos its really a vry bad feeling to be treated like being stupid, in other words like a fool.
Arielene n Ling,
oh another thing,
with regards to the Lovebb nick, actually i also vry confused cos i recalled that you posted as Lovebb in Feb/Mar 2005 thread and you told me Lovebb is you.

Lobang Queen,
We have one gathering coming up soon.
usually details will be posted by Ling, our secretary
so check this thread often ya...hee.
hi ribena...
ya this is my first pregnancy and also currently i'm a full time tutor and i'm staying in woodlands Dr 14.My due date will be 11 of july
Thks for your understanding

Excited abt the arrival of your precious? hehe..

Lobang Queen,
Actually i also very confussed. Y is there a need to share a nick? Afterall it aren't that difficult to create a nick mah.

Yes, i totally agree to what you said.
All the mummies here are really close to ea other despite that fact we've onli known ea other for a few months.

Arielene n Ling,
I guess you wouldn't want to come into our WL thread anymore since you still refused to give us an explanation. I am really really curious Y u just cant give Cclyn an explanation. I mean at most it just tell you 5 mins to post, or if u want privacy, u can just sms Cclyn. Since you simply refused to give any explanation, pls don't blame us for not believing your words. Afterall, we did give you a chance to speak up for yourself.
yes, tat apple tree is in RC centre but i din know that kids got to remove their shoes during classes...

There are few montessori in those bungalow house along sembawang road (further down fr sembawang shopping ctr) but not sure they have 3 hrs playgroup or not... u can find out more if is convenience for ur mil to bring ur ds to sch.

Is it ok tat ur mil take MRT? If yes, there is 3hr playgroup at Admiralty MRT n apparantly heard from one of the mummies, it is good. ANd i am considering bringing my son there too but yet to check out more details.


Thanks for ur email. Will email u our list for u to find up ur details.


Last nite i am thinking whether should we have a bbq soon as me thinking of the cheese hot dog, chicken wings, pork, satay.

SheRhino n Ribena can book a pit pls?
wow !!! BBq again
i love cheese hot dog, chicken wings....

no need to book pit lah, we can do it at the open area near your place, your place there are windy so we can have kite flying also mah

Anyway, I agree that we have to be sincere and true to each other. I love all u muumies here.


BBQ is great... We love BBQ. When???

Can we vote for a date pls?

01 May
12 May
13 May
20 May
27 May

Pls reply asap so tat i can arrange all the necessary things. And i dun mind using the open space around my area... as i am good fren with council haha.. as wat hb said we never invite them they come for wat...


Glad tat u enjoy our company n not finding us nusiance on clarifying our doubts n sincerities.
mmm i was told lor. but i really have no idea. maybe one of the weekday i can do a surprise visit there. i am so lazy

mmm... take mrt? i supposed she prefer walking distance. firstly is to save on MRT $$ lor. guess i dun have much choices but to stick to some walking distance place. Unless one day i become SAHM which i hope to! hehe

20may? wah.. my bd ley. heeee

all dates r ok, except 01 may 06.


Can we vote for a date pls?

01 May
12 May
13 May
20 May
27 May

Pls reply asap so tat i can arrange all the necessary things. And i dun mind using the open space around my area... as i am good fren with council haha.. as wat hb said we never invite them they come for wat...
oh, u prefer walking distance hor.. then the one along sembawang road is not convenience liao, very far to walk... (i mean if walk fr sembawang mrt) need to take bus and abt 3 bus-stop...

if we had our gathering on 20 may then u join us lor, we sing u b'day song &amp; celebrate for you


so far i have no program on all dates,


Can we vote for a date pls?

01 May - cclyn
12 May - joyfulstar, cclyn
13 May - joyfulstar, cclyn
20 May - joyfulstar, cclyn
27 May - joyfulstar, cclyn

Pls reply asap so tat i can arrange all the necessary things. And i dun mind using the open space around my area... as i am good fren with council haha.. as wat hb said we never invite them they come for wat...
Onz ah, how can i miss that?

I am fine with all dates also.


Can we vote for a date pls?

01 May - cclyn, <font color="0077aa">bbnmum</font>
12 May - joyfulstar, cclyn, <font color="0077aa">bbnmum</font>
13 May - joyfulstar, cclyn, <font color="0077aa">bbnmum</font>
20 May - joyfulstar, cclyn, <font color="0077aa">bbnmum</font>
27 May - joyfulstar, cclyn, <font color="0077aa">bbnmum</font>

Pls reply asap so tat i can arrange all the necessary things. And i dun mind using the open space around my area... as i am good fren with council haha.. as wat hb said we never invite them they come for wat...

Ohic, if i do come across any good pg around sembawang will let u know. We will sing u a birthday song.


We have a BBQ coming up.

Date: 13 May 2006 (Saturday)
Venue: Woodlands Drive 75
Time: 1700hrs

1) Ling, hb n JJ
2) Cclyn, hb n Zen
3) Joyfulstar, hb n Bernice

Interesting part - FOOD
1) Bee hoon - Ling
2) Chicken wings - Ling order
3) Cheese Hot Dog - Ling order
4) Satay - Ling order
5) Fish cake - Ling order
6) Drink - Ling
7) Curry chicken - depends whether u ladies want
8) Garlic Bread - Ling
9) Titbits - Ling
10) Plates, Cups, Bowls, Spoons n Forks - Ling
11)Pork - BBnmum need u to ask ur mum
12)Sotong - Bbnmum need u to ask ur mum
13)Prawn - Bbnmum need u to ask ur mum

Mummies, pls let me know if there are other items u want to include.

Pls reply asap.
Date: 13 May 2006 (Saturday)
Venue: Woodlands Drive 75
Time: 1700hrs

1) Ling, hb n JJ
2) Cclyn, hb n Zen
3) Joyfulstar, hb n Bernice
4) ginsengmum, hb n Shanice
<font color="ff0000">mmgo</font>
Join us if u can ok. We dont mind singing birday songs and blowing candles for you, especially all the little ones.

<font color="0000ff">Joyfulstar</font>
Yipee, u can join us again?
Cant watch to meet Bernice again, she is just too adorable.
So now u r counting down to SAHM life rite?

<font color="119911">Sheena</font>
Have you all the things ready for your newborn?
Let us know if you need anything, we might be able to help.
