Any mtb/moms staying at Woodlands area?

Hope Wilfred recovers soon. Don't mention, glad that you like it. If i have others, will let you know.

The bb eistein is borrowed from shirley (thanks shirley).

You must thank how many times!
I will not be able to join the picnic tmr as I have some family commitment tmr.
Sorry for the late notice.
DO hope to join u ladies in the next gathering.
hi mummies,
thanks for ur warm welcome! Wow just by looking at the list of food made me salivate! BUt alas.. i cmi la.. cos gg to give birth now on standby la.. hehe..

Hi Ling,
Yup this is my 1st child lor.

Hope u ladies had fun at the picnic today! Wld love to join u all in ur gatherings soon!

No problem tat u cant join us this time round there will more programmes ahead so no worries...

At the meantime, take good care of yourself n waiting excitingly for the arrival of ur baby.

Joyfulstar n Fakeloverbb,

Nice to meet u two. Hope tat u two will join our programmes more often....

Hope tat u ladies like our big family...

Arielene N Ling,

Is ur mil fine now? Heard from Cclyn tat ur mil is in ICU, hope everything is well.

Thanks for offering. Will let u know if I need as i havent watch any of BB Eistein series before so dun know whether JJ will like it too as most of the time he is watching Barney.
Hi all whom we met today,
wow... really a very fun & happening place to be at. a gp of warm mummies, daddies & children Yes... we like the outing very much though we were super late. Really had fun. Thanks for all the yummy food. Ling, ur curry is very good. 2 thumbs up. Next time, we'll want to chip in too ok? Feel paisei....

But, we'll definitely be there for the next meet up, except 22/4/06 coz my cousin's wedding.
so exciting... when is your edd?
gal or boy?
can't wait to meet you n ur bb.

thanks for your generous offer.

i want to see photos!!!!!

arielene n ling,
Is she ok now? which hospital is she at?
Can we be of any help? do you need company?
let us know, i am sure you know the mummies here will immediately rally around you to help/advice/accompany like last time.
keep us posted. ok.
mean time, you take care too.

Hi mummies, i was thinking that most of our gatherings are lakopis, makan session.
our kids of course get a chance to play n we get a chance to know each other but the main focus is mainly food
(not tat i am complaining

my gal attends a monthly informal pg session
and we had immense fun at such pgs.
the kids learn n the mums share.
It is interactive, constructive and purposeful.
i was thinking, due to our proximity to each other, why don't we start one too?
We can also do it once a month.
we can take turns to host and it will also allow us to think of interesting ways to engage our kids.
This kind of search will have a spill over effect on the way we interact with our kids daily.
No problem if the age group in our thread covers a wide spectrum. we can always cater our programme to suit their needs.

I have crafted programmes for the other PG and enjoyed doing so. of course,
the other mummies will and have value-add to it, making it better.
(RY mummy, you reading this? can vouch for our programme? hehe)

What we have done before are activities like music(bilingual), arts/craft, reading (bilingual) n once we even had sports! we also include experiential learning if schedule permits.
(and it will not be isolated, it will be value-add. I can explain more if you are keen)
like several mums here,i am doing ph
onics with my gal, so we can include that too!
TV will have no place in the PG as it is meant to be interactive but mummies will be required to let loose and participate with their kids.

If some mummies are keen, I don't mind hosting the first one.
A few mums came over once to 'sit around' and the kids had fun playing with rae's stuff. but do pardon the messiness, the smallness of my hdb flat and the lack of proper seating facilities.
where's the sand for me?? haha..
thanks for the shirt, its very nice and the size is just right for Ernest! thanks leh

hey dun need to ask, already know you all had another super duper great outing!! n I've got to missed it!!! *BIG SIGH*
quick post some pictures!!

small bell,
thank you so much for the dvds, vry clear quality hb commented, and hor i myself is hooked on it! really appreciate it. thanks ginsengmum!!

thanks for offering
maybe we can exchange as i believed some mummies here will have different series to share.

today the curry n beehoon finished right??
next time i want to nominate someone to help me tao bao liao....curry leh, my favourite!!

nvm, after u deliver then you come join us! wishing you a smooth delivery ahead!

hey glad u turned up for the picnic, no regrets right?

i'm so sorry i couldn't give u prompt reply becos i was occupied. anyway glad u and family enjoyed yourself, dun worry, you'll be taken care by all those mummies you've met today.

hope u had fun today, look forward to mtg you in our next gathering.

arielene n ling,
oh what happened to your mil? pray that everything is ok, dun get too stressed up ok. ya do let us know if u need any help.
haha lach,
after i post, then saw your post!!

i'm all for the idea
in fact all along when we first "knew" each other in this thread, we have been discussing with our dear chairlady feline abt having a PG.
and of course i'm sure we all trust your expertise in this area!!
hoping that ernest one day will call "shanice" hahaha...must learn from rae-ann jiejie.

thanks for your suggestion, if really is on, me and sherhino won't mind to help host at our mph too.
you want to nominate someone to tabao? just not bbnumum..... she flatly refused me when i asked her! say she will eat my share!
yalor.. i rem we keep talking about it but was not concretised.
THANKS for offering your MPH. it will be a great venue as its sooooo big. can definitely accomodate the entire thread mummies...
soon, ernest will surprise you! he's consolidating his resources.

joyfulstar n fakelovebb,
hope to see u at the next gathering!
<font color="ff0000">Ling</font>
Tks for the delicious mee hoon n curry.
i think i have put on another kilo ot two coz i m eating lach's share also.
I want cream spageti nx time ok

<font color="119911">Joyfulstar</font>
Nice meeting u and family.
Bernice is so cute n active.
Do join us more often.

<font color="0077aa">Ribena</font>
Glad u like the shirt, was worried it will be too small.
Opps, forget abt the sand coz we were too busy enjoying ourselves. Sorry

I can volunter to tapao for u, but not anyone else. Can deliver to yr doorstep too

<font color="808080">Arielene &amp; Ling</font>
How's yr MIL already? Is she ok? Keep us update ok?

<font color="aa00aa">Fakelovebb</font>
Nice meeting u too.
Cally is such a smart gal, can already walk and talk.

Vyeoz is so way behind her.

<font color="ff6000">Lach</font>
Violin has eaten yr share, not me ok.

PG, all hands up for this. I am always forward forward for one.
I have no expertise except to eat. But if u need any assistance, i will be glad to help.
Can u start the first ?
<font color="0000ff">sponge</font>
Have a smooth delivery ahead.
Hope to meet up with u and yr newborn soon.

<font color="ff0000">oscar</font>
Tks for offering and sharing. clipart{happy}

<font color="119911">small bell &amp; ginsengmum</font>
Tks for the cds.
Vyeoz like them alot, especially the songs.
<font color="aa00aa">Cclyn,</font>
Huh? I make u feel paiseh? u also make me feel jealous leh you know? How come u have dvd &amp; cloths, but I only have dvd leh???

Hahaha, see! Woman is always like that, wont feel satisfy one right? :p

<font color="0000ff">Bbnmum,</font>
Its ok, family is more important. Hope to see you in the next gathering.

<font color="ff0000">Small Bell,</font>
Agree with ribena that the dvds are very clear quality. I always heard a lot of good comments abt this BB Eistein but havent watch before until you gave me one of the series. My kids love to watch very much!

Thanks for offering. What series you have huh? Can I have one of them? I cant exchange other series with you cos I dun have any except one from Small bell. paiseh! :p But I can share with you some kids favorite song vcds. :p

<font color="0077aa">Sponge,</font>
Wah, going to give birth soon, must be very excited huh? Keep us updated ya.

<font color="aa00aa">Lach,</font>
Good suggestion! Youre so thoughtful leh! Just to let me know where and when, okay?

<font color="0000ff">Arielene &amp; Ling</font>
I hope your MIL is fine now. Keep us update ya. Take care!

<font color="ff0000">Hi ladies,</font>
Hows the picnic? The weather not so good yesterday leh! But I hope you all had great fun there. Do share some pics and funny story with us can?
erm... i have not look at the calendar to propose some dates..(hey, its past midnite when i conjure such ideas). but i am very excited about it.

<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">Playgroup 1:</font></font>

<font color="0000ff">date</font>
May lor..Since April we already have a picnic and the month is ending soon.

<font color="0000ff">Time:</font>
Proposed Weekends Morning @9/10am.
duration about 2hrs as several kids have classes in the pm.

<font color="0000ff">Venue</font>
-Northoaks MPH
(if the response is overwhelming, MPH is an excellent place.)
-Lach's small hdb flat. (cons: small. pros: many readily available resources)

<font color="0000ff">Interested:</font>
1)lachesiz and rae (16m)
2)ribena and ernest (13m)
3)bbnumum and vyeoz (18m)
4)evelyn and wilfred (16m)

<font color="0000ff">Mummy's 'speciality'</font>
Please indicate how can you assist in the pg.
It would be great if everyone can contribute;
be it how small or big.

Don't fret if you feel that you are unfamiliar with pg and cant assist.
its ok! you neverknow what you can do till you try! I can give suggestions on how can we help each other.

1) lachesiz - craft programme, read stories, phonics. overall kaypoh.
2) bbnumum - eat.. i/c of tidbits??
3) ribena - i/c of northoak logistics??
4) evelyn -

<font color="0000ff">notes:</font>
-I know Feline is excellent with arts/crafts idea. She is extremely CREATIVE!
(though only slightly better than her sis.. hahahahahaha.. no la, her sis is no way in her creative league)
U know me best.
I can prepare teabreak and tibits for everyone.

Playgroup 1:

May lor..Since April we already have a picnic and the month is ending soon.
<font color="ff0000">how abt 1st or 12nd May, since it is a public holiday</font>

Proposed Weekends Morning @9/10am.
duration about 2hrs as several kids have classes in the pm.
<font color="ff0000">I am on 5-1/2days/wk, Sun morning can?
if not, sat evening can?</font>

-<strike>Northoaks MPH </strike>
<font color="ff0000">Should be Woodsvale MPH rite?</font>
(if the response is overwhelming, MPH is an excellent place.)
-Lach's small hdb flat. (cons: small. pros: many readily available resources)

1)lachesiz and rae (16m)
2)ribena and ernest (13m)
3)bbnumum and vyeoz (18m)
4)evelyn and wilfred (16m)

Mummy's 'speciality'
Please indicate how can you assist in the pg.
It would be great if everyone can contribute;
be it how small or big.
Don't fret if you feel that you are unfamiliar with pg and cant assist.
its ok! you neverknow what you can do till you try! I can give suggestions on how can we help each other.

1) lachesiz - craft programme, read stories, phonics. overall kaypoh.
2) bbnumum - eat.. i/c of tidbits?? <font color="ff0000">No prob. i will prepare tea breaks for everyone</font>
3) ribena - i/c of northoak logistics??
4) evelyn -

-I know Feline is excellent with arts/crafts idea. She is extremely CREATIVE!
(though only slightly better than her sis.. hahahahahaha.. no la, her sis is no way in her creative league)
Arielene N Ling,

How is ur mil? Still in ICU? Hope she is well.


No worries u will get to come to our gatherings after ur delivery. Right now u should be waiting excitingly for the arrival of ur little ones.

Joyfulstar N Fakeloverbb,

It is nice meeting u ladies yesterday. Hope u will like us n do meet up more often.


Thanks for offering. Will let u know if i need any as my son is always watching Barney n till now havent put a single vcd of BB Eistein for him

So sorry tat just now i went to post again becos i was checking the forum n i didnt see any of my posting due to my stupid pc... so pls ignore my last posting...

Blur me
Dear all,
Thanks for all the concern you have shown. It was a last min thingy as she was admited on sat mindnight. Thus Fakeloverbb i dun hv yr number thus unable to contact u abt the cancellation of JW playgroup and zoo thingy arrangement.

She is much better now and as my hubby is oso looking after her i hv more time with ABC and still able to bring her out too. Though it is half-heartedly lah.. Anyway we all take turns (which i am glad) thus i still hv time for ABC but it is really tiring cos day time i spend my time with ABC . After sh slp then i go over to hospital. Oh she will be discharge on next week.

All: yup, when fakeloverbb emailed me.. i was surpris her bb can talk and walk. She such a fast developer. Anyway a piece of gd news.. ABC jus manage 2 stand this week. But she still need encouragment. That really delighted me a lot in my times of tirdness and busyness.

Lach: That a good idea. I am on for it..

Playgroup 1:

May lor..Since April we already have a picnic and the month is ending soon.
how abt 1st or 12nd May, since it is a public holiday

Proposed Weekends Morning @9/10am.
duration about 2hrs as several kids have classes in the pm.
I am on 5-1/2days/wk, Sun morning can?
if not, sat evening can?

-Northoaks MPH
Should be Woodsvale MPH rite?
(if the response is overwhelming, MPH is an excellent place.)
-Lach's small hdb flat. (cons: small. pros: many readily available resources)

1)lachesiz and rae (16m)
2)ribena and ernest (13m)
3)bbnumum and vyeoz (18m)
4)evelyn and wilfred (16m)
5) Arielene n Ling aka lovebb(13m)

Mummy's 'speciality'
Please indicate how can you assist in the pg.
It would be great if everyone can contribute;
be it how small or big.
Don't fret if you feel that you are unfamiliar with pg and cant assist.
its ok! you neverknow what you can do till you try! I can give suggestions on how can we help each other.

1) lachesiz - craft programme, read stories, phonics. overall kaypoh.
2) bbnumum - eat.. i/c of tidbits?? No prob. i will prepare tea breaks for everyone
3) ribena - i/c of northoak logistics??
4) evelyn -
5) Arielene N Ling - VCDS (mother goose and bb signing times)

Dear all i really appreciate the kindness. Btw i am oso known as lovebb ( a shared nick betw me n cousin).

Btw i have started a playgroup for toddler between 10-18 mths. Prob u all like o combine? The main organiser is actually Sue and i jus help with all the posting. U may like to take a look. From there i got to know joyfulstar and fakeloverbb though havent meet yet. :)

Oh they are oso having a gathering on 22 april at globetrotter. Prob we can combine gathering n know more ppl?
It's great meeting you. Bernice have such big beautiful eyes.

It's also great meeting you. Cally is so cute.

We all had fun yesterday, except for the sudden change in weather. I wanted to upload pics then realise that my phone memory card spoilt. So sad!!!

I have got some sand on my shoes while helping the kids make sand castle. Will pass to you!

Thanks for suggesting the playgroup. I will try to join in.
Wah, ytd really was enjoyable ley! Me enjoyed myself very very much, so did HB &amp; Sha. Bbnmum even commented i eat a lot ytd. hoho..

glad u like the songs. Now u faster go practice singing them, ok? then for the PG, u can be the singing teacher!

Ur ger so sweet, big eyes &amp; hor, hehe, the sequence of her teething is the same as Sha ley! Wat coincidence!

wah lah, u no gd lah, ur curry so yummy, i keep eating &amp; eating, dunno will put on how many KG liao lah. Evil Evil.. but i like, haha

ytd we had Ribena ley! Very yummy.. too bad u not there lah. we had so much fun. thks for the tibits.. so thoughtful of u to pass the tibits to Slquek even though u never go.

Do join us next time lor. we r going to have many more outings coming up

Arielene N ling,
Glad ur MIL is fine.

PG? Alamak, wat is PG w/o me? Hoho.. Can we have it on Suns abt 1.30pm ah? Then we can go GUG together after tt mah? Hehehe... i can offer my tiny tiny hdb flat oso lah, if u all dun mind the messiness.

May lor..Since April we already have a picnic and the month is ending soon.
how abt 1st or 12nd May, since it is a public holiday

Proposed Weekends Morning @9/10am.
duration about 2hrs as several kids have classes in the pm.
I am on 5-1/2days/wk, Sun morning can?
if not, sat evening can?

-Northoaks MPH
Should be Woodsvale MPH rite?
(if the response is overwhelming, MPH is an excellent place.)
-Lach's small hdb flat. (cons: small. pros: many readily available resources)

1)lachesiz and rae (16m)
2)ribena and ernest (13m)
3)bbnumum and vyeoz (18m)
4)evelyn and wilfred (16m)
5) Arielene n Ling aka lovebb(13m)
6) ginsengmum &amp; shanice (9m)

Mummy's 'speciality'
Please indicate how can you assist in the pg.
It would be great if everyone can contribute;
be it how small or big.
Don't fret if you feel that you are unfamiliar with pg and cant assist.
its ok! you neverknow what you can do till you try! I can give suggestions on how can we help each other.

1) lachesiz - craft programme, read stories, phonics. overall kaypoh.
2) bbnumum - eat.. i/c of tidbits?? No prob. i will prepare tea breaks for everyone
3) ribena - i/c of northoak logistics??
4) evelyn -
5) Arielene N Ling - VCDS (mother goose and bb signing times)
6) ginseng - er, i help everyone finish the food? :p aiyoh, i dunno wat i am gd in, so i'll be the maid lah, u all tell me wat to do. haha

I was thinking maybe we should pay Arielene N ling's MIL a visit at the hospital, after all, she is our friend's MIL mah. wat u all think?

Arielene N Ling,
Which hospital is ur MIL in? &amp; which ward?
anything for you lah

bbnmum and small bell,
wah thanks for the offer to taopao and sand hor!! bbnmum, sure har...i want big big packet one!!

glad u had fun. aiyoh shanice got wear sexy sexy or not? if yes then ernest missed it!
no lah, its just a small small contribution, my heart is there though i'm somewhere mah.
i'm also ok with visiting Arielene n ling's mil. keep me posted.

thanks for helping esp so when you have so much to carry already..

Arielene n Ling,
oh hope your mil recovers soon, take good care of yourself.

May lor..Since April we already have a picnic and the month is ending soon.
how abt 1st or 12nd May, since it is a public holiday

Proposed Weekends Morning @9/10am.
duration about 2hrs as several kids have classes in the pm.
I am on 5-1/2days/wk, Sun morning can?
if not, sat evening can?

-Northoaks MPH
Should be Woodsvale MPH rite?
(if the response is overwhelming, MPH is an excellent place.)
-Lach's small hdb flat. (cons: small. pros: many readily available resources)

1)lachesiz and rae (16m)
2)ribena and ernest (13m)
3)bbnumum and vyeoz (18m)
4)evelyn and wilfred (16m)
5) Arielene n Ling aka lovebb(13m)
6) ginsengmum &amp; shanice (9m)

Mummy's 'speciality'
Please indicate how can you assist in the pg.
It would be great if everyone can contribute;
be it how small or big.
Don't fret if you feel that you are unfamiliar with pg and cant assist.
its ok! you neverknow what you can do till you try! I can give suggestions on how can we help each other.

1) lachesiz - craft programme, read stories, phonics. overall kaypoh.
2) bbnumum - eat.. i/c of tidbits?? No prob. i will prepare tea breaks for everyone
3) ribena - i/c of wdsvale logisitics or songs and music
4) evelyn -
5) Arielene N Ling - VCDS (mother goose and bb signing times)
6) ginseng - er, i help everyone finish the food? :p aiyoh, i dunno wat i am gd in, so i'll be the maid lah, u all tell me wat to do. haha
-Northoaks MPH
Should be Woodsvale MPH rite?
(if the response is overwhelming, MPH is an excellent place.)
-Lach's small hdb flat. (cons: small. pros: many readily available resources)

1)lachesiz and rae (16m)
2)ribena and ernest (13m)
3)bbnumum and vyeoz (18m)
4)evelyn and wilfred (16m)
5) Arielene n Ling aka lovebb(13m)
6) ginsengmum &amp; shanice (9m)
7) ling (2years)

Mummy's 'speciality'
Please indicate how can you assist in the pg.
It would be great if everyone can contribute;
be it how small or big.
Don't fret if you feel that you are unfamiliar with pg and cant assist.
its ok! you neverknow what you can do till you try! I can give suggestions on how can we help each other.

1) lachesiz - craft programme, read stories, phonics. overall kaypoh.
2) bbnumum - eat.. i/c of tidbits?? No prob. i will prepare tea breaks for everyone
3) ribena - i/c of wdsvale logisitics or songs and music
4) evelyn -
5) Arielene N Ling - VCDS (mother goose and bb signing times)
6) ginseng - er, i help everyone finish the food? :p aiyoh, i dunno wat i am gd in, so i'll be the maid lah, u all tell me wat to do. haha
7) Ling - I also dun know wat am i good at..

<font color="0000ff">Venue</font>
-Woodsvale MPH
(if the response is overwhelming, MPH is an excellent place.)
-Lach's small hdb flat. (cons: small. pros: many readily available resources)

<font color="0000ff">Interested:</font>
1) lachesiz and rae (16m)
2) ribena and ernest (13m)
3) bbnumum and vyeoz (18m)
4) evelyn and wilfred (16m)
5) Arielene n Ling aka lovebb(13m)
6) ginsengmum &amp; shanice (9m)
7) ling (2years)
8) Feline, Ashley (3.5yrs) &amp; Cayden (18mths)

<font color="0000ff">Mummy's</font> <font color="ff0000">'speciality' </font>
Please indicate how can you assist in the pg.
It would be great if everyone can contribute;
be it how small or big.
Don't fret if you feel that you are unfamiliar with pg and cant assist.
its ok! you neverknow what you can do till you try! I can give suggestions on how can we help each other.

1) lachesiz - craft programme, read stories, phonics. overall kaypoh.
2) bbnumum - eat.. i/c of tidbits?? No prob. i will prepare tea breaks for everyone
3) ribena - i/c of wdsvale logisitics or songs and music
4) evelyn -
5) Arielene N Ling - VCDS (mother goose and bb signing times)
6) ginseng - er, i help everyone finish the food? :p aiyoh, i dunno wat i am gd in, so i'll be the maid lah, u all tell me wat to do. haha
7) Ling - I also dun know wat am i good at..
8) Feline - Art &amp; Craft and other hands-on projects/ Recital of Zoophonics with Ashley/ Welcome Songs + other sing-alongs/ books
-Woodsvale MPH
(if the response is overwhelming, MPH is an excellent place.)
-Lach's small hdb flat. (cons: small. pros: many readily available resources)

1) lachesiz and rae (16m)
2) ribena and ernest (13m)
3) bbnumum and vyeoz (18m)
4) evelyn and wilfred (16m)
5) Arielene n Ling aka lovebb(13m)
6) ginsengmum &amp; shanice (9m)
7) ling (2years)
8) Feline, Ashley (3.5yrs) &amp; Cayden (18mths)
9) pcs &amp; Keira (20m)

Mummy's 'speciality'
Please indicate how can you assist in the pg.
It would be great if everyone can contribute;
be it how small or big.
Don't fret if you feel that you are unfamiliar with pg and cant assist.
its ok! you neverknow what you can do till you try! I can give suggestions on how can we help each other.

1) lachesiz - craft programme, read stories, phonics. overall kaypoh.
2) bbnumum - eat.. i/c of tidbits?? No prob. i will prepare tea breaks for everyone
3) ribena - i/c of wdsvale logisitics or songs and music
4) evelyn -
5) Arielene N Ling - VCDS (mother goose and bb signing times)
6) ginseng - er, i help everyone finish the food? :p aiyoh, i dunno wat i am gd in, so i'll be the maid lah, u all tell me wat to do. haha
7) Ling - I also dun know wat am i good at..
8) Feline - Art &amp; Craft and other hands-on projects/ Recital of Zoophonics with Ashley/ Welcome Songs + other sing-alongs/ books
9) pcs - I'm not creative &amp; lousy in English. Maybe I try Chinese story reading/flashcard.
Sorry I have to leave early but our family enjoyed the pinic v much. The beehoon &amp; curry really 1st class. Oh Yes. Pls let my know how much I have to pay and to whom k!!!

My HB complaining that I shld attend more gatherings so that I can learn to cook the curry/beehoon/guo dong from u all.
keep saying that u ladies can cook so well. hehe

BB Eistein series
Didnt know u all looking for it. I have a set (forget whether its 11 or 17 VCDs). Pls let me know if anyone is interested :p

Joyfulstar &amp; Fakeloverbb
Its a pity I'm unable to meet u &amp; yr darlings. Hope to see u all in the next gathering

U r getting all the mummies excited. Do let us know when u have pop.
-Woodsvale MPH
(if the response is overwhelming, MPH is an excellent place.)
-Lach's small hdb flat. (cons: small. pros: many readily available resources)

1) lachesiz and rae (16m)
2) ribena and ernest (13m)
3) bbnumum and vyeoz (18m)
4) evelyn and wilfred (16m)
5) Arielene n Ling aka lovebb(13m)
6) ginsengmum &amp; shanice (9m)
7) ling (2years)
8) Feline, Ashley (3.5yrs) &amp; Cayden (18mths)
9) pcs &amp; Keira (20m)

<font color="ff0000">Mummy's 'speciality' </font>
Please indicate how can you assist in the pg.
It would be great if everyone can contribute;
be it how small or big.
Don't fret if you feel that you are unfamiliar with pg and cant assist.
its ok! you neverknow what you can do till you try! I can give suggestions on how can we help each other.

1) lachesiz - craft programme, read stories, phonics. overall kaypoh.
2) bbnumum - eat.. i/c of tidbits?? No prob. i will prepare tea breaks for everyone
3) ribena - i/c of wdsvale logisitics or songs and music
4) evelyn Kids favourite songs/toys/can assist you girls anytime. :p
5) Arielene N Ling - VCDS (mother goose and bb signing times)
6) ginseng - er, i help everyone finish the food? :p aiyoh, i dunno wat i am gd in, so i'll be the maid lah, u all tell me wat to do. haha
7) Ling - I also dun know wat am i good at..
8) Feline - Art &amp; Craft and other hands-on projects/ Recital of Zoophonics with Ashley/ Welcome Songs + other sing-alongs/ books
9) pcs - I'm not creative &amp; lousy in English. Maybe I try Chinese story reading/flashcard.

The way to cook the beehoon n curry chicken is really easy. Sure can teach u how to cook them..

Really happy tat all mummies enjoy my cooking
Lachesiz and mummies,

Hehe! Just saw this <font color="0000ff">"(RY mummy, you reading this? can vouch for our programme? hehe)"</font>

Yes yes! I can vouch for Lach's PG programme and Feline's artistic talent!

Wah! PG ah! Can I and my boy gatecrash?!

Hello.. Nice knowing u... Welcome to our thread. We are a bunch of fun loving mummies.... and most importantly we enjoy FOOD!

Do join us in our forthcoming outing although till now we still havent come out with any plans but once we have a place in mind we will consolidate everything very fast.

Hope u can join us in the next outing or so.
<font size="+2">Check out their matching hats..


<font size="+2">The kids had a great time..... digging and digging...and digging</font>








<font size="+2">Sha: Pat dear, let's not dirty ourselves with the yucky sand. Shall we sit here,enjoy the breeze and listen to some songs?
Pat: Sure, my love. Hey, what you looking at? I got Buzzlightyears, okay? Later I zap you with it then you know..</font>


<font size="+2">Smile...</font>

<font size="+2">For those mommies who missed this is the sumptious, yummy-licious fantastic spread!! The curry was ..."heavenly"..hee hee... quick, drool..drool.. envy us..</font>

<font size="+2">With a huff and a pull and I am gonna pull this tent down..</font>

<font size="+2">Finally, some private time 2-gether..</font>

<font size="+2">Gosh,the paparrazi managed to track us here..</font>

<font size="+2">Hey,can't u leave us alone!!</font>

<font size="+2">Daddy says a little exercise after all that food will do me good...&amp; I dont even have a tummy


<font size="+2">Dad!! Look what I found...</font>

<font size="+2">My favourite fruit...DURIAN!!! *miniature version though</font>
Teach me plssssss
Welcome! U read the whole forum ah?? Hahaha

Lobang Queen &amp; love bb
Welcome!! U will love the mummies here :p

Woh. I'm suprised, pics out so soon, no need to wait until next year. LOL
Anyway nice pics u have taken :p
Very nice pics....

Wow... the time spent at the beach was so fun. Aiya... next time must really be early. If not, will miss the Sun, Sand &amp; Sea again.

Any idea, what's the exact day we are having the PG again. Wanted to come but must know when coz on 12th May, we have a family outing.

any mtg???

any "la kopi" session

May lor..Since April we already have a picnic and the month is ending soon.
how abt 1st or 12nd May, since it is a public holiday

Proposed Weekends Morning @9/10am.
duration about 2hrs as several kids have classes in the pm.
I am on 5-1/2days/wk, Sun morning can?
if not, sat evening can?
-Woodsvale MPH
(if the response is overwhelming, MPH is an excellent place.)
-Lach's small hdb flat. (cons: small. pros: many readily available resources)

1) lachesiz and rae (16m)
2) ribena and ernest (13m)
3) bbnumum and vyeoz (18m)
4) evelyn and wilfred (16m)
5) Arielene n Ling aka lovebb(13m)
6) ginsengmum &amp; shanice (9m)
7) ling (2years)
8) Feline, Ashley (3.5yrs) &amp; Cayden (18mths)
9) pcs &amp; Keira (20m)
10) sherhino &amp; Sam (19mths)

Mummy's 'speciality'
Please indicate how can you assist in the pg.
It would be great if everyone can contribute;
be it how small or big.
Don't fret if you feel that you are unfamiliar with pg and cant assist.
its ok! you neverknow what you can do till you try! I can give suggestions on how can we help each other.

1) lachesiz - craft programme, read stories, phonics. overall kaypoh.
2) bbnumum - eat.. i/c of tidbits?? No prob. i will prepare tea breaks for everyone
3) ribena - i/c of wdsvale logisitics or songs and music
4) evelyn Kids favourite songs/toys/can assist you girls anytime. :p
5) Arielene N Ling - VCDS (mother goose and bb signing times)
6) ginseng - er, i help everyone finish the food? :p aiyoh, i dunno wat i am gd in, so i'll be the maid lah, u all tell me wat to do. haha
7) Ling - I also dun know wat am i good at..
8) Feline - Art &amp; Craft and other hands-on projects/ Recital of Zoophonics with Ashley/ Welcome Songs + other sing-alongs/ books
9) pcs - I'm not creative &amp; lousy in English. Maybe I try Chinese story reading/flashcard
10)sherhino - I m neither here nor there too.Can some1 assign me with something?
<font color="ff0000">Feline</font>
Nice pics. Luckily we do not have to wait till Xmas for the pic.
THink i must quickly post some pic also, how i can b later than u?

You're great this time man.. Really leave up to ur name as the Chairlady. The first this time round to put up the pictures.... I salute u dun need to wait until end of the year to see the pictures....

The picture taken for the food really look great like a buffet spread so our idea of doing catering might be able to carry on if this picture was shown to our customers. Hahaha...

Lachesiz, Dun drool too much ok.. Clean ur saliva i am sure to cook for u the next round ok.

Pcs, No problem will tell u the type of ingredient n paste for cooking the curry when we meet for the next gathering.

Joystarful, No worries if u cant make it for one of the pg u can always join the next one as i also dun know which date will it be fixed on....

And by the way, it is very nice of u to bring us food, the otah is really good n we mummies not shy eat without asking u how much it is...
Wow...such a great sad that I missed out this great outing event...These few weeks really tight up with my job and no have chance to chit chat with yours in this forum...

Now, steal some time in office to visit this thread he..he..

Anyway, my apologise for not inform yours earlier that I were unable to join the outing on 14/04.
Hope can meet up with all these great mums and lovely kids soon....

Actually, I'm quite interested to join PG, but a bit pai seh leh dunno what contribution that I can make...Me really lousy in artcraft, singing and bla..bla...Maybe count me as an Ginseng's assistant lah...

Ginseng..hope you don't mind to let me as your assistant..wanna interview me first???ha..ha..

But again..can't make it on May coz need to go back Jakarta to attend my sis's wedding..
i tot u are arielene &amp; ling, i remember u mentioned before tat u are actually arielene &amp; ling ? And now u saying u are WL's cousin... I'm confused
wow that's seemed to be a fun outing.
the kids are having alot of fun.
however, I wouldn;t be able to join the latest outing. Next time when my little Tavis is alittle older. hope that this thread is always on.
you're back in action! and thanks for the lovely pics (except for the FOOD!! oh man, there goes my curry, booo hooo hooo)
hip hip horray for Chairlady!

so when are you cooking for me? cook bbnmum's share too lah...cos her indulgence will expire in aug liao.

oscar n loveyboy,
no worries, you girls won't be missing out too much fun, just join us as soon as you can. (sounds like tv advertisment? hee..)

good suggestion! but 12 may i have BD party going on. but we have some other gatherings coming on soon..stay tune!

Dear all, let me clarify this on behalf of my cosuin WL. This acc name Lovebb is actually my acc. Tat time she uses it as she forgot to change the username while using my laptop.

At times she would help me to post but of cos offficially is mine.

Jus a brief intro.. i hv a 13 mth old gal (Zoe) and for most part of our lives we stayed in aust. We are back in spore now for hols till June.

I am sorry for misunderstanding. Anyway guess she is too busy to log in too. However she did tell me how nice mum u all are and how fun it is to be in this thread and thus i joined.

Hope this clear yr misunderstanding. :)
