Any mtb/moms staying at Woodlands area?

my hb take care of my boy hor.. weight drop from 60 something to 59 at 1 pt of time. Who wanna jian fei? Come look after my naughty boy! :p

haha, bluelily, good idea you have !

mira, are you taking enough calcium ? It can due to rheumatism like bluelily says and also your knee cannot hold your weight. Go for cyling exercise, good for knee cap. Do not jog because it will add extra pressure to your knee.

I envy those mums can go on diet. I cannot give up anything for good food. I rather exercise. Haha :)
Yes, I take supplement of the calcium. OK. I should try the "cycling" in the gym....

I agree with you, I cannot give up eating that why gain weight...
Juzyounme, so what your targetted ideal weight? I can't go for the herbal life program now cos I am still on total breastfeeding. BB only 2 mths if I go on diet that means my bb also go on diet leh..No good..But it is really good to know herbal life has higher chance of helping to lose weight. From my first kid, I gained 5 kg never get to lose them then I was pregnant with my 2nd one le. So total I have gained 10kg..Hopefully this time breastfeeding will help me lose some of the weight. But the chance is slim cos my first one oso total breastfeed and I did not lose a single kilo, hehehee
Pearl, aiyah dun b affected by wht other comments.. it might not wrk on her but might wrk on u leh who knows?.. jia you jia you! The Artscow, i did tort of using e services leh.. but hang on for quite some time :p... wow realli worth doing leh.. hehe i go n bio bio somemore.. :p hehe thanks for sharing

Join us join us... join me n warriorangel for aerobics leh.. :p.. every mon 7-8pm hehe.. i was keen to go joggin at the stadium night time leh.. but no khaki.. :p

Can anyone give me the contact for the herbal life? wanna intro my collick for her daug :p.. TIA!
thanks eniale...

the timing for aerobics not suitable for me lor,, have to take care of the two kids as they are in childcare till 7.30 lor,,,

contact : esther 81251140.
hey mummies,
Anyone with kiddos in pcf? How u find it?

Esp these 2.

Blk 334
Woodlands St 32

Blk 364
Woodlands Ave 5
i can also offer my boy for any1 who wants to slim down... ahaha...

mira_tan - well, but i will take fried stuff n snacks... ahahah...

clovy - my target weight is 48kg, which is my wedding weight. well, i'm a dry cow, so stop breastmilk when he was 6 weeks. that time i was about 61-63kg & even after my maternity leave ending, also that weight. towards end of pregnancy, i was about 70kg. anyway, after i went back work, pple keep saying i'm fat, so i was determined to lose weight. i am lighter than my pre-pregnancy weight. but sigh, my hb said i'm not attractive.

i still haven't watched transformer or HP yet.
Juzyounme, y ur hb so bad. My hb wont dare to say i not attractive! :p So u are less than 48kg now? Wow.. u lost alot of weight then!
Juzyounme, you wanna follow wedding weight? Usually wedding weight need to lose more cos when taking picture there is a tendency that even slim person can look not so slim. That is why so many actors/actresses look so skinny like bamboo when you get to see them face to face. But in tv they look ok. Too skinny oso no good yor.

Bluelily, no lah I dun think she is less than wedding weight (i.e. 48kg) lah. She said she is lighter than her pre-pregnancy weight not wedding weight. Dun get confused yor.
wahahaha okok. My wedding weight n pre-preg weight abt the same mah.. lol Now also 1 or 2 kg more only.. but tummy very very not the same. lol
dety, looking for me??
busy w my assignments and quiz so seldom come in liao....keke..
silently reading sometimes...
din see mira liao also..
me..din really go for diet or excerise.
wedding weight is 46kg.
maybe working too stress, slimmed down aftr i start work.


but tummy cannot reveal due to the stretch marks.. haiz..
HI mummies, GOOD AFTERNOON... had a heavy lunch.. now feel like puking.. haiz..

Hi neo, thanks for sharing..
had fwd e contact to my collick keke

bluelily, intially I wanted to put my eldest at Blk 334. Even went to do the registration but end up changed my mind to send her to CC so dropped the registration.. but who noes she cant get used to e CC and now she was wif Apple Tree nusery...

U keen to send to PCF thr? next yr?

Harry porter is nice unless u watch frm start hehe.. :p

I think thr will b a few more animated movies coming on next mth...

hehe bee u so light I tink abt e sme wif lynzi.. she also very slim.. keke.. :p

I was 45kg when married & pre preggy.. after had my eldest I struck at 48kg till I had my youngest.. tried hard on diet controlling.. sme again struck at 48 .. hw hard i tried also cant go dwn further liao.. i tried again e diet controllin method but body felt very weak and time to time felt wan to faint.. so i stopped.. hehe... I hope to go dwn another 2 kg more..

I told hb i wan to slim dwn further .. he jus ask me to jia you .. haha..
wah, u ladies all so slim. below 50kg.

bluelily - haiz, if my hb can say that & not joking 1, means our marriage got prob lor. anyway, i am about 5kg before going down to 48kg. haiz.

clovy - i wish i can look like bamboo, then i don't have to worry abt weight. yes, if possible will try to go down to wedding weight.
I really envy you all leh all between 50-55 only... me 64 now ,,, go down 2 kg these two day...

Me never reach the 55 mark lor,,, very hard one lor...
bee, yar you are so light. Think u are those petite type like lynzi and eniale..Mira did come in lah maybe not as often but more than you lah, hehehee..The last she posting is just yesterday morning mah Jul 30 11:20am.

How I wish I can be like daisyt. Exercise to eat more. I love to eat too. Maybe wait till I reach my ideal weight first then see how. Reach my targetted weight of course can eat as much as I want and then exercise to burn off these calories..

Pearl and any of you mummies must update us each time u lose some weight. I think it is a good motivation to hear good news from you. This is called peer pressure. Hahahaa.. this exists in mummy circle too not just kids..heheheee
eniale, wanna put my boy to cc next yr. But a bit cant bear to put him in cc so many hrs.. pcf 2hrs sounds gd. But abit far from my mum's place.. need to take bus v mafan. Which cc did u try out? Then which Apple Tree u go to? U stay near Marsiling rite? Apple Tree like v far.....

Saw the advert on the cartoon Up... looks cute.

Juzyounme, life's not just all abt weight... always count the kilos v tiring also. maybe ur hb is those v straightforward kind? Or he joking? Anyway lao fu lao qi le.
Juzyounme, before i went dwn to 48.. i was 55kg.. struck for a few months after delivery last yr mar.. only this year head den managed to slim dwn to 48 with e hard diet controling lor.. else i dun tink i can slim dwn also.. I do join aerobics n believe it does helps abit
U mus tell urself u can do it de!! jia you!!
Yr hb mus b joking so dat he can motivate u mah keke.. :p

clovy, I aso love to eat de leh but also wan to slim dwn so cut dwn alot of yummy food... seems like diet controlllin can control yr appetite also leh.. i tends to reduce dwn the craving on fried food n fast food ler.. keke unlike last time can eat 4 to 5 meals a day :p Now 1 potion of meal, I can oni eat like half or 3/4.. den cant eat any further liao..

bluelily, apple tree located at CCK centre, jus behind Lot 1.. ya.. far.. my mum bring her to n fro every day pushing my youngest also.. tough on her ..
but that CC realli 'sucks" ... I put her at YMCA d one behind my blk.. not very good... realli disappointed.. even e moment i withdraw her out also occur some issue..
Ya.. i also relunctant to put her in CC intially.. cos like u, cnt bear to put lng hrs..
i tink if thrs someone can help u jagar den better to go for few hrs class...

yesyes.. UP... i wan to watch.. heard thast 3D de right?... keke.. alot seems very funni. :p

Tell u all hor, i wtg myself every mrning de hahahhaa hoping the scale wil go dwn below 48 but e most is 47.5 den next day come bk to 48 liao.. haha i tink i too conscious ler hor :p But oni ting cant change or reduce is my flabby tummy...
I dun tink can do anything abt it liao..
eniale, the apple tree at cck is the most convenient for u liao ah? Then she go jalan jalan there everyday for 2 hrs? My mum stay near ur place.. u din consider My First Skool at blk 40x? I went to see YMCA too.. dun look clean and teachers all from China. Dun like too.
My younger DD will be in Pre-Nursery(Playgroup) at Blk 334 next year! I can go shopping for these 2 hours! Hahaha... My elder DD was there too! I like the Centre Supervisor. She is a very responsible person.
gogovier, u book pre-nursery for next yr already? How many mths is ur younger DD now? My boy is coming to 20mths now. 30mths then can go in rite?
bluelily, erhmm.. the nearest preferred nursery is thr lor.. they have K1 & K2 also.. so straight 3 yrs thr.. Not really.. as we engaged helper for her to lessen e burden on hse chores n cookin so end up she bo fan xin leaving her alone in e hse.. sometimes she return bk den ltr go again to fetch.. abit siong for her, had told her to bring e helper along she refuse.. haiz.. soemtimes i dunno get a helper for her is to add or lessn burden lor.. sianz.. tok abt it make me vexed.. sigh.. nope ler.. I din consider thr.. i tink ned take a bus thr is it? YMCA sucks.. dun go.. ya e teacher is PRC.. the supervisor had changed.. rem 1 of e teacher speks very loud de.. my mum keps complaining abt thr since day 1 lor.. hahaha... so after 3-5 days thr i withdrawl her out n put bk to sembawang playgrp whr she used to go for e last term of e yr.. den next yr register her to apple tree.. she love gng thr.. no complains frm day 1.. :p

UP, mus bring my gal :p...

I registered in Apr2009. My DD will starts 2010 and she is 6 days to 30mths when school reopen. B334 pcf said its ok 6 days only, she can go. I already bought her a small backpack for her pull-up pants and a panty! Hahaha... C.U.T.E!!
eniale, blk 406 no need take bus for me. It's a short distance opp Marsiling mrt only.

gogovier, any idea when shd i register for pcf if i'm intestered then? my boy is 20mths.. dunno i miss the boat anot.
bluelily/ *eniale* - my hb is not v straightforward & he isn't joking. i also don't wish to talk about it. but if really can't tahan - he doesn't come back, baby & me only see him about 2 times a week, doesn't provide at all, ask me to handle baby + household chores on my own on top of my work, borrows from me $, steals baby's ang pao $, always get lawyers' letters & pink letters, got beaten 3 times in coming 4 yrs of marriage. i'm always considering filing for separation & divorce.

actually why i always tell myself to slim down, coz always dreaming that i have a better guy to love me. i left dec 08 thread, coz i got shot by the mums there. 1 of the mum said i am trying to gain sympathy. i was saying my financial v tight, my net pay of thousand odd, have to pay for Infant care, bills, expenses... and why do i still invest in beauty & slimming products. simply that i'm no longer attractive to guys.
Bluelily, u can call pcf blk 334 at 6365-6787 to check, when can u register. You wont miss the boat if there is vacancy.

Mommies who wanna slim down, personally i think exercise is still the best. Meal replacement, how long you wanna replace them with your meals? Go on diet, for how long? After that everything comes back if you stop! I also try all ways n means to slim down but at last exercise still works for me, although todate i still hv more kgs to lose. But of cos, fried n junk food is a No-No!
Juzyounme, there is always sunshine after the rain/every cloud has silver lining. What I am trying to say in life there is always upz and downz. There was one period I was in very tight financially situation due to the recession but I know it will not last forever and finally tomorrow is a better day has arrived for me. Though not the best day certainly better than yesterday.
I myself is a pessimist but have to learn to be optimistic lor else u will feel very depressed easily. Know what I mean?

You must feel confident of yourself and the situation. Face the reality and see for yourself what is the best option for you in the situation that you shared with us. Slimming is certainly not the way to solve your problem.

GoGoVier, agreed but the reason mummies go for meal replacement which I believe is the same thinking as me is we want to lose the extra weight fast and it is faster and more convenient to take the meal replacement rather than take the 30mins thrice a week to exercise. Meal replacement doesn't need to take 30 mins mah, hehehee... Of course, once reached our idea weight, of course will exercise to maintain lor...

I just feel it is healthier to lose some weight then put on weight but this theory does not apply to skinny people like Lynzi hor, hehehee..Exercise is still the ultimate long term goal to lead a healthy life in the long run. For short-term goal, it is meal replacement lor.
<font color="0000ff"> hi eniale, juzounme, clovy and the rest...
hope all of you are fine...
juzouonme- you have to be confident of yourself. dun care what ppl but believe in yourself... utlimately you are living for yourself not for other... climb th stair evey day i sure you can see the results... somtime i climb until 8-10 story my leg like want cramps...

losing weight- Hmmm i also need to lose some weight.. i only do pilate occassional hmm but not enough to get my heart pumping... i dun like jogging or arrobics , Hmm prefer swimming but go alone quite sian.

Pearlyn , Ling - if you notice there is a wake downstair your block, my fil pass away on fri... </font>
hi juzyounme...

We are always around if you really need to talk,,,,


Yap I know, my hubby is going to yr fil wake later in the night,,, how did he go?... hope yr hubby is coping well
<font color="aa00aa">becky,
so sorry to hear about your fil.
hope your family is coping well.
in front of my block also has a wake.
seems like i'm hearing quite a no of relatives of those frens near me who passed away the past 2 weeks...hmm..

eniale, pearl, clovy, juzyounme, bluelily, mira,
jia you on your sliiming attempts!
may all of u succeed!
sighh..i wish there is a weight gain programme for me.
took weight gain formula also no use.
even though im so very tummy still have fats hor..when i eat a lot my tummy will start bulging and even looked as if i'm 3 months preggy.
even my colligs have commented on paiseh!

i tot there is apple tree somewhere near admiralty place?
i saw a few of my neighbours' kids wearing the uniform.
wish u all the best in looking for playgroup.
update me hor!

things happen for a reason.
the situation my look dim n cloudy now but believe me, it will change for the better!
be strong and hang in there for your boy ok.</font>
thanks all. haiz, i don't really want to talk about it. i still feel that i slim down more for myself. i don't like climing stairs eh, breathless &amp; sweaty. ;P

becky_cat - hope ur family copes well.
hi becky_cat, you hv my condolences...Hope you are coping well n that you are not as affected as your husband. That way you are then able to provide him a pillar to lean on you.

yar lynzi agreed leh, i oso think abt ppl passing away cos recently there were a few funeral wake ard my blk void deck...

good morning everybody!
Ling, turkey!!! lovely place..!!!

clovy, ahahha... next time when both ur kids grow up then u will be more relax compared to those who gave birth when their no 1 is much older..ahhaa

pearl, give tamiflu but only 3 days mc??? nowadays the doc like 'anyhow' give tamiflu!

daisy..ahahah... look slim can liao... no one will know the actual weighing machine values! :p

mira_tan , kneecap might be due to other factors too.. i also have kneecap pain but ia m not overwgt (but very chor lor so alot of pressure on the knees! and i tink calcium loss after giving birth!)

juzyounme, men! they can be short balding, nerdy with beer belly and they will still wan a partner that is pretty slim and act cute!

lynzi, me too! tummy looks pregnant after lunch/dinner until my bbsitter's kids ask me SO MANY times if i am pregnant (i eat dinner then fetch my gal).
hi juzyounme, ignore those peoples. You have your own life and its control by you. We are always here for you :)

Your baby is so cute, its a gift for you. Now, just concentrate on him, give him the best teaching and he would grow up to be a good citizen with good character.

I am so excited ! I am going to May Day's DNA concert on 29th with my girl. We simply love May Day's songs and its also for her birthday present. This is also her first concert and she is so excited. She could not believe it ! :) And my god ! the tickets are 98% sold out and left like 30+ seats in both Cat 1 and Cat 2. Anyway, we are going to scream our heads off * SCREAM *
Juzyounme, I'm sorry abt ur problems. But I think u must do things for urself.. slim down, doll up shd be for urself. Make urself happier, feel more confident and not for guys. U dun have to spend alot on slimming too.. like what the others say.. go excercise and make some frens. Hope u'll feel better!

gogovierm thks for the contact. Think I'll still stick with My first skool.. cos I went home check.. it's pretty far to walk to blk 334 from my mum's place. No bus also.. if rain die. No choice.

lynzi, Admiralty got alot of cc and preschools. But i'm looking for near Marsiling ones cos my mum will be the one bringing him to n fro.
<font color="0000ff">pearl , lynzi, juzyounme, clovy - tks
we are coping ok...

hah actually i think closer to the 7th month got more.. hee but i no pantang one la we christian so everything happen for a reason..

that day saw ling downstair... change car???

chat up again ladies...

this month many celebrations.. hah hubby, daughter and Mil bday!!!
Hello mummies.

Hi Juzyounme
If you need to talk to someone, we are here or you can also PM me. Hang in there.

Hi becky
Hope your family is coping well.

Hi bluelily
I enrolled my girl at Little Friends (Admiralty) to attend the playgroup when she was 19mths old. She showed signs of separation anxiety: refused to go in the ctr, nightmares etc. My husband and i (or rather my husband demanded), decided to withdraw her out. I am planning to send her to childcare in mid 2011 (N2). For her case, i would rather not to push her to socialise as she is more of a 'looker' and only tend to mix with more 'gentle' kids. I prefer to take it easy and also prepare her mentally what school is all about.

To all mummies who are trying to slim down,
Daisy, You r into pilates too! For me, i cant, i need fast n high impact exercise. i went for my pilates class n guess what? when e instructor told us to lie down n i doze off...Zzz.... Zzz.... So pai seh! Hahaha.... I like Hip Hop dancing although i m plumb!! Hahaha.... I will sweat like hell after each session! Feel like i drop tonnes of FATS!! Heehee...

And my elder DD n i LOVE May Day too!!

Clovy, U r right! U ladies hv a little more to shred but i hv tonnes to shred. So i cant use these meal replacements method! Hahaha.... I always think meal replacement dont works for me. I still feel empty after that! Hehee...
Thanks for all the encouragement..

me will exercise once a week now to start off...

yesterday done my first measurement..

lose 2KG... 64.6kg did lose some inches at my hip and arm area lor...

Me feeling good will continue to work hard to my target....

Hi Gogovier

Have you tried kickboxing? I was doing it for a couple of years until got pregnant. Now, still cannot fit in my schedule becos want to spend more time with my girl. Also, cannot find a good MALE instructor....I was thinking of trying Muay Thai when my girl is older. But, dont know whether my bones can it or not....
