Any mtb/moms staying at Woodlands area?

Hi Pearl
Not bad liao....JIA YOU!!!!

I don't know what's my weight now becos i don't have a weighing machine at home. Never like them anyway. But, i know i am ok becos still can wear back my old clothes after delivery. It is just that i am not as tone as last time. But my colleagues always say that i am slimmer than, not sure leh, but i do eat my meals though.

Mummy to PrincessA, I'm worried my boy will be like that too. Next yr try out see how loh.

Mummies, anyone interested in buying thermometer, sterilizer, etc.. PM me k.
<font color="aa00aa">morning ladies!!!

oh yes i kept forgetting u have to look for a play group near your mum's place.
that side very few centres ah.
eh, u still selling petit teraillion is it?
no more selling those kumon books?</font>
morning gals!

lynzi, ya loh.. marsiling side old estate.. pess pgs.. I'm lazy to do BP nowadays lah.. just ordering for frens.. see got anyone wanna tompang anot.
Thanks all...

bluelily - what else r u selling? i'm looking for those simple cooler bag which can hold 2 long bottles of breastmilk... and also looking for cold gel pack.
morning mummies!

hi bluelily
you do BP on kumon books!!?? Wow....i am a sucker for Kumon books. I think i have bought the whole series (2 to 4yrs) liao. Does your friend sell any assessment/activity books?
Juzyounme, Mummy to PrincessA, PM u.

nagsterak, got 1 mummy here with bb at champkids rite? Forgot who. Izzit the one at 888? I went to see b4.. but too far for me. keke.
hi mummies, any idea how much to give as red packet for a Malay wedding ? My neighbour inviting us and its my first time attending a Malay wedding.
<font color="aa00aa">nagsterak,
yup pearl's kids are at champkids 888 plaza.

too much hassle is it to do bp?

u give $10 then hubby give another $10 should be enough liao.</font>
hi hi,,, I heard my name!!! very busy this morning,,,, till now then free to log in,,,,

yes my kids is in Champkids,,

My son 5 year K1 and my gal 17 mths in infant care,,, going to playgroup this coming end of August,,,
Hi Pearl

Did you let your child take any extra jabs/vaccines before sending them to cc other than the usual 6 in 1 jabs? i a bit paranoid lor...
also, they not opening up a new will be included to the existing playgroup.
can i ask if your gal has any problems with the teachers bathing her?
My gal had been with them since 1 and the half month.... no problem with bathing or communicating as the childcare is like her home lor....

as for my son, he had separation depression for the first one month or so lor... but he is coping quite well now...

No leh I did not send them for jabs lor..
Hi, anyone want to zoo recently. Do you know the enter fee for adult and kids? And important is, when they go the rain forest kid zone", do we need to paid?
hi mira...

for the rain forest kid zone, you do not have to paid...

for fees, if you have NDP discount voucher then you have some discount I think lor
<font color="aa00aa">morning gerls!!!

im not sure of the entrance fees cos i used corporate pass.
but i know the rainforest kids zone is free.

i give my boy yearly flu jabs, rotavirus, pneumococcal, chickenpox on top of the normal 6 in 1.</font>
Good Morning, Ladies!

I see.. OK.
Lynzi, I want to go on Monday 10/08/09. Is it possible to borrow the zoo pass from you...
Hey Mira, now the night safari and jurong bird park is having buy 1 get 1 free for the month of August. I have forward to a few of you the voucher.
Thanks, I will consider to go night asfari. But still think of going to day zoo...will check with my husband....
<font color="aa00aa">mira,
the corporate pass not mine lah dear.
my hubby's work place and fil's work place signed up the corporate pass so their staff can go for free but have to book in advance.
i think for 10 aug all passes booked liao.
usually weekends and holidays many ppl want to go so they book earlier.
i will get my hubby to ask if u want.</font>
any1 knows there to get masks at Causeway point area or Marsiling Central area? I went to Watsons &amp; Guardian at Causeway point yest. only managed to find those v expensive 3M masks. i'm just looking for something more simpler.

haiz... got H1N1 cases in my company. my boss' son also got... so think have to get 1 box of masks.

Pearl - my herbal life agent came my place for measurement yest. my current weight at 51kg from the last measurement of 53kg one month ago... so u jia you!
hi juzyoume..

wow,,, you lose 2 kg again... you are great man

did you join in the contest? BP nw had Herblife contest ....

my weight not very stable yet.. measure this morning is about 64.00 from my 66.7 so about 2.7 lose for 1 week from the time I taken this product lor...
Wow, that is very effective. how do you do it? what you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner? do you need to go for excrise?
mira_tan - we r on Herbal life programme. My daily food intake - 5.30am 300ml of Herbal life shake, 3 pills of Cell-U-loss. 9am 500ml of Tea Concentrate. 12.30pm Lunch, usually economic rice, will leave behind half of rice. 6pm-8pm, usually some snacks.

i haven't got time recently for exercise.
hi mira

my schedule not so early..

6.00am 250ml Aloe drink with my Manuka Honey, then follow by the 300ml shake.

8.00am 1 pill of cell u loss + one cup of tea concentrate

Lunch as normal but to not over eat lor

in the evening the same process as breakfast.

for exercise, i go slow jog every friday now
mira_tan - i wake up at 5am from mon-sat, coz need to settle baby n myself... and bring baby to Infant Care... then go work. not coz i need to take pill.
Yours look simple..and seem very effective also.

I see. I thought just because of the pill have to wake up so early...then will be stress lah...sorry misunderstand...hihi

Ya, I saw ur hb and mil at the wake tat day. Hope everything is well.

No lah, I never change car. The RAV 4 is my bil's but he is always outstation so we parked his car at our side and as and when we need to drive will just do it.... my car is still Wish lah....
Me on MC again now at home....

Kena send back by boss.

Oh dear, JJ school got 3 cases of H1N1 already... not letting him go to school till next Tuesday as he is having cough..
Hi all mummies here,

Have been spying this thread for awhile.
Me also staying in woodlands (marsiling mrt). FTWM with 2 kids, girl 8yr studying in Fuchun and boy 6yr - k2 with Active Learners. Any recommendation for good tuition ctr?
Hi Serene, spying ? haha

I also staying near Marsiling MRT, Blk 168. Which block are you in ? FTWM with 1 kid, 13yo.

Welcome !
<font color="aa00aa">morning gerls!!!!!

welcome welcome!!!
yup ling is rite..dont just spy..come join us!

when is our next la kopi session?
we must have one before my fasting month and hari raya comes..hehehe

btw, pearl, ling, becky cat, do u gerls know if the rc raound our area has any national day observance ceremony or sth?
i wana bring my boy down ah and intro him the spirit of patriotism..hehehe.</font>
I saw one tent set up with a big screen which I think is for the national day ones...

Near to my plc... Woodlands Drive 75
morning mummies! Hol mood today.. hahaha

welcome serene! Is Active Learners gd? Its the one above the town council rite? Izzit a childcare or kindergarden?

hey is a long weekend ahead...what r your plans.
anyone been to bontanic gdn recently, thinking of gg this sunday..want to pick my siang si dou (angsana seed)
