Any mtb/moms staying at Woodlands area?

<font color="aa00aa">pearl,
its the tent at the new basketball court rite?
that's the one behind my house.
i think that is the ndp dinner...must buy tickets from the rc.
now dont think there is any more tickets left.

yup yup..long weekend.
now in office no mood to work liao.
i will be driving up to kl on monday morning.
tuesday and wed wont be in for work..hehehe...

i do home tuition.
for group tuition i will recommend kip mcgrath or kent ridge tutors..very good reputation as they take qualified teachers.</font>

<font color="aa00aa">serene,
i have been to botanics..will go there twice a month on sunday usually after my son's class.
but i will only go to the swan lake and to jacob ballas at the other end.
only sometimes will go to the one near shaw theatre/pavilion (cant remember what its called) when the sso performs.</font>
bluelily, AL is a kindergarten, i feel AL is one of the good quality preschool around my area. recommended!!

lynzi, wow kl shopping? i want to and my colls booked a return tiger flight to kl during their promo, guess how much we paid....only $16/person ...super cheap hor..but gg only in jan 2010 long to wait..
serene, really? I tot I heard bad comments on it... or i mixed up the schs. what is the min age to go in. And how many hrs session? Can share with me what they do/teach there?
good morning mummies!

Welcome Serene.

My kids also study in Fuchun, one boy in P2. Serene, which class is your girl. my boy in 2B.

As for tuition,
I find Just education is good in our area. Next will be nishin tution centre. I send my children to both tution centre for different subject. go nishin is because price cheaper.
I like Just education because the most of tuitors are sch teachers or ex sch teachers...but I cannot effort to sent all my kids there. so only 2 of my children go there for english only.
bluelily, i think the min age is 3yr for playgrp. 3hrs session for k1 &amp; k2, 2.5hrs for playgrp and nursery.

my gal graduated from there, now in p2, coping well still now (without tuition), so i strongly believed is the foundation that she built in AL.
Serene, For P2 is around S$60++ to S$70++. Is 2 hour session. and they have one to one clinic session. Clinic session means beside the weekly class, you can book the time slot for your child for individual coaching by the ducation officers.(not the tuitor)
<font color="aa00aa">juzyounme,
what i meant by home tuition is the pupils come to my house for tuition.
i dont go to pupil's house.</font>
Hi all, back fm lunch liao...did a quick one, very humid and hazy outside.

how much do u charge and what r the subject/level u teach? where do u stay?
Daisy, she's sec 3 right? no tuition? u coach her yourself? super mummy and gal. how u do that, teach me leh?

I everyday must bark at my gal to do homework, she can tell u she has checked her work but still a lot of careless mistake.

next year more headache as my boy (the everything dunno boy) will enter p1...siong.
Daisy's daughter in Sec1 1.
But he don't too worry lah. their age are like that. more over your girls is in the first class.
Serene, careless mistakes - every kids would say the same thing. My girl, sec 1 also tell me that. I only started to coach her a bit before the PSLE time. I realised, I was more relax when she was in primary school. In Sec, I getting more tense.

Depends on the character, my girl was the type, very worried homework not done, teacher would scold. So I had not much problem. She did assessment books too but not many and we targeted on challenging problems only. English and Chinese, read lots of newspaper articles, story books and do review, difficult words, make sentences. You can try that.

Why everyone sound so surprise whenever I mention no tuition ? I am slowly getting worried and in fact, recently, I am asking her, maybe she should go for Math tuition. ** wondering and confusing **
Happy National Day and Happy Holidays to 1 &amp; all! i'm at work now. haiz.

lynzi - i see. what level &amp; subject u teach?

daisy - eh, i'm not surprised. i do hear of studious kids who never have tuition. i would like to have such kid, but then i look at my baby, he doesn't look studious to me. -_-? anyway, i was given tuition from Pri 1 to Sec 4. i think it's more that i am a slower learner.
morning mummies...

no good national day for me... my gal is sick for the past 3 days... """sigh"""

Morningjuzyoume/... so sorry to keep you watining... will test it tonight and let you know

by the way, I rem that time you all booked the BBQ pit at Woodlands Drive 75...

how do you go abt booking for it huh,,> ? my son saw the pit last night and say he wants his birthday to be held there lor...
morning mira

now a lot of phelgm. she had brochities (no sure spelling right)since 2 months... every 3 weeks, she will cough and then she cant really breath very well had to monitor her the whole night till the 3 day then she will slowly recover... now a lot of phelgm
The haze caused by Indonesia forest fire is back again. Must take care, drink lots of water..Even my gal runny nose came back yesterday dunno is it cos of the haze..

You have to go to Blk 306 Woodlands Street 31 town council to book the pits. Then they will issue you a receipt.

All mummies,

Ya the weather is so bad.... we went to the zoo on Sunday then JJ vomitted a few times and yesterday no clinic so my hb brought him to KK hospital as I am working... now he is resting at home.....
thanks ling...

normally how many days in advance should I book?

the weathers is making me felt like vomit too....
hello mummies!

Becos of the haze, i can't bring my girl out..siah...

Hi Peal, Ling and Clovy,
Hope your kids are better now.

Aiyoh..your son is still so young. How to tell hah?

Re tuition
Not all kids need tuition lah. Some kids are already quite good, so no need for these extra classes (like daisy's daughter). Some kids are not so good and have the bo-chap attitude, so even they go for tuition, they are simply wasting their parents' money. I used to be a tutor and met quite a few of them.

But some really need help becos their parents are not able to assist them. This one is understandable.
Share with you mummies this true-life story:

I had this student. I taught him when he was in K1. The parents are not well-educated (father is a taxi driver who does not know English at all and mother is a housewife who knows nothing). But this boy is really kuai (kudos to the parents). He will do my work and try to learn as much as possible. When he was in K2 (i taught him too), he was able to recite the timetable. When i was tutoring him, sometimes the father would ask me for help, e.g to help him to read some govt letters that is in English, etc. I would gladly do so. I always reminded the boy that his father has worked so hard for him to pay for his tuition fee, so he better repay him back (of course, i put in nicer and simpler words lah).

Till now, i will always wonder how is he now. He is a smart and handsome boy.
how I wish my son is like this boy...he is always want to play.... this and play that... so difficult to get him settle down to write,,,

now in K1 ,,, still cant really read words... so worried if he can copied when he go P1...

in the childcare..he writes numbers opposite where he knows he is wrong but he say this is correct when i ask him....

"" fainted"" when I heard his reply...
<font color="aa00aa">harlow mummies!!!

today im reporting from admiralty..hehe..
not working today and tomoro.
will only go to work on thurs.
my kl trip was fruitful but sooooo tiring.

hope all the kids who are sick getting better now!</font>
Hello Wendy, my gal is feeling better. Just hope the haze will not make it worse. I would be very happy liao.. Friends actually recommend me to invest air purifier but I never use it since young. Not sure whether is it necessary or not. Kids nowadays are so different from kids in the olden days..More hyperactive, immature and prone to illness too..*Signz*

Lynzi, so how fruitful is your KL trip? Share some details lah. BTW does the haze hit on KL too?
Hi Pearl
Don't lose heart. Every kids are unique and special in their own ways. Try to spend more time with him. As the saying goes: Parents are the BEST TEACHERS. So JIA YOU!!!!!

Hi lynzi shiok leh!!!
thanks wesim...

me at times really give up on him... he always give me that kind of cheeky smile when I scold him on his work...

wow lynzi... holiday... me looking forward to one lor..

Thinking of asking my hubby to drive up to genting this coming October 1st .... my gal first oversea trip... so me still thinking lor...
yes lynzi, pls share your KL trip, where did you shop? I'll be gg in Jan lah..

I used to buy my heels at Charles K. (not anymore), now I'll go jb once in awhile to grab cheap sales...really cheap, less than $10/pair, buy 1 fm CK, u can buy 3 in jb.... now i tahan until jan, then go kl and buy ....hehehe...
hi mummy to princessA, the K2 boy you mentioned, indeed very kuai. I love this type of kids .. :)

With this stupid haze going on, the best place to go is the library :)

I wanted to watch UP or Harry Potter last weekend and trying to book online on Friday, UP was fully booked at all theatres ** sad sad **

Harry Potter left a few timing which could not match with our timing ** sad sad again ** In the end, watch nothing.

BTW, I received a bag of "goodie bag" after attended the Malay wedding and inside there was a salted egg. Why salted egg hur ? I thought its usually hard boil chicken egg. Is there any particular reason for salted egg ? I am very curious ..... :)
serene, u will receive ur PM in ur email. Username turn red is because u clicked on ur username before.

Morning mummies...

I am damned super sianz now... eyes swollen. Yest quarrel with hb. I never tot have a baby will break our relationship..... hai...
morning mummies

why bluelily? sometimes small quarrel is okie one... don cry... sayang sayang....

Having baby do not break relationship... depends on how we manage it... sometimes baby give us moral support tooo
Hi bluelily, what happen ? Have to give and take. Cool down first and have a talk with him to sort it out. Yes, kids can sour the relationship sometimes but it can also pull in the relationship. All things come in two sides ...

As the kids grow older, I have this thinking of quarrelling over children with hb is not worth it. Eventually, the kids would have their own world, own family and your hb is the own standing beside you, go through old age with you. Not the kids.
I agree with daisy.

Kids will grow up and have their own life...
hubby is the one will support and stand by you when you and he grow old .....

Good Morning, Ladies!
hug hug, don't cry. Your husband must have hurt you so much. Try to sort out the probelm again after he calm down.
