Any mtb/moms staying at Woodlands area?

Mayuki is from Taiwan or Japan?

Lamb meat have kind of taste...If didn't handle properly...As for goat milk.. I still don't have tne courage to taste...i heard also have that kind of taste...

Ya lor... you always order... how is the price range? how you convert to Sin dollar? The size semm like very small for skinny one...
The price is.. NTXX / 20 = S$YY :p
I tink about $15 onwards.. to $20 about thr...
Its for free size, but some designs loosy type can wear for size L lady...

Wanted to get mah so see can gather more ppl to share e shippin or not keekee :p
Hi eniale!! Ok lah coping fine but more challenging when one is sick. I wonder why I chose to give birth when elder one is 2 yrs old. I find that terrible twos need a lot of attention, really very siong to juggle between the 2 of them. *Faintz* Actually wanted to exercise to lose some fats but still practically can't seem to find any time for that. Envy that you are able to get back to your pre-pregnancy figure after having 2 kids, hahahaa...
I see. Let me go through first.

I also want to lose fat but still cannot make it.. aiiyoo.. why so diffcult....I think control diet can try lah....
clovy, I am sure... but 'practice' makes perfect, rem?.. hehe cheer up!
Actually for me, i feel regardless u planned 1 yr, 2 yrs or 3 yrs gap for #2 or even if u didnt plan it.. thr always bounces to have diff difficulties to face.. like mine.. a 3 yrs gap,I also feel its not easy to handle as e eldest is at her 'rebellious' stage.. so theres pro n cons in every gaps and e kids stages will never end..... so u dun ponder much ..jus cheer up n enjoy the moment when e siblings bond together.. see on their cute parts whr the eldest bring clothing for u, diaper for u, milk for u , pat the meimei when she cries..etc etc..

wahaha.. It tooks me a yr to slim dwn n back to pre-preggy wtg mayb i really go into serious diet-controlling.. but dun do now...U will ned more energy now
Soon after yr eldest get used of the new menber.. and when e youngest get bigger.. then u try to consider diet controlling..
bfing also does helps slimin dwn right?..

ok i gtg ler.. keke gng movie tonight wif my sis n Y..
chat wif u gals tml :p
thanks eniale for the encouragement...

Now my 2 gals are sick!!!! my bb really caught the flu fast. This morn just a sneeze, nothing much i thought i shd feel concern abt, now she has full blown cough plus runny nose as she sneezes more n more. Wow *piangz*!! She is only 2 mths old...then my mil cautions me to be careful n watch out for warning signs cos can easily lead to complications esp for a small little bb whose immunity is low.

talking abt slimming...yah mira, i agree with eniale that now cannot control diet leh cos i realise that when i was too bz juggling with my 2 princesses, stress n no time to eat will cause my milk ss to drop n my bb will get fussy. Creates more prob for me, hahahaa..otherwise wud hv attack the diet control meals like maybe the cambridge diet which my frenz says is effective for her.

Wow so nice i dunno when is my last time gg to movie le. IF I still plan for #3, gotta wait for many more years down the road to date my dh to watch movie liao. So what show r u watching? nice or not?

bee, nvm td bz maybe tmr not lor.
Hope to see u chatting tmr yar! Really nice to see this thread is alive.

ok I'm donez breastfeeding, I'm gg back to zzz le! catch up with u all mummies again!
<font color="aa00aa">morning all!
me logging in before i start doing my work.

my boy is taking karihome once a day.
u can easily get that from ntuc or can try buying in bulk from anniegoodbargains..she is still doing a bp on it now.

hay dairies..
went there last weekend.
faiq was so happy feeding the goats..then when me and hubby bought the goats milk to drink, he also wanted a taste of it..
so i just gave him the straw..he decided to surprise mummy and daddy by being able to suck the milk thru the FINALLY!!!
i trained him so long never can he do it..
now then can..and he finished the whole bottle of goats milk somemore..hahaha!!!

oh wow..even the baby is sick now..
must be very siong for u..hope all gets well soon!

i guess i'm the exception.
i wenmt back to my pre-pregnancy wt rite after confinement.
was so sad lor..cos i gained 12 kg leh..was hoping to retain at least some of that wt..sighhh</font>
good morning everyone

mira, jane ling, clovy, lynzi... thanks for the info. i will save all the information. in case the milk supply is not enough anymore.. i know where to find.

eniale: you look more japanese than ur gals hehehe

mira, thanks for adding me..

clovy, bring ur baby to see doctor dear, the faster, the better
hi mummies
long time didn't post here liao.

Hi bee and Ling,
Understand that both of you have put your kids at Kinderland Civic Ctr. May i know are their curriculumn (nursery, K1 &amp; K2) in sync with MOE syllabus? Reason i asked is becos some of the kindergartens are operated by private industry and their course materials are not monitored by MOE, so the coverage may not prepare their children for Primary One. Even PAP's PCF may also not offer a comprehensive curriculumn.

Would like to hear your feedback.
Hello Wendy!

yar bluelily, it is indeed quiet today.

Just came back from Dr Seow's clinic. I'm curious to know the other clinic that is besides Dr Seow's clinic, is it good? I am very tempted to go. I dun like the SUPER LONG queue over at Dr Seow's clinic which I can wait up to 1+hrs to 2hrs!! Or any other good GP in Woodlands that does not need to wait too long?
Hi All,

New to this thread.
I'm a SAHM mummy with a 30mth old Baby Boy staying at Woodland Drive 14.
Would like to befriend moms staying around my area.
Any mummies love to cook or bake ?
<font color="aa00aa">morning all!!!

my gp is good but he's not in wdlds.
he is at sembawang mrt station...hehe

welcome welcome!!!
i love to bake.
db also loves to bake.
mira too..hehe
im a ftwm with a 19mth old baby..oops no longer a baby liao..he is a tot..
im at drive to admiralty mrt.

how r u and jr?
recover liao?</font>
clovy so u went to doc liao? I go to the GP at blk 166.. think his med is effective.

welcome got2beU, I'm a lousy cook.. let alone bake!

lynzi, thks! Both of us almost recovered liao.. still got abit of phelgm that refuse to go away.
Morning mummies

clovy, oh dear... kids got sick germs is the worst part... hope they recover soon!!

We went to watch 20th century.. a jap show.. interesting la.. but no ending cos stil got charpter 3... walau.. haha.. Y slept before e show starts lor.. LOL.. but betta la.. cos i can enjoy watching e show silently.. :p

lynzi, ya.. u ought to put on wtg leh.. but really salute can go bk so fast keke.. u r really e exception hehe.. :p

Hi got2beu, welcm u in

Pearl, wow thats interesting....Let me c. :p:p
i long time din watch movie! Wanna watch Transformers and Harry Porter.. still havent got the chance. Think Transformers going to stop showing soon ba? Dun have the courage to bring jr to movies
ling, mira, I dun wanna waste my movie tickets! Wait gotta come out halfway! I'm aiming to watch next Tue.. take leave! U know.. i watched Transformers 1 when bb still in my womb.. he was kicking away inside.. i tot he enjoyed it! lol
hello everyone

eniale: what did ur gal wear last tue? i saw so many kids wearing traditional clothes last few days

ooooooo.. oooooooo... i can not remember when was the last time i watch movie

got2beu: welcome
im staying at woodland circle.. love to bake n cook.... but beginner level

have a nice day ahead
bluelily, blk 166 near marsiling?
lynzi,sembawang mrt abit too far.
Cough is the worst cos it usually takes the longest time to heal.

I dun really knows how to cook but wish to learn to cook and bake. Cos one of the ways to my love ones' hearts is thru the stomachs. Can see my gal takes after my dh, very picky eaters. Yesterday channel 8 8:30pm there is a variety show called 'xiao nu ren', first time I watched it and I liked it but too bad next week will be the last episode. Generally I think the show is just showing us a few tips how to make your dh loves you more. Then yesterday episode, there is one part on making chocolate on your own. Looks very simple to follow but not sure is it so when you really do it.
I cant be xiao nu ren leh.. I am da nu ren! lol
Usually we just cook 1 pot dish.. dump in everything.. more to use up the ingredients we use for bb's porridge!

Ya if not u go during the morning on weekdays...

It is one for one for TOTS and both of u only cost $8.
bluelily, blk 166 near my house. Hmmm ... is there a clinic there ? I always go Silver Cross at 300+ there, just opposite Marsiling MRT, the escalator bridge there.
thks mira.

daisy, have. T S Wong Clinic &amp; Surgery. Find that doc's med quite efficient. 1 flu take med 1 day ok liao. Where u stay? my mum's place is there so i go almost everyday. heehee
bluelily, hahaha ... PM you already.

You know this stupid block and 173, not in the lift upgrade list recently due to the stupid design. I wrote to HDB and they say they are working on it, calculating the cost because it would be more expensive. *** angry ***
