Any mommies staying in Hougang?

mar_mum..oh yr mum stay at st 52 hah..quite near to mine..will pm u my contact for further contact..yes, the stroller got a few positions.

hi mummies! long time no logged in. Have finally stopped working.

I've the following to give away. Will give to the one who can collect from the earliest possible date.
Pls sms me at 82013498. Self collect at my place 562 hougang st 51. sorry, can't meet up anywhere else.

1/ Nestle Gold brown rice with yoghurt & raspberry EXP: 11/08/08
2. nestle instant rice porridge - 2 boxes unopened n 1box left with 2 sachets. EXPiry : 31 Feb 2008.
3. Wheat & honey cereal - 1 tin ExP: 05/07/08

All not opened except for item 2 stated.

Hi Seawave,
Thanks. will check back. I am very interested to register N1 for my gal next year but they are full. So disappointed. I went visiting and i like the school environment. However, is the curriculum good i.e., too easy or too difficult? Sorrie, 1st time mum of tod entering pre-school really don't know what to find out. hehe.
1 more question. Are they comprehensive enuff? I only know they tell me learn thru play. Last time many yrs ago, my nieces attended Catholic kindy and my SIL keep ask me don't go there as they are not comprehensive. My elder niece was so bad when in P1 cos' learn nothing much from there. However, that was many year back cos' now both of them already P4 and P2 at Maha Bodhi.
hi everyone!

me aso long time no check in liao...been quite 'lethargic' these few weeks...but hope to meet up again...

Meetup on 13 Nov (Tue) @ seawave's hse
1. mar_mum + Ian (3+) + Phi (15mths)
2. ling156

so far like only the 2 of us plus seawave...kekeke...hopefully more can make it...

and clever
hi hougang mummies,
I have a opened tin of Enfapro A+ Stage 2 to give away. Left with half a tin cos my gal just suddenly refuse to drink this brand of FM.

Collection: My place Hougang street 52
Hi shannie, Welcome

Hi Ling, congrats gal!

Hi seawave, will try 2 make it... but must run by 3.45, cos got to fetch my niece... Thanks for opening up your place.
BTY wat's e time for meetup??? 12 plus??

Mar_mum, c ya dear

Meetup on 13 Nov (Tue) @ seawave's hse
1. mar_mum + Ian (3+) + Phi (15mths)
2. ling156
3. sac2000 + 18mth collin, 6 yrs old carolyn
mar_mum, yummy_mum

thanks too had super bad morning better liao...thank goodness...

congrats to JP too
hey chic_mum

congrats to u too! looks like we are having a baby boom next year...kekeke...that means you're preggy abt the same time as JP

rem to take care mummies
Hi ladies,

Sorry, the gathering wasn't successful. Will arrange to meet up again... will try to find a timing that suits most mommies. Maybe can have an early Christmas celebration!

Congrats to ling, JP and chic mum on your pregnancies... I can fully understand your's still fresh in my mind!!! Do take care, it will soon pass.

See you all soon. Blessings.
Hi, mummies. Very glad to found this thread!

I am a punggol mummy, my son 22 mths is at his grandma house in Hougang Ave 3 opp to Hougang CC.

Can any mummies share with me on any playgroup or nice schools that your child has went to?

I got a few in mind just to share:
1) Tots House - Blk 19
2) Kinderland - Kovan
3) MMI - Kovan

Need all your precious advice. Thanks!
hi seawave

thanks for yr anxiously awaiting the next meet up too...its been so long since we've met...

take care y'all
hi celine parents are also staying at ave 3, opp the houg cc

if i'm not wrong, tots house is the only playgroup in your list above. MMI and kinderland are both childcare centres. u looking for playgroup or ccc?
Hi, Ling.

I am actually looking for a playgroup. Kinderland do offer playgroup but without bus service.

Any good ones around? Or I don;t mind letting my boy going to half day. More for him to learn something than stay at home the whole day.
hi celine

i sent my son to a ccc for half day when he was 22 months. for toddlers, the classes are usually more of play and getting to know their senses...i sent him to school also coz i wanted him to be able to interact with other children of his age.

its best that u visit the schools that you are interested in so that u can get a feel of the environment and the teachers. hope this helps...
hi ling,

ya, found out when I was 1 mth & 1 wk pregn. my EDD is around end Jun nxt yr.

realise nausea & vomiting can 'feel worse' wif daughter around (actually it was worse in my 1st pregn, i think). I mean, no freedom to rest now, hehe

I stay at hougang area, near hougang point. I am SAHM. anyone can share with me how to potty train your kids?

I am 1st time mummy, really dun know how to start to train him. Really hope that mummy here can give advice or share experience with me.
Im staying nearer to Hougang green. Im a full time mum with 2 gals. Well...for my gals, i train differently leh. My elder one, when she was small, i used to put a small potty juz beside my bed, den every 2 to 3 hrs, i will carry her put her on the potty. Dats hw i train my elder gal. For my younger gal, she dun like to sit on potty, she prefer to sit on toilet bowl. So same ting lah, every few hrs i would carry her to the toilet loh, let her sit for a while.
I would let them wear pull ups when im potty training them loh.
Hw old is ur child nw? But in the beginning, during the day time, be prepared that they would pee on the flr loh.
Ya, how's all the mummies?

And those 2nd time mummies, how are you getting on? When's the edd?

Thinking of a coffee session next week, weekday 1.30 - 3.30pm. Anyone keen? Can meet at Tangerine cafe.
Hi Mommies,

Happy CNY
How's every1?
Hope every1 have a good break

mar_mum, next week dh birthday, off on mon...
maybe following week :p
