Any mommies staying in Hougang?

next thurs looks ok for me...
so we set for tangerine cafe? never been there before so can go see see

Hi Mar mum,

If I can make it, see you there this Thurs cos I got to send my son to class at 1pm and pick up before 3pm.


Friday i got appt already... :-(

For those who wanna meet, pls sms me to confirm cos if no free, then will be cancelled.

drop me an sms before you go over to see if it's still on.
Hi ladies,
Long time no come in here liao! So busy with work. intend to rent out my 5 rm flat near Hougang Green. Do let me know if any of ur frens interested ya. Thks!
Aiya.. I missed the outing.. so long never come on this thread..
Hope all mummies here and your babies are happy and healthy!
very sorry ladies. Had been busy these two weeks.... especially starting this week. A fren and her son staying over at my plc temporary so unable to go out...
Hello mummies,

It has been some time never come on this thread..
Hope everybody is fine and happy.

I planning to start semi-solid for my boy next month (turning 6mths), any suggestion what food to start with?
hi mar_mum, how's everything going?

how's everyone doin? looks like we've been busy with kids, home etc
so no time for postings and meet ups

hope everyone's, esp those preggy mummies, are doin well

take care ya...
hi cheval

if i remember correctly (hehe), i gave my son frisocrem to try and he loved it
that and a little bit of pureed fruits as well
heh! ya. busy.... helped a fren to babysit her son for a week abt 2 weeks back... then with the rainy weather, don't dare to arrange another meetup...

if the weather is good, maybe can arrange next week... hee hee... how are u?

doin am big and breathless week looks ok, except monday

mayb can ask seawave if can meet up at her plc? we were trying to arrange one but nothing came out of it
Hi ladies,

Yep, here I am again... Sorry ling, didn't manage to arrange to meet up. Now with 3 kids of different ages, quite a bit of logistics. Different schooling hours etc...

Sure, can always come to my place... Most days are ok, but have to be after 11.30am. My 2 older ones would be off to school by then.
hi ling,

thank you for the advise, still have not decide which brand to give yet. any mummies grind their own brown rice, i thinking doing it.
rainy weather today again. prefer meeting at heartland mall area cos i can only meet bet 1-4pm when my boy is in school. but if raining then will be difficult cos i usually walk to heartland mall.
heh! haven't heard from you for a long time. paifu you with 3 kids... recently my sis-in-law jus gave birth... then a friend pregnant... a bit tempted.. haha... but don't think i can manage with 3 at the moment. hee hee
hi seawave,

yup yup where Berries is....ur is eflat big place. i like blk 853 wanted to buy resale over there but too ex.
your son is in school near heartland mall?

i also peifu you with 3 kids! i'm still trying to figure out how i'm gonna do with 2...kekekee

couple of years back i wanted to get a unit at 852 as well coz i liked the place but too bad we didn't manage to get it...kekeke

so ladies wanna try to set a date and time next week? how about thursday @ 1pm? venue wise, any suggestions?
mar_mum and ling,

Don't peifu, you can join me too!!! It's ready fun with the little one around, but tiring. At times frustrating too. Especially when you need some "ME" time.


Yes, mine is the Eflat. A bigger house is fun for the kids. Tough when it comes to cleaning and packing. Are you a SAHM? If yes, can always come over to chit chat in the day.

As for the meetup, I'm open...let's see how things progress.
my boy's school is near my place. so aft sending him to sch, i can walk to heartland mall.

Thursday should be fine, unless raining. 1.30pm is better for me. wanna consider Tangerine cafe again? hee hee...
me too i like that place at Block 85X.

how i wish to be SAHM, but i am a FTWM. plan to be SAHM when boy boy turn 6.

ladies can't join the grathering during weekday unless i am on leave. Planning to take leave a few day during mid of Apr to start my boy start solid.
Hi Ladies,

This Thursday meeting at 1.30pm, if confirmed, I should be bringing my 2.5 years old son after lunch...hope he can sit around for a while!!
Hi ladies

So we confirm the below then? If you can make it, do put your name down

Date: Thurs, 3/4
Time: 1.30pm onwards
Venue: Seawave's plc? (Hougang Central)

1) mar_mum
2) sac_2000
3) earnest_mum
4) ling
Hi ladies,

We can meet earlier if you want. My girl leaves for school at about 11am, so we can meet about 11.30am onwards.

Maybe can get my helper to do spaghetti or something...
k.... shouldn't be a problem but will be there abt 1.30. gotta leave by 3.15 though cos gotta pick up my son. :)

See you guys.

can sms me your blk and unit no? tks.
sorry that i din appear.... was down with running nose...

try looking thru the Archive in this thread... i think i posted before... or u go to search function to find
Hi Marmum,

Ling, Sac and myself turned up. All brought their children except me as Alden got a little sleepy. Cancelled my chinese physician last minute! Had a little chat on maids issues :)

Seawave: Thanks for offering your place!!

sorry for the late reply...internet has been down and i'm basically cut off from the rest of the IT world! kekeke...

thanks earnestmum for replying
Hello to all the Hougang Mummies.

Anybody put their child in MONTESSORI PLAYROOM (dMP) KINDERGARTEN @ Hougang? Any Comments?
so busy recently.... and so tired...

any mummies in any aerobics/exercise class? Thinking of joining one to get a breather...
hi hi i'm new here too. Yc i'm staying hear hougang, lor lew lian & my kid is born sep 05

r u placing ur kid in nursery next yr?
mar_mum usually anywhere in malaysia should be rather cheap like sunway lagoon in KL or A'farmosa in malacca. or if u want beaches u can go bintan's beach. the sand there very very nice but the last i went was 5 yrs ago lah. dunno how it is now. hope this helps
