wati...happy sampai lupa nak tabur kinky dust pat kau...

san...i tak sempat nak suruh wati tabur good luck dust at my dia tabur pat my body...

memang bertuah si wati nie

<font color="ff6000">Nshahi,
Dah ku agak...hehe!
Yelah, bila lagi nk complete family. Tul tk?

Boleh buat raya......</font>

yep on leap fri and monday

sat ni dah posa eh...

electric jug .. very useful in my office bec kite punyer pantry always shortcircuit then no water supply.
<font color="0077aa">Morning all!

Re: electric jug
teringat time tinggal kat hostel dulu. there's this guy, cute jugak lah.. we had a hi-bye kinda friendship. sekali satu hari ni kat pantry, i nampak dia rebus luncheon meat dlm the communal electric jug. I was...stunned...</font>
Hana..hehe yah she is cute..muka dia cam doll...

oh dia dah sign up pun so half the class seats dah taken up by her..ekekeke
<font color="ff6000">Nora,
NO wonder didnt see you online...

OOouuuh...dia bwk sedara mara dia eh?
How much btw?
It's a full make up kan?
nshah..honey foundation stick and gel liner in black takde dear..gel liner in dark brown ada..that one looks almost black..
<font color="000000">Assalamualaikum,

Do'a malaikat Jibril menjelang Ramadhan "Ya Allah tolong abaikan puasa ummat Muhammad, apabila sebelum memasuki bulan Ramadhan dia tidak melakukan hal-hal yang berikut:

* Tidak memohon maaf terlebih dahulu kepada kedua orang tuanya (jika masih ada);
* Tidak berma'afan terlebih dahulu antara suami isteri;
* Tidak bermaafan terlebih dahulu dengan orang-orang sekitarnya.

Maka Rasulullah pun mengatakan Amiin sebanyak 3 kali. Dapatkah kita bayangkan, yang berdo'a adalah Malaikat dan yang meng-amiinkan adalah Rasullullah dan para sahabat , dan dilakukan pada hari Jumaat.

Oleh itu SAYA, NOTTYGAL TERLEBIH DAHULU MEMOHON MAAF jika saya ada berbuat kesalahan, baik yang tidak di sengaja maupun yang di sengaja , semoga kita dapat menjalani ibadah puasa dengan khusyuk, diberkati dan dirahmati Allah S.W.T, InsyaAllah.</font>
Morning Ladies

Lynn, saw your post,Be strong

Samlldreams u got pm.

Ladiez JTS, saw this in an article yesterday

" Be nice to people on your way UP cause you will meet them on your way DOWN "

I find it very meaningful and true
gel liner

i tried the maybelline punyer

not bad lah, definitely more lasting than pencil but i still cannot draw well

selalu yer one side different from the other
ya sempena bulan mulia yg akan disambut tak lama lagi...

i pon nak mintak maaf...pade semua di sinie...sekiranya semasa berforum ade perkara2 yg kurang disenangi......

stunned n gross pon ade...
<font color="0077aa">Lina
memang gross pun.

To all
Selamat menyambut Ramadhan. Maaf zahir &amp; batin

Babe, You have mail
Morning ladies.
Thanks for the well-wishes. I hope my dad will get well soon also. His last attack was 7 years ago. That one dia masuk ICU, Dia memang ada heart condition due to what else..smoking lah. I'm not pleased with the diagnosis and services of this certain hospital in the west my dad was sent to. Pakkal his records are all there and it's the nearest one to home.

Wati, I just discovered this nerve problem last few weeks. It's due to my straightened and degeneration of cervical spine. All this while, I thought my hands sakit due to the cold weather but it's actually nerve root pain.

what are you taking for the nerve pain? just painkillers?

or u go for any theraphy?

I doa kan ur dad will get well soon Insya'Allah
Nora, right now just painkillers kalau the pain comes. Im supposed to go for chiropractic therapy but some said osteopath is better.

Mira, Im also on leave Thurs and Fri. Heh. Not required to work.
notty dah mintak maaf seh....

*takut tak jumpa esok*

saya pun nak minta maaf,
sekiranya terdapat salah &amp; silap...
baik sengaja atau tidak,
jari terpelecok atau sebaliknya...

semoga kita semua dapat menjalani ibadah puasa dengan sempurna &amp; semoga segala amalan kita diberkati Allah.
<font color="000000">Slynn...

tadi kan aku naik heli...jadi standby lah konon...mane tahu tak sempat..meletop ke kat atas..

skrg dah land kan..dah boleh buat dosa lagi..LOL!

*joking ehh kwn2*</font>
<font color="ff6000">Hmmmm...sunyi lagi...
Btw ladies, bulan puasa you all balik pukul brapa?
Macam biasa atau 1 hour earlier?</font>
<font color="0000ff">Harloo Dan

skg ni thread ni sunyi je.. dunno why??
agaknya byk silent lurker ard tak?? hehehe

dat time i did ask b4 lah.. tink most of them balik mcm biasa... for me, kita boleh balik 1 hr early but provided all ur werk done for the day.</font>
<font color="ff0000">Yippeeee...dah...alhamdullilah

The same coy yg told me he already choose a candidate but now the boss called me again whether i still interested tak

Need to give notice in 2 weeks
The girl did not turn up since 1 Aug
<font color="119911">san
nope for us still same timing ah mendak siak
ill usually buka along e way home

wow syukur, gd for u, c rezeki kan.. syukur, syukur </font>
<font color="ff0000">Nora....LOL...

Now i in the office till 5...apek go hospital coz his bro go for bypass...

So i nak prepare by today...besok he can read on his table..

Besok i tak work nari dah work fullday
<font color="0000ff">Dan
what is ur email add? byk sgt kat phonebook list.. tak tau mana satu is urs.. hahahaha</font>
<font color="0000ff">Dan
send... let me neo if u not receive it.

ur coy pun boleh balik 1hr early ehh?
some coy, they can come 1hr early, and balik 1hr early..</font>
apa khabar semua....

i baru abis upload gambar kat fb....skit nya sot ah fb ni ehhh....

congrats Dan!!

congrats Lina on 2nd prize....hahaha


i hope ur party was a dotter tamak tau...dah balik batam pastu tgk ur party kat linanya multiply dia sad plak...hahaha...

today i rajin skit...masak pizza 1/2 tuna n 1/2 bacon n cheese...belen belen dough i buat calzone..
later nak pi grocery shopping to stock up for ramadhan....beehoon..beras..sardin..prata ke...
<font color="0000ff">Helooo mamaliz..

Quote **masak pizza 1/2 tuna n 1/2 bacon n cheese...belen belen dough i buat calzone.. **

ni bukan rajin sikit, ni rajin bykkkkkk!! klu aku tak terbuat ni semua.. hahahah</font>


rajin skit pasal tepongnya pre-mix...i cuma kena tambah air then uli...lain lain cuma sapu tomato campak cheese n bacon n tuna mayo belen i simpan kat esbok


kat holiday inn...see how kalau i rajin lagi i upload kat multiply ehh...or kalau u rajin u masok fb ...hehehe
