<font color="aa00aa">san,
eh asal u takleh open the link eh? i just tried boleh tau.
your ofis blocked tak?

yelah this mth's ones all until 4t je.
next month punya ada until 6t and 7t..will have zara n burberry also.</font>
<font color="000000">Athlete
best nye...must share with us ur experience orite..

tak lah..mkn je obat yg ada, piriton..aniwei aku ada drug obat is actually panadols or aspirin for me..

Ok and thanks for being so caring..

still there..cough and flu.</font>
hollla ladiess....

bon voyage athlete....

yup2..agree ngan Lynn.....

aku gi polliwogs pun amik BBQ pun amik gambar....suka skali capture2 all these moments..
<font color="119911">haha tul lynn
lau tak pi hol tak amik gbr cam bukan holiday
even kita pi memana pun ku suka petik2 gbr lau tak dgn cammy dgn phony pun jadi hehe</font>
<font color="aa00aa">dan, notty,
kesiannya ramai yg sakit.
rest well eh.
ni dah nak puasa if sakit, susah sikit nak jalankan kewajipan pulak.
hope u all get well soon!</font>
thanks ladies!
it'll be baby's 1st trip, so confirm banyak ambik gambar...

puasa kat Aust memang best, buka around 5plus, then cuaca sejuk so tak teruk sangat... hehe

k, am logging off now.
chat w u all again when i'm back, insya'llah!

C ya!
<font color="000000">Lynzi
Thanks gerl!
assalammualaikum semua di sini....

i ngah siap siap nak pi harbourft buy tics for ferry besok....pastu nak pi kk, hilmi got his yearly heart check up today....
gonna be a busy day~
<font color="ff6000">Liz,
Usually we'll take Batamfast but our 3rd, we took Penguin cos it was booked by dad. Actually you can email them your family details so they can get the tickets done today and issue tmr tau. The next day, u setakat collect the tixs saja. Price is e same.</font>
<font color="119911">liz
ah btr jus call or email to book, tak ya nak pi sana.. usually i naik penguin or falcon bt recently is by batam fast</font>
<font color="ff6000">Liz,
Save your time and queing twice.
You'll just need to tell them the timing you're looking at along with your family passport's details like full name, DOB, DOE and Passport Nos.
As long you email within office hour, they will reply within the day itself.</font>
i baru email batamfast....hopefully they will reply me ehhh....i dont like to order/book online or tru phone actually....tak tenteram hati, scared they never process or contact me back...hwehehe

did any of u ladies see the trailer for The Time Traveller's Wife on youtube?! soooo romantic...tak sabar for the movie to be shown here...but i think im going to buy the book first....hehehehehe
<font color="0077aa">
Knock knock!

I saw that book on one of my colleagues' workstation tapi belum ada time nak tengok2..hehe...

Semalam I watched GI Joe with my hubby. Today's our 4th yr anniversary, alhamdulillah!

Well now just take care &amp; rest k? Dah tak yah "try" after raya :p

Today I have a funny quesy feeling. I think it's coz I makan epok2 sardin. This baby tak suka sardin lah. The last time I makan sardin (lepas baca korang cakap sardin, telor &amp; kicap sedap), I threw out about 10 times between 1 am to 2 am. Haiz...</font>

congratulations!!!! happy anniversary...may ur marriage be blissfull always!

kalau baby tak suka tu..sudahlah...u tahan jerr...nanti dah give birth u bleh makan sardin sepuas-puasnya...kekekekeke...maybe u makan tuna ke...sedap jugak...
<font color="ff6000">Liz,
Tengah nikmati cold cheng teng dari bedok camp...hehe!

Happy 4th anni dear...</font>
Thanks babe. Pukul brapa nak pergi KKH?
Hope all's fine with yr little boy

Ive been to 18 chefs. My hubby tak berkenan sangat but I like it coz I love pasta! Tapi very far for you's located at east point kan.

Thanks for yr wishes!
yeahhhhhh.....ferry tics are confirmed....all left is to pack the kids clothes w/o sarah knowing...planning to surprised them...hehehehhe

hilmi memang ok...pasal his hole in the heart very small..cuma its existence makes me troubled jugak ehh...biasalah ...saper tak sayang anak kan..

kat yishun 10 pon ada...i think they have 3 cawangan..
<font color="119911">peah
happy anni to u..

wah dah confirm eh? bestkan besok tgl dtg &amp; pick up e tix je, n pls eh check thoroughly ur names, boarding pass impt k.. coz last they letak boarding pass 2 seh for MIL, peh leceh bila dah terlepas ke batam

18chefs mayb lepas puasa bleh try ah, padahal tadi aru balik dari eastpt hehe lupa plak pasal tpt tu</font>
<font color="0077aa">
Thanks. I ada terbaca in one of the threads you nak beli something. Apparently that woman could be a cheat tau. So might want to hold off transferring any $ to her k.

I just got a bouquet of white &amp; red roses! Sweet jugak hubby aku ni</font>
<font color="119911">peah
is it due to reductil? thx for e reminder tulah now i cam takut plak nak beli seh.. coz shes selling cheap.. maklum nak kurus ah coz my body can adapt to dat pills

wah bestnya untung u..</font>
<font color="0000ff">Hihi
i just woke up from nappy... sedapnya dapat tito.. hehehe

when u going to batam?? how many days?

worrr soo sweet ur hb.. bestnya dapat bouquet..!! i luv e feeling when we received bouquet of flowers from luv one..

so far sekali je hb pernah kasi i surprise bouquet..!!! </font>
have these to sell off cheaply coz i dont really wear alot of makeup and these have been taking up space in my drawer.

Tanyer kat sini dulu kalo ader yg berkenan before i post at WTS.

Items are still sealed and comes with their boxes.

1) MAC Studio Tech NC35 - $25
2) MAC eyeshadow (Pompous Blue - Top left) - $15


saper interested, PM me.
happie anni...moga rumah tangga yg telah dibina semakin kukuh dari hari ke hari..insyallah..

lynn..pheeweeettt....bestnye congrats beb
Hi ladies *waves hello*
I'm down with my nerve problem today. Boleh use 1 hand ajer. On painkiller at the moment.

Lynn, congrats on the 2nd one. Take care. Mana tau girl =)
Smalldreams, happy 4th anniversary!!
Mamaliz, bon voyage =) Enjoy your trip.

I'm letting go of BNWT Olivia. Bought at $42. Selling at $40. Size: W6. Colour: Brown.


Just collected but it's tight on me. Anyone interested, lemme know eh. I'm putting up in WTS also.
<font color="000000">Shash
ok better, Alhamdullilah..biasa lah org sinus nie..plannin nak hantar hidung pi drill..hhhe but i takot after ops nnt idung besar &amp; bandaged..dat wat happens to hub's cousin few wks aft his ops..

ada chance kena sound "Kau ingat lobang hidung kau besar aku takott" or "Walaupon rupa mu tidak ku kenal, tetapi lobang hidung mu tetap menjadi pujaan hati ku.."LOL!</font>
<font color="ff6000">"Kau ingat lobang hidung kau besar aku takott" or "Walaupon rupa mu tidak ku kenal, tetapi lobang hidung mu tetap menjadi pujaan hati ku.."


Nice! Im on that size but for open toe. Kalau covered usuali 1/2-1 size bigger.</font>
<font color="0077aa">Thanks gals for the wishes!

Takpe lah hubby pun first time kasi I bouquet was 2 yrs ago... time wedding pun, it was my aunt &amp; colleague yang surprised me with a bouquet.

oh no your nerve problem sounds so serious. I hope it goes away soon. What causes that eh?

And...i'm wearing the exact pair of shoes u're selling now! W6, no less! Cuma I wished they didnt have that "pearl" think. Haha!</font>

<font color="119911">im watching this amazing program abt pregnancies tp nak share tak baik plak.. so i btr shut
well this is happening in morocco lah not here</font>
